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回顾了广东省高速公路服务区规划与发展,分析了服务区现状特性及存在问题,并对广东省高速公路服务区发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

文章基于点轴型区域经济发展理论、产业关联理论和产业生命周期理论,结合来宾市实际情况与来宾服务区的现有功能,探讨了来宾服务区开发商贸物流功能的必要性与优势。  相似文献   

文章结合国内外高速公路服务区拓展建设应用的现状,分析了服务区拓展收费节点的必要性及布局要求,并以崇左至水口高速公路花山服务区设置收费节点为例,提出服务区拓展收费节点设置规范标准,同时分析了拓展收费节点建设过程中存在的问题及注意事项,为高速公路服务区拓展收费节点的设计、施工和运营管理提供参考借鉴.  相似文献   

服务区作为高速公路的重要组成部分,其建设规模和标准也在逐步提高,文章针对目前广西高速公路服务区存在的一些问题,从服务区设置间距、建设规模、配套设施及建筑风格等几个方面进行了分析和探讨,提出了合理化的建议,为今后高速公路服务区的规划设计提出了建议。  相似文献   

高速公路服务区的经营管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了高速公路服务区的特点,从目前高速公路管理现状出发,探讨了如何进一步提高经营管理水平的措施。  相似文献   

文章分析比较了全国部分省市高速公路服务区的管理模式,提出了适用于广西高速公路服务区的管理模式,为广西高速公路服务区的经营管理建言献策。  相似文献   

高速公路的快速发展对沿线设施的服务功能提出了更高的要求。为了增强沿线服务区综合服务功能、提高经济效益,以京福高速公路枣庄服务区为例,详细介绍了服务区停车场规划时应考虑的因素和规划设计步骤。  相似文献   

介绍了江苏省高速公路服务区的建设特点、管理模式,并对山东省高速公路服务区提出了进一步改进措施及建议.  相似文献   

对珠三角物流发展的SWOT分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界出口货物总量的50%集中在东南亚及华南,而其中五成集中在珠三角地区。由于国际间的制成品贸易大部分是通过集装箱运输完成,珠三角很自然地成为中国集装箱进出口的主要地区。据统计,2002年深圳、广州、珠海,中山等珠三角地区港口的年吞吐量突破1000万TEU大关,约占全国总量的一半。据有关部门预测,  相似文献   

结合江苏省独有的条件,文章分别从用地面积、建筑面积、绿化面积、停车位数量、用电、用水及其他节能辅助设施等方面入手,运用统计学、经济学和能源学等相关方法,对江苏省各地区服务区的资源利用现状进行了统计分析。并结合《江苏交通控股有限公司关于推进服务区高质量发展三年行动计划(2018-2020)》中关于服务区分类一览表的基础数据,分析服务区有何不足与缺陷,从问题出发提出相关措施,为以后服务区基础设施建设的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

在服务区污水处理日益发展的同时,发现目前仍存在处理规模设计不合理和初期启动调试滞后等实际问题。本研究从污水处理量设计原理出发,首次将服务区车辆驶入率引入污水规模设计,更加科学合理,能保证服务区产生的污水全部净化,不会造成基建及设备投资浪费。提出的低水位双泵三相控制进水提升系统,是一种污水处理系统快速启动的安全实效方法,能极大地缩短系统启动调试时间,同时具有快速导排暴雨径流的功能。上述两种方法在江西某服务区进行了实际应用,取得了良好的效果,为服务区污水处理系统优化设计提供了理论支撑和实践经验。  相似文献   

Capacity functions are important in the model that accounts for the user's route choice behavior based on the traveller's perception of the travel time. This is because a capacity function represents the relationship between the traffic volume and the travel time on the link. The capacity function developed by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) has been used in many countries, including Korea, without much effort to calibrate the parameters for its own transportation environment. Countries other than the United States, however, have distinctive demographic, economic, cultural, and behavioral characteristics; and they might need unique capacity functions for their own environments. Thus, it is important for Korea to have its own capacity function that can appropriately represent the Korea highway environment. Any attempt to model the Korean highway system without using a suitable capacity function might result in inappropriate solutions, because most modeling activities are crucially based on link travel time, and it is the capacity function that furnishes those link travel time. A link capacity function for Korea is calibrated based on a BPR type formula utilizing an alternative method. The alternative method is developed in a bilevel programming framework that uses link volume counts instead of link flow and travel time data. Detailed calibration results are reported.  相似文献   

通过公路工程施工中应当注意的环境保护问题,明确提出了环保工作在施工建设过程中的地位作用和注意事项。  相似文献   

The level of service (LOS) concept in the Highway Capacity Manual has been used as a qualitative measure representing freeway operational conditions for over 35 years. One key element that has not been adequately addressed is how road users perceive LOS. This exploratory research examines road-user perceptions of freeway LOS by presenting study participants with a series of video clips of various traffic conditions (taken from cameras on overpasses to allow a complete view of the traffic stream) and asking them their perceptions of LOS. A random effects ordered probability model is then used to statistically link participant-recorded perceptions of LOS with measurable traffic conditions (speed, density, flow, percentage of trucks, vehicle headways) and participant characteristics. The findings suggest that the Highway Capacity Manual’s use of traffic density as a single performance measure for LOS does not accurately reflect road-user perceptions. The statistical analysis shows that a number of attributes besides traffic density determine public perceptions of LOS and that these perceptions vary depending on both traffic conditions and road-user characteristics.  相似文献   

Transport planning is based on traffic forecasts which are subject to great uncertainties. These uncertainties have generally been ignored or, at least, not explicitly included in the planning process. This paper describes the principles behind the estimation of the uncertainty (or range of error) of the forecasts of a traffic model and discusses the means by which this information can be absorbed into the decision-making in transport planning projects. These principles have been applied to the appraisal of a British highway project and throughout the paper reference is made to this project in order to illustrate the results of the practical application of an explicit treatment of uncertainty. It is believed that this approach can and should be developed for application in most areas of transport planning, leading inevitably to an improvement in the quality of the decisions taken.  相似文献   

物流过程的全程可见性一直是物流信息技术应用的核心问题.而对于广博、复杂的中国版图,实现公路运输途中的全程跟踪一直是所有物流企业、货主的梦想.  相似文献   

Strategies used to deploy technological innovations are central determinants of the degree to which those innovations realize their potential effect on social and economic productivity. The U.S. Interstate highway system was a deployment mechanism for the design innovations of high-speed geometric design and the control of highway access. This strategy was defined by rigid uniform minimum standards of facility design, severely constrained alternatives for configuring the network of facilities, and an inflexible and, in some cases, inappropriate institutional structure for constructing facilities. This strategy compromised the realization of productivity improvements available through the deployment of these innovations. This paper explores the origins of this deployment strategy and generalizes to a discussion of deployment strategies for large engineered systems. It shows that each of the Interstate program's provisions derived from traditions of the agency charged with implementing it and from political expedients embraced to enact the program.  相似文献   

"一带一路"战略规划提出:打造"中欧班列"品牌,建设沟通境内外、连接东中西的国际铁路运输通道。作为国内开行的众多直达欧洲集装箱货运铁路班列之一,"汉新欧"应抢抓国家整合中欧班列的战略机遇,充分发挥优势,主动对接市场,加强对外合作,大胆改革创新,加快市场化和去补贴化进程,力争发展成为辐射华中地区的唯一中欧国际铁路班列。  相似文献   

作者通过大量工程调研,对目前公路隧道工程地质工作的现状和存在的问题进行了深入的分析,着重探讨了如何加强对隧道地质工作的管理,并对一些关键问题和环节提出了具体管理方法和建议。  相似文献   

简要介绍了流态粉煤灰在高速公路中的运用,采用液态粉煤灰回填桥头台背技术,解决台背施工的难题,减轻建成通车后桥头跳车问题的出现。  相似文献   

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