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阻尼型尾轴承是在普通水润滑尾轴承的基础上,在后尾轴承衬套外增加一层阻尼材料,通过阻尼层的变形,实现减小由螺旋桨重力悬臂作用引起的"边缘效应",增大尾轴与尾轴承的接触面积,降低最大接触压力,改善润滑性能的目的。文章采用ANSYS有限元方法,分别对三种阻尼型轴承和普通尾轴承进行建模仿真计算。计算结果表明,随着阻尼层厚度的增加,轴承与尾轴接触面积扩大。与普通尾轴承相比,最大接触压力降低了26.03%,为解决尾轴承"边缘效应"问题提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

To control the vibration level of ships under construction, MSC Software’s Patran&Nastran modeling solutions can be used to establish a detailed finite element model of a new manned submersible support mother ship based on a line drawing,including the deck layout, bulkhead section, and stiffener distribution. After a comprehensive analysis of the ship simulation conditions, boundaries, and excitation forces of the main operating equipment, modal analysis and calculation of the ship vibration...  相似文献   

船用水润滑橡胶尾轴承冷却性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用FLUENT有限元方法,建立水润滑橡胶尾轴承水膜模型,探讨冷却水流速,轴承水槽参数(宽度、数量、深度)对轴承冷却效果的影响程度,为尾轴承的水槽结构优化设计提供参考。仿真计算结果表明,水槽的宽度、数量、深度以及冷却水流速的增加,均可以在一定范围内明显提高冷却效果,降低水膜温度。但当槽宽超过到一定角度时,冷却效果提高不明显;水槽数量过多会影响水膜的承载能力;水槽深度过大会削弱轴承内衬支承强度。因此应综合考虑各因素的影响程度,选择合理的水槽参数。  相似文献   

The main configuration of ship construction consists of standard and fabricated stiffening members,such as T-sections,which are commonly used in shipbuilding.During the welding process,the nonuniform heating and rapid cooling lead to welding imperfections such as out-of-plane distortion and residual stresses.Owing to these imperfections,the fabricated structural members may not attain their design load,and removing these imperfections will require extra man-hours.The present work investigated controlling these imperfections at both the design and fabrication stages.A typical fabricated T-girder was selected to investigate the problem of these imperfections using double-sided welding.A numerical simulation based on finite element modeling(FEM) was used to investigate the effects of geometrical properties and welding sequence on the magnitude of the welding imperfections of the T-girder.The FEM results were validated with the experimental measurements of a double-sided fillet weld.Regarding the design stage,the optimum geometry of the fabricated T-girder was determined based on the minimum steel weight and out-of-plane distortion.Furthermore,regarding the fabrication stage,a parametric study with two variables(geometrical properties and welding sequence)was conducted to determine the optimum geometry and welding sequence based on the minimum welding out-of-plane distortion.Increasing the flange thickness and reducing the breadth while keeping the T-girder section modulus constant reduced the T-girder weight and out-of-plane distortion.Noncontinuous welding produced a significant reduction in the out-of-plane distortion,while an insignificant increase in the compressive residual stress occurred.  相似文献   

介绍了大型静压球面轴承的设计。该轴承用于水翼船翼柱自位球承动载模拟试验机的加载装置,其加载力大,可满足回转和摇摆振荡复合运动要求。  相似文献   

型腔尺寸的大小和腔数对水润滑橡胶尾轴承的力学性能有重要影响,并且直接影响轴承的承载能力和运转精度。本文基于有限元法,研究了不同型腔数目、型腔全角和型腔长度对尾轴承的力学性能影响。结果表明:在5种不同腔数尾轴承的研究对比中发现,4腔尾轴承的力学性能最优。研究型腔全角和长度因素影响时,发现全角55°长度500 mm的型腔结构性能更好。  相似文献   

型腔尺寸的大小和腔数对水润滑橡胶尾轴承的力学性能有重要影响,并且直接影响轴承的承载能力和运转精度。本文基于有限元法,研究了不同型腔数目、型腔全角和型腔长度对尾轴承的力学性能影响。结果表明:在5种不同腔数尾轴承的研究对比中发现,4腔尾轴承的力学性能最优。研究型腔全角和长度因素影响时,发现全角55°长度500 mm的型腔结构性能更好。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) model is established on the basis of viscous CFD theory to investigate the motion response and power absorption performance of a bottom-hinged flap-type wave energy converter(WEC)under regular wave conditions. The convergence study of mesh size and time step is performed to ensure that wave height and motion response are sufficiently accurate. Wave height results reveal that the attenuation of wave height along the wave tank is less than 5% only if the suitable mesh size and time step are selected. The model proposed in this work is verified against published experimental and numerical models. The effects of mechanical damping, wave height, wave frequency, and water depth on the motion response, power generation, and energy conversion efficiency of the flap-type WEC are investigated. The selection of the appropriate mechanical damping of the WEC is crucial for the optimal extraction of wave power. The optimal mechanical damping can be readily predicted by using potential flow theory. It can then be verified by applying CFD numerical results. In addition, the motion response and the energy conversion efficiency of the WEC decrease as the incident wave height increases because the strengthened nonlinear effect of waves intensifies energy loss. Moreover, the energy conversion efficiency of the WEC decreases with increasing water depth and remains constant as the water depth reaches a critical value. Therefore, the selection of the optimal parameters during the design process is necessary to ensure that the WEC exhibits the maximum energy conversion efficiency.  相似文献   

尾轴承是船舶推进轴系的关键部件,近年来水润滑尾轴承的研究有新的进展。在润滑水黏度低、载荷环境复杂(重载、边缘负载和不确定性负载)、低速、启停和沙粒侵扰等恶劣工况条件下,尾轴承的承载机理复杂、磨损严重和摩擦噪声大。从船舶水润滑尾轴承的特点出发,围绕其性能演化与防治机理,就承载机理和模型、试验技术、摩擦磨损机理和预测方法、异常摩擦噪声机理及性能提升措施等五个方面,综合分析船舶水润滑尾轴承的研究进展,指出尚待解决的问题和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Water-lubrication bearings are critical components in ship operation. However, studies on their maintenance and failure detection are highly limited. The use of sensors to continually monitor the working operation of bearings is a potential approach to solve this problem, which is collectively called intelligent bearings. In this literature review, the recent progress of electrical resistance strain gauges, Fiber Bragg grating, triboelectric nanogenerators, piezoelectric nanogenerators,and therm...  相似文献   

The speed of a ship sailing in waves always slows down due to the decrease in efficiency of the propeller. So it is necessary and essential to analyze the unsteady hydrodynamic performance of propeller in waves. This paper is based on the numerical simulation and experimental research of hydrodynamics performance when the propeller is under wave conditions. Open-water propeller performance in calm water is calculated by commercial codes and the results are compared to experimental values to evaluate the accuracy of the numerical simulation method. The first-order Volume of Fluid(VOF) wave method in STAR CCM+ is utilized to simulate the three-dimensional numerical wave. According to the above prerequisite, the numerical calculation of hydrodynamic performance of the propeller under wave conditions is conducted, and the results reveal that both thrust and torque of the propeller under wave conditions reveal intense unsteady behavior. With the periodic variation of waves, ventilation, and even an effluent phenomenon appears on the propeller. Calculation results indicate, when ventilation or effluent appears, the numerical calculation model can capture the dynamic characteristics of the propeller accurately, thus providing a significant theory foundation forfurther studying the hydrodynamic performance of a propeller in waves.  相似文献   

建立水润滑动静压阶梯腔尾轴承的三维实体模型,并将建好的模型导入到Ansys Workbench软件中进行有限元静力分析。主要研究不同腔角和腔深对船舶尾轴承力学性能的影响,结果表明:对比3种腔角的尾轴承应力、应变和位移情况发现,当腔角是20°时,尾轴承的力学性能最优;合适的腔角比例能有效的改善尾轴承的力学性能,当深浅腔的腔角比例是1:4时,此时力学性能最佳;尾轴承两腔的腔深差距不能过大,保持过渡平缓,当深腔腔深为1.6 mm,浅腔腔深为1 mm时,轴承的力学性能最优。  相似文献   

建立水润滑动静压阶梯腔尾轴承的三维实体模型,并将建好的模型导入到AnsysWorkbench软件中进行有限元静力分析.主要研究不同腔角和腔深对船舶尾轴承力学性能的影响,结果表明:对比3种腔角的尾轴承应力、应变和位移情况发现,当腔角是20°时,尾轴承的力学性能最优;合适的腔角比例能有效的改善尾轴承的力学性能,当深浅腔的腔角比例是1:4时,此时力学性能最佳;尾轴承两腔的腔深差距不能过大,保持过渡平缓,当深腔腔深为1.6mm,浅腔腔深为1mm时,轴承的力学性能最优.  相似文献   

Ship collision accidents are rare events but pose huge threat to human lives, assets, and the environment. Many researchers have sought for effective models that compute ship stochastic response during collisions by considering the variability of ship collision scenario parameters. However, the existing models were limited by the capability of the collision computational models and did not completely capture collision scenario, and material and geometric uncertainties. In this paper, a novel framework to performance characterisation of ships in collision involving a variety of striking ships is developed, by characterising the structural consequences with efficient response models. A double-hull oil carrier is chosen as the struck ship to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework. Response surface techniques are employed to generate the most probable input design sets which are used to sample an automated finite element tool to compute the chosen structural consequences. The resulting predictor-response relationships are fitted with suitable surrogate models to probabilistically characterise the struck ship damage under collisions. As demonstrated in this paper, such models are extremely useful to reduce the computational complexity in obtaining probabilistic design measures for ship structures. The proposed probabilistic approach is also combined with available collision frequency models from literature to demonstrate the risk tolerance computations.  相似文献   

In this paper, Neural Networks(NNs) are used in the modeling of ship maneuvering motion. A nonlinear response model and a linear hydrodynamic model of ship maneuvering motion are also investigated. The maneuverability indices and linear non-dimensional hydrodynamic derivatives in the models are identified by using two-layer feed forward NNs. The stability of parametric estimation is confirmed. Then, the ship maneuvering motion is predicted based on the obtained models. A comparison between the predicted results and the model test results demonstrates the validity of the proposed modeling method.  相似文献   

船舶碰撞海冰引起的冰载荷分布是十分复杂的。文章选取Thikhonov正则化这一反向方法,根据极地科考补给船S.A Agulhas II号于2013-2014年间南极航行时实测的数据,分析得到了船体艉肩部的冰载荷。通过应用三种独立的冰载荷离散方式来模拟海冰的自然特性,在有限元中得到模型的影响矩阵,并应用Matlab对Thikhonov正则化方程进行了优化。研究结果表明,反向方法可以克服数据处理过程中的不适定性,并计算得到船体冰载荷。  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental results on configuration hydrodynamics. Three models are used in the model tests, which are typical of hard, round, and soft chines. Although specific values are different, the influence patterns are similar in the three ship models. A set of different outrigger positions is investigated in calm water and regular waves. A variety of interesting phenomena are observed, among which the splash resistance is the dominant component for a trimaran at high speeds(with F...  相似文献   

采用隧道尾而增大螺肇桨直径是提高排水型快艇快速性能的一条重要途径。文章介绍了1艘隧道尾排水型快艇的模型阻力,自航试验结果,并分析了过渡阶段快艇的自航要素特点,可供此类艇的设计参考。  相似文献   

魏颖春  李传平  常宁 《船海工程》2012,41(4):123-125
组合关节轴承与普通水润滑艉轴承,制成一种可调心水润滑球面艉轴承,代替普通艉轴承,以增加艉轴承的接触面积,减小由于螺旋桨重力悬臂作用或轴系校中不良等原因所产生的边缘效应,降低艉轴承振动水平。球面艉轴承与普通艉轴承的减振效果评价在轴系试验台上进行,两艉轴承的振动特性对比结果表明,球面艉轴承的减振效果较好。  相似文献   

在船舶能效指数(EEDI)实施的工程背景下,本文对一艘实际营运的阿芙拉(Aframax)油船自航性能的数值和试验方法开展了研究。首先,在SSPA拖曳水池进行了阿芙拉船模的螺旋桨敞水试验、阻力试验和自航试验。其次,基于计算流体力学(CFD)理论和Star-CCM+软件平台建立了油船自航的数值模拟方法,在此基础上对Aframax船模自航性能进行了数值模拟。采用RANS方程和SST k-ω湍流模型模拟流场粘性,将流体体积函数法(VOF)用于追踪瞬时自由液面,此外,应用滑移网格技术来处理螺旋桨旋转问题。最后,通过与试验结果进行的对比验证了数值方法的有效性,并且对Aframax油船艉部进行了型线优化。对比结果可以发现,优化线型船模的推进功率降低了2.98%。  相似文献   

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