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我国城市轨道交通行业目前处于飞速发展中,很多中等城市的轨道交通也在规划或建设中。轨道交通客流预测分析是城市轨道规划、建设和运营等环节中重要的基础数据。以兰州轨道交通1号线一期工程为例,对2018年开始今后三年的日均客流、单向高峰小时最大断面人次、客流强度、全日周转量以及平均运距、分时段客流分布等数据进行了预测。为轨道交通的规划、建设和运营等环节提供有效的基础数据。  相似文献   

为准确把握轨道交通网络化运营的新态势和新要求,力求轨道交通系统在大客流下做到运输能力和服务水平的供需匹配,需对轨道交通网络的关键瓶颈进行有效识别和疏解。本文借鉴交通渗流理论,提出了限制网络整体服务水平和连通效能的动态服务瓶颈的识别方法,该方法综合考虑了城市轨道交通系统的网络特性、客流特性和服务特性。其中针对区间服务水平状态,该方法提出了定量评定的复合指标模型。以成都地铁线网为案例,基于实际客流运营数据,构建动态网络,识别服务瓶颈,验证了方法的适用性和准确性,对城市轨道交通系统运营管理有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

上海市轨道交通崇明线是上海新建市域快速轨道交通线路之一,研究线路票价策略有利于满足客流出行需求、提高运营效率、减轻政府财政支出负担。首先,本文分析了上海轨道交通票价现状与崇明线特征,认为该线路在功能定位、技术特征和客流出行特征等方面与中心城区轨道交通线路差异较大,不宜选用现行轨道交通票价水平。其次,面向崇明线潜在客流,设计调查问卷,采集并分析乘客出行行为及票价接受度信息。结果表明,客流特征差异化明显,出行需求呈现多样性,以乘客票价可接受程度为导向的合理票价率区间为0.31-0.33元/km。最后,从票价水平、票种方案、优惠策略三个方面提出崇明线定价建议。  相似文献   

上海轨道交通运营客流简析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
上海地铁1号线投入运营已超过10年,2号线、3号线投入使用近5年。10多年来,上海轨道交通逐步建立起一套安全高效的运营管理体系,积累了丰富的运营管理经验。根据历年客流数据结合实际运营生产情况,对客流变化规律进行了深入研究,并就影响客流量的主要因素进行了分析。对客流研究的结果既可以为运营管理提供参考和指导,又可为轨道交通的规划管理部门及决策部门提供可靠的资料。  相似文献   

上海轨道交通3号、4号线是国内唯一采用"共线+环线"运营方案的线路,其高密度的行车组织已不能满足客流需求。详细介绍了3号、4号线现状客流的特征,分析了现状客流和运能存在的问题,在确定运营方案优化原则的基础上,提出运营优化方案。  相似文献   

正2016年1~6月,上海轨道交通累计运送客流16.4亿人次(相当于美国和中国人口的总和),同比增长了12%。上海轨道交通单日最高客流已达到1 152万人次,日均客流达到905万人次。随着客流量的不断增长,上海轨道交通运营面临新的矛盾。今年虽然没有新增线路,但是,上海轨道交通继续"挖潜增效",通过增购列车、增能、车站改造等措施"补  相似文献   

介绍上海轨道交通运营客流15年的发展历程,根据历年客流统计数据,对客流量变化和客流分布规律进行研究,并就影响客流量的主要因素进行分析、总结及预测。  相似文献   

贺鹏 《综合运输》2023,(4):173-181
国内很多城市的轨道交通存在规划、建设和运营阶段相互剥离的问题,由此导致线网规模加速扩张无法满足多样化客流出行需求。相较而言,东京在处理轨道交通发展与运营组织的关系方面的先进经验值得借鉴,本文以东京都市圈为研究对象,探究了东京轨道交通发展与运营组织规划的关系。首先,从线路建设和运营组织两个方面剖析轨道交通与城市功能分区之间的互动关系。其次,以东武东上线+西武池袋线廊道为例,从线路建设时序与城市发展时序的角度研究东京轨道交通线路建设的基本特征,阐释城市的功能分区、空间布局与轨道交通相互协调发展的过程。进一步分析了东京轨道交通运营组织的基本特征,从运行能力、运行交路和停站方案三个角度进行研究,研究结果表明城市轨道交通可通过多样化的运营组织模式引导乘客的出行。最后,结合东京轨道交通发展的先进经验,针对我国线网规模庞大、发展时间较早的城市,提出应在宏观层面统筹好运力布局,在中观层面兼顾运营交路和职住关系,在微观层面优化运营技术手段、提高运营效率的发展策略。  相似文献   

景区中运量轨道交通线路以服务内部游客出行为主,为更好把握景区外部的客流来源以及其与其他方式的换乘比例,研究提出基于游客出行方式链的景区中运量轨道交通客流分析方法,从出行节点识别、客源市场分析、游玩时间特征等方面逐层研判出行方式选择,并在湖南大王山旅游度假区空轨项目中进行应用,为景区中运量轨道交通客流分析和运营组织提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

轨道交通6号线是南京市计划实施的第一条市域快线,线路长,客流特征明显,并且服务于南京南站、禄口机场等重要的对外交通枢纽。通过对规划要求、客流特征及运营需求的分析和研究,提出了运营设计的对策。  相似文献   

文章分析了轨道交通客流需求量的影响因素,以拥挤条件下的出行阻抗函数为基础,通过引入弹性需求条件下的轨道交通均衡配流条件,构建了弹性需求的均衡配流模型。根据模型的特点,给出了改进的用于求解弹性需求下的轨道交通均衡配流模型的Frank-wolfe算法。最后通过一个算例说明了算法的有效性和合理性。  相似文献   

Transit oriented development (TOD) has been an important topic for urban transportation planning research and practice. This paper is aimed at empirically examining the effect of rail transit station-based TOD on daily station passenger volume. Using integrated circuit (IC) card data on metro passenger volumes and cellular signaling data on the spatial distribution of human activities in Shanghai, the research identifies variations in ridership among rail transit stations. Then, regression analysis is performed using passenger volume in each station as the dependent variable. Explanatory variables include station area employment and population, residents’ commuting distances, metro network accessibility, status as interchange station, and coupling with commercial activity centers. The main findings are: (1) Passenger volume is positively associated with employment density and residents’ commuting distance around station; (2) stations with earlier opening dates and serving as transfer nodes tend to have positive association with passenger volumes; (3) metro stations better integrated with nearby commercial development tend to have larger passenger volumes. Several implications are drawn for TOD planning: (1) TOD planning should be integrated with rail transit network planning; (2) location of metro stations should be coupled with commercial development; (3) high employment densities should be especially encouraged as a key TOD feature; and (4) interchange stations should be more strategically positioned in the planning for rail transit network.  相似文献   

为实现轨道交通车站内客流快速疏散,避免因乘客滞留造成站内乘客出行效率低以及大客流压力导致的安全隐患等问题,本文对目前国内导向标识的设置原则及功能进行描述,依托大数据等信息化技术分析行人寻路行为机理及出行特征与导向标识序化设置间的关系,研究导向标识的序化设置,依据行人在不同交通设施的步行速度及信息处理时间,并提出在站内停顿点数量较多的通道、楼梯口及闸机处设置导向标识的位置,进而对导向标识的设置进行人性化和合理化的优化设置,对轨道车站内停顿点位置进行导向标识的合理布设,以快速引导行人进行出行决策,减少停顿点数量。  相似文献   

Extensive work exists on regular rail network planning. However, few studies exist on the planning and design of ring-radial rail transit systems. With more ring transit lines being planned and built in Asia, Europe and the America's, a detailed study on ring transit lines is timely. An analytical model to find the optimal number of radial lines in a city for any demand distribution is first introduced. Secondly, passenger route choice for different rail networks is analyzed, for a many-to-many Origin-Destination (OD) demand distribution, based on a total travel time cost per passenger basis. The routes considered are: (1) radial lines only; (2) ring line only or radial lines and ring line combined; or (3) direct access to a destination without using the rail system. Mathematica and Matlab are used to code the route choice model. A cost-benefit optimization model to identify the feasibility and optimality of a ring line is proposed. Unlike simulations and agent-based models, this model is shown to be easily transferable to many ring-radial transit networks. The City of Calgary is used as an example to illustrate the applicability of each model. The existing urban rail network and trip distribution are major influencing factors in judging the feasibility and optimal location of the ring line. This study shows the potential net benefit of introducing a ring line by assessing changes in passengers’ costs. The changes in passenger cost parameters, such as ride cost and access cost, are shown to greatly influence the feasibility of a ring line.  相似文献   

In spite of a broad consensus among transportation analysts that bus rapid transit, whether operating on exclusive rights-of-way or on uncongested high occupancy vehicle lanes or general purpose limited access facilities, provides higher performance and has significantly lower costs per passenger trip than rail transit in medium and low density cities, nearly all Sunbelt cities are building or planning heavy or light rail systems. This paper reviews previous studies of the cost-effectiveness of heavy and light rail transit with bus-rapid transit and the growing experience with busways and transitways and concludes, once again, that some form of bus rapid transit would be a far more effective way of providing improved transit in these cities than heavy or light rail transit. Not only would bus rapid transit be substantially cheaper, but it would provide a higher quality of service than light or heavy rail transit for virtually all users. Finally, the paper speculates on the reasons for the continued, “blind” commitment to rail transit by policymakers in Sunbelt cities and on the refusal of policymakers in all but a few of these cities to even consider bus rapid transit.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes and updates the findings from an earlier study by the same authors of transit systems in Houston (all bus) and San Diego (bus and light rail). Both systems achieved unusually large increases in transit ridership during a period in which most transit systems in other metropolitan areas were experiencing large losses. Based on ridership models estimated using cross section and time series data, the paper quantifies the relative contributions of policy variables and factors beyond the control of transit operators on ridership growth. It is found that large ridership increases in both areas are caused principally by large service increases and fare reductions, as well as metropolitan employment and population growth. In addition, the paper provides careful estimates of total and operating costs per passenger boarding and per passenger mile for Houston's bus operator and San Diego's bus and light rail operators. These estimates suggest that the bus systems are more cost-effective than the light rail system on the basis of total costs. Finally, the paper carries out a series of policy simulations to analyze the effects of transit funding levels and metropolitan development patterns on transit ridership and farebox recovery ratio.  相似文献   

In this study, we focus on improving system-wide equity performance in an oversaturated urban rail transit network based on multi-commodity flow formulation. From the system perspective, an urban rail transit network is a distributed system, where a set of resources (i.e., train capacity) is shared by a number of users (i.e., passengers), and equitable individuals and groups should receive equal shares of resources. However, when oversaturation occurs in an urban rail transit network during peak hours, passengers waiting at different stations may receive varying shares of train capacity leading to the inequity problem under train all-stopping pattern. Train skip-stopping pattern is an effective operational approach, which holds back some passengers at stations and re-routes their journeys in the time dimension based on the available capacity of each train. In this study, the inequity problem in an oversaturated urban rail transit network is analyzed using a multi-commodity flow modeling framework. In detail, first, discretized states, corresponding to the number of missed trains for passengers, are constructed in a space-time-state three-dimensional network, so that the system-wide equity performance can be viewed as a distribution of all passengers in different states. Different from existing flow-based optimization models, we formulate individual passenger and train stopping pattern as commodity and network structure in the multi-commodity flow-modeling framework, respectively. Then, we aim to find an optimal commodity flow and well-designed network structure through the proposed multi-commodity flow model and simultaneously achieve the equitable distribution of all passengers and the optimal train skip-stopping pattern. To quickly solve the proposed model and find an optimal train skip-stopping pattern with preferable system-wide equity performance, the proposed linear programming model can be effectively decomposed to a least-cost sub-problem with positive arc costs for each individual passenger and a least-cost sub-problem with negative arc costs for each individual train under a Lagrangian relaxation framework. For application and implementation, the proposed train skip-stopping optimization model is applied to a simple case and a real-world case based on Batong Line in the Beijing Subway Network. The simple case demonstrates that our proposed Lagrangian relaxation framework can obtain the approximate optimal solution with a small-gap lower bound and a lot of computing time saved compared with CPLEX solver. The real-world case based on Batong Line in the Beijing Subway Network compares the equity and efficiency indices under the operational approach of train skip-stopping pattern with those under the train all-stopping pattern to state the advantage of the train skip-stopping operational approach.  相似文献   

结合上海轨道交通网络化运营生产组织工作实际,针对轨道交通生产经营过程中的风险源,对其运营突发事件的应急处置工作进行分析和研究,从风险源分析、能力评估、组织架构及体系建设等方面着手,提出能够适应城市轨道交通网络化运营需求应急处置体系的一些设想。  相似文献   

Urban passenger transport significantly contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions, especially in developing countries owing to the rapid motorization, thus making it an important target for carbon reduction. This article established a method to estimate and analyze carbon emission from urban passenger transport including cars, rail transit, taxis and buses. The scope of research was defined based on car registration area, transport types and modes, the stages of rail transit energy consumption. The data availability and gathering were fully illustrated. A city level emission model for the aforementioned four modes of passenger transport was formulated, and parameters including emission factor of electricity and fuel efficiency were tailored according to local situations such as energy structure and field survey. The results reveal that the emission from Beijing’s urban passenger transport in 2012 stood at 15 million tonnes of CO2, of which 75.5% was from cars, whereas car trip sharing constitutes only 42.5% of the total residential trips. Bus travel, yielding 28.6 g CO2, is the most efficient mode of transport under the current situations in terms of per passenger kilometer (PKM) emission, whereas car or taxi trips emit more than 5 times that of bus trips. Although a decrease trend appears, Beijing still has potential for further carbon reduction in passenger transport field in contrast to other cities in developed countries. Development of rail transit and further limitation on cars could assist in reducing 4.39 million tonnes CO2 emission.  相似文献   

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