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Stratification in the Rhine ROFI is very variable; the mean water column stability is controlled by the combined effect of tidal, wind and wave stirring which, at times, brings about complete vertical homogeneity. Control by the mixing variables has been elucidated by a regression analysis of mean stratification on the components of the windstress and significant wave height. There is strong partial correlation with all three variables which explains between 56% and 65% of the variance in two time series of observations in October 1990 and September 1992, respectively. During periods of low stirring the water column was observed to re-stratify over the whole inshore region through the relaxation of the horizontal gradients under gravity and with the influence of rotation. Superimposed on the mean stratification there is strong semi-diurnal variation, occurring throughout the stratified region at times of reduced mixing. The amplitude of this semi-diurnal variation is of the same order as the mean stability and frequently results in conditions being mixed or nearly mixed once per tide. This semi-diurnal variation results primarily from cross-shore tidal straining which interacts with the main density gradient to induce stratification. The hypothesis that water column stability is controlled by the combination of these processes has been tested using a reduced physics model which has been successful in reproducing the main features of both the mean and semi-diurnal components of stratification.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional finite difference tidal model, including advective and diffusive transport of salinity, is used in the two-layer model for simulation of Rhine water outflow. Layer depths are adjusted in a way that no advective transports between upper and lower layer take place in case of sufficiently stable stratification.Model results show frontal eddy development related to (limited) growing internal waves in case of weak northeasterly to southeasterly winds. It is shown that baroclinically unstable conditions occur, related to vertical velocity shear, resulting in frontal meanders with wave lengths between 18 and 30 km. Satellite images of sea surface temperature show a comparable behaviour of the temperature front, which is strongly correlated with the salinity front of the Rhine plume.  相似文献   

The freshwater plume in the western Gulf of Maine is being studied as part of an interdisciplinary investigation of the physical transport of a toxic alga. A field program was conducted in the springs of 1993 and 1994 to map the spatial and temporal patterns of salinity, currents and algal toxicity. The observations suggest that the plume's cross-shore structure varies markedly as a function of fluctuations in alongshore wind forcing. Consistent with Ekman drift dynamics, upwelling favorable winds spread the plume offshore, at times widening it to over 50 km in offshore extent, while downwelling favorable winds narrow the plume width to as little as 10 km.Using a simple slab model, we find qualitative agreement between the observed variations of plume width and those predicted by Ekman theory for short time scales of integration. Near surface current meters show significant correlations between cross-shore currents and alongshore wind stress, consistent with Ekman theory. Estimates of the terms in the alongshore momentum equation calculated from moored current meter arrays also indicate a dominant Ekman balance within the plume. A significant correlation between alongshore currents and winds suggests that interfacial drag may be important, although inclusion of a Raleigh drag term does not significantly improve the alongshore momentum balance.  相似文献   

2010年1月1日至10日在长江口南支南港北槽航道弯道段内3个水文测站位CS1、CSW和CS8,观测得到大、中、 小潮的潮位、流速、盐度和含沙量的时间序列。这些资料揭示了由盐度和含沙量引起的垂向层化的大、小潮和涨、落潮的 潮周期变化特性。为定量了解航道弯道段水体的垂向混合程度,采用考虑含沙量后的水体密度来估算其梯度Richardson数 (Ri)。在转流时刻,CS1和CSW站位的量级为101 ~ 102,水体呈现层化状态;在涨急、落急时,Ri量级为10-2 ~ 10-1,水体呈 现强混合状态。CS8站位涨潮时的Ri在0.25~5,落潮时平均为10-2量级。3个水文测站位,涨潮时的层化均强于落潮时;大潮 时的层化程度最强,而小潮时的层化持续时间最长; 均存在潮汐应变的现象,且以非持久性的SIPS层化为主。采用Simpson 等[2]的公式,估算了长江口北槽航道弯道段内水体由河口环流、潮汐应变和潮汐搅动引起的势能变化率。潮汐应变是水体 层化的主要动力机制,而河口环流引起的势能变化率比潮汐应变和潮汐搅动引起的小102 ~ 103量级。  相似文献   

刘猛  朱亮  张宏伟  李为华 《水运工程》2012,(11):107-111
基于试验数据和实测地形,初步分析了航槽开挖对长江口北槽水流及河势的影响.结果表明:1)12.5 m航槽开挖引起北槽主槽尤其航槽内流速显著增加;2)在计算北槽航槽开挖后槽内流速时,乐培九公式计算结果吻合较好;3)12.5 m航槽开挖对北槽河势变化产生显著影响,是引起2009年以后北槽河势显著变化的一个主要原因,因此在分析评价长江口深水航道以及其它相关的航道整治工程治理效果时,应充分考虑航槽开挖所带来的影响.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief introduction to the theme issue on “The role of geography in contemporary coastal management policy and practice.” The theme is addressed through a suite of seven articles that collectively consider how geographical understandings and methods relate to contemporary coastal policy and practice. The key theme to emerge from the articles is that geography forms an underlying framework for considering integrated coastal management, largely due to the integrative nature of geography itself.  相似文献   

丁坝是整治海岸侵蚀的主要结构物之一。如何在特定的水动力条件和泥沙条件下建设具有岸线防护功能的丁坝,对整治海岸侵蚀具有重大意义。用数值方法研究丁坝建设后近岸的波浪、水流及泥沙运动,从近坝泥沙输沙率及近坝水流的变化分析探讨丁坝长度与角度的选取,得出不同沙滩坡度、波高、波向下沿坝裂流情况和近坝泥沙运动情况,并给出丁坝长度与角度的选取建议。  相似文献   

大型船闸人字闸门通常设置浮箱以改善顶底枢运转件的受力状态,降低门头下垂量。在同等浮力下,先对比矩形、U型、⊥型、L型、J型、T型、Π型等7种不同形式的浮箱,分析顶底枢支反力、门头下垂量、固有频率、通气路径等特性,给出相对合理的浮箱结构形式;在此基础上,再对比1层、1层半、2层、3层、4层等5种不同浮力大小的浮箱,分析并给出相对合理的浮箱浮力控制范围。  相似文献   

脐带缆深水安装的参数影响分析(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着水深的增加引起外部压力的增大和脐带缆的重量相应增加,且由于海洋环境载荷和浮体的运动引起复杂的动力特性使得脐带缆的受力复杂,其安全性受到很大的挑战,故深水安装是脐带缆的关键问题之一。文章详细分析了安装过程中不同浮力块的布置方式(不同尺寸,长度和布置位置)和波浪与流的方向对脐带缆的影响。利用悬链线方程构建自由悬挂的脐带缆的模型,然后施加浮力与环境载荷得到动态脐带缆的安装模型。通过对比分析表明,浮力块的布置方案和波浪与流的方向对脐带缆的安装都有很大的影响,上述这些参数在安装中需要给予重视。  相似文献   

温州石化基地围垦工程潮流物理模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用河床演变分析与定床水流物理模型试验相结合的方法,研究了大、小门岛石化基地围垦工程对瓯江防洪和排涝的影响及周边各港口、水道涨落潮流速的影响。研究结果表明:大、小门岛石化基地围垦工程对瓯江口内的防洪、排涝基本无影响,对工程周边附近的航道、港区、水道影响幅度小,影响范围有限。研究认为大、小门岛围垦方案实施对周边工程水环境影响是有限的和局部的,大、小门岛石化基地围垦工程是可行的。  相似文献   


The Florida Keys are an example of a fragile resource threatened by development. The early division of the area into small lots made conventional planning and regulation difficult. This paper describes the creation of a conservancy for the Keys—the history of development, the conditions necessitating a conservancy, and the political wrangling it took to implement the conservancy.  相似文献   

水下滑翔机浮力系统的机理和调节性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为掌握温差能驱动水下滑翔机浮力系统的调节性能,对浮力系统的工作机理和浮力调节部件的体积变化规律进行了动态分析.分析提供的数据和结果,为优化阀口的通流面积确定了具体方向,并保证了浮力调节系统达到设计的标准;获得的浮力调节时间长度数据为阀门闭合控制的动作设计提供了确切依据.  相似文献   

对浮力材料在潜水钟上的应用作了概要阐述,包括浮力材料的种类、选型方法、应用原则、安装方式、敷设方法、安装要求等.介绍了3种常用浮力材料的特性,具体分析了浮力材料在潜水钟上的3种安装方式及3种敷设方法的各自特点,并指出了在工程应用时较理想的安装方式和敷设方法.总结了某型船的潜水钟设计和制造过程中的相关经验,可作为同类产品设计制造的参考.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新的方案,将浮力材料安装在闸门底部主梁区隔内,抵消闸门的部分自重。对浮力材料的分类、行业应用、材料特性进行介绍。对浮力材料与钢浮箱进行比较,证明浮力材料在船闸钢闸门上应用的可行性,可以在新建大型闸门、老旧船闸改造中推广应用。  相似文献   

The planning and development of pedestrian and cycling amenities in coastal urban environments is a challenging process because a wide range of policies and considerations must be taken into account. Among these, the concepts of sustainability and more recently, resilience, have been gaining prominence. Green Infrastructure design approaches can integrate aspects of both sustainability and resilience, providing multiple services within single development projects. This study focuses on Dublin and examines a range of amenity projects at various stages of development that relate to the provision of new coastal walking and/or cycle routes. These are initially contextualized at the city level before focusing specifically on challenges and benefits associated with the design and implementation of such projects. Based on our findings, recommendations are made for optimizing the potential of future projects to effectively integrate with other initiatives so as to deliver broader policy objectives. A simple sequential model is presented that should assist developers and decision-makers to take a more integrated, multidisciplinary approach to meeting policy goals when planning and developing coastal amenities. Finally, this is remodeled into a set of considerations that are generally applicable to coastal development proposals of significant scale.  相似文献   

根据水下滑行艇三维运动模型,利用线性二次调节器方法设计出水下滑行艇定区域滑行控制方案,并对控制规律进行仿真计算验证,证实控制方法有效可行.该控制规律对于浮力驱动式航行体定区域滑行设计具有广泛的应用价值.  相似文献   

California has a forty-year history of successful coastal zone management. The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, the California Coastal Commission, and the State Coastal Conservancy have protected and made accessible hundreds of miles of shoreline. While each agency has played a critical role, this article focuses on the Coastal Commission. Implementing the California Coastal Act, the Coastal Commission has partnered with local government, other agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the public to concentrate new development in already developed areas, and much of the rural coastal zone looks as it did in 1972. The Commission has protected and expanded public shoreline access through its regulatory actions. Using strong ecological science the Commission has protected a wide variety of sensitive habitats and wetlands. And under the authority of the Coastal Zone Management Act, the Commission has reviewed thousands of federal projects to assure that they are consistent with the Coastal Act. Challenges continue, though, including population growth, sea-level rise, and inadequate funding to update local coastal land use plans to address new issues, such as climate change adaptation. New investment is needed at the national, state, and local level to continue the success of the California program.  相似文献   


State coastal zone management programs are responding to the potential impacts of accelerated sea level rise through a wide range of activities and policies. This article provides a brief overview of the Coastal Zone Management Act and other federal laws that provide the basis for coastal state regulatory activities. It surveys the level of response to sea level rise by state coastal management programs in 24 marines coastal states, from formal recognition to implementation of policies addressing the issue. Individual state CZMP responses and policies that have been implemented or proposed are categorized. The adaptation of sea level rise to ongoing institutional objectives is discussed and policy constraints and trends are summarized.  相似文献   

In an effort to restore deteriorating coastal wetlands in Breton Sound, Louisiana, a diversion of Mississippi River water into the estuarine ecosystem has been operated at Caernarvon, Louisiana, since 1991. The diversion was implemented after a relatively long collaborative planning process beginning in the 1950s. The Caernarvon Interagency Advisory Committee, an official panel of stakeholders, considers scientific aspects of the freshwater inflow and stakeholder inputs in developing an operational plan, which internalizes stakeholder conflicts, while accomplishing goals of restoring the coastal ecosystem. Even though fishery representatives are committee members, local oyster fishers filed lawsuits in federal and state courts from 1994 through 2005, claiming damages to their oyster beds. These lawsuits were initially successful in state courts but were reversed by the Louisiana Supreme Court. The federal suits were unsuccessful. Following these lawsuits, voters in Louisiana in 2000 amended the State Constitution to protect coastal restoration projects against lawsuits reflecting increase in overall statewide support. Increasing scientific knowledge has contributed significantly to diversion operation. For better collaborative governance, efforts to increase common understanding among stakeholders will be needed, and a process to compensate interests of stakeholders suffering from impacts of restoration projects at an earlier stage should be institutionalized.  相似文献   

A survey on 10 temporary and permanent water-bodies, located at more than 2000 m above the sea level in the central part of Mexico resulted in the presence of 17 cyclopoid and five calanoid copepods. From the total taxa found, seven are new to the country: Leptodiaptomus assiniboiaensis (Anderson), Microcyclops dubitabilis Kiefer, Ectocyclops rubescens Brady, Eucyplops cf. bondi Kiefer, Eucyclops cf. prionophorus Kiefer, Eucyclops pseudoensifer Dussart, and Eucyclops cf. solitarius. The female of Leptodiaptomus mexicanus, a species known only from a single male found near Mexico City in 1929, is here described for the first time. Copepod fauna for each of the systems was highly diverse, with up to 12 species co-occurring in temporary ponds. This study revealed a mixture of north and south American taxa in the area.  相似文献   

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