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This article reports on empirical models of transit mean running time and running time deviation estimated from data collected on transit routes in Cincinnati, Ohio. In general, the models confirm prior hypotheses concerning transit running time. It was found that mean running time is strongly influenced by trip distance, people boarding and alighting, and signalized intersections. Running time deviation at early points on a route propagate as the vehicle proceeds further downstream. The running time deviation model suggests that corrective actions to instability which develops early on a transit route warrants serious consideration. Improvements may also be possible through planning shorter routes. Finally, investment strategies which emphasize improved control rather than modification of existing link characteristics may produce more reliable service. Apart from their explanatory value, the availability of empirical models which relate running time measures to transit route characteristics is seen as being useful for identifying and evaluating strategies to improve service and resource allocation on existing routes and for the introduction of new services. The models also allow for reasonable approximations of running times without the high cost of manual data collection.  相似文献   

The measurement of transit service quality is very important for guaranteeing a transport supply characterized by satisfactory service levels for the passengers. Even more important is the monitoring of the levels of service quality over time, which can be very useful to determine if the goals established by the transport planners are being met or exceeded. The status and evolution of transit service quality can be monitored through periodic and regular updating of the opinions expressed by the passengers about the service during the well-known Customer Satisfaction Surveys, allowing the effect of policies to be evaluated and specific interventions to be introduced. In this work, just the issue of monitoring service quality based on users’ opinions is approached, and the index numbers usually applied in the economic and industrial field are proposed for this purpose. Index numbers permit to study the fluctuations or variations of a variable or more variables over time, providing a powerful measurement for making comparisons and predictions of the analyzed concept. The index numbers were calculated on the basis of data collected from Customer Satisfaction Surveys addressed to the passengers of the metropolitan public service of Granada (Spain). The analyzed time period has been established from 2007 to 2013. Interesting results derive from the calculation of the index numbers. Since both perceptions and importance rates are considered in this methodology, the results can inform, not only on the satisfaction tendencies but also on the trend on customers’ priorities, which is actually the expected quality. Therefore, policies could more efficiently be designed to adjust the service to the users’ real needs.  相似文献   

The aeronautical industry is still under expansion in spite of the problems it is facing due to the increase in oil prices, limited capacity, and novel regulations. The expansion trends translate into problems at different locations within an airport system and are more evident when the resources to cope with the demand are limited or are reaching to theirs limits. In the check-in areas they are appreciated as excessive waiting times which in turn are appreciated by the customers as bad service levels. The article presents a novel methodology that combines an evolutionary algorithm and simulation in order to give the best results taking into account not only the mandatory hard and soft rules determined by the internal policies of an airport terminal but also the quality indicators which are very difficult to include using an abstract representation. The evolutionary algorithm is developed to satisfy the different mandatory restrictions for the allocation problem such as minimum and maximum number of check-in desks per flight, load balance in the check-in islands, opening times of check-in desks and other restrictions imposed by the level of service agreement. Once the solutions are obtained, a second evaluation is performed using a simulation model of the terminal that takes into account the stochastic aspects of the problem such as arriving profiles of the passengers, opening times physical configurations of the facility among other with the objective to determine which allocation is the most efficient in real situations in order to maintain the quality indicators at the desired level.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of discrete activity choice and continuous resource allocation which is based on the premise of random utility maximization and which can be conveniently estimated using existing statistical software packages. The model derivation involves virtually no approximations and adheres strictly to the utility maximization concept. The empirical analysis applies the model to the participation choice and resource (time) allocation to nonwork, out-of-home activities by workers. The statistical results show that activity choice and time allocation are governed by the same mechanism as the utilitarian assumptions indicate and support the theoretical framework employed in the model development.  相似文献   

Many transit systems outside North America are characterized by networks with extensively overlapping routes and buses frequently operating at, or close to, capacity. This paper addresses the problem of allocating a fleet of buses between routes in this type of system; a problem that must be solved recurrently by transit planners. A formulation of the problem is developed which recognizes passenger route choice behavior, and seeks to minimize a function of passenger wait time and bus crowding subject to constraints on the number of buses available and the provision of enough capacity on each route to carry all passengers who would select it. An algorithm is developed based on the decomposition of the problem into base allocation and surplus allocation components. The base allocation identifies a feasible solution using an (approx.) minimum number of buses. The surplus allocation is illustrated for the simple objective of minimizing the maximum crowding level on any route. The bus allocation procedure developed in this paper has been applied to part of the Cairo bus system in a completely manual procedure, and is proposed to be the central element of a short-range bus service planning process for that city.  相似文献   

Urban intersections crashes cause significant economic loss. The safety management process undertaken by most states in the United States is referred to as Highway Safety Improvement Program and consists of three standardized steps: (i) identification of critical crash locations, (ii) development of countermeasures, and (iii) resource allocation among identified crash locations. Often these three steps are undertaken independently, with limited detail of each step at the state planning agencies. The literature review underlines the importance of the third step, and the lack of sophisticated tools available to state planning agencies for leveraging information obtained from the first two steps. Further, non-strategic approaches and unavailability of methods for evaluating policies may lead to sub-optimal funding allocation. This paper overcomes these limitations and proposes multiple optimal resource allocation strategies for improvements at urban intersections that maximize safety benefits, under budget and policy constraints. Proposed policy measures based on benefits maximization (economic competitiveness), equitable allocation (equity), and relaxation of mutually exclusiveness (multiple alternatives at one location) produce significantly different alternative and fund allocation. The proposed models are applied to selected intersections in four counties of southeast Michigan. Results reinforce the applicability of the strategies/policies and tools developed in this paper for safety project funding allocation on critical urban intersections.  相似文献   

A smart design of transport systems involves efficient use and allocation of the limited urban road capacity in the multimodal environment. This paper intends to understand the system-wide effect of dividing the road space to the private and public transport modes and how the public transport service provider responds to the space changes. To this end, the bimodal dynamic user equilibrium is formulated for separated road space. The Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) model is employed to depict the dynamics of the automobile traffic for its state-dependent feature, its inclusion of hypercongestion, and its advantage of capturing network topology. The delay of a bus trip depends on the running speed which is in turn affected by bus lane capacity and ridership. Within the proposed bimodal framework, the steady-state equilibrium traffic characteristics and the optimal bus fare and service frequency are analytically derived. The counter-intuitive properties of traffic condition, modal split, and behavior of bus operator in the hypercongestion are identified. To understand the interaction between the transport authority (for system benefit maximization) and the bus operator (for its own benefit maximization), we examine how the bus operator responds to space changes and how the system benefit is influenced with the road space allocation. With responsive bus service, the condition, under which expanding bus lane capacity is beneficial to the system as a whole, has been analytically established. Then the model is applied to the dynamic framework where the space allocation changes with varying demand and demand-responsive bus service. We compare the optimal bus services under different economic objectives, evaluate the system performance of the bimodal network, and explore the dynamic space allocation strategy for the sake of social welfare maximization.  相似文献   

In recent years, several transit agencies have been trying to be more competitive with the automobile to attract choice riders. Transit agencies can only be competitive if they can provide services that are reliable, have a short access and egress time, and have run times that are comparable to automobiles. Several transit agencies try to be competitive through offering faster service, such as limited-stop (express) bus service. This study uses AVL and APC data, in addition to a disaggregate data obtained from a travel behavior survey, to select stops and estimate run times for a new limited-stop service that will run parallel to a heavily used bus route (67 Saint-Michel) in Montréal, Canada. Three different scenarios are developed based on theory and practice to select stops to be incorporated in the new limited service. The time savings for each scenario are then evaluated as a range and a fourth scenario is developed. A limited-stop service is recommended based on selecting stops serving both directions of the route, major activity points and stop spacing. This study shows that implementing a limited-stop service would yield substantial time savings for both, the new limited service and the existing regular service running in parallel.  相似文献   

The Demand Responsive Connector (DRC) connects a residential area to a major transit network through a transfer point and is one of the most often adopted types of flexible transit services. In this paper, analytical and simulation models are developed to assist planners in the decision making process when having to choose between a demand responsive and a fixed-route operating policy and whether and when to switch from one to the other during the day. The best policy is chosen to maximize the service quality, defined as a weighed sum of customer walking time, waiting time and ride time. Based on the results of one-vehicle operations for various scenarios, we have generated critical customer demands, which represent switching points between the competing service policies. Our findings show that the critical demands are in the range from 10 to 50 customers/mile2/h and that a demand responsive policy is more preferred during afternoon peak hours.  相似文献   

A method for determining optimal risk-based maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) policies for transportation infrastructure is presented. The proposed policies guarantee a certain performance level across the network under a predefined level of risk. The long-term model is formulated in the Markov Decision Process framework with risk-averse actions and transitional probabilities describing the uncertainty in the deterioration process. The well known Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) is used as the measure of risk. The steady-state risk-averse M&R policies are modeled assuming no budget restriction. To address the short-term resource allocation problem, two linear programming models are presented to generate network-level polices with different objectives. While the proposed methodology is general and can be used with any performance indicator, pavement roughness is used for numerical studies and an analytical expression for computing CVaR is derived.  相似文献   

Assessment of service quality in bus transit planning has received due attention in recent years from the viewpoint of optimal service allocation. The concept of level of service (LOS) has emerged as an effective tool to measure quality of services. Service-quality assessment provides operators with knowledge on users' satisfaction with existing services and their expected LOSs. The importance of user perception towards assessment of LOS has been acknowledged by researchers. While LOS standards for public transportation have been established by the Transportation Research Board in the USA, researchers have questioned the applicability of these standards in the context of different geographic regions. Since the service delivery environment differs between developed and developing nations, the user perception of service quality varies between these economic regions. Substantial research has been carried out in the context of both developed and developing nations, to identify the bus transit service parameters that affect users' perceived service quality; however, little research exists that establishes LOS thresholds for bus transit, based on user perception. This paper reviews the concept of LOS, describes the importance of user perception in assessment of service quality and identifies the need to establish LOS thresholds for bus transit from user perception for developing countries.  相似文献   

The existing slot allocation mechanism, based on the International Air Transport Association (IATA) system and its complementary version of the European Union (EU) regulation, produces rather poor capacity allocation outcomes for congested EU airports since it fails to properly match slots requested with slots allocated to airlines. Inefficiencies during the initial allocation are mainly due to the problem complexity in conjunction to limited decision support available to slot coordinators. On the other hand, substantial inefficiencies give rise to severe slot misuse and unreasonably low utilisation of airport resources running already into scarcity. The objective of this paper is to develop an optimisation-based model implementing the existing EU/IATA rules, operational constraints, and coordination procedures with the ultimate objective to better accommodate airlines’ preferences at coordinated airports through the minimisation of the difference between the requested and the allocated slot times to airlines. The results of the model are assessed and compared vis-à-vis the allocation outcome produced according to current slot coordination practice in three regional Greek airports. The proposed model produces very promising results and demonstrates that there is large room for improvement of the efficiency of the current allocation outcome in a range between 14% and 95%. The discussion of the model results is complemented by a sensitivity analysis highlighting the importance of declared capacity and the magnitude of its influence on slot allocation efficiency.  相似文献   

Priced managed lanes are increasingly being used to better utilize the existing capacity of the roadway to relieve congestion and offer reliable travel time to road users. In this paper, we investigate the optimization problem for pricing managed lanes with multiple entrances and exits which seeks to maximize the revenue and minimize the total system travel time (TSTT) over a finite horizon. We propose a lane choice model where travelers make online decisions at each diverge point considering all routes on a managed lane network. We formulate the problem as a deterministic Markov decision process and solve it using the value function approximation (VFA) method for different initializations. We compare the performance of the toll policies predicted by the VFA method against the myopic revenue policy which maximizes the revenue only at the current timestep and two heuristic policies based on the measured densities on the managed and general purpose lanes (GPLs). We test the results on four different test networks. The primary findings from our research suggest the usefulness of the VFA method for determining dynamic tolls. The best-found objective value from the method at its termination is better than other heuristics for all test networks with average improvements in the objective ranging between 10% and 90% for revenue maximization and 0–27% for TSTT minimization. Certain VFA initializations obtain best-found toll profiles within first 5–50 iterations which warrants computational time savings. Our findings also indicate that the revenue-maximizing optimal policies follow the “jam-and-harvest” behavior where the GPLs are pushed towards congestion in the earlier time steps to generate higher revenue in the later time steps, a characteristic not observed for the policies minimizing TSTT.  相似文献   

The modeling of service dynamics has been the focus of recent developments in the field of transit assignment modeling. The emerging focus on dynamic service modeling requires a corresponding shift in transit demand modeling to represent appropriately the dynamic behaviour of passengers and their responses to Intelligent Transportation Systems technologies. This paper presents the theoretical development of a departure time and transit path choice model based on the Markovian Decision Process. This model is the core of the MIcrosimulation Learning-based Approach to TRansit Assignment. Passengers, while traveling, move to different locations in the transit network at different points in time (e.g. at stop, on board), representing a stochastic process. This stochastic process is partly dependent on the transit service performance and partly controlled by the transit rider’s trip choices. This can be analyzed as a Markovian Decision Process, in which actions are rewarded and hence passengers’ optimal policies for maximizing the trip utility can be estimated. The proposed model is classified as a bounded rational model, with a constant utility term and a stochastic choice rule. The model is appropriate for modeling information provision since it distinguishes between individual’s experience with the service performance and information provided about system dynamics.  相似文献   

Multi-state supernetworks have been advanced recently for modeling individual activity-travel scheduling decisions. The main advantage is that multi-dimensional choice facets are modeled simultaneously within an integral framework, supporting systematic assessments of a large spectrum of policies and emerging modalities. However, duration choice of activities and home-stay has not been incorporated in this formalism yet. This study models duration choice in the state-of-the-art multi-state supernetworks. An activity link with flexible duration is transformed into a time-expanded bipartite network; a home location is transformed into multiple time-expanded locations. Along with these extensions, multi-state supernetworks can also be coherently expanded in space–time. The derived properties are that any path through a space–time supernetwork still represents a consistent activity-travel pattern, duration choice are explicitly associated with activity timing, duration and chain, and home-based tours are generated endogenously. A forward recursive formulation is proposed to find the optimal patterns with the optimal worst-case run-time complexity. Consequently, the trade-off between travel and time allocation to activities and home-stay can be systematically captured.  相似文献   

Household maintenance such as childcare not only induces activities and travel but also impose time constraints on individuals’ participation in other activities and travel. Instead of sharing household responsibilities, households may hire domestic helpers for household maintenance. Alternatively, they may get helps from members of the extended family such as parents of household heads. This paper develops a model to analyze households’ trade-offs between hiring domestic helpers for household maintenance and taking these responsibilities by household members. We will apply household economic theories to develop a time allocation model incorporating interactions among household members. We assume that households trade off the money they are willing to spend for hiring helpers with the time they may need to spend for household maintenance activities to maximize utilities, subject to time constraints. The model may be used to analyze the impacts of domestic helpers on household members’ time allocation to subsistence, maintenance and recreation activities. It may also be applied to analyze the impacts of government policies regarding the minimum salary of domestic helpers and the change of household members’ wage rates on households’ decision to hire helpers. The paper extends the current literature on intra-household activity–travel interactions by considering external helps from domestic helpers, which may contribute to the understanding of activity–travel patterns of household members.  相似文献   

The efforts of providing attractive transport service to residents in sparse communities have previously focused on operating flexible transit services. This paper identifies a new category of transit policies, called demi-flexible operating policies, to fill the gap between flexible transit services and conventional fixed-route systems. The passenger cost function is defined as the performance measure of transit systems and the analytic work is performed based on a real-world flag-stop transit service, in which we compare its system performance with another two comparable systems, the fixed-route and flex-route services, at expected and unexpected demand levels in order to be closer to reality. In addition, the dynamic-station policy is introduced to assist the flex-route service to better deal with unexpectedly high demand. Experiments demonstrate the unique advantages of demi-flexible operating policies in providing affordable, efficient, and reliable transport service in low-demand operating environments and this work is helpful to optimize the unifying framework for designing public transit in suburban and rural areas.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for planning an air charter service for pre-scheduled group travel. This model is used to investigate the competitiveness of such an enterprise for student athlete travel in conference sports. The relevant demand subset to be served by a limited charter fleet is identified through a comparison with existing scheduled travel options. Further, the routing and scheduling of the charter aircraft is performed within the same framework. Through this modeling a method for formulating and accommodating continuous time windows and competitive market dynamics in strategic planning for a charter service is developed. Computational improvements to the basic model are also presented and tested. The model is applied to the Big Sky Conference for the 2006-2007 season, quantifying the benefits to the students from such a service and the change in expenditure associated with such a benefit for various assumptions about operations and value of time. The findings indicate the lack of spatial or sport based patterns for maximizing benefit, indicating the absence of simplistic “rules of thumb” for operating such a service, and validating the need for the model.  相似文献   

Flex‐route transit brings together the low cost operability of fixed‐route transit with the flexibility of demand responsive transit, and in recent years, it has become the most popular type of flexible transit service. In this paper, a methodology is proposed to help planners make better decisions regarding the choice between a conventional fixed‐route and a flex‐route policy for a specific transit system with a varying passenger demand. A service quality function is developed to measure the performance of transit systems, and analytical modeling and simulations are used to reproduce transit operation under the two policies. To be closer to reality, two criteria are proposed depending on the processing of rejected requests in the assessment of the service quality function for flex‐route services. In various scenarios, critical demand densities, which represent the switching points between the two competing policies, are derived in a real‐world transit service according to the two criteria. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a network level model to describe the information propagation in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). The approach utilizes an existing one-dimensional propagation model to evaluate information travel times on the individual arcs of the network. Traffic flow characteristics are evaluated by a static traffic assignment model. Upper and lower bounds are developed for the time of information propagation between two nodes in a network. We show that the bounds yield good (typically within 5%) estimates of the true time lag for the lower penetration rates (<10%), which makes them particularly useful in the initial deployment stages of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. Furthermore, our lower bound reveals that – quite surprisingly – for sufficiently low penetration rates, more equipped vehicles on the road does not necessarily promote the fast propagation of information. As an application of the bounds, we formulate a resource allocation model in which communication devices can be installed along roads to promote wireless propagation. A set of efficient heuristic algorithms is developed to solve the resource allocation problem. Numerical results are given throughout.  相似文献   

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