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In 2014, highway vehicles accounted for 72.8% of all Greenhouse Gases emissions from transportation in Europe. In the United States (US), emissions follow a similar trend. Although many initiatives try to mitigate emissions by focusing on traffic operations, little is known about the relationship between emissions and road design. It is feasible that some designs may increase average flow speed and reduce accelerations, consequently minimizing emissions.This study aims to evaluate the impact of road horizontal alignment on CO2 emissions produced by passenger cars using a new methodology based on naturalistic data collection. Individual continuous speed profiles were collected from actual drivers along eleven two-lane rural road sections that were divided into 29 homogeneous road segments. The CO2 emission rate for each homogeneous road segment was estimated as the average of CO2 emission rates of all vehicles driving, estimated by applying the VT-Micro model.The analysis concluded that CO2 emission rates increase with the Curvature Change Rate. Smooth road segments normally allowed drivers to reach higher speeds and maintain them with fewer accelerations. Additionally, smother segments required less time to cover the same distance, so emissions per length were lower. It was also observed that low mean speeds produce high CO2 emission rates and they increase even more on roads with high speed dispersions.Based on this data, several regression models were calibrated for different vehicle types to estimate CO2 emissions on a specific road segment. These results could be used to incorporate sustainability principles to highway geometric design.  相似文献   

This study concentrated on estimating the percent-time-spent-following (PTSF) on two-lane highways. This measure is a key estimate of level-of-service in traffic engineering applications. Its evaluation to date has been based on simulations that yielded over-estimated values. The present study shows how to estimate this variable from easily obtained field data based on queuing theory. The estimates accord with opinions on yielding significantly lower values of PTSF that are expressed in the relevant traffic literature. An improved relationship between PTSF and two-way flow is provided by fitting the new estimates by means of the least-squares method.  相似文献   

This study develops a four-step travel demand model for estimating traffic volumes for low-volume roads in Wyoming. The study utilizes urban travel behavior parameters and processes modified to reflect the rural and low-volume nature of Wyoming local roads. The methodology disaggregates readily available census block data to create transportation analysis zones adequate for estimating traffic on low-volume rural roads. After building an initial model, the predicted and actual traffic volumes are compared to develop a calibration factor for adjusting trip rates. The adjusted model is verified by comparing estimated and actual traffic volumes for 100 roads. The R-square value from fitting predicted to actual traffic volumes is determined to be 74% whereas the Percent Root Mean Square Error is found to be 50.3%. The prediction accuracy for the four-step travel demand model is found to be better than a regression model developed in a previous study.  相似文献   

A continuum model for two-lane traffic flow is developed using the theory of kinematic waves in which the wavespeeds in the two lanes are assumed constant but unequal. The transient behaviour is found exactly using Riemann's method of characteristics and an asymptotic model of the long time flow is described. It is shown, that for large times, the traffic concentration moves with a weighted mean wavespeed of the two lanes and disperses about this mean speed as a result of interlane concentration differences generated by the relative wavespeeds. The dispersion can be described by a virtual coefficient of diffusion proportional to the square of the differences of the two wavespeeds and inversely proportional to the rate of lane changing. The technique is extended to describe three-lane traffic flow and to include the dependence of wavespeed upon concentration.  相似文献   

The following paper presents a dynamic macroscopic model for unsignalized intersections which accounts for time-limited disruptions in the minor stream flow, even in free-flow conditions when the average flow demand is satisfied. It introduces a deterministic fictive traffic light to represent an average alternating sequence of available and busy time periods for insertion depending on the major stream flow. Two allocation schemes of the total outflow during green periods are developed to model the influence or non-influence of the minor stream over the major stream flow. The aggregation of the resulting dynamic flow variations gives relevant capacity values. Moreover, the model predicts accurate average vehicle delay and queue length estimates compared to theoretical and empirical data. It has three easy-to-measure parameters and can be integrated into a dynamic macroscopic simulation tool for urban networks.  相似文献   

This article describes a new approach to the macroscopic first order modeling and simulation of traffic flow in complex urban road intersections. The framework is theoretically sound, operational, and comprises a large body of models presented so far in the literature.Working within the generic node model class of Tampere et al. (2011), the approach is developed in two steps. First, building on the incremental transfer principle of Daganzo et al. (1997), an incremental node model for general road intersections is developed. A limitation of this model (as of the original incremental transfer principle) is that it does not capture situations where the increase of one flow decreases another flow, e.g., due to conflicts. In a second step, the new model is therefore supplemented with the capability to describe such situations. A fixed-point formulation of the enhanced model is given, solution existence and uniqueness are investigated, and two solution algorithms are developed. The feasibility and realism of the new approach is demonstrated through a synthetic and a real case study.  相似文献   

Like many U.S. states, Texas is experiencing shortfalls in transportation funding, along with growing needs for system improvements. Accordingly, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is turning to tolling to bridge the funding gap. To assist planning efforts and effectively direct public information, a telephone survey of 2111 Texans was undertaken statewide to gauge public opinion on tolling issues.Some issues yielded a definite consensus among survey respondents. Over 70% agreed on attending to existing roads first, keeping existing roads toll-free, reducing tolls after construction, using revenues within the same region, charging higher tolls for trucks, not imposing SOV tolls, and maintaining the same toll rates during rush-hours. Some opinions varied by region. Austinites were more likely to support additional transportation spending, while residents of the Lower Rio Grande Valley were less supportive of raising the gas tax and of public/private partnerships. Opinions also varied with survey design. In eight places in the survey, optional text was provided or question order was modified to intentionally influence response. For two questions, support for tolling was decreased when information on personal transportation costs and higher gas tax rates in other states was offered. Ordered probit and binomial and multinomial logit models were estimated to assess the impact of demographic and travel characteristics on respondent opinions, and results for key issues are presented here. Opinions across demographic groups also were examined. The survey was successful at measuring opinions on several key tolling issues and should prove a useful tool for transportation planners and policymakers.  相似文献   

This paper is based on research undertaken for CPRE (Council for the Protection of Rural England) arising from concern at the inadequacy of current road planning procedures to address the issue of local development effects. The paper puts forward a number of arguments of principle in support of this proposition before recounting the planning and development experience of sites in the vicinity of the original (London-Oxford) section of M40 motorway built 20–30 years ago. This experience points to quite different outcomes in areas of open countryside as distinct from the periphery of the major intermediate town (High Wycombe), paricularly enclaves of enclosed land near to motorway junctions. With the latter the experience points to the failure of the planning system to anticipate and cope satisfactorily with development pressures. Since the provisions of development plans are used as the basis for assessing the impact of new road proposals this situation is not merely inefficient but conflicts with the basic purpose of the public planning system to give full consideration to the likely effects of proposals before they are committed.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to address the issue of transporting hazardous materials and the question whether this activity constitutes a significant problem on Arizona's low volume roads. Problems related to lack of data required for most of existing risk assessment models are discussed. A preliminary risk assessment, conducted by the use of a screening model, attested that of the total state low volume road mileage, only 30% may need further, and more detailed, hazardous materials transportation risk analysis. The remaining 70% is currently free of any significant risk.  相似文献   

This paper derives a five-parameter social force car-following model that converges to the kinematic wave model with triangular fundamental diagram. Analytical solutions for vehicle trajectories are found for the lead-vehicle problem, which exhibit clockwise and counter-clockwise hysteresis depending on the model’s parameters and the lead vehicle trajectory. When coupled with a stochastic vehicle dynamics module, the model is able to reproduce periods and amplitudes of stop-and-go waves, as reported in the field. The model’s stability conditions are analysed and its trajectories are compared to real data.  相似文献   

结合城市道路改建、道路新建普遍采取的人非共板工程案例,分析人非共板的优缺点,并对人非共板的适用范围进行探讨。  相似文献   

An important aspect of area-wide traffic calming concepts is the integration of major urban roads, because 70 to 80 percent of all urban accidents occur on major roads. Traffic calming which is primarily based on the locational shift to such main thoroughfares is socially injust, because — in spite of all disturbances on those streets — about one quarter of the urban population live there. Social justice can only be somewhat achieved if the expenditures for traffic calming and streetscaping are not used — as today is most common — for accumulating the advantages in the low traffic side streets, but aimed at a partial balance and compensation for the strains caused by car traffic on the major streets. Some compensatory measures and new design principles will be discussed. Backgrounds are the experience in six German model cities of area-wide traffic calming, several research projects and the discussion about new guidelines for major urban roads. Where traffic and environmental burdens focus, the concentration concept should be extended by compensatory measures. That is the state of discussion in Germany examplified by nine topics.This is an edited version of a speech presented by the author at the International Conference Living and Moving in Cities in Paris, January 1990.  相似文献   

The family of macroscopic node models which comply to a set of basic requirements is presented and analysed. Such models are required in macro-, mesoscopic traffic flow models, including dynamic network loading models for dynamic traffic assignment. Based on the behaviour of drivers approaching and passing through intersections, the model family is presented. The headway and the turn delay of vehicles are key variables. Having demand and supply as input creates a natural connection to macroscopic link models. Properties like the invariance principle and the conservation of turning fractions are satisfied. The inherent non-uniqueness is analysed by providing the complete set of feasible solutions. The node models proposed by Tampère et al. (2011), Flötteröd and Rohde (2011) and Gibb (2011) are members of the family. Furthermore, two new models are added to the family. Solution methods for all family members are presented, as well as a qualitative and quantitative comparison. Finally, an outlook for the future development of empirically verified models is given.  相似文献   

A new traffic noise prediction approach based on a probability distribution model of vehicle noise emissions and achieved by Monte Carlo simulation is proposed in this paper. The probability distributions of the noise emissions of three types of vehicles are obtained using an experimental method. On this basis, a new probability statistical model for traffic noise prediction on free flow roads and control flow roads is established. The accuracy of the probability statistical model is verified by means of a comparison with the measured data, which has shown that the calculated results of Leq, L10, L50, L90, and the probability distribution of noise level occurrence agree well with the measurements. The results demonstrate that the new method can avoid the complicated process of traffic flow simulation but still maintain high accuracy for the traffic noise prediction.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how to use multiple data sources, including loop detector counts, AVI Bluetooth travel time readings and GPS location samples, to estimate macroscopic traffic states on a homogeneous freeway segment. With a generalized least square estimation framework, this research constructs a number of linear equations that map the traffic measurements as functions of cumulative vehicle counts on both ends of a traffic segment. We extend Newell’s method to solve a stochastic three-detector problem, where the mean and variance estimates of cell-based density and flow can be analytically derived through a multinomial probit model and an innovative use of Clark’s approximation method. An information measure is further introduced to quantify the value of heterogeneous traffic measurements for improving traffic state estimation on a freeway segment.  相似文献   

The Newell-Daganzo merge model is not only very simple but also accurately reproduces experimental findings. However, the capacity downstream of the merge is an exogenous variable in the model. This is a serious limitation for merges that behave as active bottlenecks because their downstream capacity is a direct consequence of the merging behavior. This paper proposes an analytical model that extends the Newell-Daganzo model by incorporating, endogenously, the capacity drop related to the merging process. Two cases are investigated depending on the traffic states on the on-ramp. The model properties are analyzed and a sensitivity analysis is performed to quantify the relative contribution of the each parameter in the capacity drop. Finally, the extended Newell-Daganzo model is validated with experimental data coming from an active merge bottleneck on the M6 freeway in UK.  相似文献   

This paper applies the theory of Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential equations to the case of first-order traffic flow models. The traffic flow surface is analyzed with respect to the three 2-dimensional coordinate systems arising in the space of vehicle number, time and distance. In each case, the solution to the initial and boundary value problems are presented. Explicit solution methods and examples are shown for the triangular flow-density diagram case. This unveils new models and shows how a number of existing models are cast as special cases.  相似文献   

Recently there has been much interest in understanding macroscopic fundamental diagrams of stationary road networks. However, there lacks a systematic method to define and solve stationary states in a road network with complex junctions. In this study we propose a kinematic wave approach to defining, analyzing, and simulating static and dynamic traffic characteristics in a network of two ring roads connected by a 2 × 2 junction, which can be either an uninterrupted interchange or a signalized intersection. This study is enabled by recently developed macroscopic junction models of general junctions. With a junction model based on fair merging and first-in-first-out diverging rules, we first define and solve stationary states and then derive the macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD) of a stationary uninterrupted network. We conclude that the flow-density relationship of the uninterrupted double-ring network is not unique for high average network densities (i.e., when one ring becomes congested) and unveil the existence of infinitely many stationary states that can arise with a zero-speed shockwave. From simulation results with a corresponding Cell Transmission Model, we verify that all stationary states in the MFD are stable and can be reached, but show that randomness in the retaining ratio of each ring drives the network to more symmetric traffic patterns and higher flow-rates. Furthermore we model a signalized intersection as two alternate diverge junctions and demonstrate that the signalized double-ring network can reach asymptotically periodic traffic patterns, which are therefore defined as “stationary” states in signalized networks. With simulations we show that the flow-density relation is well defined in such “stationary” states, and asymptotic traffic patterns can be impacted by signal cycle lengths and retaining ratios. But compared with uninterrupted interchanges, signalized intersections lead to more asymmetric traffic patterns, lower flow-rates, and even gridlocks when the average density is higher than half of the jam density. The results are consistent between this study and existing studies, but the network kinematic wave model, with appropriate junction models, is mathematically tractable and physically meaningful. It has offered a more complete picture regarding the number and type of stationary states, their stability, and MFD in freeway and signalized networks.  相似文献   

A macroscopic loading model applicable to time-dependent and congested pedestrian flows in public walking areas is proposed. Building on the continuum theory of pedestrian flows and the cell transmission model for car traffic, an isotropic framework is developed that can describe the simultaneous and potentially conflicting propagation of multiple pedestrian groups. The model is formulated at the aggregate level and thus computationally cheap, which is advantageous for studying large-scale problems. A detailed analysis of several basic flow patterns including counter- and cross flows, as well as two generic scenarios involving a corner- and a bottleneck flow is carried out. Various behavioral patterns ranging from disciplined queueing to impatient jostling can be realistically reproduced. Following a systematic model calibration, two case studies involving a Swiss railway station and a Dutch bottleneck flow experiment are presented. A comparison with the social force model and pedestrian tracking data shows a good performance of the proposed model with respect to predictions of travel time and density.  相似文献   

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