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Empirical studies have shown that demand for multimodal transport systems is highly correlated with activity schedules of individuals. Nonetheless, existing analytical equilibrium models of multimodal systems have only considered trip-based demand. We propose a new market equilibrium model that is sensitive to traveler activity schedules and system capacities. The model is based on a constrained mixed logit model of activity schedule choice, where each schedule in the choice set is generated with a multimodal extension of the household activity pattern problem. The extension explicitly accounts for both passenger choices of activity participation and multimodal choices like public transit, walking, and vehicle parking. The market equilibrium is achieved with Lagrangian relaxation to determine the optimal dual price of the capacity constraint, and a method of successive averages with column generation finds an efficient choice set of activity schedules to assign flows over the dynamic network load capacities. An example illustrates the model and algorithm, effects similar to Vickrey’s morning commute model can be observed as a special case. A case study of the Oakville Go Transit station access “last mile” problem in the Greater Toronto Area is conducted with 166 survey samples reflecting 3680 individuals. Results suggest that a $10 fixed parking fee at Oakville station would lead to a reduction of access auto share from 54.8% to 49.5%, an increase in access transit share from 20.7% to 25.9%, and a disutility increase of 11% for the of single-activity residents of Oakville.  相似文献   

This paper considers the formative steps in the development of an expert system for route selection in transport networks. It discusses the application of knowledge-based system (KBS) technology to the production of an expert system to provide route guidance information for some groups of urban travellers. There is a focus on the possibilities for applying a ‘fifth generation’ programming language, such as PROLOG, to the solution of network path selection problems, and the maintenance of a dynamic network database. There are significant arguments both for and against the use of the fifth generation languages, and the alternatives are discussed in speculative terms, on the basis of trials and experiments with PROLOG. The paper develops the specifications for a route guidance KBS for urban road travel, noting that one particular concern is that of providing the most suitable advice to a given traveller, rather than the system-wide rating of ‘best’ advice. Driver attitudes, behaviour, preferences, and vehicle characteristics differ widely, and the degree of satisfaction with any advice provided would depend largely on how closely the expert system could match the preferences of the individual traveller. Thus the system would need to gauge the characteristics of the user as well as those of the network under consideration. Further, prototype route guidance KBS are probably better directed at some clearly defined groups of urban travellers, such as commercial vehicle operations, rather than as community-wide systems.  相似文献   

This study discusses the potential environmental effects of a kilometre charge for car traffic in the Netherlands. This kilometre charge would replace the existing taxes on new cars and on car ownership. It would lead to a substantial increase in the variable costs of car use. It may lead to a doubling of these costs while at the same time the average costs of car use would not increase because the fixed taxes are strongly reduced. Four alternatives for the kilometre charge are formulated. These are estimated to lead to substantial reductions of energy and certain emissions.  相似文献   

A smart design of transport systems involves efficient use and allocation of the limited urban road capacity in the multimodal environment. This paper intends to understand the system-wide effect of dividing the road space to the private and public transport modes and how the public transport service provider responds to the space changes. To this end, the bimodal dynamic user equilibrium is formulated for separated road space. The Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) model is employed to depict the dynamics of the automobile traffic for its state-dependent feature, its inclusion of hypercongestion, and its advantage of capturing network topology. The delay of a bus trip depends on the running speed which is in turn affected by bus lane capacity and ridership. Within the proposed bimodal framework, the steady-state equilibrium traffic characteristics and the optimal bus fare and service frequency are analytically derived. The counter-intuitive properties of traffic condition, modal split, and behavior of bus operator in the hypercongestion are identified. To understand the interaction between the transport authority (for system benefit maximization) and the bus operator (for its own benefit maximization), we examine how the bus operator responds to space changes and how the system benefit is influenced with the road space allocation. With responsive bus service, the condition, under which expanding bus lane capacity is beneficial to the system as a whole, has been analytically established. Then the model is applied to the dynamic framework where the space allocation changes with varying demand and demand-responsive bus service. We compare the optimal bus services under different economic objectives, evaluate the system performance of the bimodal network, and explore the dynamic space allocation strategy for the sake of social welfare maximization.  相似文献   

Unreliability in public transport means that actual departure and arrival times may deviate from the official timetable. Data on unreliability are usually unimodal. In this article we address unreliability from a multimodal perspective, implying a shift of attention away from the supplier towards the customer. Estimates of unreliability of public transport chains in Netherlands are provided. In addition, customer valuation of unreliability is estimated. We find that the valuation of a certain travel time loss of 1 min is 27 cents, whereas the valuation of a 50% probability of a 2 min delay is 64 cents. This implies a strong attitude of risk aversion towards travel time of passengers. On the basis of these values an evaluation of probability enhancing strategies has been carried out. We conclude that among the most promising means of improving the overall quality of the chains is that travellers use the bicycle as an entrance or exit mode. Other measures which are relatively inexpensive to implement and result in fairly large gains for the average public transport passenger, are an increase in transfer times and a strict constraint on bus drivers to prevent them from departing early.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for modelling an urban transport system, integrating public bicycles in a multi-modal network. A bike cost function that reproduces the effect of slopes on cycling speeds is proposed. Also, the effect of traffic levels on the attractiveness of cycling routes is taken into account. The model applies the modal split and network assignment phases in a multimodal network with different classes of users. It has been verified over a test network and then validated by applying it to a real case in the city of Santander in Spain. The results obtained make this model a useful decision-making tool to encourage the use of the public bicycle from a sustainable development point of view.  相似文献   

A review of the retailing and transportation literature shows that there is an apparently large research gap in the understanding of shoppers’ attitudes towards transport modes for shopping purposes. In particular, not many studies have been done to examine shoppers’ detailed and disaggregated attitudinal image structures of the various transport modes for shopping purposes. Using Singapore as a study area, this paper has attempted to investigate shoppers’ image structure of transport modes and their comparative perception ratings for the various modes of transportation for shopping purposes. Using principal component analysis, the research has unveiled the perceptions of five transport modes for shopping purposes. While some of the factors are unique to certain transport modes, other factors, namely ‘suitability’, ‘practicality’, ‘ease of travel’ and ‘cost’, are common to all modes of transportation. By way of the weighted‐factor rating, the study found that the car recorded the highest overall perception rating while the bus rated the lowest. In addition, the shoppers have reasonably good perception of public transport modes in Singapore.  相似文献   

Environmental analyses of the impact of transportation systems on the environment from the cradle to the grave are rare. This article makes a comparison of various Dutch passenger transportation systems by studying their complete life-cycle energy use. Moreover, systems are compared according to their use of space, costs and travel time. Although the results indicate that no one transportation system out performs others in all of the characteristics, in a multi-criteria analysis of four aspects, the train and bicycle emerge as superior options. This holds regardless of the travel distance considered. Interestingly, the train and bicycle are complementary systems, that together operate within a comprehensive distance range.  相似文献   

Historic vehicles (HVs) are the heritage of road transport that have surprisingly received little attention in the academic literature. This study presents an overview of the literature on HVs, focusing on the three topics that dominate the policy debate on transport: environmental, safety and congestion impacts. We observed that polluting emissions of HVs are per kilometre much higher (often a factor 5 or more) than those of moderns vehicles. The annual average mileage per vehicle per year of HVs is much lower than other vehicles. The lower active and passive safety levels of HVs are compensated by the way these vehicles are driven, resulting in the risk factors per kilometre being roughly equal or lower than other vehicles. The contribution of HVs to congestion is negligible. However, the transport policy discourse is divided on the topic of HVs. More comprehensive and effective laws and regulation are needed to protect this aspect of the heritage of road transport whilst concurrently avoiding or limiting the problems caused by them.  相似文献   

Accurate modelling of the health and environmental benefits of non-recreational transport cycling requires information about its effects on the use of other transport modes. Relevant research has not focussed on cycling for transport in a general context (as opposed to bikeshare), nor allowed for multi-modal trips. The influence of trip- and personal-characteristics on whether cycling replaces car-driving have yet to be considered. The present study aimed to address these research gaps. An on-line cross-sectional survey was completed by 1525 Australians who cycle for transport at least once per week. For the most recent trip completed (at least partly) by bicycle participants provided trip distance, and percentage travelled by car, public transport (PT), and walking. They also provided the percentage travelled by each mode for the same trip before taking up transport cycling; and a hypothetical future trip when riding is not possible. Compared to the same trip before, fifty percent of recent trips reduced car use, and around 1/3 eliminated a 100%-car trip. Reduced car use was significantly less likely for trips under 7.5 km, commuting, females, respondents under 55, and regular cyclists. Reduced car use was less likely for respondents who started riding because it is flexible, and more likely for those who started riding to avoid parking. Car-use was reduced by an average of 6.2 km per trip, and each bicycle-km cycled replaced 0.5 car-km. Participants report that since taking up cycling, even when they cannot use their bike, they use cars less and use PT more compared to before they took up cycling. Results suggest that previous studies underestimated the extent to which transport cycling replaces car travel, and highlights trip types and population groups to target with cycling promotion strategies. Information about the per-trip and per-bicycle-km replacement of car, PT and walking may be used for more accurate estimation of the benefits of transport cycling than has hitherto been possible.  相似文献   

The late 1980s saw the first widespread use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in transportation research and management. Due to the specific requirements of transportation applications and of the rather late adoption of this information technology in transportation, research has been directed toward enhancing existing GIS approaches to enable the full range of capabilities needed in transportation research and management. This paper places the concept of transportation GIS in the broader perspective of research in GIS and Geographic Information Science. The emphasis is placed on the requirements specific of the transportation domain of application of this emerging information technology as well as on core research challenges.  相似文献   

This paper provides a unifying framework for micro-based models of freight transport demand. An expected utility of profits model is posed that clarifies the conditions under which a system of equations (continuous) regression model should be used as opposed to the conditions that make a quantal choice model appropriate. The model also indicates the nature of subjective data that is necessary for estimating demand. In general, the conditions that give rise to the appropriate use of a quantal choice model imply that the needed subjective information is completely contained in the subjective probability distributions on the service characteristics; the utility function itself is irrelevant.  相似文献   

The New York State Department of Transportation was required to certify as to the economy and efficiency of transit operators participating in the State's public transportation operating assistance program. This paper describes the efforts undertaken to meet this mandate.Discussed are past efforts to link performance measures to funding programs; reasons for modifying measures which had been used in previous efforts; and some of the problems and issues raised by the use of such criteria. The paper identifies 15 performance measures being used by New York State in its evaluations, the actual ranges encountered in the transit operations being funded through the state program, and tentative acceptable and desirable levels of those measures which the Transportation Department is using in its evaluation. The role these measures play in the state's operating assistance policy decision process is also described.  相似文献   

This paper is in the context of studying alternative systems of urban transport in India to determine the costs and performance not only for public transport systems but also for the total transport scenario (i.e. for all vehicles) such that the economic costs are inclusive of costs of time (conservatively), accidents and pollution. In view of inherent deficiencies and delays associated with a traditional transport planning process and its implementation, the paper develops quick response land-use transport planning models for Indian cities to enable integrated, cost-efficient strategies to be evolved, recognizing that urban transport is a function of urban size, form, structure, socio-economic base, etc. A simple statistically significant demand model identified from a basis of appropriate data represents the recommended demand model for Indian cities. This model can be then conveniently used to project trip volume for any Indian city in a future year. A simple gravity model is used to generate the trip assignment for hypothesized city sizes, forms and structures. The results provide a fairly reasonable approximation for the major corridor trip volumes and lengths in the context of the transport requirement for the metropolitan cities in India in 2001 and 2011 A.D. The GOI Study Group arising from the investigations reported in this paper and the discounted cash-flow method of analysis made clear overall recommendations in February 1987 for cities of various populations.  相似文献   

This paper applies a life cycle methodology to estimate activity-related contributions of transport modes to GHG emissions. The methodology uses national input–output tables, environmental accounts, household budget data and nutritional data to derive food-sector GHG coefficients of consumption for ten European countries. The food energy requirements for each mode of transport are estimated taking account of the modal activity level and energy requirements. Typical national food energy-related emissions for walking, cycling, and driving ranged from 25.6 to 77.3 gCO2-eq/pass.km, 10.4–31.4 gCO2-eq/pass.km and 1.7–5.2 gCO2-eq/pass.km; passenger transport was found to result in no food-related emissions above those for a resting individual. Emissions vary between countries depending on the emissions intensities of their energy sectors as well as food prices and average body weights. A life cycle assessment of modal emissions in the UK is undertaken using the food-energy emissions intensities estimated and car travel was found to have the highest emissions intensity, followed by bus, cycling and walking.  相似文献   

Motorised vehicle conditions have been evaluated by many researchers. In contrast, there are very limited studies on vulnerable and non-motorised users, such as cyclists and pedestrians, specifically children, the elderly and the disabled. Thus, this paper reviews prominent studies on street evaluations to identify effective indicators for non-motorised trips. The street condition for these trips is measured by the bicycle level of service (BLOS) and the pedestrian level of service (PLOS). In previous studies, different methods have been introduced for PLOS and BLOS. However, these methods have several major shortcomings. First, pedestrians and cyclists are assumed to be users who can share street facilities with motorised vehicles and thus are considered equivalent to cars. Second, the majority of these methods are complicated and time-consuming, and it is difficult to connect them to a design process. Furthermore, these methods support only a limited number of walking and cycling facilities; therefore, they may not be valid for a wide range of pedestrians and cyclists with a diverse variety of abilities and ages. This study discusses the challenges in the BLOS and PLOS research and attempts to introduce new objectives for further studies in this field to eliminate the aforementioned shortcomings.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate an area-based pricing scheme for congested multimodal urban networks with the consideration of user heterogeneity. We propose a time-dependent pricing scheme where the tolls are iteratively adjusted through a Proportional–Integral type feedback controller, based on the level of vehicular traffic congestion and traveler’s behavioral adaptation to the cost of pricing. The level of congestion is described at the network level by a Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram, which has been recently applied to develop network-level traffic management strategies. Within this dynamic congestion pricing scheme, we differentiate two groups of users with respect to their value-of-time (which related to income levels). We then integrate incentives, such as improving public transport services or return part of the toll to some users, to motivate mode shift and increase the efficiency of pricing and to attain equitable savings for all users. A case study of a medium size network is carried out using an agent-based simulator. The developed pricing scheme demonstrates high efficiency in congestion reduction. Comparing to pricing schemes that utilize similar control mechanisms in literature which do not treat the adaptivity of users, the proposed pricing scheme shows higher flexibility in toll adjustment and a smooth behavioral stabilization in long-term operation. Significant differences in behavioral responses are found between the two user groups, highlighting the importance of equity treatment in the design of congestion pricing schemes. By integrating incentive programs for public transport using the collected toll revenue, more efficient pricing strategies can be developed where savings in travel time outweigh the cost of pricing, achieving substantial welfare gain.  相似文献   


Transport policy in Korea is driven by the need to cope with ever-worsening traffic conditions. The development of an intelligent transport systems (ITS) Master Plan for Korea is of particular interest and demonstrates the heavy reliance placed on ITS measures to facilitate both the management of congested (but expanding) highway networks and to encourage a shift to greater use of public transport. The paper highlights the major achievements of ITS in Korea by assessing the evidence provided by the widespread implementation of ITS technologies (such as the creation of 'showcase' demonstrations). Some observations from the implementation of ITS in (so-called) transitional economies are presented.  相似文献   


Critical infrastructure networks, such as transport and power networks, are essential for the functioning of a society and economy. The rising transport demand increases the congestion in railway networks and thus they become more interdependent and more complex to operate. Also, an increasing number of disruptions due to system failures as well as climate changes can be expected in the future. As a consequence, many trains are cancelled and excessively delayed, and thus, many passengers are not reaching their destinations which compromises customers need for mobility. Currently, there is a rising need to quantify impacts of disruptions and the evolution of system performance. This review paper aims to set-up a field-specific definition of resilience in railway transport and gives a comprehensive, up-to-date review of railway resilience papers. The focus is on quantitative approaches. The review analyses peer-reviewed papers in Web of Science and Scopus from January 2008 to August 2019. The results show a steady increase of the number of published papers in recent years. The review classifies resilience metrics and approaches. It has been recognised that system-based metrics tend to better capture effects on transport services and transport demand. Also, mathematical optimization shows a great potential to assess and improve resilience of railway systems. Alternatively, data-driven approaches could be potentially used for detailed ex-post analysis of past disruptions. Finally, several rising future scientific topics are identified, spanning from learning from historical data, to considering interdependent critical systems and community resilience. Practitioners can also benefit from the review to understand a common terminology, recognise possible applications for assessing and designing resilient railway transport systems.  相似文献   

The LITRES-2 modelling system provides a framework for investigating the performance of urban passenger transport systems, with particular attention to demand-responsive transport modes and traveller information technologies. The modes covered include conventional timetabled services (buses, trains etc.), taxis (both single- and multiple-hire), and other demand-responsive services. Tables of estimated aggregate demand are disaggregated so as to produce a stream of fully-articulated travel-requests. Individual requests are resolved as single- or multiple-leg journeys, through the use of request-broking and journey-planning modules that seek to minimise travellers' generalised costs. Journey-legs allocated to demand-responsive modes are handled by a fleet-scheduling module which includes provision for “instantaneous” as well as advance-notice bookings, and for contingent situations such as breakdowns and passenger no-shows. The fleet-scheduling and journey-planning modules are designed as embedded control systems and are intended for use in real-time as well as modelling applications. The paper describes the main analytical and procedural components of LITRES-2, and assesses some methodological issues arising from experience in recent planning studies. The system appears to be well suited for use in modelling situations where the critical issues are concerned with the supply rather than demand side of transportation activity.  相似文献   

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