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中国成为世界海运发展主要推动力。为国际海事组织活动做出了重要贡献。港口贷物吞吐量连续五年居世界首位,集装箱年吞吐量2007年首次突破亿箱,亿吨大港达到14个。  相似文献   

秦萍 《中国船检》2008,(10):60-61
改革开放30年,中国船级社(CCS)在“加强基础、健全体系、适应发展、面向全国、走向世界”发展战略指导下,由弱到强,取得了辉煌成就。特别是进入21世纪以来,坚持“技术立社、诚信为本、与众不同、国际一流”的建社方针,努力建设创新型国际一流船级社,成为我国航运、造船、能源开发、金融保险等相关行业发展不可或缺的重要支持保障力量。  相似文献   

周月丽 《船艇》2007,(9B):20-23
改革开放以来,我国船舶工业取得长足进步,造船产量已从上世纪八十年代初期的34.2万载重吨提高到2006年的1452万载重吨;新承接船舶订单4251万载重吨;手持船舶订单6872万载重吨。我国造船完工量占世界市场份额的19%,连续12年稳居世界第三,与韩国、日本的差距大幅缩小;新承接船舶订单占世界市场份额30%,位居世界第二;手持船舶订单占世界市场份额24%,与韩、日的差距正在不断缩小。进入新世纪以来,我国船舶工业进入快速发展期,年均增速达到45%以上,大大高于日本、韩国平均水平。[第一段]  相似文献   

第一 国防科工委对我国船舶工业提出了明确的目标,即经过10到15年的发展,我国船舶工业的综合竞争力接近日本、韩国,在造船总量上,到2015年达2400万载重吨,占世界市场份额的35%.在吨位方面达到世界第一,成为世界第一造船大国。  相似文献   

1中国船舶工业突飞猛进,船舶科学技术迅速发展近年来,我国船舶工业取得了举世瞩目的成就。从产量看,2004年我国造船完工量已达880万载重吨,占世界当年市场份额的14%。我国已连续10年造船产量占世界第3位。据最近的预测,2005年造船完工量肯定能突破1 000万载重吨,约占世界2005年  相似文献   

我这次专程从北京过来,代表中国船舶行业协会祝贺上海市造船工程学会在文革之后复会30周年,祝贺上海市造船工程学会成功举办纪念改革开放30年座谈会。  相似文献   

徐华 《中国船检》2005,(11):8-11
快速成长的中国造船业再次引来世界的目光,来自日本、欧洲、中国、韩国,美国船舶工业协会及主要造船企业的80余位负责人在金秋十月相聚杭州,纵论世界造船业的现状与未来。第14届JECKU会议在美丽的西子湖畔向世人传奏出怎样的旋律?[编者按]  相似文献   


为使我国船舶工业持续稳定地发展,对我国造船技术水平在国际上所处的地位有一个比较客观的;定性与定量相结合的评价是很有必要。我国曾就造船技术水评价开展过研究。这对制订我国造船工业发展计划起到了事半功倍的作用。  相似文献   

China is expected to become the world‘s largest shipbuilder by 2015 after launching shipyuard projects in Shanghai and Guangzhou.  相似文献   

坐标的应用不是局限在数学领域,各行各业都在运用坐标的概念,如世界500强企业,是放在全球市场坐标系里比较得出的;全球20强集装箱船公司,是放在国际航运市场坐标系里比较得出的;那么在港口坐标系里,经历30年改革开放大潮洗礼之后,中国港口是一个什么定位呢?无疑,这是值得探讨的命题。  相似文献   

改革开放30年,仿佛一幅波澜壮阔、跌宕起伏的历史画卷深深地印在了人们的脑海里。30年的沧桑巨变,30年的光辉历程,铸就了一个民族近百年的梦想,谱写了可歌可泣的壮美篇章。回望走过的岁月,感慨、激动、困惑、期待一样都不少。30年的发展林林总总,难以悉数呈现,我们只能从不同的侧面去接近那些难忘的岁月。  相似文献   

十年前的12月11日,中国政府经过艰苦漫长的谈判终于签署了协议,成为了世界贸易组织的成员.入世十年来我们承诺按国际规则办事,大大的推动了中国经济的市场化进程.中国入世的十年,是对中国和世界的经济和社会发展都产生了巨大、深远影响的十年,是和世界实现共赢、分享繁荣的十年.  相似文献   

Congress has not been able to pass comprehensive oceans policy legislation in recent years. Nonetheless, significant individual oceans policy measures have been enacted. These are reviewed in the article. A Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress has been established to recommend reforms in how Congress conducts its business, including proposals for committee restructuring. These proposals could affect how Congress examines oceans policy issues, but it is unlikely that these reforms will make it easier to pass comprehensive oceans policy legislation. For this to happen, well‐organized constituencies have to demonstrate support for this legislation, which has not happened to date.  相似文献   

Organizational Effectiveness (OE) is a rather new concept in the port business literature and not widely studied before. From the systems perspective, this concept focuses on the goals of the organization, the resources needed to achieve these goals, and the relationship between the organization and its environment. The reason behind choosing a systems approach is the significant role of seaports as open systems affected by changes and developments in world trade, supply chain and logistics trends, maritime transport, and technological developments. While seaports are multi-faceted organizations that constitute different interdependent and integrated units in their structure, they can also be regarded as the subsystems of the supply chain system. As being the social and technical systems, port organizations have unique characteristics that should be examined in detail to assess their effectiveness. To assess the effectiveness of port organizations, principally a set of effectiveness measures applicable to seaports should be determined. The main aim of this study is to assess the relative importance of the main effectiveness criteria in seaports and to determine the significance of main inputs and port subsystems which can be referred as the means to achieve effectiveness. By using the systems approach, the inputs, the processes, and the outputs of the port organizations are clearly defined with a conceptual model. Thirty-three statements have been developed under the main categories in the systems model and a two-round delphi survey is conducted, and qualitative analysis of the experts’ opinions is carried out. The results of the delphi survey show that the main port inputs are port infrastructure, equipments, technology, and port labor; the major port processes are ship and cargo operations together with the logistics services, safety and security, information technologies, and marketing; and the most important effectiveness measures for the seaports are productivity, efficiency, service quality, adaptability, information and communication management, profitability, human resource quality, and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

回首风云激荡的岁月,十一届三中全会的召开,国家全方位的改革开放,使"改革早、开放早、走出去早、与国际接轨早、竞争起点高"的中国船级社(CCS)如虎添翼.在党的改革开放路线指引下,不断解放思想,坚持"安全、质量、改革、发展"八字方针,走以科技为先导的发展道路,服务于国家相关行业发展大局,驰骋在世界海事疆场,实现了跨越式发展,成长为国际海事界有重要影响力的船级社,开创了建设创新型国际一流船级社的新时代.  相似文献   

在研究国际航运发展综合试验区的内涵以及航运市场开放政策焦点的基础上,分析航运试验区航运市场开放试点政策架构,并提出国际航运发展综合试验区内航运市场开放政策试点具体实施建议:突破我国相关航运服务的垄断和限制;适度放开外资航运企业及其服务企业管制;适度放宽我国国际海运政策。  相似文献   

It is about 20 years since the rail reform process in Europe began with the separation of infrastructure from operations in Sweden. This paper reviews the entire process, examining the objectives of reform, the different models adopted, and the key elements of separation of infrastructure from operations, competition both through open access and franchising and regulation and infrastructure charging. It is concluded that separation of infrastructure from operations involves costs, but is the most effective way of achieving within mode competition. Where operations do not greatly overlap and open access passenger and freight are unimportant, leasing infrastructure to passenger franchisees may be effective, but the model of vertical integration as separate subsidiaries within a holding company structure makes it difficult to ensure a level playing field for new entrants and is only effective where the vertically integrated operator remains dominant.  相似文献   

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