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This Taiwan traffic‐adaptive arterial signal control model borrowed its traffic flow framework mainly from a British traffic‐adaptive control model with a cyclic traffic progression function, i.e. SCOOT (Split Cycle Office Optimisation Technique). The new arterial control model can take into account delays of both major and minor streets and make real‐time signal timing decisions with optimal two‐way signal offsets, so as to create the best arterial signal operation performance. It has been developed to be an online real‐time software for both simulation testing and field validation. Through simulation, it was found that the performance when operating this newly developed real‐time arterial traffic‐adaptive model was significantly better than when using the optimal fixed‐time arterial timing plan. On the aspect of field testing, three signalized intersections located in East District, Tainan City, Taiwan were selected to be the test sites. Fairly good traffic control performance has been demonstrated in that it can effectively reduce travel delays of the control arterial as a whole. Additional discussions about how to combine travel delay and the total number of vehicle stops into a new control performance index have also been included to make the new traffic‐adaptive model more flexible and reasonable to meet the expectations of different driver groups in the arterial system. 相似文献
PurposeIn Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) overlays, the existing cracks in the underlying pavements can propagate upward to the new added overlay and may cause Reflective Cracks (RC). These cracks allow water infiltration to the underlying layers and causes further moisture damage as well as weakening the unbound layers. Over the years, several methods have been developed for mitigating the RCs. This study aims to investigate the current reflective cracking mitigation methods and develop a methodology for the selection of appropriate mitigation technique. The developed model is then applied to a case study in the state of Florida.MethodTo accomplish this goal, a nationwide literature review was conducted to better understand the current in practice methods in the United States. Moreover, a life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) in five different road types was performed to find the annuity of roadway rehabilitation for each of the mitigation methods. The uncertainty in the LCCA results is represented using Exploratory Modeling and Analysis (EMA) method. Then through a Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) model, a stochastic optimization model was developed to find the appropriate reflective cracking mitigation solution under Florida’s climate and road conditions, based on different cost and performance weights.ResultsBased on the available data for the state of Florida, the LCCA results indicate that the annuity of maintaining the roadway with Fabrics and ISAC are lower compared to other methods. However, the results of stochastic optimization model reveal that while looking at the performance and cost at the same time, different methods would be more feasible. For instance, while the cost of the used method does not matter at all and only performance matters, STRATA® is more probable to be the appropriate mitigation technique. The findings of this research are critical for decision makers to better understand the most cost-effective mitigation technique in different conditions. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2003,37(8):717-729
The present study examines the impact of including various qualitative criteria for the selection of alternative transportation options in Delhi. Three alternative transport options viz. 4-stroke 2-wheelers, CNG cars and CNG buses are prioritized based on six different criteria––energy saving potential (energy), emission reduction potential (environment), cost of operation (cost), availability of technology (technology), adaptability of the option (adaptability) and barriers to implementation (barrier). Based on quantitative criteria ‘energy’, ‘environment’ and ‘cost’, CNG car showed more potential in contributing to environmentally sustainable transport system in Delhi followed by 4-stroke 2-wheelers and CNG buses. Qualitative criteria viz. ‘technology’, ‘adaptability’ and ‘barriers’ in prioritization process resulted in higher priority for 4-stroke 2-wheelers followed by CNG bus and CNG car. Integrated quantitative and qualitative criteria gave a contrasting result as compared to that of the conventional quantitative approach and qualitative approach with highest priority for CNG bus followed by 4-stroke 2-wheelers and CNG car. This could explain the reasons for failure of many potential alternative urban transport options. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: General》1986,20(2):109-121
This paper draws upon a wide range of international experiences to assess the role that road pricing may play as a means of urban traffic restraint. It considers why restraint policies have not been more widely adopted in the face of mounting urban transport problems and identifies the major difficulties in implementation. A number of restraint policies are available and these are compared, using a range of criteria, as potential tools of transport policy. The conclusion which emerges is that, although the general case for restraint is more complex than many simplistic analyses have suggested, where there is a case for its introduction, road pricing, in a fairly simple form, offers the most effective approach. Finally, consideration is given to the future research needs into restraint measures. 相似文献
A fuzzy stochastic approach to the multicriteria selection of an aircraft for regional chartering

Luiz Flavio Autran Monteiro Gomes Joao Erick de Mattos Fernandes João Carlos C. B. Soares de Mello 《先进运输杂志》2014,48(3):223-237
This article deals with the problem of decision support for the selection of an aircraft. This is a problem faced by an airline company that is investing in regional charter flights in Brazil. The company belongs to an economic group whose core business is logistics. The problem has eight alternatives to be evaluated under 11 different criteria, whose measurements can be exact, stochastic, or fuzzy. The technique chosen for analyzing and then finding a solution to the problem is the multicriteria decision aiding method named NAIADE (Novel Approach to Imprecise Assessment and Decision Environments). The method used allows tackling the problems by working with quantitative as well as qualitative criteria under uncertainty and imprecision. Another considerable advantage of NAIADE over other multicriteria methods relies in its characteristics of not requiring a prior definition of the weights by the decision maker. As a conclusion, it can be said that the use of NAIADE provided for consistent results to that aircraft selection problem. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
E. Frejinger M. Bierlaire M. Ben-Akiva 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological》2009,43(10):984-994
This paper presents a new paradigm for choice set generation in the context of route choice model estimation. We assume that the choice sets contain all paths connecting each origin–destination pair. Although this is behaviorally questionable, we make this assumption in order to avoid bias in the econometric model. These sets are in general impossible to generate explicitly. Therefore, we propose an importance sampling approach to generate subsets of paths suitable for model estimation. Using only a subset of alternatives requires the path utilities to be corrected according to the sampling protocol in order to obtain unbiased parameter estimates. We derive such a sampling correction for the proposed algorithm.Estimating models based on samples of alternatives is straightforward for some types of models, in particular the multinomial logit (MNL) model. In order to apply MNL for route choice, the utilities should also be corrected to account for the correlation using, for instance, a path size (PS) formulation. We argue that the PS attribute should be computed based on the full choice set. Again, this is not feasible in general, and we propose a new version of the PS attribute derived from the sampling protocol, called Expanded PS.Numerical results based on synthetic data show that models including a sampling correction are remarkably better than the ones that do not. Moreover, the Expanded PS shows good results and outperforms models with the original PS formulation. 相似文献
Lawrence W. Lan 《先进运输杂志》1996,30(2):47-69
Four transportation handicapped groups are identified in Taiwan (impaired ambulation, visually impaired, aged, and others) and nine accessible transportation alternatives are proposed. The costs and potential ridership for these nine alternatives in the Taipei area are estimated. Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and multicriteria evaluation with qualitative and quantitative data (MEQQD) methods, the most appropriate accessible transportation alternatives for each of the four handicap groups are selected. It is found that the best accessible transportation alternative for the impaired ambulation, the aged, and others would be a demand-responsive lift-equipped specialized van, while half-fare subsidized taxi would be the second-best option. By contrast, the best alternative for the visually impaired would be half-fare subsidized taxi, while conventional bus with broadcast equipment would be the second-best choice. 相似文献
Dominique Lord Fred Mannering 《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2010,44(5):291-305
Gaining a better understanding of the factors that affect the likelihood of a vehicle crash has been an area of research focus for many decades. However, in the absence of detailed driving data that would help improve the identification of cause and effect relationships with individual vehicle crashes, most researchers have addressed this problem by framing it in terms of understanding the factors that affect the frequency of crashes – the number of crashes occurring in some geographical space (usually a roadway segment or intersection) over some specified time period. This paper provides a detailed review of the key issues associated with crash-frequency data as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the various methodological approaches that researchers have used to address these problems. While the steady march of methodological innovation (including recent applications of random parameter and finite mixture models) has substantially improved our understanding of the factors that affect crash-frequencies, it is the prospect of combining evolving methodologies with far more detailed vehicle crash data that holds the greatest promise for the future. 相似文献
Residential mobility and location choice: a nested logit model with sampling of alternatives 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Residential mobility and relocation choice are essential parts of integrated transportation and land use models. These decision
processes have been examined and modeled individually to a great extent but there remain gaps in the literature on the underlying
behaviors that connect them. Households may partly base their decision to move from or stay at a current location on the price
and quality of the available alternatives. Conversely, households that are on the market for a new location may evaluate housing
choices relative to their previous residence. How and the degree to which these decisions relate to each other are, however,
not completely understood. This research is intended to contribute to the body of empirical evidence that will help answer
these questions. It is hypothesized that residential mobility and location choice are related household decisions that can
be modeled together using a two-tier hierarchical structure. This paper presents a novel nested logit (NL) model with sampling
of alternatives and a proposed procedure for sampling bias correction. The model was estimated using full-information maximum
likelihood estimation methods. The results confirm the applicability of this NL model and support similar findings from other
empirical studies in the residential mobility and location choice literature. 相似文献
In this paper, an integrated destination choice model based on routing and scheduling considerations of daily activities is proposed. Extending the Household Activity Pattern Problem (HAPP), the Location Selection Problem (LSP–HAPP) demonstrates how location choice is made as a simultaneous decision from interactions both with activities having predetermined locations and those with many candidate locations. A dynamic programming algorithm, developed for PDPTW, is adapted to handle a potentially sizable number of candidate locations. It is shown to be efficient for HAPP and LSP–HAPP applications. The algorithm is extended to keep arrival times as functions for mathematical programming formulations of activity-based travel models that often have time variables in the objective. 相似文献
John Pucher 《运输评论》2013,33(4):285-310
With the second highest level of car ownership in the world, and the third highest population density in Europe, Germany has adopted a range of policies to balance the many private benefits of car use with its serious social and environmental problems. In order to ‘tame’ the car, most German cities have implemented a twofold strategy of expanding and improving pedestrian, bicycling and public transport alternatives simultaneously with restricting car use and making it more expensive. That has increased political acceptability since the car‐restrictive measures are not perceived as mere punishment of car drivers. The results of this coordinated urban transport strategy have been impressive. Germany, as a whole, has managed to increase public transport use and to stabilize the car share of modal split. Some cities, of course, have been more successful than others, and this paper examines three of the most successful cities: Münster, Freiburg and Munich. In each of the cities, the percentage of travel by bicycling, walking and public transport has been raised over the past 20 years, while the car's share of modal split has fallen. This article documents the range of policies used to restrict car use, both in Germany as a whole, and in the three case‐study cities in particular. The key to success is found to be mutually reinforcing transport and land‐use policies. It is the combination of a whole set of coordinated policies that explains the dramatic success in changing travel behavior. 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2001,35(4):309-320
The long-run relationships between variables representing transport performance and other macro-economic variables in India are analysed in this paper using the concepts of cointegration and error correction. The results show that passenger-kilometres (PKM) in India are likely to increase faster than gross domestic product (GDP), and much faster than urbanisation. The tonne-kilometres (TKM) are highly correlated to industrial growth, and are likely to increase faster than the index of industrial production. Both the passenger and freight performances are relatively inelastic to price changes. The error correction model (ECM) shows that both passenger and tonne-kilometres adjust to their respective long-run equilibrium at a moderate rate, with about 35% of adjustment in PKM and 40% of adjustment in TKMs occurring in the first year. 相似文献
Planning a set of train lines in a large-scale high speed rail (HSR) network is typically influenced by issues of longer travel distance, high transport demand, track capacity constraints, and a non-periodic timetable. In this paper, we describe an integrated hierarchical approach to determine line plans by defining the stations and trains according to two classes. Based on a bi-level programming model, heuristics are developed for two consecutive stages corresponding to each classification. The approach determines day-period based train line frequencies as well as a combination of various stopping patterns for a mix of fast trunk line services between major stations and a variety of slower body lines that offer service to intermediate stations, so as to satisfy the predicted passenger transport demand. Efficiencies of the line plans described herein concern passenger travel times, train capacity occupancy, and the number of transfers. Moreover, our heuristics allow for combining many additional conflicting demand–supply factors to design a line plan with predominantly cost-oriented and/or customer-oriented objectives. A range of scenarios are developed to generate three line plans for a real-world example of the HSR network in China using a decision support system. The performance of potential train schedules is evaluated to further examine the feasibility of the obtained line plans through graphical timetables. 相似文献
Mobility behavior of the elderly: an attitude-based segmentation approach for a heterogeneous target group 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Sonja Haustein 《Transportation》2012,39(6):1079-1103
The western population is ageing. Based on the assumption that the elderly are a quite heterogeneous population group with an increasing impact on the transport system, mobility types of the elderly were identified. By means of 1,500 standardized telephone interviews, mobility behavior and possible determinantes including infrastructural, sociodemographic and attitudinal variables, were assessed. The most important factors, identified by five regression analyses, served as type-constituent variables in a series of cluster analyses. The final cluster solution resulted in four segments of the elderly named Captive Car Users, Affluent Mobiles, Self-Determined Mobiles, and Captive Public Transport Users. The groups showed distinct mobility patterns as well as significant differences in infrastructural, sociodemographic and attitudinal variables. The study provides a more comprehensive understanding of the diverse lifestyles, attitudes, travel behavior and needs of the elderly. Furthermore, it identifies starting points for the reduction of car use. 相似文献
We present an operational estimation procedure for the estimation of route choice multivariate extreme value (MEV) models based on sampling of alternatives. The procedure builds on the state-of-the-art literature, and in particular on recent methodological developments proposed by Flötteröd and Bierlaire (2013) and Guevara and Ben-Akiva (2013b). Case studies on both synthetic data and a real network demonstrate that the new method is valid and practical. 相似文献
In this paper a Dynamic Balanced Scorecard (DBSC) is used for the main purpose of indicating strategy implementation avenues
to managers so as to equip them with more efficient decision-making tools. To that end, Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision-Making
methodology is used as a source of technical support in formulating a cause and effect system and fuzzy strategic indicators.
This methodological instrument brings a strategic vision to performance analysis and is designed to furnish a tool for evaluating
the impacts of management action on the BSC fuzzy indicators. The proposed analytical methodology is applied to Brazil’s seven
main international airports. 相似文献
Transportation - In transportation modeling, intrazonal trips are frequently omitted during trip assignment. These trips are not assigned to the network because their origin and destination are in... 相似文献
《Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice》2001,35(9):789-806
Current transport models usually do not take motivational factors into account, and if they do, it is only implicitly. This paper presents a modelling approach aimed at explicitly examining the effects of motivational factors on present and future car use in the Netherlands. A car-use forecasting model for the years 2010 and 2020 was constructed on the basis of (i) a multinominal regression analysis, which revealed the importance of a motivational variable (viz., problem awareness) in explaining current car-use behaviour separate from socio-demographic and socio-economic variables, and (ii) a population model constructed to forecast the size and composition of the Dutch population. The results show that car use could be better explained by taking motivational factors explicitly into account, and that the level of car use forecast might change significantly if changes in motivations are assumed. The question on how motivational factors could be incorporated into current (Dutch) national transport models was also addressed. 相似文献
安徽省九华山百岁宫缆车有限公司 《中国索道》2001,1(3):36-38
文章介绍了安徽省九华山百宫缆车有限责任公司建立和健全各项安全规章制度加强职工综合素质教育,提高企业服务质量,做好文明创建工作的经验和所取得的成绩。 相似文献