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计算机控制技术的发展给船舶行业带来了新的发展,为了最大限度保障船舶的航行安全,通过计算机通信技术和智能算法,人们已经能够实现船舶的自动避碰,这极大地降低了船舶的事故率。但是传统的避碰决策系统并不能同时处理大量的船舶航行数据,因此必须借助Multi-agent技术,提高船舶的避碰数据处理速度,在显著提高避碰效果的同时,有效降低了航运成本。本文通过建立基于Multi-agent技术的船舶避碰模型,分析了该技术的应用效果。  相似文献   

<正>减速航行是趋势,对承运人和托运人而言,其利弊也很明显。与此同时,这一趋势也可能改变市场对船型的需要。当然,这是一个长久的过程。囿于国际石油价格提升、航运市场供需状况急转而下,国际金融危机之后不久,减速航行被大部分船东和航运企业认为是在特定情况下提高减排效率、降低运营成本的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

在航运事业中最重要的目标在于保证海上船舶航行安全准确。而航运事业受多种因素影响,为提高航海安全性,对海上船舶航行影响进行调查和分析,并通过相关调查数据对航海安全影响因素参数进行统计、对航行指数进行计算、对海上船舶航行安全预报应用作初步探讨。对海洋环境预报资料安全性影响因素和船舶内在安全影响因素进行了系统分析,根据调查数据,建立有效的海洋船舶航行安全航行指数,并分析和讨论了船舶航行指数安全性预报带来的效益和应用前景,最后对海洋船舶航行安全指数在航海应用上进行总结。  相似文献   

正0引言因航运市场低迷,同时主机排放控制日趋严厉,故船舶燃油成本不断上升。为节省燃油费用,船舶承租人通常要求主机降速航行,但降速航行必然导致航行时间增加,租金成本提高,因此必须找到燃油费用与租金的平衡点。笔者某航次接到船舶承租人的指令:在不改变技术参数的前提下,找出主机降速航行的最佳转速,供决策参考。  相似文献   

随着我国海洋贸易的快速增长,各种用途的船舶航行在广阔的海洋上,船舶的分工用途也越来越复杂,在船舶的航行安全领域,往往需要人工对水面的船只进行不间断的监测,这大大增加了航运成本。为了有效提高船舶的航行安全,改善航道的使用效率,本文提出了基于背景纹理检测的船只目标检测算法,通过传感器设备,计算机能够自动将背景和目标船只进行分离,然后结合噪声优化算法,有效提高了船只的检测效率。尤其在复杂的背景环境中,舰船目标的检测也变得更加容易。文末对该算法的保真度和杂散检测能力进行仿真,并通过分析仿真曲线,提出一些改进措施,以提高模型的检测效果。  相似文献   

胥苗苗 《中国船检》2008,(10):56-58
在航运成本随着燃油价格的上涨打着滚儿地向上翻,而世界各国又将造成地球温室效应的罪魁祸首直指航运界的今天,以马士基为代表的航运公司率先提出了降低船舶航行速度,以此来达到降低油耗、节约成本,减少有害气体排放、净化环境的双重功效。  相似文献   

探析三峡库区航行原则的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三峡工程蓄水后,三峡库区(以下简称库区)的通航条件和船舶交通流特性随之发生了深刻变化,航道尺度增大、流速变缓、航速提高、运行周期缩短、航行成本降低,库区航运效益将大幅提高.  相似文献   

邢丹 《中国船检》2011,(12):38-40,106,107
这几年,随着航运市场的潮起潮落,中国船东在风险与诱惑中走出了跌宕起伏的生存曲线。洗尽铅华,在市场逐步回归理性的时候,船东们愈发深刻地感受到中国船级社推出的国内航行船舶入级服务(CSAD)在其成长过程中的保护与帮助。在CSAD的推动下,国内航行船舶完成了一次质的蜕变。短短六年间,从一开始对其高标准的不适应,到今天的广泛认可,CSAD究竟给船东们带来怎样的感悟?  相似文献   

尽快提高航运代理企业的科学技术含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国航运市场的日趋开放和国际航运市场竞争的日益加剧,我国航运代理企业也开始面临前所未有的挑战,其中国际航行船舶代理企业已近两百家,国际货运代理企业更是遍地开花。已逾千家。要想在激烈竞争的商海中迎风弄潮,航运代理企业必须尽快提高自身的科学技术含量。 航运代理企业不是资金密集型企业,无需大量的同定资产投入。因此,一般规模的企业,甚至个人集资都能够成立航运代理企业,这就使潜在的竞争者数量呈现  相似文献   

随着航运形势的复苏与发展,船舶数量剧增,引发了船员队伍的空前紧缺,特别是年轻驾驶员、轮机员的严重不足,给船舶安全航行带来了一定的安全隐患,下面从对二副队伍的分析和对二副班安全航行的评析提出对策措施,保障船舶航行安全。1二副的年龄结构和作息时间对安全航行的影响目前在船二副大多为年轻人担当,他们的年龄一般在25岁左右,根据国家海事部门对驾驶员任职资格的规定,航海类院校毕业生在船见习一年后就可以任  相似文献   

童心 《中国水运》2006,6(8):226-227
远洋运输业是一个投资大、回收期长的行业。目前我国该行业的成本控制是以单船单航次的成本控制为主线,以计划成本、定额成本等为基础制定成本控制标准,定期分析营运过程中实际成本脱离控制标准所形成的偏差程度。这样在成本管理上存在很多的不足。本文主要通过对财务部门以外的航运技术部门和营销揽货部门,应当如何从自身的管理加强成本的管理进行论述。  相似文献   

潘忆军 《港工技术》2010,47(3):38-41
根据货物在港成本的主要组成内容,说明对于给定的年运量,不同的船期安排规则将产生不同在港成本的原因,进而提出船期可以均匀安排的情况下,大型专业化泊位的货物在港成本随年运量的变化曲线。该曲线可为此类泊位的建设和运营决策提供参考。  相似文献   

李超  李卫国 《世界海运》2004,27(4):33-34
与不定期船运输相比,班轮运输经营需要大量的资本投入,如何控制成本一直是班轮公司的核心问题。本文首先对班轮运输成本构成进行了分析,然后对当前各班轮公司为降低成本所采取的主要措施进行了介绍与分析,期望能对班轮公司的成本管理有所借鉴。  相似文献   

ISM规则的实施不仅对航运业而且对船舶保险业产生了深远的影响。文中通过总结和介绍ISM规则实施和船舶保险除外责任的变化来诠释这种影响之大,进而从法律的角度提醒广大船公司要更加有效地运行安全与防污染管理体系,避免在船舶保险中出现不应有的损失。  相似文献   

In this paper the author explores the nature and scope of social regulation in shipping comparing its nature with that of economic regulation per se. Whilst economic regulation affects liner shipping only, social regulation—impelled by a specific concern for health and environmental protection, rather than a desire for optimal resource allocation—effects all types of shipping. The legislation emerging from this has had important (and often overlooked)economic impact; focusing on the conditions, under which a carrier discharges his duties, these regulations may determine, to a greater or lesser degree, the levels of cost and service. He concludes that, whilst the concept of social regulation has a valid, humanitarian base, the cost of its implementation should not be underestimated.  相似文献   


Bulk cargo containerization (BCC) involves changes in the transportation mode of container shipping for cargo that uses bulk carriers without packing. This topic has recently attracted considerable attention as an alternative transportation method for container cargo. BCC is advantageous because it can address imbalances in the amount of cargo conveyed between the main and back hauls, thereby improving efficiency. A previous survey among companies involved in cargo shipping revealed that in addition to ocean freight, vanning and devanning, and customs clearance costs, consignees’ decisions were the key factor in selecting transport modes. The present study aims to clarify the cost competitiveness of container shipping and identify cost reductions that may increase the use of BCC. To quantitatively check the results of the survey employed in this study, we constructed a model based on consignees’ and container shipping companies’ costs to determine the choice of transport mode for back-haul trade, then examined the incentives for consignees and shipping companies. We found that BCC can be realized by cost reduction on the part of the consignee and profit improvement on the part of the container shipping company for some routes and goods. Although reducing the freight rate would effectively promote BCC, reducing other costs would not have the same effect.  相似文献   

集装箱船舶大型化对中国班轮运输的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万征  陆瑞华 《中国航海》2006,(4):96-100
通过竞争情报分析提供了各班轮公司未来船队结构和运力的变化趋势,由此观察到各班轮公司为了降低自身的营运成本,在最近几年大量订购超巴拿马型甚至更大型的集装箱船舶参与运输,但是却不能达到其预期的规模效应。原因就在于相当一部分成本随着船型的增大而线性增加,规模不经济。我们探讨了中国的班轮运输市场的几个重要特点:中外贸易的不平衡导致了货源的不平衡;未来贸易结构的调整会影响航线的布局和调派;贸易上的不稳定因素使班轮公司遇到外在的风险。这些特点会深远地影响集装箱船舶大型化的经济受益,相反的,集装箱船舶大型化的趋势也会加剧这些负面的影响,危及整个班轮运输市场。  相似文献   

This paper considers the question whether the present recovery of shipping means a return to pre-crisis conditions with hegemony of OECD shipping or whether shipping has irrevocably changed. Shipping is losing its national character as ship management firms contribute towards the fragmenting of traditional ship-owning firms into separately managed activities, making shipping more footloose as an industry and facilitating relocation in least cost factor markets. Trade cycles may be at work in shipping like those observed in many industrial markets, beyond the scope of any single government's ability to control. The dispersion of shipping and shipping firms away from the historical concentration in a few traditional maritime powers towards low-cost countries must be seen as a manifestation of a secular trend, giving rise to a profound reorganization not only of shipping markets but of shipping itself.  相似文献   

The core is a vital concept in cooperative game theory and has been widely used in analyzing alliance’s stability. It is especially interesting to apply core theory in liner shipping market due to the latter’s exceptional characteristic of non-homogeneous cost curves as well as divisible and fluctuant demand. Having observed some new phenomena and trends in the industry, this paper studies the economic performance and stability of liner shipping alliance by applying core theory where business cooperation is partly realized by delivering joint-service with mega container ships. To demonstrate the core situation in liner shipping alliance, a cost function is first identified on the basis of two assumptions regarding cooperation: 1) sharing or pooling vessels and 2) deploying mega container ships if needed. Taking cost functions as basis, two conditions of approaching core may be groomed, i.e., collective rationality and individual rationality. The first condition is discussed from the perspective of market, while the second condition is studied within the alliance. Stability of liner shipping alliance is then observed based on these two conditions. An illustrative case study is conducted in order to show some implications and explicitly clarify the theory.  相似文献   

加入WTO对我国海运服务贸易的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国加入WTO不仅给我们带来了严峻的挑战,也为我们提供了新的发展机遇。我国在进一步开放海运服务贸易市场的同时,必须采取适当的措施保护我国航运企业免遭毁灭性打击,促进我国海运服务贸易业的繁荣与发展。  相似文献   

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