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时代的发展使得环境污染问题愈发严重,机动车成为排放污染物的重要贡献者。因此,发展新能源汽车具有很强的战略性必要性。常见的混合动力汽车可粗略分为两大类:HEV 普通型混合动力汽车;PHEV 插电式混合动力汽车。前者的代表性车型为:丰田普锐斯、一汽丰田卡罗拉双擎。后者的代表车型为:比亚迪秦、荣威Ei6等国产车型。特殊车型为传祺GA5插电增程式电动车。本文重点介绍PHEV插电式混合动力汽车根据不同混动架构,在馈电时对驾驶质感以及能耗的影响做出分析、以及探讨可采取对应结构的改进方法及手段的可行性分析。PHEV插电式混合动力汽车馈电驾驶质感以及能耗的改变最终通过P0位置加装BSG电机或者P1位置加装ISG电机(适用于P3结构混合动力车型、代表车型比亚迪秦)、采用能量分流的混动架构(例如一汽丰田卡罗拉双擎)以及双电机增程式架构(例如传祺GS4 GA5新能源前轴发动机带动发电机发电输出动力的任务完全交给大功率的独立电机)等。通过该方式使得在馈电状态时,发动机与传动系脱藕,于最佳经济转速只用于发电。从而使能量得到最合理的利用、实现馈电油耗低、以及馈电行驶质感提升的目的。  相似文献   

基于对混合动力汽车能量管理策略优化的目的,建立了丰田PnusPlug-in混合动力汽车的MATLAB/Simulink数学模型,用数学公式描述了系统优化控制问题,采用粒子群优化算法对该包含众多约束条件的非线性优化问题进行了求解,利用PSAT专业软件对比分析了基本型优化控制算法、改进型优化控制算法和规则控制算法等的控制效果及燃油经济性。结果表明,经过优化后的Plug-in混合动力汽车在不牺牲汽车各项性能的前提下能提高动力系统工作效率。  相似文献   

基于对混合动力汽车能量管理策略优化的目的,建立了丰田Prius Plug-in混合动力汽车的MATLAB/Simulink数学模型,用数学公式描述了系统优化控制问题,采用粒子群优化算法对该包含众多约束条件的非线性优化问题进行了求解,利用PSAT专业软件对比分析了基本型优化控制算法、改进型优化控制算法和规则控制算法等的控制效果及燃油经济性。结果表明,经过优化后的Plug-in混合动力汽车在不牺牲汽车各项性能的前提下能提高动力系统工作效率。  相似文献   

In this paper, a design method for a PHEV hydraulic control system was proposed considering motor thermal management. Dynamic models of the target PHEV were developed including the hydraulic system, which consists of one mechanical and one electric oil pump. The required motor cooling flow was designed based on the motor temperature, which was obtained from a one-dimensional thermal equivalent circuit model including the heat source and oil spray cooling. Combining the PHEV powertrain model, hydraulic control system model, and the motor thermal model including the cooling system, an integrated simulator was developed for the target PHEV. Using the integrated simulator, the temperatures of MG1 and MG2 were investigated for various motor cooling flow rates when the PHEV underwent a highway driving cycle. The energy consumption of the hydraulic control system was also evaluated. It was found from the simulation results that a hydraulic control system of the target PHEV could be designed that satisfied the required flow for the motor cooling, lubrication and brake control using the design procedure proposed in this study.  相似文献   

为了提高插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)在电量保持下的燃油经济性,并解决插电式混合动力汽车在运行过程中动力元件效率对系统能量利用率影响的问题,制定了系统效率最优的控制策略。以PHEV关键动力部件的测试数据为基础,建立发动机、驱动电机、无级变速器(CVT)以及动力电池等关键部件的效率数值模型,并考虑了温度及荷电状态(SOC)对动力电池充放电功率的影响。设计以混合动力系统效率最优为适应度评价函数,将CVT速比、发动机转矩作为优化变量,以车速、加速度和SOC为状态变量,在动力性指标的约束下,运用遗传算法进行迭代寻优,PHEV的系统效率在第20代左右收敛于全局最优值。同时发动机转矩和CVT速比通过多代遗传进化,较快收敛于最佳值。将相关优化结果与车速、加速度拟合成相应的三维控制数表,综合数值建模和试验测试数据建模的方法,基于MATLAB/Simulink搭建插电式混合动力汽车整车控制策略仿真模型,采用新欧洲行驶循环工况进行仿真验证。结果表明:插电式混合动力汽车在电量保持模式下,利用遗传算法优化的系统效率最优控制策略相比优化前,动力电池SOC运行更为平稳,CVT效率有所提升,驱动电机及发动机转矩分配更为合理;百公里燃油消耗量从优化前的5.2 L降至4.5 L,燃油经济性提升了13.5%。  相似文献   

精进电动已在为全球范围的客户开发多个混合动力、插电式混合动力汽车驱动电机,并且将投入生产。  相似文献   

为使插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)拥有更好的经济性,文章提出一种以行星齿轮为动力耦合机构的双电机PHEV构型,实现了多种工作模式,避免了传统单电机构型下模式单一、效率低下问题。在此构型的基础上进行工作模式的划分与制定,能量管理策略的搭建。基于MATLAB/Simulink搭建整车模型及控制策略,对所建模型的准确性以及所提策略的有效性进行验证。仿真结果表明:在NEDC工况测试下,该构型车辆工作模式切换正确,可有效提升续驶里程,节能效果显著。  相似文献   

The plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) has various driving modes used in both internal combustion engine and electric motors. The EV mode uses only an electric motor and the HEV mode uses both an engine and an electric motor. Specifically, when the PHEV of a pre-transmission parallel hybrid structure performs mode changing, its engine clutch is either engaged or disengaged, which is important in terms of ride comfort. In this paper, to enhance the mode changing process for the clutch engagement, a PHEV performance simulator is developed using MATLAB/Simulink based on system dynamics and experiment data. Vehicle driving analysis is carried out of the control logic and properties of the mode changing. A compensated torque is applied during the mode change. This results in the rapid speed synchronization with the clutch although the trade-off relationship of the mode change. In addition, the mode changing is conducted through the transmission shifting process to rapidly synchronize with speed. The control strategy implemented in this study is shown to improve the drivability and energy efficiency of a PHEV.  相似文献   

Plug-in混合动力汽车动力总成优化设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用PSAT前向仿真软件,建立了双离合器式并联PHEV仿真模型.在确定了PHEV整车性能约束条件并对动力总成主要部件进行了成本分析之后,对不同伞电力续驶哩程和动力电池类型的PHEV动力总成进行了优化.结果表明:动力电池设计容量对整车成本影响最大,而它主要取决于所要求的全电力续驶里程;随着所要求的全电力续驶里程的增大,所需电机最大输出功率升高,而发动机最大输出功率则降低.  相似文献   

并联式混合动力电动汽车动力总成控制器硬件在环仿真   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对EQ6110并联式混合动力城市客车的动力总成系统结构和控制系统的分析,研制开发了用于并联式混合动力电动汽车(PHEV)的动力总成控制器设计开发的硬件在环仿真系统;详细介绍了动力总成各个部件仿真模型的建立,包括发动机模型、电机模型、动力电池模型以及传动系统模型等;通过Matlab/Simulink的建模,运用dSPACE实时计算系统成功地构建了PHEV多能源动力总成控制器的硬件在环仿真系统;最后进行了PHEV动力总成控制器硬件在环仿真的测试试验研究。  相似文献   

介绍了一种串联插电式混合动力系统的结构及工作原理,并以该混合动力汽车搭载的变速器为研究对象,确定了其结构形式及传动方案。利用AVL CRUISE软件计算并选择了变速器的主要参数,建立了变速器的三维实体模型,对变速器的齿、轴、轴承、壳体进行了仿真分析。最后结合变速器总成台架试验,验证了优化设计方案的合理性。  相似文献   

基于模型匹配控制的PHEV动态协调控制方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在分析发动机与电动机的动态响应特性基础上,设计基于模型匹配控制的整车动力系统动态协调控制方法,并在所建立的并联式混合动力汽车(PHEV)的前向仿真模型上对该方法进行研究,证明该方法能有效控制2个动力源的动力耦合过程,具有较高的转矩控制精度和很好的动态响应特性,并利用所建立的硬件在环仿真试验台对该方法进行试验验证。  相似文献   

A motor control strategy for an input-split hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is proposed. From a power characteristic analysis, it is found that the powertrain efficiency decreases for speed ratios at which power circulation occurs. Using dynamic models of an input-split HEV powertrain, a motor-generator control algorithm for obtaining high system efficiency is designed by inversion-based control. The performance of the control algorithm is evaluated by the simulator which is developed based on PSAT, and simulation results are compared with the test results. It is found that, even if the engine thermal efficiency is sacrificed by moving the engine operation point from the OOL for the control strategy, improved overall powertrain system efficiency can be achieved by the engine operation that gives a relatively high efficiency from the viewpoint of the overall powertrain efficiency. The control algorithm developed can be used in design of future electric vehicles.  相似文献   

为改善插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)的燃油经济性,提出一种基于规则的能量管理策略.结合智能网联汽车技术,利用烟花算法(F WA)结合系统约束条件,对能量管理策略参数进行优化,以求使车辆在变化的路况下能耗最低.为减轻沉重运算负荷,设计了一种事件触发机制来控制优化操作的启停.当车辆油耗超过预设上限则开始优化,一旦油耗满足预...  相似文献   

为了提升插电式混合动力汽车(PHEV)的动力系统的真实能效,从综合能效最优的角度,研究了插电式混合动力系统能量管理策略.针对系统综合效率的时变性和耦合性,建立了系统效率评价模型,对电池储存电能的效率进行评价和动态修正,以系统综合效率最优为目标,结合粒子群优化算法,构建了能量管理策略.基于GT-Suite和Simulin...  相似文献   

The hybridization of the conventional thermal vehicles nowadays constitutes a paramount importance for car manufacturers, facing the challenge of minimizing the consumption of the road transport. Although hybrid power train technologies did not converge towards a single solution, series/parallel power trains with power-split electromechanical transmissions prove to be the most promising hybrid technology. In fact, these power trains show maximum power train overall efficiency and maximum fuel reduction in almost all driving conditions compared to the conventional and other hybrid power trains. This paper addresses the model and design of the electro-mechanical configuration of one of the most effective HEV power trains: case study of the 2nd generation Prius. It presents the simulation work of the overall operation of the Toyota Hybrid System (THS-II) of the Prius, and explores not only its power-split eCVT innovative transmission system but also its overall supervision controller for energy management. The kinematic and dynamic behaviors of the THS-II power train are explained based on the power-split aspect of its transmission through a planetary gear train. Then, the possible regular driving functionalities that result from its eCVT operation and the energy flow within its power train are outlined. A feed-forward dynamic model of the studied power train is next proposed, supervised by a rule-based engineering intuition controller. The energy consumption of the THS-II proposed model has been validated by comparing simulation results to published results on European, American and Japanese regulatory driving cycles.  相似文献   

为了增强现有六模式汽车自适应巡航(ACC)系统全工况下的适应性,文中综合考虑了2车相对速度、相对距离和本车速度等参数对ACC系统控制策略的影响,提出了1种六模式ACC系统控制模式的划分方法,并定量地确定了控制模式划分的边界条件.为了使ACC系统能够根据车辆行驶工况做出合理的响应,分别设计了各控制模式的加速度算法.将模式划分方法及控制策略建立相应的Simulink模型,考虑到PreScan具有场景建立便利性和可视化等优点,采用PreScan仿真场景并通过CarSim车辆动态模型,对所设计的六模式ACC系统进行了仿真试验.仿真结果表明:提出的六模式ACC系统,在全工况特别是前车切入等复杂工况下,较现有的六模式ACC系统表现出更好的适应性.   相似文献   

A novel parallel hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) configuration consisting of an extra one-way clutch and an automatic mechanical transmission (AMT) is taken as the study subject of this paper. An energy management strategy (EMS) combining a logic threshold approach and an instantaneous optimization algorithm is developed for the investigated PHEV. The objective of this EMS is to achieve acceptable vehicle performance and drivability requirements while simultaneously maximizing engine fuel economy and maintaining the battery state of charge (SOC) in its rational operation range at all times. Under the MATLAB/Simulink environment, a computer simulation model of the studied PHEV is established using the bench test results. Simulation results for the behavior of the engine, motor, and battery illustrate the potential of the proposed control strategy in terms of fuel economy and in keeping the deviations of SOC at a low level.  相似文献   

并联式混合动力电动汽车动力总成控制策略的仿真研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张欣  郝小健  李从心  岑艳 《汽车工程》2005,27(2):141-145
分析了并联式混合动力电动汽车(PHEV)动力总成的构成及主要传递参数,阐述了电力辅助控制策略以及控制逻辑的具体实现,建立了PHEV动力总成各子系统包括发动机、电机和电池等的仿真模型,利用建立的仿真软件进行了控制策略及其控制参数的仿真研究。仿真结果表明,电池特性及发动机运行参数对整车的性能有较大的影响,根据不同的控制要求,调整相应的控制参数值,可以达到改善整车性能的目的。  相似文献   

苗强  梁永 《上海汽车》2012,(8):15-17
针对插电强混式车载电池储能系统进行相关的碰撞安全研究,提出对车载电池储能系统在碰撞工况下的安全保护设计要求,并基于上汽所进行的插电式混合动力车型开发项目,实施具体的安全设计方案,通过试验验证设计方案的可行性,可以推广到其它相关项目应用。  相似文献   

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