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2007年,交通运输部鼓励发展甩挂运输、厢式运输等先进运输组织方式,这一新思路无疑给寻求降低运输成本的盛辉带来生机。"我们从杂志上看到了美国等道路货运的相关报道,深受启发。在与我省厦门、福州等依托港口和大型生产企业开展短途甩挂运输作业的运输企业交流、探讨的基础上,我们认为可以利用自身的货运网络在货源较充足的线路上尝试甩挂。"盛辉物流集团董事长刘用辉说。  相似文献   

福建省盛辉物流集团(简称"盛辉物流")2007年全年节省车辆燃油消耗量近3000吨,价值1500多万元,走出了一条经济增长与节能减排同步、安全管理与节能管理并重,降低成本与保护环境互动的节约型发展道路.  相似文献   

一边是物流企业面临着油价上涨等运营成本高居不下的现实,一边是制造企业希望进一步降低物流成本的呼声,第三方物流企业在夹缝中艰苦跋涉.业内专家指出,观念上的转变和运营模式的创新.是物流企业摆脱困境的唯一出路.  相似文献   

创新:传化物流基地的成功之道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传化物流从浙江经济的实际出发,创造性地提出"3.5PL"的物流运营平台,取得政府、企业和员工的三赢格局。本文主要对传化物流的经营模式进行详细介绍,希望能对其他企业产生借鉴意义。  相似文献   

"两张皮"现象剖析 "两张皮"的三大表现形式在汽运企业经营管理中比较典型. 第一,生产经营与质量管理分离. 某汽运公司导入ISO9001质量管理体系以来,在经营单位和职能科室时常会听到"我做ISO工作"之类的话,给人一种感觉:ISO是日常生产经营活动之外的事.举一个较典型的例子:某汽运总公司下面的一个分公司成为质量管理体系覆盖单位以后,这项工作便落实在一个人头上;在之后总公司的管理评审中,该分公司又在各部门设立一个专门搞"ISO"的工作人员.  相似文献   

5月19日,由中国交通运输协会主办、中国物流与采购联合会等单位协办的"2006现代物流管理高层论坛"在京举行.  相似文献   

俗话说,安居才能乐业.物流基地的建设,正仿如民营物流的"安居工程". 宝供安居样本 "对外资全面开放后,毫不夸张地说,物流业将会血雨腥风.宝供一定要转型为物流供应链的专业服务商才有可能应对."  相似文献   

依靠人工作业、绩效表现差、客流高峰期旅客排长队等突出问题一直困扰着汽车客运站管理者。传统车站应如何转型7便捷性、商业性、安全性、可控性孰轻孰重?汽车客运站应如何把握整合大局?笔者认为,传统车站需要及时对站房与站场的各项硬件与配套设施设备进行科学规划与全面改造,其中也  相似文献   

开展甩挂运输的动因成立于1992年的福建盛辉物流集团,是以零担货物运输为主、集仓储配送、物流策划、集装箱运输和汽车维修、检测为一体的大型综合物流企业。公司注册资本3.2亿元,自有运输车1300多辆,经营场所70多万平方米,员工6400  相似文献   

经过两年多的沉寂,全球并购市场在2004年再度活跃.包括<华尔街日报>在内的许多主流经济媒体都乐观地认为,新一轮全球并购浪潮即将到来.  相似文献   

This work presents a novel reverse logistics system for post-disaster debris. Effectiveness of the proposed system is demonstrated by applying it to a case study in Wenchuan County of China. The county was the epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008. A multi-objective linear programming model is also formulated capable of systematically minimizing total reverse logistical costs, corresponding environmental and operational risks, and psychological trauma experienced by local residents why they waited for medical treatment and removal of debris. The psychological stress induced during the debris reverse logistic process is the integral of an increasing marginal function of the waiting time for medical treatment and debris removal. Numerical results indicate that when considering risk-induced and psychological costs, the proposed model can reduce such costs associated with post-disaster debris reverse logistics by 22.62% and 54.93%, respectively, from their values when only the logistical costs are minimized. Although reducing the psychological cost of disaster victims, the temporary storage of disaster-hit sites increases the psychological costs of individuals who are processing the debris. We recommend increasing on-site storage and treatment capacities to reduce risk-induced and psychological costs with a lower increase in logistical costs. When the risk tolerance ranges from its minimum value to +25%, the Pareto fronts are closer than those of the risk tolerance increase by more than +25%. Efforts are underway to design a tool based on the Pareto analysis method for future decision making.  相似文献   

在国内外逆向物流理论研究基础上,结合我国废旧家电市场现状进行分析,得出第三方逆向物流是解决目前我国废旧家电行业问题的一种有效途径。运用层次分析法对第三方废旧家电逆向物流服务商进行甄选,并且构建了一套由第三方废旧家电逆向物流服务商参与的系统模型,利用线性规划方法描述了再利用逆向物流网络的构建,并结合具体案例利用软件LINGO分析了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

河南长通运输有限公司(简称"长通")董事长杨志平谈起成功,感受最深就是创业历程没有神话,但有谋略;没有坦途,但有捷径,而更多的是执著和机遇. 有人将长通发展之路比成"蒲公英模式"--在贫瘠的土地上扎根生长,成就辉煌的生命.这似乎也是杨志平的成长写照.她从一个贫家女到一个集团总裁的奋斗史,河南运管局货运处杨处长用最简单的话进行了概括,留给记者以极大的想象空间.他说,"去她那里看看吧,看了你就知道民营物流企业是怎么发展的,也会知道什么叫做斗志!杨志平是郑州这一群老总中相当有斗志的一个."  相似文献   

由于鲜活农产品的时效性、分散性,目前国内很少对这类产品物流进行系统研究;鲜活农产品物流的合理发展不仅促进农民经济收入,而且有效引导农村剩余劳动力转移。以寿光市蔬菜物流中心为例,分析了鲜活农产品物流现状和特点,提出了鲜活农产品物流运作模式,同时也为山东省发展农产品物流运作模式提出了建议。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an advanced solution for efficient logistics management in urban areas based on a unified scheme able to address both static and dynamic decision making at a company and network level. The proposed solution generates the most efficient urban distribution plan utilizing an evolutionary metaheuristic approach and a backpressure framework that provide competitive scheduling and routing decisions. An empirical study based on real data is conducted assessing the performance of the proposed advanced solution and the reported results of the evaluation experiments demonstrate its generality and robustness.  相似文献   

德国物流行业2007年产值超过2000亿欧元,位列经贸和汽车工业之后排在第三位,物流成本占国内生产总值的比重在10%以下.物流产业社会化和综合服务水平高,物流企业注重物流技术研究和专业化、规模化经营,基本实现了以运输合理化、仓储标准化、装卸机械化、加工配送一体化和信息管理网络化为标志的现代综合物流管理与服务.  相似文献   

This paper explores shippers’ (i.e. logistics buyers) and logistics service providers’ (LSPs) perceptions of green concerns under diverse contractual settings during the key phases of the logistics purchasing process: request for proposal, negotiations, contracting and execution. Accordingly, it derives recommendations that could increase the actors’ inter- and- intra-organisational alignment on green targets throughout these phases. Empirical data are obtained from eight individual cases of three shippers and five LSPs, representing the buyer/seller roles within logistics arrangements. Contrary to previous literature holding the view that setting more green demands by shippers would guarantee green outcomes, the findings show that shippers’ green demands may hinder green logistics applications due to impediments to LSPs’ asset-sharing strategies. Also, a deadlock situation is revealed in the negotiations phase, where both actors await each other to introduce additional demands/offers—calling for further regulatory intervention to release this deadlock. Moreover, this paper shows how a mismatch of interests in contractual periods between shippers and LSPs can obstruct green investments—signalling that the green criterion is not the decisive factor in shaping shippers’ outsourcing strategies. The findings also stress a lack of follow-up efforts by shippers on green measures that were specified pre-contract, attributing this to contrasting intra-organisational objectives within shippers’ firms. This paper contributes to the green logistics purchasing literature by revealing how different contractual settings play an important role in shaping shippers’/LSPs’ perceptions of green concerns during the logistics purchasing process. Further, it is one of the first studies to provide phase-specific recommendations to increase the actors’ alignment on green targets.  相似文献   

10月31日,在深圳召开的首届中国国际物流暨供应链管理博览会上,深圳市六大局齐聚论坛.  相似文献   

8月8日,国务院正式批复的《天津市城市发展总体规划》(以下简称"城总规")给天津服下了一颗定心丸.  相似文献   

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