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Carbon cycling in the Weddell Sea was investigated during the ANT X/7 cruise with `FS Polarstern' December 1992–January 1993. Samples were taken on a cross section from Kapp Norvegia to Joinville Island, and on a section from the Larsen Ice Shelf to the northeast. The following quantities were measured: total carbon dioxide (TCO2), fluorescence from humic substances and total organic carbon. The distribution of TCO2 was strongly positively correlated to the time elapsed since the various water masses were last ventilated. In general, humic substance fluorescence was positively correlated with TCO2, with the exception of the productive part of the western Weddell Sea, where the correlation was negative in the surface mixed layer. The increased fluorescence at the surface is suggested to be a result of biological production. The distribution of total organic carbon showed less structure, since this quantity includes a particulate component, which is subject to dispersion processes different from those of the dissolved components TCO2 and humic substances. The mean total organic carbon concentration below the surface mixed layer was 50 μmol l−1. At some stations, a steep TOC maximum around 2000 m depth was observed. This was interpreted to result from mass sinking of phytoplankton blooms. Total organic carbon had a maximum in surface water, and at some stations also a second subsurface maximum. In the Warm Deep Water (WDW), TCO2 and fluorescence had their maximum values, while total organic carbon tended to be low. In low productivity surface water in the eastern part of the Kapp Norvegia–Joinville Island section, the lowest flourescence was found. Surface water is eventually formed from Warm Deep Water, which had the highest fluorescence values, and therefore it is concluded that humic substances were removed in situ from surface water. In the central area of the Weddell Sea, TCO2 and fluorescence showed the highest Warm Deep Water maxima, while total organic carbon was low. The Warm Deep Water in this area is part of the so-called Central Intermediate Water which circulates for a long time within the Weddell Gyre. Reduced total organic carbon, which coincides with the most pronounced Central Intermediate Water characteristics, and high TCO2 can thus both be accounted for by continued degradation of organic matter in this water mass. The associated fluorescence maximum implies that humic substances are also produced during mineralisation. Recently formed bottom water, by contrast, could be seen as patches of low TCO2, low fluorescence and high total organic carbon along the western slope of the Weddell Sea.  相似文献   

Within the SCAR's international EASIZ programme, as part of the benthic–pelagic coupling experiment, grain size and organic matter contents in marine surface sediment were measured. Samples were taken during the austral autumn of 2000 from 3 regions in the eastern Weddell Sea: Kapp Norvegia, Four Seasons Bank, and Austasen.In general, sediments were fine sand with a grain size fraction < 200 μm representing more than 40% of the total weight. The sediments from Four Seasons Bank (64 to 107 m depth) were coarser than those from Austasen and Kapp Norvegia (209 to 480 m depth), presumably due to winnowing of fine sediment at shallow depths. Organic carbon (OC) content ranged from 0.25% to 1.2% and constituted 10% to 97% of the total carbon. The samples from Kapp Norvegia presented the highest OC values. Overall, protein (PRT), lipid (LPD), and carbohydrate (CHO) contents were similar to those in sediment from cold regions (e.g., the North Atlantic and the Ross Sea) but higher than those in sediment from other Antarctic and more septentrional regions (e.g., the Ross Sea and the Mediterranean). The difference within the Antarctic is explained through the local conditions in Terra Nova Bay and Kapp Norvegia. In the Antarctic, PRT and LPD carbon were the main contributors to the biopolymeric carbon (BPC). In the eastern Weddell Sea shelf, the BPC accounted for more than 90% of the OC in most of the samples. More than 82% of the total PRT, LPD, and CHO were present in the fraction < 200 μm. This work remarks the existence of sediments with a high nutritional value persistent several weeks after the spring–summer pulse of fresh organic matter. It is also highlighted the high potential availability of these sediments (due to its grain size) for the benthic communities inhabiting this high-latitude continental shelf.  相似文献   

Data from two cruises, one in April/May 1996 and one in December/January 1993, covering the same wide area in the offshore Weddell Sea, were used to derive the annual extent of entrainment and the capacity of the biological pump. The former property was obtained with the help of dissolved oxygen data, whereas the latter was approximated with nutrients. Especially the data from April/May, representing the initial state of the winter surface layer, were crucial to assess the annual extent of these processes. The results were applied to our carbon dioxide data. The annual increase of the Total CO2 (TCO2) concentration in the surface layer due to vertical transport amounts to 16.3 μmol kg−1. An entrainment rate of deep water in the surface layer amounting to 35±10 m yr−1 was deduced. The compensating, biologically mediated TCO2 reduction was calculated to be larger than the TCO2 increase due to vertical transport. Since the balance of these two processes determines whether the Weddell Sea is a source or a sink of CO2, this indicates that the Weddell Sea, albeit upwelling area, is definitely a sink for atmospheric CO2 on an annual basis. This conclusion is further supported by contemplations that the biological drawdown of CO2 in the Weddell Sea as a whole is probably underestimated by our calculations. The new production for the Weddell Sea on a per unit area basis was found to be much higher than that for the Antarctic Ocean, when the latter value is being obtained by traditional biological methods. On the other hand, the CO2 uptake by the Weddell Sea on a per unit area basis is somewhat smaller than the CO2 uptake by the world ocean.  相似文献   

Sedimentological and oceanographic inferences have been obtained for the NW Ross Sea using sedimentary 210Pb as a tracer together with determinations of biogenic silica and organic carbon. 210Pb chronologies give apparent accumulation rates ranging between 14 and 80 mg cm−2 yr−1 (0.02–0.12 cm yr−1) in the shelf basins. Even if a profile of 210Pb is present in sediments from the top of the banks, here sediment accumulation rate is practically null, and physical mixing is responsible for the downward transport of fine particles and associated 210Pb. The accuracy of 210Pb-derived accumulation rates is discussed with respect to 14C dates. The annual rate of biogenic accumulation from 210Pb appears to be ca. 8 times higher than the value derived using radiocarbon. Bioturbation is probably responsible for the discrepancy but also temporal and spatial variations in opal accumulation play a key-role. Contrasting measured and expected inventories of 210Pb, a residence time of about 50 years has been tentatively estimated for the water in the NW Ross Sea. Furthermore, the data suggest that the pattern of present-day biosiliceous sediment accumulation in the Ross Sea is mainly driven by biogenic silica production in the water column, the SW area being the most productive part of the Ross Sea, by high sediment accumulation rate which enhances the seabed preservation, and by hydrodynamics, which is so effective to resuspend fine biogenic particles from the topographic highs. Resuspended particles are then deposited onto the flanks. The material which accumulates in the central part of the basins derives basically from primary production and settling through the water column.  相似文献   

Data on hydrography, phyto- and zooplankton, obtained on a transect along the 0° meridian during the Winter Weddell Gyre Study, June 1992, revealed peculiarities of the early winter situation in the eastern Weddell Gyre. The vertical distribution and developmental stage composition of Rhincalanus gigas, Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus and krill, Euphausia superba larvae, were a good index for a general assessment of the seasonal condition of the plankton communities. There were five zones differing in seasonal situation: (1) The Polar Front and the southern ACC (not studied in detail), (2) The Weddell Front, (3) The Weddell Gyre interior, (4) The Maud Rise area, and (5) The Coastal Current zone. In the Weddell Front, the planktonic community resembled an autumnal situation with moderate phytoplankton biomass; the overwintering stock of copepods was not completely formed and the occurrence of calyptopes larvae of E. superba indicated that krill continued to reproduce until May. In the Weddell Gyre interior, a typical winter plankton community was found even before sea ice had formed. The specific hydrographic regime of the Maud Rise (governed by the mesoscale circulation over the seamount) support the late autumn conditions similar to the Weddell Front (but without early krill larvae). The plankton of the Coastal Current was a winter community. We conclude that in the eastern part of the Weddell Front (compared to the western part) seasonal development of both phytoplankton and herbivorous zooplankton is delayed in spring but prolonged in late autumn. Furthermore, it appears that the Weddell Sea ecosystem exhibits a much higher degree of spatial and temporal variability than thought before. This may have an impact on seasonal pattern of organic carbon transport from the pelagic realm to deeper water layers and to the sediment.  相似文献   

The North Aegean Sea constitutes an important region of the Mediterranean Sea since in its eastern part the mesotrophic, low salinity and relatively cold water from the Black Sea (outflowing from the Dardanelles strait) meets the oligotrophic, warm and very saline water of Levantine origin, thus forming a thermohaline front. Mesozooplankton samples were collected at discrete layers according to the hydrology of the upper 100 m, during May 1997 and September 1998. In May highest biomass and abundance values (up to 66.82 mg m− 3 and 14,157 ind m− 3) were detected in the 10–20 m layer (within the halocline) of the stations positioned close to the Dardanelles strait. The front moved slightly southwards in September, characterized by high biomass and abundance values within the halocline layer. The areas moderately or non influenced by Black Sea water revealed lower standing stock values than the frontal area in both cruises and maxima were detected in the uppermost low salinity layer. Samples collected at the stations and/or layers more influenced by Black Sea water were distinguished from those collected at layers and/or stations more affected by Levantine waters in both periods. In May the former samples were characterized by the copepods Acartia clausi, Centropages typicus, Paracalanus parvus. The abundance of the above species decreased gradually with increasing salinity, in the horizontal and/or in the vertical dimension, with a parallel increase of the copepods Oithona plumifera, Oithona copepodites, Oncaea media, Ctenocalanus vanus, Farranula rostrata. During September the frontal area as well as that covered by the modified Black Sea water, were highly dominated by the cladoceran Penilia avirostris and doliolids. For both seasons, MDS plots, issued from the combination of mesozooplankton and water-type data, revealed the gradual differentiation of zooplankton composition from the frontal area towards the area covered by Levantine water, following the spreading and mixing of the Black sea water. The observed temporal and spatial variability in the distribution pattern of mesozooplankton standing stock and species composition seems to depend considerably on the variability of circulation and frontal flows.  相似文献   

In polar regions sea ice is a site of enhanced primary production during winter and provides important habitat for small grazers, such as copepods. We sampled zooplankton from the sea ice and water column throughout 2005, near Dumont d'Urville station (Terre Adélie, Antarctica). Three species of ice-associated copepods were found: two calanoid copepods Paralabidocera antarctica and Stephos longipes and the harpacticoid copepod Drescheriella glacialis. P. antarctica was the most abundant of the three and was closely associated with the sea ice during most of the year. This species had a one year life cycle with a probable over-wintering period in the sea ice as nauplii and a short copepodite phase in spring. Reproduction and spawning occurred in early summer. A comparison with two other populations (near Syowa and Davis stations) along the east coast of Antarctica showed that there was a temporal shift in the life cycles of the three populations, which was linked to variability in sea ice conditions. D. glacialis was the second most abundant copepod and was more common during the winter than during summer, indicating its preference for the sea ice habitat. In autumn, the presence of D. glacialis in the deeper part of the water column suggested that this species colonised the sea ice from the benthos. S. longipes was found only in the water column near Dumont d'Urville and was not very abundant. In Terre Adélie particular environmental conditions, such as the absence of a permanent sea ice zone throughout the year, a longer time of open water, strong katabatic winds and the presence of polynyas, have influenced both the abundance and distribution of the three common ice-associated copepods.  相似文献   

We use hydrographic, current, and microstructure measurements, and tide-forced ocean models, to estimate benthic and interfacial mixing impacting the evolution of a bottom-trapped outflow of dense shelf water from the Drygalski Trough in the northwestern Ross Sea. During summer 2003 an energetic outflow was observed from the outer shelf ( 500 m isobath) to the  1600 m isobath on the continental slope. Outflow thickness was as great as  200 m, and mean speeds were  0.6 m s− 1 relative to background currents exceeding  1 m s− 1 that were primarily tidal in origin. No outflow was detected on the slope in winter 2004, although a thin layer of dense shelf water was present on the outer shelf. When the outflow was well-developed, the estimated benthic stress was of order one Pascal and the bulk Froude number over the upper slope exceeded one. Diapycnal scalar diffusivity (Kz) values in the transition region at the top of the outflow, estimated from Thorpe-scale analysis of potential density and measurements of microscale temperature gradient from sensors attached to the CTD rosette, were of order 10− 3−10− 2 m2 s− 1. For two cases where the upper outflow boundary was particularly sharply defined, entrainment rate we was estimated from Kz and bulk outflow parameters to be  10− 3 m s− 1 ( 100 m day− 1). A tide-forced, three-dimensional primitive equation ocean model with Mellor-Yamada level 2.5 turbulence closure scheme for diapycnal mixing yields results consistent with a significant tidal role in mixing associated with benthic stress and shear within the stratified ocean interior.  相似文献   

Three surveys were carried out in anchovy spawning periods in southern Yellow Sea in May and June 2001, and June 2002. Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration, bacterioplankton abundance, biomass and their variations along the zone of tidal fronts were investigated. The results showed that (1) high Synechococcus abundance distributed more often in frontal area and middle-surface layer of a stratified zone; and (2) the maximal abundance of bacteria occurred in stratified and mixed zone.  相似文献   

The Arabian Sea exhibits a complex pattern of biogeochemical and ecological dynamics, which vary both seasonally and spatially. These dynamics have been studied using a one-dimensional vertical hydrodynamic model coupled to a complex ecosystem model, simulating the annual cycle at three contrasting stations. These stations are characterised by seasonally upwelling, mixed-layer-deepening and a-seasonal oligotrophic conditions, respectively, and coincide with extensively measured stations on the two JGOFS ARABESQUE cruises in 1994. The model reproduces many spatial and temporal trends in production, biomass, physical and chemical properties, both qualitatively and quantitatively and so gives insight into the main mechanisms responsible for the biogeochemical and ecological complexity. Monsoonal systems are typified by classical food web dynamics, whilst intermonsoonal and oligotrophic systems are dominated by the microbial loop. The ecosystem model (ERSEM), developed for temperate regions, is found to be applicable to the Arabian Sea system with little reparameterisation. Differences in in-situ physical forcing are sufficient to recreate contrasting eutrophic and oligotrophic systems, although the lack of lateral terms are probably the greatest source of error in the model. Physics, nutrients, light and grazing are all shown to play a role in controlling production and community structure. Small-celled phytoplanktons are predicted to be dominant and sub-surface chlorophyll maxima are robust centers of production during intermonsoon periods. Analysis of carbon fluxes indicate that physically driven outgassing of CO2 predominates in monsoonal upwelling systems but ecological activity may significantly moderate CO2 outgassing in the Arabian Sea interior.  相似文献   

Distribution of drifting seaweeds in eastern East China Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In offshore waters with relatively low primary production, drifting seaweeds composed of Sargassum species form an identical ecosystem such as an oasis in desert. Commercially important pelagic fishes such as jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) and yellow tail (Seriola quinqueradiata) spawn in East China Sea pass their juvenile period accompanying drifting seaweeds. Therefore drifting seaweeds are very important not only in offshore ecosystem but also fishery resources. However the distribution of drifting seaweeds in East China Sea has scarcely known. Then we conducted two research cruises of R/V Hakuho–Maru in May 2002 and in March 2004. During the cruises, drifting seaweeds were visually observed from the bridge and sampled with a towing net. The observation revealed that the drifting seaweeds were distributed along the front between the Kuroshio Current and coastal waters and mainly composed of one seaweed species, Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh from spring to early summer. There are no reports on geographical distribution of this species in the coasts south of southern Kyushu Island in Japan. Kuroshio Current flows northeastward there. Buoys with GPS attached to drifting seaweeds released off Zhejiang Province, China, in March 2005 to track their transport. Their positions monitored by ORBCOM satellite showed that they were transported to the area in East China Sea, where the drifting seaweeds were observed during the cruises, in 2 months. These facts suggest that S. horneri detached from Chinese coast in March or months earlier than March could be transported to fringe area of continental shelf and waters influenced by Kuroshio Current from March to May. Therefore the Sargassum forests, especially S. horneri, along the Chinese coast play a very important role in the ecosystem of the East China Sea as a source of drifting seaweeds.  相似文献   

In the framework of the Italian Research Programme in Antarctica (PNRA) an oceanographic cruise was carried out between December 2000 and February 2001 in the Western Ross Sea. n-Alkanes and PAHs concentrations were analysed in sea-water samples collected at different depths at four sites (D, B, CA2, and CA). Vertical profiles of pressure, temperature, salinity and fluorescence were also performed in order to distinguish the water masses present in the sampling areas. n-Alkanes concentrations were consistent with those found in the same area during previous expeditions and showed higher values in the particulate due to the low temperatures. n-Alkanes profiles exhibited different features in the dissolved and particulate phases. The dissolved phase was characterised by a bimodal distribution with two maxima at C16 and C24 and prevalent compounds in the range C15–C32 whereas particulate was strongly dominated by long chain n-alkanes C23–C34 with C24 (Site B, CA and CA2) or C32 (Site B) as Cmax. CPI values and Pr/Ph ratios suggested a prevalent biogenic origin for aliphatic hydrocarbons. n-Alkanes vertical distributions were affected by the dynamic of the pack-ice melting and phytoplankton activity as well by the chemical–physical properties of water masses. Higher n-alkanes values were found in the High Salinity Shelf Waters (HSSW), lower n-alkanes values were found in the Antarctic Surface Waters (AASW) and Modified Circumpolar Deep Water (MCDW).The low PAHs concentration levels confirmed the still pristine character of the Antarctic environment. Neither particular trend in total PAHs concentrations along the water column and nor correlations with the most characteristic water masses of the investigated area of the Ross Sea were observed, except that total PAH higher concentrations were generally observed in correspondence of HSSW.  相似文献   

A new model to simulate the dispersion of plutonium in the eastern Irish Sea is presented. The model solves the 3D hydrodynamic equations using normalized σ coordinates in the vertical simultaneously with the suspended matter equation. Pu can be present in three phases: water, suspended matter and bottom sediments. Reduction and oxidation reactions are also included in the model, in terms of reaction rates, since Pu can be present in the marine environment in principally two different oxidation states. Two kinetic models are presented to describe the transfers of radionuclides between the liquid and solid phases: a one-step model consisting of a single reversible reaction and a two-step model consisting of two consecutive reversible reactions. It has been found that both models can properly simulate the contamination of the waters and sediments from the eastern Irish Sea due to the releases from the BNFL Sellafield nuclear fuel processing plant, since the outputs from both models are very similar and in agreement with observations. Also, both models can simulate the speciation of Pu between the reduced and oxidized forms. However, if the dominant source of radionuclides to the water column is redissolution from a contaminated sediment, a process that is actually occurring in the Irish Sea, it has been found that a two-step model must be used. Indeed, a one-step model predicts the redissolution from the sediment to be unrealistically rapid.  相似文献   

以美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)再分析气象资料作为驱动风场条件,运用第三代海浪模式WAM的第四版本(WAMC4)在西北太平洋海域建立二级嵌套波浪模型,利用连云港、冷家沙现场观测波浪资料对模型进行了验证,检验了该模型在东中国海波浪研究中的适用性.针对东中国海进行了连续60年(1950-2009)的波浪后报模拟,在此基础上开展了东中国海波浪时空分布特征研究.结果表明:四季的平均有效波高等值线与岸线形状基本保持一致,且由南向北逐渐递减;有效波高分布的季节差异显著,冬季浪高最大,其次为秋季,春季、夏季最小.通过对比分析平均波浪要素和5%累积频率波浪要素的定量关系发现,在渤海范围内,5%累积频率有效波高与平均有效波高之比约为2.75,黄海与东海大部该比值则分别约为2.50和2.35,而5%累积频率平均周期与平均周期的比值在整个东中国海范围内约为1.45.  相似文献   

东中国海波浪分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)再分析气象资料作为驱动风场条件,运用第三代海浪模式WAM的第四版本(WAMC4)在西北太平洋海域建立二级嵌套波浪模型,利用连云港、冷家沙现场观测波浪资料对模型进行了验证,检验了该模型在东中国海波浪研究中的适用性针对东中国海进行了连续60年(1950—2909)的波浪后报模拟,在此基础上开展了东中国海波浪时空分布特征研究.结果表明:四季的平均有效波高等值线与岸线形状基本保持一致,且由南向北逐渐递减;有效波高分布的季节差异显著,冬季浪高最大,其次为秋季,春季、夏季最小。通过对比分析平均波浪要素和5%累积频率波浪要素的定量关系发现,在渤海范围内,5%累积频率有效波高与平均有效波高之比约为2.75,黄海与东海大部该比值则分别约为2.50和2.35,而5%累积频率平均周期与平均周期的比值在整个东中国海范围内约为1.45。  相似文献   

Seasonal and inter-annual variations in surface freshwater fluxes in the Mediterranean Sea are examined. Evaporation and precipitation rates are estimated from ERA15, the re-analysis project carried out at the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for the period 1979–1993. A seasonal cycle of river runoff is computed from a recent historical data set. The climatological mean for precipitation (326 mm/yr) is comparable to previous estimates, whereas that for evaporation (920 mm/yr) is low compared to other independent estimates, but regions of high and low evaporation rates are correctly located. The budget reveals an annual mean freshwater deficit in the Mediterranean of 480 mm/yr, lower than previous estimates because of the lower evaporation rate estimated by ECMWF. Consequently, the flows through the straits of Gibraltar and Sicily, deduced from the freshwater budget, are found to be slightly low.Seasonal and inter-annual variabilities of ERA15 precipitation are consistent with those deduced from independent precipitation estimates obtained with SSM/I observations for the 1988–1993 period. ECMWF and satellite estimates both agree on the amplitude of the seasonal cycle. The seasonal cycle of the river runoff has a globally small contribution to the freshwater budget, but is significant in summer when the precipitation is nearly null. The variability of the freshwater flux for the Mediterranean as a whole shows a strong seasonal cycle (amplitude of 50 mm/month), which seems to be mainly controlled by evaporation. The inter-annual variability of the freshwater flux, however, appears to be governed mainly by precipitation. Its amplitude, which is of the order of 50 mm/yr on average but may reach nearly 150 mm/yr for a particular year, is considered to be large but nevertheless not sufficient to explain differences observed in the estimates of the climatological mean freshwater flux proposed by various authors. The freshwater deficit in the Mediterranean Sea has globally increased by nearly 50 mm, mainly because of a decrease in precipitation over this 15-yr period.  相似文献   

Continuous measurements of the surface water CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) and the chlorophyll a fluorescence were performed in the Baltic Sea using a fully automated measurement system deployed on a cargo ship. The ship commuted regularly at two day intervals between the Mecklenburg Bight (Luebeck) and the Gulf of Finland (Helsinki). The pCO2 data collected during June 2003 and September 2004 were used to identify biological production events such as the spring bloom and the midsummer cyanobacteria bloom in five different sub-regions. To quantify the net biomass production, the decrease of the total CO2, NCT (normalized to a uniform alkalinity), during the production periods was calculated using the pCO2, temperature and salinity records and the mean alkalinity. Taking into account the CO2 air/sea exchange and the formation of dissolved organic carbon, a simple mass balance yielded the net production of particulate organic carbon which represents the total biomass. The chlorophyll a concentrations obtained from the fluorescence data showed peaks that in most cases coincided with the production maxima and thus supported the interpretation of the pCO2 data. The production during both the spring bloom (2004) and the midsummer nitrogen fixation period (2003) increased by a factor of about three from the southwest to the northeast. For the spring bloom our estimates were significantly higher than those based on the winter nutrient supply and Redfield C / N and C / P ratios. This indicated the existence of additional nutrient sources such as dissolved organic nitrogen, early nitrogen fixation and preferential P mineralization. Midsummer NCT minima were observed only in 2003 and used to quantify the nitrogen fixation activity and to characterize its interannual variability.  相似文献   

The optimal spectral decomposition (OSD) method is used to reconstruct seasonal variability of the Black Sea horizontally averaged chlorophyll-a concentration from data collected during the NATO SfP-971818 Black Sea Project in 1980–1995. During the reconstruction, quality control is conducted to reduce errors caused by measurement accuracy, sampling strategy, and irregular data distribution in space and time. A bi-modal structure with winter/spring (February–March) and fall (September–October) blooms is uniquely detected and accurately documented. The chlorophyll-a enriched zone rises to 15 m depth in winter and June, and deepens to 40 m in April and 35 m in August. The June rise of the chlorophyll-a enriched zone is accompanying by near-continuous reduction of upper layer maximum chlorophyll-a concentration.  相似文献   

Pigments, size and distribution of Phycoerythrin-containing unicellular cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. within the euphotic zone were studied for the first time in April–May 1994 in the western and southwestern Black Sea by epifluorescence microscopy and flow-cytometry. Synechococcus was present in varying quantities at every station and depth studied. Surface spatial distribution of Synechococcus revealed that cells were much more abundant in offshore waters than near coastal regions under the direct influence of the Danube river. Minimum and maximum cell concentrations ranged between 9×102 and 1.45×105 cells/ml at the surface, between 2×103 and 1.23×105 cells/ml at the chlorophyll sub-maximum layer, and between 1.3×102 and 3.5×102 at the nitrite maximum layer. Cells at the chlorophyll sub-maximum layer (based on in-situ fluorometer readings) fluoresce brighter and longer than the ones at the surface and lower depths. Spectral properties of chromophore pigment types of total 64 clonal isolates from different depths down to the lower layer of the euphotic zone (60 m) in the southern Black Sea coast revealed that all have type 2 phycoerythrobilin in common, lacking in phycourobilin. In vivo fluorescence emission maxima for the phycoerythrobilin were about the same (578 nm) for all isolates. All isolates examined showed in vivo absorption maxima at between 435 and 442 nm and at about 681 nm due to chlorophyll-a. Based on the flow cytometer mean forward light scatter data for size distribution, it could be concluded that cells at the surface mixed layer (0–10 m) were larger in cell size than the cells at lower depths (20–60 m).  相似文献   

The results of a study on the spatial and temporal dynamics of size-fractionated biomass and production of phytoplankton in the Ross Sea during the austral spring and summer are reported. The spring cruise took place in the offshore Ross Sea from 14 November to 14 December 1994. Sampling was carried out on a transect of 27 stations distributed from 76.5 to 72.0°S along 175°E, and covered the three main Antarctic environments of the polynya open waters, the marginal ice zone and the pack ice area. Three subsystems were identified. The subsystem of the polynya was characterised by the predominance of the micro- and nano-planktonic fractions, chlorophyll (Chl a) concentrations from 69.6 to 164.7 mg m−2 and production rates from 0.68 to 1.14 g C m−2 day−1. The second subsystem, the marginal ice zone, showed a relative increase of the micro-planktonic fraction, high biomass levels (from 99.64 to 220 mg Chl m−2) and production rates from 0.99 to 2.7 g C m−2 day−1. The subsystem of the pack ice area had a phytoplankton community dominated by the pico-planktonic fraction and showed low biomasses (from 19.4 to 37.7 mg Chl m−2) and production rates (0.28 to 0.60 g C m−2 day−1). Selective grazing by krill is considered an important factor in determining the size structure of the phytoplankton communities. The summer study consisted of a time series carried out in inshore waters of Terra Nova Bay from 12 January to 8 February 1990. In a well stabilised water column and with high levels of PAR always available, the primary production rates of a community dominated by micro-plankton varied from 0.52 to 1.2 g C m−2 day−1 (average 0.84). A high P/B ratio, up to 3, and a remarkably elevated mean phaeopigment (Phaeo)/Chl a ratio of 2.4 indicated an active removal of biomass by grazing, confirmed by the presence of faecal pellets in quantities reaching 6000 m−3 in the upper 50 m. The peculiarities of the inshore versus offshore environments in terms of community size structure, production processes and their implications as regards the food web are discussed.  相似文献   

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