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风力机叶片翼型气动特性数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对NACA63-215翼型绕流流动建立了二维可压缩湍流模型,利用商业软件NU-MECA进行了相应的数值模拟计算.湍流粘度分别采用基于RANS的Spalart-Allmaras和Baldwin-Lomax两种湍流模型来处理,得出了雷诺数为3×106时,翼型NACA63-215的升力系数和阻力系数随来流攻角的变化关系及压力分布图,并与试验数据进行对比.研究结果表明:Spalart-All-maras湍流模型比Baldwin-Lomax湍流模型在预测翼型失速后气动性能方面更加有效,Spalart-Allmaras湍流模型在大攻角下较易收敛且计算出的翼型气动性能与试验值更接近.  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的水平轴海流发电机叶片优化方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
余龙  周诗尧  李航 《船舶工程》2017,39(10):82-87
提出一种基于遗传算法优化(GA)的水平轴海流发电机叶片优化方法,采用Xfoil和BEMT作为分析工具,适用于二维翼型和三维叶片的多目标优化,并以此为基础编写一套叶片优化程序。该优化方法在增加叶片获能效率和减小推力方面具有显著效果,同时对于翼型性能的提升也同样出色。  相似文献   

为寻求一种具有良好稳定性和气动效率的翼型,进而提高潜艇指挥台围壳和尾翼的稳定性和气动性能,受到座头鲸和猫头鹰独特翼型结构的启发,首先设计两类锯齿状仿生翼型,通过数值求解非定常Navier-Stokes方程,揭示相同雷诺数条件和相同攻角下不同锯齿尺寸的仿生锯齿翼型的气动特性与流场特性,并与NACA0012翼型性能进行比较...  相似文献   

方圆  段磊 《舰船科学技术》2020,42(13):103-108
与固定式风力机不同,漂浮式风力机气动性能受六自由度平台运动影响。其中,平台纵摇运动的影响尤为重要。本文基于计算流体力学(CFD)方法,使用IDDES模型和重叠网格技术,研究漂浮式风力机气动性能在纵摇运动影响下的特性。使用实验数据验证数值模型,对漂浮式风力机在纵摇运动影响下的气动响应和周围流场实施数值模拟。结果表明,漂浮式风力机气动响应与平台纵摇运动同周期变化,且叶轮推力、扭矩的幅值以及平均功率随纵摇运动振幅增加而增大,随纵摇运动周期增加而减小。此外,发现漂浮式风力机在纵摇运动中的动态失速和尾涡干扰现象。漂浮式风力机的纵摇运动将对其气动性能产生较大影响,因此应在设计阶段予以考虑。  相似文献   

汽轮机叶片冲蚀试验中液滴尺寸分布的光散射测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据气液两相流中液滴尺寸分布服从双参数Rosin-Rammler分布的特点,介绍了一种双角度前向小角光散射测量液滴尺寸分布的方法。采用该方法在汽轮机叶片热态湿蒸汽冲蚀试验台上进行了连续100h的在线测量。试验结果和测量的不确定度分析表明,该方法简单可靠,可以应用于气液两相流的在线测量。  相似文献   

杨亦霖  陈威  胡以怀 《船舶》2011,22(6):6-8,13
引入一种近海面梯度风场的计算方法,通过Spalart—Allmaras湍流模型求解三维不可压流体的N—S方程,计算近海面风场实际分布下一种翼型风帆的气动表现。比较了定值风速气动特性与梯度风表观气动特性的升阻比,同时讨论了在所述条件下,应用定值风速气动特性分析海面实际风场下风帆表现引起的误差。  相似文献   

[目的]为研究冰水池结冰的特征和影响因素,对冰池水结冰过程开展数值模拟分析.[方法]采用计算流体力学软件FLUENT中的流体体积法(VoF)两相流模型,建立冰水池数值模型,设定热力学边界条件,观察计算域内温度场和冰场的动态变化过程,分析冷气进口设置方案对结冰过程的影响.[结果]研究结果表明,随着冷气进口数量增加,冰水池...  相似文献   

张宇  潘洋洋  黄驰 《机电设备》2022,(4):143-147
以轴流排烟风机翼型为研究对象,对Joukowsky翼型型线表达式进行了简化,获得了2个由六参数确定的翼型形状函数表达式,可以分别对翼型上下型线进行表示,对各参数应满足的范围进行了分析。通过Isight平台集成CFD软件,对标准翼型NACA0012进行了优化设计,结果显示:翼型升阻比系数提升了22.4%,升力系数提升了18.0%,气动性能得到了显著提升。由此证明,基于该形状函数法进行排烟风机翼型的优化设计是可行的,为今后风机性能的改进打下了基础。  相似文献   

[目的]旨在研究在寒冷环境下空气中大量存在的过冷水滴在船舶动力系统进气道中结冰对进气系统气动性能的影响。[方法]首先,以NACA 0012翼型为研究对象,对该翼型的气动性能进行数值计算,通过与实验值对比,验证所建立的模型和数值模拟方法的有效性;其次,采用拉格朗日法对过冷水滴的撞击特性进行数值模拟研究,采用用户自定义函数(UDF)对商业软件Fluent进行二次开发,对不同来流条件下该翼型的水收集系数进行数值模拟分析;最后,结合动网格技术和UDF自编程序对该翼型的结冰特性进行单向耦合的数值模拟研究,并分析结冰后的翼型气动性能。[结果]结果表明,来流攻角和水滴直径对水滴的撞击范围和及收集系数有较大影响,来流速度对水滴的撞击范围影响较小,但对水收集系数有一定影响。此外,在0°攻角条件下,翼型前缘积冰对其气动性能影响较小,但是,在5°攻角条件下,前缘积冰对其气动性能有严重影响。[结论]研究结果可为船舶动力系统进气道结冰预测分析以及后续防冰工作提供参考。  相似文献   

为降低风力发电机叶片噪声,探索从形貌优化到降低风叶噪声的解决方案。根据薄壁结构高刚度形貌优化以提高某阶模态频率为优化目标的特点,通过对风叶结构模态分析,为形貌优化确定合适的目标模态。以风叶几何形状作为设计变量,体积作为约束函数,第一阶固有频率作为目标函数,对风叶结构进行了形貌优化。优化结果表明:改进后风叶第一阶固有频率值由42.3 Hz提高到57.6 Hz,提高了36.2%。在相同的激励下,优化得出的结构具有更多的振动衰减时间,从而达到减少振动以及噪音的目的。  相似文献   

The vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) configuration has many advantages for an offshore wind turbine installation. The VAWT is omnidirectional and its rotating mechanical components can be placed close to sea level. In this paper, the structural analysis of a VAWT blade structure subject to a critical load case was investigated with two methods, an analytical model and a finite element (FE) model. It was shown that the utilisation of a composite blade topology can resist the induced flapwise loading and the material strains were contained within their allowable limits. The analytical approach was demonstrated to be a quick and accurate technique to compute the composite blade strain distribution when compared to the FE model results.  相似文献   

应用数值方法对某两级带冠涡轮的流场进行模拟。基于原叶冠结构,增加叶顶间隙设计值,减小叶冠上的篦齿与机匣发生磨碰的可能性,并在机匣内壁设置梯形篦齿与原叶冠上的篦齿形成交错型篦齿结构进行密封。研究结果表明:机匣梯形篦齿的设计改变了叶冠顶部泄漏流流场结构,提高了叶冠的密封性能,改善了涡轮的气动性能;不同工况条件下交错型篦齿比原结构的涡轮效率提高了0.5%左右。  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of wind turbine blade-tower interaction by using the open source OpenFOAM tools coupled with arbitrary mesh interface(AMI) method were presented.The governing equations were the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS) which were solved by the pimpleDyMFoam solver,and the AMI method was employed to handle mesh movements.The National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL) phase VI wind turbine in upwind configuration was selected for numerical tests with different incoming wind speeds(5,10,15,and 25 m/s) at a fixed blade pitch and constant rotational speed.Detailed numerical results of vortex structure,time histories of thrust,and pressure distribution on the blade and tower were presented.The findings show that the wind turbine tower has little effect on the whole aerodynamic performance of an upwind wind turbine,while the rotating rotor will induce an obvious cyclic drop in the front pressure of the tower.Also,strong interaction of blade tip vortices with separation from the tower was observed.  相似文献   

Several floating wind turbine designs whose hull designs reflect those used in offshore petroleum industry have emerged as leading candidates for the future development of offshore wind farms. This article presents the research findings from a model basin test program that investigated the dynamic response of a 1:50 scale model OC3 spar floating wind turbine concept designed for a water depth of 200 m. In this study the rotor was allowed to rotate freely with the wind speed and this approach eliminated some of the undesirable effects of controlling wind turbine rotational speed that were observed in earlier studies. The quality of the wind field developed by an array of fans was investigated as to its uniformity and turbulence intensity. Additional calibration tests were performed to characterize various components that included establishing the baseline wind turbine tower frequencies, stiffness of the delta type mooring system and free decay response behaviour. The assembled system was then studied under a sequence of wind and irregular wave scenarios to reveal the nature of the coupled response behaviour. The wind loads were found to have an obvious influence on the surge, heave and pitch behaviour of the spar wind turbine system. It was observed from the experimental measurements that bending moment at the top of the support tower is dominated by the 1P oscillation component and somewhat influenced by the incoming wave. Further it was determined that the axial rotor thrust and tower-top shear force have similar dynamic characteristics both dominated by tower’s first mode of vibration under wind-only condition while dominated by the incident wave field when experiencing wind-wave loading. The tensions measured in the mooring lines resulting from either wave or wind-wave excitations were influenced by the surge/pitch and heave couplings and the wind loads were found to have a clear influence on the dynamic responses of the mooring system.  相似文献   

海上风力发电机组支撑结构动力响应特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈前  付世晓  邹早建 《船舶力学》2012,16(4):408-415
支撑结构设计是大型海上风电机组设计的重要部分。文章分析了海上风电机组的各种环境载荷,并以3MW风力机组为例计算其所受环境载荷,包括作用在支撑结构顶端的由风机叶轮转动引起的水平轴向力、作用在塔筒上的风载荷以及作用在基础上的海流、海浪载荷,并采用非线性弹簧来模拟基础与海底土层之间的相互作用。在考虑风轮影响情况下,利用有限元法对支撑结构进行了模态分析。最后,分析了环境载荷作用下支撑结构的动态响应。计算结果表明,在对海上风力发电机组进行动态响应计算时,环境载荷之间的相互耦合作用不能忽略。  相似文献   

风机运输甲板驳是用于海上风机运输的海洋工程辅助船,近年来随着海上风力发电的兴起而迅速发展。本文采用全船有限元直接计算和 CCS规范计算2种方法对某风机运输甲板驳的结构强度进行评估,计算表明该船结构强度满足设计要求。本文的研究成果和结论对同类型风电安装船舶的结构设计具有参考意义。  相似文献   

针对典型单桩海上风机结构,利用ANSYS建立有限元模型,并根据实际情况选取3种地震加速度激励和两个水深的波浪荷载,对结构进行地震单独作用动力分析以及地震与波浪联合作用下动力分析.对比分析结果表明:地震发生时,在水位较低、波浪较小的情况下,结构主要以地震作用引起的响应为主,波浪引起的响应相对较小;若地震发生的同时伴有极端恶劣海况,则结构响应较大;波浪对结构下部响应有较大的影响;由于地震加速度峰值与波浪力峰值之间存在相位差,所以两者联合作用时,结构的响应也会有减小的情况发生.由此可见,地震发生时波浪的存在将对结构动力响应造成不同程度的影响,在进行海上风机设计时,有必要考虑地震与波浪联合作用的情况.  相似文献   

In this study corrosion-fatigue tests have been conducted on fracture mechanics specimens extracted from an S355 G10+M structural steel welded plate. The tests have been performed on compact tension specimens with the crack tip located in the heat affected zone. The corrosion-fatigue test results from this study have been compared with the data available on the base metal as well as air tests on the same material. Moreover, the obtained results have been compared with the corrosion-fatigue data available in the literature on a wide range of steels and also the fatigue trends for welded joints in free-corrosion condition recommended in the BS7910 Standard. The effect of the specimen orientation, with respect to the weld region, is also examined in this study and it has been found that higher corrosion-fatigue crack growth rates are generally observed in the tests with 0° orientation. The results have also shown that the corrosive environment has significant effects on the fatigue crack growth acceleration at the beginning of the tests; however, as the crack propagates, the environmental damage effect on crack growth behaviour becomes less pronounced. The results presented in this study are discussed in terms of improvement in the structural integrity assessment of offshore wind turbine monopiles.  相似文献   

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