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手机频繁地出现在人们的日常活动中,甚至驾驶人驾驶时使用手机造成分心驾驶,产生了较大的安全隐患。目前世界范围内约束手机使用的法律、教材种类繁多,但对使用手机对驾驶人视觉及操作的影响缺乏了解。国内对该领域的研究相对较少,且主要停留在通过问卷和蹲点调查进行驾驶使用手机现状调查分析,或通过简单的驾驶模拟试验来进行特定行为特征分析的程度,我国驾驶员在真实驾驶状态下的驾驶使用手机情况和行为特征尚无明确的研究结果。本文依托上海自然驾驶研究数据,利用23名驾驶员2013年的115次出行数据对其驾驶行为特征与安全性进行研究。结果显示,被试驾驶员最常使用的手机功能为发送短信、通话和阅读,三者还对驾驶员的视线分心影响最大,达到最高的平均视线偏离时长;在操作分心方面,发送短信具有远高于其他功能的双手占用率;手机使用对于驾驶速度的波动和车辆在车道内的横向位置波动有极大的影响。  相似文献   

针对现有分心驾驶行为检测方法存在的检测精度低、实时性差等问题,利用基于深度学习的目标检测方法进行了驾驶员分心驾驶行为检测,首先构建分心驾驶行为数据集,包括驾驶员使用手机、饮水和吸烟3种行为的图像,并进行目标物的标注,然后选用轻量化目标检测模型NanoDet进行训练验证,结果表明,该方法可以准确并快速地识别出驾驶员在驾驶过程中使用手机、饮水和吸烟的行为。  相似文献   

手机和汽车大量走进人们的生活,手机功能不断丰富,人们对手机日益依赖,驾车频率和时长的提升,使得驾驶时使用手机行为频发的同时变得更为复杂,这给道路交通安全带来了巨大挑战。在世界范围内,驾驶使用手机导致的分心驾驶所引发的安全问题十分严峻。而我国分心驾驶交通事故的数据报告、相关的事故记录及官方报告缺失,相关研究内容和方法落后,因此,本研究基于"驾驶使用手机行为的问卷调查",了解和分析了我国驾驶人的驾驶使用手机行为现状,使用动机以及治理方式的接受情况,为防治驾驶使用手机行为提供了可行建议。结果显示,日常的手机使用习惯在驾驶时的投射十分明显,日常对手机依赖性较高,驾驶时同样较高;日常的手机功能使用喜好与驾驶时高度相似。此外,研究发现严苛而清晰的法律有助于降低驾驶时使用手机频率。  相似文献   

驾驶中使用手机通话存在安全隐患,可能直接或间接地导致交通事故.从驾驶时使用手机的原因切入,分析了手机使用对驾驶的影响.手机使用引起驾驶分心从而影响驾驶行为.总结国内外手机对驾驶影响的研究,得出结论.   相似文献   

驾驶中拨打手机对驾驶人脑力负荷及驾驶行为的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于驾驶模拟实验平台,选择高速公路、城市道路2种交通环境,对3名低龄驾驶人正常驾驶与拨打手机驾驶情况下的脑力负荷及驾驶行为表征指标进行了全程监测。每组实验时间约为15min。其中,脑力负荷评估采用心率变异性相关指标,驾驶行为表征采用后视镜使用、转向灯使用、档位变换及速度变化等指标。实验结果表明,相比于正常状态驾驶中拨打手机时心率变异性指标,出现了驾驶人LFNU指标增大、HFNU指标减小、LF/HF比值明显增大、TP增大的现象,规律明显。在排除驾驶疲劳对心电指标产生影响的可能后,可初步判定出现以上现象的原因是拨打手机引起了驾驶人脑力负荷的大幅增加。在驾驶人认知资源有限的情况下,脑力负荷的增大造成了驾驶人在信息获取、转向灯使用、档位变换和车速保持等方面的能力有不同程度的下降。综上所述,驾驶中拨打手机使得驾驶人脑力负荷大幅增加,进而对驾驶行为产生了诸多负面影响,给交通安全带来了隐患。因此,建议相关部门在法律、法规中对驾驶中拨打手机的行为加以限制,以减少交通事故风险。  相似文献   

为解决网联环境下重型车驾驶人驾驶安全绩效评价在指标多样性、模型可靠性、评价完整性和结果可溯性等方面的问题,提出一种基于超效率数据包络分析的重型车驾驶人驾驶安全绩效评价框架,包括驾驶行为指标提取方法、包含零值的超效率数据包络分析方法和基于效率前沿分析的驾驶安全绩效提升方案。基于网联环境下重型车自然驾驶数据特征,提取6个行程级的危险驾驶行为指标作为模型输入项,包括:表征激进驾驶的超速行为、急加速行为和急减速行为;表征分心驾驶和疲劳驾驶的打哈欠行为、使用手机行为和吸烟行为。表征驾驶风险暴露因素的行驶时间和行驶里程作为模型输出项。将每个驾驶人视为独立的决策单元,构建3种驾驶绩效评价模型,分别从激进驾驶、分心和疲劳驾驶以及综合驾驶风险3个维度对驾驶绩效进行评价。进一步利用效率前沿分析准确识别低绩效驾驶人,并量化其达到最佳驾驶绩效所需提升的驾驶行为指标。将该框架应用于南京某重型车车队的34名驾驶人,使用连续3个月的网联数据开展驾驶绩效评价。结果表明:该框架能够准确计算驾驶绩效得分,不同驾驶绩效等级驾驶人之间的驾驶行为特征存在显著差异,超速行为和打哈欠行为是影响驾驶绩效评价结果的关键因素,针对低绩效...  相似文献   

营运车辆驾驶人因其职业特殊性,驾驶过程中易产生分心驾驶行为从而引发重大交通事故。为提高营运车辆驾驶人分心驾驶行为的检测准确性和泛化性,提出一种基于改进MobileViT网络的驾驶人分心行为检测方法。首先,基于自然驾驶实车试验,构建包含安全驾驶、使用手机、喝水、整理仪容和与副驾驶交谈5类行为的营运车辆驾驶人分心行为数据集。其次,将注意力机制引入轻量型MobileViT网络,通过选择有效的网络主干MobileViT、注意力模块CA、网络嵌入位置从而设计出最优分类模型MobileViT-CA。研究结果表明:所提出的MobileViT-CA分类模型可以有效提升分类网络的性能,在正常光照条件下的营运车辆驾驶人分心行为数据集和State Farm数据集上分别达到了96.57%和99.89%的准确率,且模型具有体积小、检测精度高的优势,有较高的可靠性和泛化能力。  相似文献   

导致疲劳驾驶的影响因素众多,量化相互间的关系是疲劳驾驶行为研究的理论基础.通过实车试验采集了32名驾驶人在疲劳状态下的驾驶行为数据,观测变量包括车速、加速度、车道位置、车头时距、血流量脉冲、皮电、闭眼周期等,并对数据进行了预处理以及利用Bootstrap法对样本容量进行扩充来满足结构方程模型对样本的需求.建立结构方程模型分析了疲劳程度、身体状况和驾驶经验之间的关系以及对疲劳驾驶行为的影响.结果表明,疲劳程度对驾驶行为的影响程度最大,达到0.944;其次是驾驶经验,相关系数为0.447,说明在驾驶过程中驾驶人应时刻注意自身的疲劳状况,因其会直接影响驾驶安全.  相似文献   

智能网联背景下的车联网数据分析与应用对提升交通智能化有重要影响。为了加快交通智能化进程,文章对车联网数据应用过程中存在的数据冗余问题进行研究。以采集的车联网数据为研究对象,驾驶行为特点分类辨识为研究目标。采用相关分析与主成分分析方法对数据进行冗余筛选与降维,使用k-means聚类算法对驾驶行为特点进行分类辨识。研究结果表明,使用数据降维的方法可以降低车联网数据的相关冗余性,驾驶行为特点分类辨识结果表明其特点可分为三类驾驶行为。研究提升了车联网数据的应用价值,也为交通智能化提供了相关的支持。  相似文献   

攻击性驾驶行为选择模型及影响因素敏感度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于行为学理论和非集计方法,以160名驾驶人为研究对象,确定了影响驾驶人攻击性驾驶行为选择的影响因素变量及取值方法,建立了攻击性驾驶行为选择模型(多项Logit模型)。运用弹性值理论进行各变量对攻击性驾驶选择行为的影响程度与过程敏感度分析;最后选取58名驾驶人的驾驶行为数据进行计算,验证模型的有效性。结果表明:驾驶人人格和其他车辆违法情况2个因素对驾驶人攻击性驾驶行为影响较大,起决定性作用;该模型计算值与量表判定值相对误差在10%左右,模型精度可满足实际使用要求。  相似文献   

Behavioral determinants in the form of safety performance indicators (SPIs) are increasingly being applied in addition to road traffic crash statistics to evaluate road safety. These SPIs help understand driving behaviors and adopt preventive measures for crashes. Behavior-explaining determinants, including attitude or subjective norms, are defined in the theory of planned behavior and are collected through surveys. In this study, data from three traffic behavior surveys, conducted in Germany, were employed, taking the example of mobile phone use while driving, which causes distraction and represents a road safety risk. The surveys differ in their methodology and results. While the Traffic Climate in Germany has been surveying the determinants of mobile phone use in a representative sample for several years, the E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes (ESRA) is conducted in parallel in several countries and allows for comparison with Germany. The survey by the International Association of Traffic and Safety Science (IATSS) only included the group of young drivers in Germany. All three surveys demonstrate that although attitudes and subjective norms tend to be negative, mobile phones are nevertheless used while driving. Major differences exist depending on the mode of use (hands-free calling, texting) and recent developments. Thus, regularly surveying the determinants and mapping the latest developments in terms of content is critical. Together, these surveys provide comprehensive insights into the topic and enable prevention approaches, such as the concrete communication of information to young drivers and the emphasis on dangers, even during the hands-free use of mobile phones while driving.  相似文献   

针对信号交叉口处行人使用手机对其安全产生不利影响的问题,以武汉市9个信号交叉口的实测数据为基础,对行人使用与不使用手机情况下的过街行为与安全性差异进行统计分析.以往的研究中,评价行人安全多通过简单的对比分析,很少有量化的参数依据;针对行人使用手机对过街安全的影响,以人车冲突为评价指标,建立了基于有序概率(OP)的模型,可以更好地量化评价与预测信号交叉口处的行人安全.结果 表明,有11个因素与人车冲突显著相关,包括行人年龄、使用手机方式、过街速度、行人是否与他人结伴过街、嘹望次数、闯红灯与否、车道数、上游车道左转流量、上游车道右转流量、进口道右转流量和信号周期.其中,使用手机会增加人车冲突的概率:在双向2,4,5,6和7车道上,过街时打电话行人的人均冲突分别是不使用手机行人的3.56,3.42,3.33,3.29和3.00倍;看屏幕行人的人均冲突分别是不使用手机行人的4.78,4.17,3.80,3.59和3.30倍;而听音乐行人和不使用手机行人之间的人均冲突并没有明显差异.   相似文献   

The existing literature on young and elderly drivers indicates that they have the highest crash risks compared to other age groups of drivers. This study improves our understanding of the risk factors contributing to young and elderly drivers' elevated crash risk by examining self-report data from the E-Survey of Road User's Safety Attitudes (ESRA). The primary objective of this study is to compare the attitudes and behaviours of young, elderly, and middle-age drivers in Canada, the United States, and Europe. The main focus is on the practice of driving while distracted by mobile phones and driving while fatigued, as these are two dangerous behaviours that demonstrate the impact age may have. The analyses consistently showed that there are differences in the responses attributable to age. In all regions, drivers aged 18–21 years consistently reported higher rates of distracted and fatigued driving and higher rates of perceived social and personal acceptability of these behaviours than drivers aged 35–54 years. Elderly drivers aged 65+ years reported even lower rates of these behaviours and acceptability. Young drivers were also the least likely to believe that distraction and fatigue are frequent causes of road crashes, while elderly drivers were the most likely to believe this. This pattern with respect to age repeats in the support for policy measures as well; young drivers are least likely to support zero tolerance policies for mobile phone use when driving, while elderly drivers are the most likely to support this measure. Multivariate logistic regression modeling confirmed that elderly drivers were the least likely to engage in the use of mobile phones while driving or driving while fatigued. Statistically significant results showed that the middle-age group was less likely than young drivers to read a text message/email or check social media while driving and driving while fatigued.  相似文献   

The road safety performance of a country and the success of policy measures can be measured and monitored in different ways. In addition to the traditional road safety indicators based on the number of fatalities or injured people in road traffic crashes, complementary road safety performance indicators can be used in relation to vehicles, infrastructure, or road users' behaviour. The last-mentioned can be based on data from roadside surveys or from questionnaire surveys. However, results of such surveys are seldom comparable across countries due to differences in aims, scope, or methodology.This paper is based on the second edition of the E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes (ESRA), an online survey carried out in 2018, and includes data from more than 35,000 road users across 32 countries. The objective is to present the main results of the ESRA survey regarding the four most important risky driving behaviours in traffic: driving under the influence (alcohol/drugs), speeding, mobile phone use while driving, and fatigued driving. The paper explores several aspects related to these behaviours as car driver, such as the self-declared behaviours, acceptability and risk perception, support for policy measures, and opinions on traffic rules and penalties.Results show that despite the high perception of risk and low acceptability of all the risky driving behaviours analysed, there is still a high percentage of car drivers who engage in risky behaviours in traffic in all the regions analysed. Speeding and the use of a mobile phone while driving were the most frequent self-declared behaviours. On the other hand, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs was the least declared behaviour. Most respondents support policy measures to restrict risky behaviour in traffic and believe that traffic rules are not being checked regularly enough, and should be stricter.The ESRA survey proved to be a valuable source of information to understand the causes underlying road traffic crashes. It offers a unique database and provides policy makers and researchers with valuable insights into public perception of road safety.  相似文献   

居民出行数据是交通规划中最重要的基础资料之一,但在传统居民出行调查中该数据的获取耗时长、成本高、自动化程度低,完全不能满足现行中国蓬勃的城市建设、规划的需要。该文提出了“person as sensor”的概念,也就是把居民日常使用的通讯工具——手机作为检测器,利用手机在居民使用过程中产生的大量位置和时间信息进行居民用户调查。该方法对现有的无线网络和手机都不需要进行任何修改,并且一旦实施将能够获取居民出行的实时数据。  相似文献   

随着宽带移动通信、物联网等新一代信息技术在交通领域中的应用,面向交通安全的移动互联环境下驾驶行为研究成为热点课题.为弥补现有研究中对车联网数据分析较少或对危险驾驶行为空间分析不足等缺陷,基于车辆自诊断系统(OBD)数据对危险驾驶行为进行了空间识别与提取,并基于交通小区(TAZ)分析了危险驾驶行为的空间分布差异.研究揭示了危险驾驶行为空间分布差异的内在机理,利用百度兴趣点(POI)数据度量了城市建成环境因素,通过最小二乘法(OLS)回归模型识别出建成环境对危险驾驶行为显著影响的变量,在此基础上采用基于地理加权回归(GWR)模型得出了不同建成环境变量对危险驾驶行为的空间影响系数.模型显示,采用GWR模型拟合结果优于OLS一倍,并且可以有效地揭示出空间建成环境对危险驾驶行为影响的时空特征,为交通管理与规划部门制定措施或政策提供了决策支持.   相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) constantly offers new opportunities and features to monitor and analyze driver behavior through wide use of smartphones, effective data collection and Big Data analysis, resulting in assessment and improvement of driver behavior and safety. The objective of the present study is to investigate the impact of detailed trip characteristics on the frequency of harsh acceleration and harsh braking events through an innovative smartphone application developed within the framework of BeSmart project. A 200-driver naturalistic experiment spanning 12 months is carried out since July 2019. During the first two months, participants were asked to drive in the way they usually did, without receiving any feedback on their driving behavior from the application. Over the subsequent two months, participants were provided with personalized feedback, a trip list and a scorecard regarding their driving behavior, allowing them to identify their critical deficits or unsafe behaviors. Some of the most important risk factors, such as speed and driving above the speed limit, usage of mobile phone while driving and harsh events (acceleration and braking) are recorded through the application and subsequently analyzed. Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects Models were fitted to the trips of car drivers who made frequent trips for both experiment phases in order to model the frequencies of harsh events. Results indicate that maximum speed, the percentage of speeding duration and total trip duration are positively correlated with both harsh acceleration and harsh braking frequencies. On the other hand, the exposure metric of total trip distance was found to be negatively correlated with both harsh event types. A small positive correlation of the percentage of mobile use duration with harsh accelerations was also detected.  相似文献   

One of the main pillars for improving road safety in any country is a good understanding of traffic safety culture and the driving behavior of local drivers. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether Egyptian drivers differ in traffic safety attitudes and level of acceptance of risky driving behavior. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the driving cognition of the participants. An exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the number of factors that differentiated the three types of drivers. Then a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to group the drivers with similar patterns of scores on the factors into clusters. Three driver clusters emerged: The drivers in cluster 1 were “drivers who rigidly followed regulations” (51.7%). The drivers in cluster 2 were “drivers who violated safety precautions” (23.3%). The drivers in cluster 3 were “drivers who had a tendency to violate regulations” (25.0%). A similarity between the social norms and personal attitudes of drivers was found. This can be explained by the high social norm of violating traffic laws, which can lead to more drivers accepting violations. The majority of the older drivers and drivers with no violations or traffic accident on their record in the past 2 years were in cluster 1. Cluster 2 had the highest proportion of young drivers who wore their seat belts and used hands-free phones while driving. Cluster 3 drivers accepted very dangerous violations, such as texting while driving, driving while intoxicated, and driving at very high speeds. They reported significantly more traffic accidents, but no more violations than the other two clusters. The results of this study can be used to improve road safety programs for education and enforcement in Egypt.  相似文献   

This paper gives a literature review from experimental, epidemiological and naturalistic studies, having tried to measure on the one hand, the impact of mobile phone use on driving and, on the other hand, the risk of accident associated with this practice. The overview of these studies allowed first of all to show that the driving task is altered during the period of mobile phone use, and to quantify the disturbance (experimental studies), then to verify that this disturbance can be at the origin of accidents and quantify this risk (epidemiological studies). The naturalistic studies, consisting in following-up fleet vehicles, give some more explanations and tend to confirm the results. Advantages and limits of each approach are also discussed.  相似文献   

随着汽车智能化和网联化的发展,汽车已经不再只是个简单的交通工具,车主开始关注并期待OEM能否像手机更新软件那样远程维护升级自己的车辆,以获得自身更好的驾驶享受及新功能体验。同时OEM为了降低由于产品软件漏洞等引发的召回风险及新功能的迭代更新,利用远程诊断技术,也都积极构建汽车OTA升级体系,实现整车OTA刷新应用。文章主要介绍了汽车OTA和远程诊断技术,并提出一种汽车OTA刷新中远程诊断设计方案,为OTA升级及故障诊断提供一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

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