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The accurate assessment of the remaining strength of corroded pipes is a subject that has been increasingly investigated over the past decades. This is because of the risk of significant social, economic, and environmental effects that may be caused by an accident. The finite element method has been successfully used to predict the collapse pressure considering external load. It was also used in this study. The literature primarily focused on the corroded pipes subjected to internal pressure. In this study, the out-of-roundness (ovalization) of the pipe was considered to evaluate the collapse pressure. Uncertainties should be incorporated into a computational model to assess the reliability of corroded pipes. Three methods for evaluation of the probability of failure were used: the first-order reliability method (FORM), traditional Monte Carlo (MC), and a new proposed methodology that combines MC results with the kernel density estimation method (MCkde). The probability of failure of ovalized corroded pipes subject to external pressure was computed. The results exhibited a good agreement between FORM and MCkde method. The statistical importance of each random variable was observed and the results were compared with those from intact ovalized pipes. The computation cost of the MC method with numerical simulation limits its use to the application under study. Solutions using the FORM and MCkde methods exhibited good agreement with those of the full MC method. However, the computational effort of the latter was independent of the stochastic dimension, and it was a derivative-free method. As expected, in general, the solutions based on empirical methods were conservative.  相似文献   

Upheaval buckling of submarine pipelines occurs due to relative movement of pipeline and surrounding soil and is often triggered by high operational temperature of the pipeline, initial imperfection of the pipeline, or a combination of both. Since buckling can jeopardize the structural integrity of a pipeline, it is a failure mode that should to be taken into account for the design and in-service assessment of trenched and buried offshore pipelines. In this study, a series of vertical (uplift) and axial pullout tests were carried out on model pipe segments buried in soft clay deposit similar to that present in Bohai Gulf, China. Pipe segments with three different diameters (= 30 mm, 50 mm and 80 mm) were buried in different depth-to-diameter ratios ranging from 1 to 8. Based on the results of laboratory tests, nonlinear force–displacement relations are proposed to model soil resistance mobilized during pipeline movement. The proposed nonlinear soil resistance models are employed in finite element analysis of buried pipelines with different amplitudes of initial geometric imperfections. Thermal upheaval buckling behavior of pipelines operating at different temperatures is studied. Results show that the capacity of pipeline against thermal buckling increases with the burial depth and decreases with the amplitude of initial imperfection.  相似文献   

舰艇管路系统的抗冲击性能弹性评估方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
舰艇管路系统的抗冲击安全性能是其生命力要素的重要组成部分,因此对舰艇管路的抗冲击设计分析方法的需求也十分迫切.本文以火力发电厂汽水管路设计计算方法为原理,对容易破坏的管路部件的应力增强系数进行验证性计算,提出了多点支撑管路系统的冲击载荷输入方法,给出了管路系统的抗冲击性能评估方法.通过试验,验证了评估方法具有足够的安全系数,可以作为舰艇管路系统抗冲击性能的评估方法.  相似文献   

结构轻型化是船舶设计的主要目标之一.针对某新型海上客滚船上层建筑设计,采用了立体刚架及密加筋板结构设计方案,并对其进行了局部和整体结构有限元分析.结果显示,与规范设计结果相比,该方案选用较薄的甲板板,结构强度优于按规范设计的方案,且具有良好的工艺性及经济性.本文结论可为大型船舶铝质上层建筑设计及规范有关条文的修订提供参考.  相似文献   

船舶结构有限元分析中分布载荷的离散化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文给出了船外水压力在船壳板及船体结构有限元网格节点上离散的一种方法。只要适当地选择本文所给出的计算公式,该方法可应用于任何受分布载荷作用的结构有限元分析或其它数值分析法中。  相似文献   

There is an increasing trend of living quarters in offshore structures being constructed using corrugated panels in order to save construction time and cost. Different from corrugated bulkheads in ship structures, the corrugated panels used in the living quarters are designed in triangular or trapezoidal profile with unequal flanges and with a corrugation angle between 45° and 90°. Industry needs have prompted the American Bureau of Shipping to develop design recommendations for the buckling strength assessment of these corrugated panels. This paper describes the main features and the principles of the recommendations based on ABS experience, along with the technical background. The modeling uncertainty associated with the recommended criteria has been established by comparing the predictions with laboratory tests and finite element analysis results. Two design examples are provided to demonstrate the application of the recommendations.  相似文献   

卷管法是海底管道铺设中的一种重要方法,由于其铺设过程涉及很多装备,因而管道的受力过程复杂。管道的上卷过程会使管道发生塑性变形并引起残余曲率,上卷过程造成的变形需要在退卷过程中进行校直,这个过程中的缠绕和校直引起的塑性变形,对管线造成的损伤不可忽视。首先介绍卷管式铺管法的铺设原理,然后利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS模拟管道上卷和退卷的动态过程,最后研究卷管铺设上卷和退卷过程中管道的轴向应变历史和应力应变关系以及管道弯曲曲率、截面椭圆率变化历史。结果表明,管道在经过卷筒、校准器、校直器时产生很大的弯曲曲率和截面椭圆率。  相似文献   

耐压液舱结构强度与稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用有限元方法对纵骨式耐压液舱结构进行系列计算,通过多参数多工况方案对比分析,详细讨论了耐压壳板半径、液舱壳板半径、耐压船体壳板板厚、液舱壳板板厚、相邻实肋板间距、相邻纵骨间距等参数对液舱壳板和耐压船体壳板结构强度和稳定性的影响,研究结果可供潜器耐压液舱结构设计参考,并为进一步完善耐压液舱结构的理论计算方法提供依据.  相似文献   

船舶板梁组合结构的振动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎胜  赵德有 《船舶工程》2000,(3):11-12,23
采用Mindlin板单元和参考轴杆单元,建立了考虑板剪切变形、骨架剪切变形和骨架偏心影响的船舶板梁组合结构振动分析模型,并研究比较了不同船舶板梁组合结构振动分析有限元模型的计算精度。最后通过对某舱室甲板固有频率计算值和实测值的比较,讨论了船舶局部结构振动分析中边界条件处理问题。  相似文献   

尹群  谢祚水 《船舶工程》1997,(5):11-13,23
本文研究了舰船相贯结构切口区的力学性能,应用先进的有限元分析系统,采用分步计算方法,详细分析了位于舰船船体不同部位,不同切口形状、不同切口尺寸不同切口角隅形状、不同通焊孔形式等情况下的应力分布规律,计算了相应的和集中系数,提出了多种加强方案,获得了相应的加强效果。  相似文献   

Ship collisions with offshore structures may be characterized by large amounts of kinetic energy that can be dissipated as strain energy in either the ship, or the installation, or shared by both. In this paper a series of FE numerical simulations are performed with the aim of providing a clearer understanding on the strain energy dissipation phenomenon, particularly upon the ship-structure interaction. Ships of different dimensions and layouts are modelled for impact simulations. Likewise, three platform jacket models of different sizes and configurations are considered. The collision cases involve joints, legs, and braces and are simulated for several kinetic energy amounts of the vessels and different impact orientations. An overview of the plastic deformation mechanisms that can occur in both ship and jacket structure is also given. The results from the various models with different collision scenarios are compared in terms of the strain energy dissipation with respect to the different ship/installation strength ratios. From the FEA simplified approaches are also derived in terms of the relative stiffness of the two structures for assessing the responses and energy absorptions of the two structures. The conclusions drawn from this study can be applied to a broader range of collision assessment of offshore steel jacket platforms subjected to high-energy ship impacts.  相似文献   

该直流接触器主要应用于电力机车牵引供电系统充电回路,为了满足高寿命的要求,其电磁机构采用串联双线圈设计。本文运用电磁场分析软件Maxwell对其电磁机构建立了动态特性仿真模型。仿真模型充分考虑了串联双线圈的自感、互感及动铁芯所受负载反力对机构动态特性的影响,通过试验测量了该直流接触器电磁机构的电流时间曲线及机械动作特性。试验结果表明,该直流接触器电磁机构的动态特性试验结果与仿真结果相吻合,其性能指标能满足该接触器的设计要求。该仿真方法为直流接触器电磁机构的设计和优化提供了一条有效的途径。  相似文献   

船体结构强度直接计算中的外载荷节点化方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在船体结构强度直接计算方法中,需要建立三维有限元模型,船体所受到的外载荷也应相应地转化为有限元节点力。本文给出了外载荷节点化的方法并编制相应的程序,用于船舶直接设计计算中。  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of ship hydroelasticity, which is an important technical issue in the design of ultra-large vessels. For the analysis of fluid-structure interaction problems, a partitioned method is applied. The fluid domain surrounding a flexible body is solved using a B-spline Rankine panel method, and the structural domain is handled with a three-dimensional finite element method. The two distinct methods are fully coupled in the time domain by using an implicit iterative scheme. The numerical results of natural frequency and the motion responses of simple and segmented barges are computed to validate the present method through comparisons with experimental and numerical results. This study extends to the application to two real ships, 6500 TEU and 10,000 TEU containerships, for more validation and also observation on the practicality of the present method. Based on this study, it is found that the present method provides reliable solutions to linear ship hydroelasticity problems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel numerical method through which less mesh-sensitive local stress calculations can be achieved based on the 3D solid finite element, adhering strictly to the original definition of hot spot stress. The traction stress, which is defined at 0.5t and 1.5t away from the weld toe, was calculated using either a force equivalent or work equivalent approach, both of which are based on the internal nodal forces on the imaginary cut planes. To confirm the validity of the proposed method, 5 typical welded joints widely used in ships and offshore structures were analyzed using 5 different solid element types and 4 different mesh sizes. Finally, the methodology was applied to the more complicated pontoon-column connection part of a semi-submersible RIG under a realistic wave load, and the performance of the proposed method was compared with the traditionally used surface stress extrapolation method.  相似文献   

The vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) configuration has many advantages for an offshore wind turbine installation. The VAWT is omnidirectional and its rotating mechanical components can be placed close to sea level. In this paper, the structural analysis of a VAWT blade structure subject to a critical load case was investigated with two methods, an analytical model and a finite element (FE) model. It was shown that the utilisation of a composite blade topology can resist the induced flapwise loading and the material strains were contained within their allowable limits. The analytical approach was demonstrated to be a quick and accurate technique to compute the composite blade strain distribution when compared to the FE model results.  相似文献   

舰船对动力设备的隔振性能要求越来越高,基于柴油机双层隔振系统,利用周期结构对弹性波的带隙特性,将双层隔振系统的筏体设计成周期结构。在ANSYS中对双层隔振系统进行谐响应计算,通过对比分析,斜方柱周期筏体在200-1000Hz内具有更好的隔振效果,在410.5 Hz、807 Hz处出现带宽分别为15Hz、29.5Hz带隙。采用缩减周期数的斜方柱周期筏体建立双层隔振实验系统,验证了斜方柱周期结构的带隙特性。  相似文献   

半潜式钻井船典型节点疲劳可靠性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张剑波 《船舶工程》2006,28(1):36-40
由于半潜式钻井船结构及其受力条件复杂,该文用SESAM软件对某钻井船进行了整体三维有限元计算,得到特定浪向和相位下结构的最大应力幅响应.以整体有限元计算结果作为载荷边界条件,用NASTRAN软件对钻井船上的一些典型管节点进行了局部有限元分析,得到节点的热点应力.在此基础上根据DNV和CCS规范对节点疲劳寿命进行了计算并对几个危险节点进行了可靠性分析和裂纹扩展寿命计算.  相似文献   

This paper reports the lateral – moment bearing capacity of bucket foundations under lateral loading in sand. The Modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) model is adopted to capture the hardening – softening behaviour in medium dense and dense sands within a finite element (FE) modelling framework. The FE model performance is assessed against available field test data as well as analytical solutions showing a relatively good agreement. A series of parametric study is conducted to investigate the effects of bucket aspect ratio, bucket diameter, load eccentricity, vertical load and relative density of sand on the lateral - moment bearing capacity of the bucket. Comparisons are drawn between the conventional Mohr-Coulomb (MC) model and the stress dependent MMC model highlighting the role of sand dilatancy in mobilising the lateral moment capacity. Based on the FE results, a simple stepwise calculation framework is proposed for two scenarios: (i) to predict the lateral - moment bearing capacity of the bucket if the bucket dimensions are known, and (ii) to design the bucket dimensions for a known required bucket capacity.  相似文献   

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