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To what extent will increasing High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane-kilometer incentivize carpooling and reduce emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases? To answer these questions, we develop a multiple regression model relating HOV lanes and other socioeconomic factors to carpooling propensity in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, then calculate the extent to which increasing HOV lane-kilometers would lead to reductions in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and major air pollutants across the U.S., by state. Increasing HOV lane extent has the greatest potential to reduce annual CO2e in the District of Columbia, followed by Hawaii and New York. The smallest potential is found in states with the lowest population density, led by North Dakota. We then explore the extent to which recommendations made at one level of data aggregation (that of individual states) may be valid for another level, such as individual counties. The only state with sufficient data available to disaggregate the model to the county level is California, where we found a lower potential for state-wide CO2e emission reductions under the county-level model as compared to the state-level model (0.69% as compared to 1.08%, under the same hypothetical scenario), albeit with significant differences in emission reduction potential between counties with higher vs. lower population densities. This analysis demonstrates the potential to generate generalizable insight into the magnitude of vehicle emission reductions that might be achieved through expanding HOV lanes, and highlights the importance of data disaggregation in identifying the optimal locations for potential reductions.  相似文献   

This study proposes a methodological framework to incorporate latent factors, including direct and indirect perceptions, as the explanatory variables in a discrete choice models using revealed preference and stated preference data sets. The methodology requires the estimation of a model system comprising of a discrete choice model and the structural and measurement equations of a latent variable model. The application involves the evaluation of responses to the new high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on the Sun Yat‐Sen Freeway in Taiwan. The results obtained from this study provide valuable insights into the planning and assessment of HOV lanes.  相似文献   

High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes are emerging as a solution to the underutilization of High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes and also a means to generate revenue for the State Departments of Transportation. This paper proposes a method to determine the toll price dynamically in response to the changes in traffic condition, and describes the procedures for estimating the essential parameters. Such parameters include expected delays, available capacity for toll-paying vehicles and distribution of travelers’ value of time (VOT). The objective function of the proposed pricing strategy can be flexibly modified to minimize delay, maximize revenue or combinations of specified levels of delay and revenue. Real-world data from a 14-mile of freeway segment in the San Francisco Bay Area are used to demonstrate the applicability and feasibility of the proposed method, and findings and implications from this case study are discussed.  相似文献   

Income inequity potentially exists under high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes whereby higher-income travelers may reap the benefits of the facility. An income-based multi-toll pricing approach is proposed for a single HOT lane facility in a network to maximize simultaneously the toll revenue and address the income equity concern, while ensuring a minimum level-of-service on the HOT lanes and that the toll prices do not exceed pre-specified thresholds. The problem is modeled as a bi-level optimization formulation. The upper level model maximizes revenue for the tolling authority subject to pre-specified upper bounds on tolls. The lower level model solves the stochastic user equilibrium problem. An agent-based solution approach is used to determine the toll prices by considering the tolling authority and commuters as agents. Results from numerical experiments indicate that a multi-toll pricing scheme is more equitable and can yield higher revenues compared to a single toll price scheme across travelers.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how people perceive the idea of carpooling and evaluate preferences while making a decision to join a carpool. Analysing data from a web-based stated preference survey in India reveals that cognitive attitudes play a significant role in evaluating the perceived advantages and disadvantages of carpooling whereas intentions to carpool are associated with perceived negative evaluations. A factor analysis identifies two latent attitudinal factors: a ‘time–convenience’ factor that discourages carpooling and a ‘private–public cost’ factor that encourages carpooling. The study analyses the influential attributes – extra travel time, walking time to reach meeting point, waiting time at pickup point and cost savings – as explanatory variables for the utility of carpooling. Cost savings prove to be the most significant attribute when combined with other attributes, followed by extra travel time. The study provides the implications to policy-makers of designing promotional tools to improve the propensity of carpooling among single occupant vehicle drivers.  相似文献   

Carpooling is an emerging alternative transportation mode that is eco-friendly and sustainable as it enables commuters to save time, travel resource, reduce emission and traffic congestion. The procedure of carpooling consists of a number of steps namely; (i) create a motive to carpool, (ii) communicate this motive with other agents, (iii) negotiate a plan with the interested agents, (iv) execute the agreed plans, and (v) provide a feedback to all concerned agents. In this paper, we present a conceptual design of an agent-based model (ABM) for the carpooling a that serves as a proof of concept. Our model for the carpooling application is a computational model that is used for simulating the interactions of autonomous agents and to analyze the effects of change in factors related to the infrastructure, behavior and cost. In our carpooling application, we use agent profiles and social networks to initiate our agent communication model and then employ a route matching algorithm, and a utility function to trigger the negotiation process between agents. We developed a prototype of our agent-based carpooling application based on the work presented in this paper and carried out a validation study of our results with real data collected in Flanders, Belgium.  相似文献   

This study evaluates a new approach for reducing delay, and consequently improving level of service and safety on long upgrades on two-lane rural roads. This is the systematic provision of overtaking lanes, termed passing-climbing lanes (PCL), to improve traffic flow, safety, and capacity. The traffic impact of such lanes is analyzed for various grades, traffic volumes, and lane configurations by means of a simulation model developed for this study. Results show that this concept could provide substantial flow benefits—reduction in delay and in passenger-car platooning—with implications for better safety. Although the reduction in delay is found to be more pronounced as volume increases, these results may be obtained even with a small percentage of passing-climbing lanes. A model predicting average relative delay, formulated and calibrated on the basis of the simulation output, explains 95% of the observed variability. The economic advantages of the concept in optimizing the distribution of a limited budget among several sites, in staging construction over several years, and in adapting highway investment to traffic-demand variations are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops a mathematical approach to optimize a time-dependent deployment plan of autonomous vehicle (AV) lanes on a transportation network with heterogeneous traffic stream consisting of both conventional vehicles (CVs) and AVs, so as to minimize the social cost and promote the adoption of AVs. Specifically, AV lanes are exclusive lanes that can only be utilized by AVs, and the deployment plan specifies when, where, and how many AV lanes to be deployed. We first present a multi-class network equilibrium model to describe the flow distributions of both CVs and AVs, given the presence of AV lanes in the network. Considering that the net benefit (e.g., reduced travel cost) derived from the deployment of AV lanes will further promote the AV adoption, we proceed to apply a diffusion model to forecast the evolution of AV market penetration. With the equilibrium model and diffusion model, a time-dependent deployment model is then formulated, which can be solved by an efficient solution algorithm. Lastly, numerical examples based on the south Florida network are presented to demonstrate the proposed models.  相似文献   

We verify that slow speeds in a special-use lane, such as a carpool or bus lane, can be due to both, high demand for that lane and slow speeds in the adjacent regular-use lane. These dual influences are confirmed from months of data collected from all freeway carpool facilities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Additional data indicate that both influences hold: for other types of special-use lanes, including bus lanes; and for other parts of the world.The findings do not bode well for a new US regulation stipulating that most classes of Low-Emitting Vehicles, or LEVs, are to vacate slow-moving carpool lanes. These LEVs invariably constitute small percentages of traffic; e.g. they are only about 1% of the freeway traffic demand in the San Francisco Bay Area. Yet, we show: that relegating some or all of these vehicles to regular-use lanes can significantly add to regular-lane congestion; and that this, in turn, can also be damaging to vehicles that continue to use the carpool lanes. Counterproductive outcomes of this kind are predicted first by applying kinematic wave analysis to a real Bay Area freeway. Its measured data indicate that the site selected for this analysis stands to suffer less from the regulation than will others in the region. Yet, we predict: that the regulation will cause the site’s people-hours and vehicle-hours traveled during the rush to each increase by more than 10%; and that carpool-lane traffic will share in the damages. Real data from the site support these predictions. Further parametric analysis of a hypothetical, but more generic freeway system indicates that these kinds of negative outcomes will be widespread. Constructive ways to amend the new regulation are discussed, as are promising strategies to increase the vehicle speeds in carpool lanes by improving the travel conditions in regular lanes.  相似文献   

Carpooling has been considered a solution for alleviating traffic congestion and reducing air pollution in cities. However, the quantification of the benefits of large-scale carpooling in urban areas remains a challenge due to insufficient travel trajectory data. In this study, a trajectory reconstruction method is proposed to capture vehicle trajectories based on citywide license plate recognition (LPR) data. Then, the prospects of large-scale carpooling in an urban area under two scenarios, namely, all vehicle travel demands under real-time carpooling condition and commuter vehicle travel demands under long-term carpooling condition, are evaluated by solving an integer programming model based on an updated longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithm. A maximum weight non-bipartite matching algorithm is introduced to find the optimal solution for the proposed model. Finally, road network trip volume reduction and travel speed improvement are estimated to measure the traffic benefits attributed to carpooling. This study is applied to a dataset that contains millions of LPR data recorded in Langfang, China for 1 week. Results demonstrate that under the real-time carpooling condition, the total trip volumes for different carpooling comfort levels decrease by 32–49%, and the peak-hour travel speeds on most road segments increase by 5–40%. The long-term carpooling relationship among commuter vehicles can reduce commuter trips by an average of 30% and 24% in the morning and evening peak hours, respectively, during workdays. This study shows the application potential and promotes the development of this vehicle travel mode.  相似文献   

Employer ridesharing programs and employee mode choice were analyzed using Southern California data. Problems in estimating the costs and benefits of employer ridesharing programs were identified. Surveyed firms used a wide variety of information to estimate employee mode split internally. Virtually all surveyed firms offered free or subsidized parking to some or all of their employees. Few responding firms estimated the cost of providing employee parking accurately, if at all. Despite these significant data limitations, factors influencing firm choice of employer ridesharing program components were identified. The influence of employer ridesharing programs on employee mode choice was modeled using weighted least squares logit regression analysis. Firm size was foung to be the single most important variable identified in the analysis. Larger firms were more likely to offer ridesharing incentives to their empolyees, and to report direct employer benefits from ridesharing. Alternative work hours hindered the formation of ridesharing arrangements in some cases. Relatively few firms promoted ridesharing on a purely voluntary basis. A private market for employer ridesharing services was found to exist, however. Personalized matching assistance may be a critical factor in developing more effective employer ridesharing programs. Parking pricing and supply control measures probably would have a larger impact on employee mode split overall. Parking management faces severe obstacles in implementation, some of which might be overcome through the more extensive provision of ridesharing services, such as personalized matching assistance. to employees at specific employment sites by their employers.  相似文献   

We analyze the vehicle usage and consumer profile attributes extracted from both National Household Travel Survey and Vehicle Quality Survey data to understand the impact of vehicle usage upon consumers’ choices of hybrid electric vehicles in the US. In addition, the key characteristics of hybrid vehicle drivers are identified to determine the market segmentations of hybrid electric vehicles and the critical attributes to include in the choice model. After a compatibility test of two datasets, a pooled choice model combining both data sources illustrates the significant influences of vehicle usage upon consumers’ choices of hybrid electric vehicles. Even though the data-bases have in the past been used independently to study travel behavior and vehicle quality ratings, here we use them together.  相似文献   

Land use can influence walking (measured by the number of steps) and so the health of people. This paper presents the result of empirical research on the impact of regional population densities (inhabitants per inhabitable area) on the number of steps (all steps, both outdoors and indoors). With data collected from almost 11,000 respondents in 148 Japanese regions, we estimate polynomial regression models, the total number of steps being the dependent variable and densities being the main independent variable. Regional population density significantly affects the number of steps after controlling for individual and household attributes. The estimated population density that maximizes the number of steps is around 11,000?persons/km2. Increasing densities, up to levels of around 11,000?inhabitants/km2, could increase walking and consequently the health of inhabitants. The population density elasticity of the number of steps is 0.046–0.049 in a simple log linear regression model without a peak.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine choice behavior in respect of the time at which battery electric vehicle users charge their vehicles. The focus is on normal charging after the last trip of the day, and the alternatives presented are no charging, charging immediately after arrival, nighttime charging, and charging at other times. A mixed logit model with unobserved heterogeneity is applied to panel data extracted from a two-year field trial on battery electric vehicle usage in Japan. Estimation results, obtained using separate models for commercial and private vehicles, suggest that state of charge, interval in days before the next travel day, and vehicle-kilometers to be traveled on the next travel day are the main predictors for whether a user charges the vehicle or not, that the experience of fast charging negatively affects normal charging, and that users tend to charge during the nighttime in the latter half of the trial. On the other hand, the probability of normal charging after the last trip of a working day is increased for commercial vehicles, while is decreased for private vehicles. Commercial vehicles tend not to be charged when they arrival during the nighttime, while private vehicles tend to be charged immediately. Further, the correlations of nighttime charging with charging immediately and charging at other times reveal that it may be possible to encourage charging during off-peak hours to lessen the load on the electricity grid. This finding is supported by the high variance for the alternative of nighttime charging.  相似文献   

In 2014, highway vehicles accounted for 72.8% of all Greenhouse Gases emissions from transportation in Europe. In the United States (US), emissions follow a similar trend. Although many initiatives try to mitigate emissions by focusing on traffic operations, little is known about the relationship between emissions and road design. It is feasible that some designs may increase average flow speed and reduce accelerations, consequently minimizing emissions.This study aims to evaluate the impact of road horizontal alignment on CO2 emissions produced by passenger cars using a new methodology based on naturalistic data collection. Individual continuous speed profiles were collected from actual drivers along eleven two-lane rural road sections that were divided into 29 homogeneous road segments. The CO2 emission rate for each homogeneous road segment was estimated as the average of CO2 emission rates of all vehicles driving, estimated by applying the VT-Micro model.The analysis concluded that CO2 emission rates increase with the Curvature Change Rate. Smooth road segments normally allowed drivers to reach higher speeds and maintain them with fewer accelerations. Additionally, smother segments required less time to cover the same distance, so emissions per length were lower. It was also observed that low mean speeds produce high CO2 emission rates and they increase even more on roads with high speed dispersions.Based on this data, several regression models were calibrated for different vehicle types to estimate CO2 emissions on a specific road segment. These results could be used to incorporate sustainability principles to highway geometric design.  相似文献   

Shared lanes at signalized intersections are designed for use by vehicles of different movement directions. Shared lane usage increases the flexibility of assigning lane grouping to accommodate variable traffic volume by direction. However, a shared lane is not always beneficial as it can at time result in blockage that leads to both capacity and safety constraints. This paper establishes a cellular automata model to simulate traffic movements at signalized intersections with shared lanes. Several simulation experiments are carried out both for a single shared lane and for an approach with a shared lane. Simulation of a single shared lane used by straight‐through and right‐turn (as similar to left‐turn in the USA) vehicles suggests that the largest travel delay occurs when traffic volumes (vehicles/lane) of the two movement streams along the shared lane are at about the same level. For a trial lane‐group with a shared lane, when traffic volumes of the two movement streams are quite different, the shared lane usage is not efficient in terms of reduction in traffic delay. The simulation results are able to produce the threshold traffic volume to arrange a shared lane along an approach. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the variation in the value of travel time savings (VTTS) for travelers with a managed lane (ML) option when taking an ordinary trip versus a trip that is unusual in some way. VTTS estimates vary substantially depending on the urgency of the trip made. At the low end, the mean VTTS for a traveler who wants to make extra stops and still arrive on time is approximately 10% higher than that for an ordinary trip. At the high end, a traveler running late for an appointment shows a mean VTTS that is approximately 300% higher than that for an ordinary trip. These estimates vary widely over the population of travelers. In light of these variations, the value of an uncongested travel alternative (such as MLs) is examined and found to be greatly undervalued if using typical VTTS estimates.  相似文献   

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