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冯义 《天津航海》2014,(3):50-52
文章从合同法的角度分析了引航合同的法律属性,并分析了引航合同的成立时间及履行时间,从而为准确认定引航责任提供了合同法依据。  相似文献   

针对海上服务标准合同的履行紧急、风险特殊以及显著不完全等特点,首先对其合同效力认定与补充原则、鼓励海难救助原则及其限制等特别原则加以研究,进而以具体海上服务标准合同条款和实践做法为例研究合同履行监督机制以及事后协商机制,最后对我国相关问题的解决提出建议。  相似文献   

张帆 《珠江水运》2004,(A01):11-13
本文介绍了合同管理在施工企业中的地位和作用.分析合同的签订、履行、变更、索赔、终止等各个环节中暴露出来的常见问题,并提出治理对策。  相似文献   

通过英国上诉院对船舶租购案件的判决,比较英国法院和中国法院在确定损害赔偿问题上适用的不同原则,从而得出中国法与英国法是可以相互借鉴相互移植的结论。  相似文献   

张新威 《中国水运》2007,7(4):261-262
通过英国上诉院对船舶租购案件的判决,比较英国法院和中国法院在确定损害赔偿问题上适用的不同原则,从而得出中国法与英国法是可以相互借鉴相互移植的结论.  相似文献   

《国际商事合同通则》是国际统一私法协会制定的一套可以在世界范围内使用的相对均衡的规则体系,是一部关于国际商事贸易活动的重要规则。它借鉴和吸收了各国合同法以及以往统一合同法的精髓,融合了不同法律体系的特点。为说明这一特点,本文选取了要约撤回、撤销,合同效力、违约责任、合同履行中的艰难情形四个角度予以浅析。  相似文献   

海上货物运输合同中,货物在转运阶段发生延误的,不属于我国<海商法>规定的迟延交付.运输合同履行期间,承运人在合理期间内未将货物及时安排转运,构成不适当履行合同,应承担违约赔偿责任.  相似文献   

陈卉 《中国船检》2008,(1):83-85
船舶融资是一项风险很高的融资行为,为了降低风险,避免损失,融资银行往往需要申请融资方提供一定的抵押或担保。因此船东将其从船舶出口企业获得的船舶预付款保函转让给融资银行,成了船舶融资的其中一种担保方式。所谓独立保函,就是银行是否承担担保付款义务,与买卖双方基础贸易合同履行的情况没有任何关系,保函是不依附于基础合同的独立性担保,银行的责任不取决于基础合同的履行与否,而取决于债权人的付款要求。  相似文献   

王蕾 《航海》2011,(2):30-31
在海上货物运输合同履行过程中,因目的港无人提货,以致承运人的集装箱被长期占用,产生大量的集装箱超期使用费。此时,案件审理的关键即为该项集装箱超期使用费应由谁承担,以及集装箱超期使用费的金额如何确定。只有明确了费用的承担者及金额,才能对案件审理结果有正确判断,从而决定对原告的诉讼请求应否予以支持。  相似文献   

戴瑜 《世界海运》2015,(1):57-59
中国沿海、江河、湖泊以及其他通航水域中从事的营业性水路货物运输应适用《国内水路货物运输规则》。此时,如货物未能在约定或者合理期间内在约定地点交付,则为迟延交付,承运人应当为此承担责任。对于"合理期间"的认定属于人民法院自由裁量范围,故若当事人未约定运输期间,对于"迟延交付"的纠纷,托运人可能因此承担较大风险。承运人应当按照运输合同的约定接收、交付货物,同时承运人对运输合同履行过程中货物的损坏、灭失或者迟延交付承担损害赔偿责任。当事人约定适用已经失效的法规、规章的,应当区别对待,并不当然是无效约定。  相似文献   

张恒  李炜  刘平  程虹 《舰船科学技术》2010,32(4):7-10,18
为了对比分析千吨级单体圆舭船型、深V船型、穿浪双体船型、三体船的耐波性能,采用二维半理论方法计算各船型在迎浪规则波中的摇荡及首中尾部垂向加速度的频率响应函数,其中应用时域格林函数求解水动力系数,应用谱分析计算各船型在不规则波中的运动有义值.结果表明,几种千吨级高性能船在波浪中的纵向运动性能均比常规圆舭船型优,其中三体船纵向运动性能最佳.计算结果可为该吨级舰船平台选型提供技术支持.  相似文献   

钟扬  吴锋  戴磊 《水运工程》2020,(7):41-46
为研究预制混凝土结构超高性能混凝土(UHPC)湿接缝的抗弯性能,对7根不同配筋率的UHPC湿接缝梁和1根现浇普通混凝土梁进行静力弯曲试验,对比分析其抗裂性能、变形性能及极限承载力。结果表明:UHPC湿接缝梁和现浇梁都发生弯曲破坏,其破坏模式相近; UHPC湿接缝梁接缝处新老混凝土的黏结性能表现不佳,建议在接缝处布置短钢筋以增加该位置的抗裂性能; UHPC湿接缝梁极限承载能力不弱于现浇混凝土梁; UHPC湿接缝处配筋率的增加能提高梁的抗弯承载能力。  相似文献   

Collisions and groundings continue to take their toll on seafarers and the environment. Much has been said about the associated role of human factors. STCW95 endeavored to create a closer relationship between what is taught and what is needed to handle the demands of the operational environment. Technological developments such as ARPA, and in the future AIS, imply access to more data. With a view to determining how data should be presented and used, this study examines the capabilities of mariners to identify and initiate an appropriate course of action in an encounter where the need for two targets to maneuver to avoid collision with each other changes our own vessel’s passing distance from a safe to an unsafe state. Such a capability can generally add to the probability of a successful encounter through anticipating the resulting conflict with our own vessel and through taking appropriate early action. The outcome of this study, reported in this paper, was that very few senior officers and masters displayed the advanced level of anticipation skills that would provide the situation awareness needed for the encounter presented. Such outcomes may point to the need for inclusion of specific training in anticipation skills within the maritime educational system and/or for the provision of decision support systems which assist the development of situation awareness and identification of an appropriate course of action.  相似文献   

We analyze the short- and long-run price performance of 143 global shipping IPOs listed during the 1984–2007 period in major stock exchanges, computing Buy-and-Hold Abnormal Returns (BHARs) and Cumulative Average Returns (CARs). We find the average underpricing for shipping IPOs to be 17.69%. The light underpricing is positively related to the age of the firm, the reputation of the stock exchange the IPO is listed in and the market condition of the period in which the firm went public, and negatively related to the reputation of the underwriters. In the long run, shipping IPOs underperform after a five-month holding period. Specifically, using the BHARs as a benchmark for long-run performance, we reveal that investors who buy immediately after listing and hold shares for 3 years will make a loss of 15.72%. The conclusions suggested by this survey of the global shipping industry surprises us regarding the maturity in the behavior of its investors.  相似文献   

新中国成立60年来,在党中央、国务院的正确领导下,经过全系统干部职工的努力拼搏,我国交通运输发生了历史性巨变,生产力得到空前解放与发展,走出了一条中国特色的交通运输发展之路,为社会主义现代化建设提供了有力支撑。  相似文献   

鲍少华 《中国水运》2007,7(4):110-111
随着现行桥梁尽可能向跨度大和轻型化方向发展及运输车辆的数量和载重的不断增长,桥梁结构的动力分析已成为结构分析的一项重要内容,桥梁结构动态试验的主要目的是测定桥梁在动荷载作用下结构或构件的动力特性。本文通过某高速公路特大连续梁桥的动态性能测试,对桥梁动测分析方法进行阐述。  相似文献   

Computational predictions of ship-speed performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines ship-speed performance based on acomputational method. The computations are carried out under identical model conditions, i.e., resistance and self-propulsion tests, to predict the speed-power relationship. The self-propulsion point is obtained from the self-propulsive computational results of two propeller rotative speeds. The speed-power relationship in full scale is obtained through analyzing the computational results in model scale according to the model-ship performance analysis method of ITTC’78. The object ship is a VLCC. The limiting streamlines and the distribution of the pressure coefficient on the hull, the wake characteristics on the propeller plane, and the wave characteristics around a model ship are also investigated. After completing the computations, a series of model tests are conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the predictions by comparing the computational results with the experimental results.  相似文献   

李赫  胡志龙 《船舶》2009,20(4):59-62
为了考查三维波对消声器声学性能的影响,分别使用一维和三维方法计算消声器的传递损失,并同现有的实验结果进行比较。结果表明,一维理论只适用于截止频率以下的低频计算,而三维有限元法能准确计算任意频率下消声器的声学性能。  相似文献   

针对OFDM-CPM联合调制的技术问题,论述了OFDM-CPM发射机原理;阐述了OFDM-CPM接收机检测问题并进行了分析.通过对误码率联合边界计算,分析了OFDM-CPM的性能.  相似文献   

Shipbuilding is the subject of public policies in a number of countries, as it is considered a strategic industry and has an impact on employment levels in many regions. Establishing performance targets can be a challenge to shipbuilding policy makers. This paper suggests an approach to this problem, based on the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique. This approach makes it feasible to estimate productivity and building time potential, taking into account the output pattern, technological level and quality of the industrial environment of the country or region. The methodology is applied to the analysis of the competitive potential of some Brazilian shipyard models. The benchmarking analysis was carried out for a sample of shipyards from the world's principal shipbuilding blocks.  相似文献   

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