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数据拟合在科学研究和生产实践中都有重要的应用,使用最小二乘原理或多项式法,手工或借助计算工具拟合数据运算量大,特别是数据较多时相当繁琐;使用Excel图表向导中“添加趋势线”的方法则可快速求出较为精确的数据拟合方程。本文以一个实例,用两种方法求解数据拟合方程并作比较,从中说明用Excel解决数据拟合问题的简便和高效。 相似文献
击实实验是公路、水利、建筑等工程中的一项重在的试验项目,本文以《公路土工试验规程》(JTJ051-93)为标准,编写了击实数据的Excel电子表格模板。介绍了用此模板计算击实结果和绘制击实曲线的实例及其优点。 相似文献
讨论了Excel工作表和Visual FoxPro二维表互相转换的理论基础及其实用意义,提出了在Visual FoxPro环境中使用跨平台编程来实现这两种数据格式互相转换的方法,以发挥各自的优势来处理和管理对方的数据。 相似文献
Python是一种广泛使用的高级编程语言,具备完全自动化处理数据的能力,可用于解决许多领域的数据分析和处理问题.文章首先对Python的数据批处理功能进行介绍,并研究Python的常用模块和函数.在此基础上设计一款能自动化处理车辆售后配件替换性的批处理软件. 相似文献
Python语言是目前最热门、最受欢迎的程序设计语言之一,Python语言具有高效、易用、可扩展性强,而且免费、开源,有大量扩展库可用等特点.在最新颁布的JTG 3362-2018)《公路钢筋混凝土与预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》中,圆形截面按承载能力计算及按裂缝宽度计算的公式都进行了大幅度的调整,还新增了圆形截面偏心受拉... 相似文献
基于检测器脉冲数据的高速公路事件自动检测算法研究 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
提出了一种全新的高速公路事件自动检测算法,直接利用车辆检测器输出的脉冲宽度和脉冲间隔作为参数,运用LVQ神经网络对获得的脉冲宽度数据和脉冲间隔数据进行处理来判断是否有事件发生,从而大大减少了检测时间,为交通事件的快速处理提供了可靠的依据。此外,该算法利用神经网络的自学习能力,可以很好地确定各条道路发生交通事件的门限值。仿真结果表明:该算法具有较高的事件检测率(约为97%)、较短的检测时间和较低的误警率(约为0 41%),具有很好的应用前景。 相似文献
尽管大数据技术不仅被应用于水利工程领域,而且将成为智慧水利建设的重要技术基础,但是对于水利行业许多从业者而言,大数据技术仍停留在较为抽象的概念阶段。以水利工程质量风险管理为切入点,通过阐述、探讨与分析这一主要由质量风险管理框架和策略组成的大数据技术的应用点,以期为行业同仁了解水利工程中大数据技术运行机制提供一定参考。 相似文献
Hongrui Wang Alfredo Núñez Zhigang Liu Yang Song Fuchuan Duan Rolf Dollevoet 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2018,56(8):1207-1232
This paper studies the evolvement of the wear irregularity of contact wire using wire thickness data measured yearly from a section of railway catenary. The power spectral density and time–frequency representation based on the wavelet transform are employed for data analysis, with an emphasis on local wear irregularities that are crucial for contact wire condition assessment. To investigate the cause of wear irregularity evolvement and the mutual influence with the pantograph–catenary dynamic interaction, simulations considering the influence of wear irregularity are carried out based on the finite element method. Analyses of the actual wear irregularities and the dynamic contact force under singular and complex wear irregularities are performed. Although the wear irregularity has limited impact on the pantograph–catenary interaction, it can induce the vibration of pantograph and contact wire that will lead to a notable increase of contact force standard deviation. The evolvement of wear irregularity is closely associated with the span length and dropper distribution of catenary structure and the running direction of pantograph. In addition, it is found feasible to detect the wear irregularity based on contact force, on condition that the sampling frequency is high enough to reflect the indicative frequencies. 相似文献
在对比分析各种混合动力系统的基础上确定了混合动力城市客车的串联混合动力驱动形式,介绍了串联混合动力汽车总成参数的计算方法,并根据计算得到的参数使用ADVISOR软件进行了性能仿真。 相似文献
This article investigates the impact of alternative data smoothing and traffic prediction methods on the accuracy of the performance of a two-stage short-term urban travel time prediction framework. Using this framework, we test the influence of the combination of two different data smoothing and four different prediction methods using travel time data from two substantially different urban traffic environments and under both normal and abnormal conditions. This constitutes the most comprehensive empirical evaluation of the joint influence of smoothing and predictor choice to date. The results indicate that the use of data smoothing improves prediction accuracy regardless of the prediction method used and that this is true in different traffic environments and during both normal and abnormal (incident) conditions. Moreover, the use of data smoothing in general has a much greater influence on prediction performance than the choice of specific prediction method, and this is independent of the specific smoothing method used. In normal traffic conditions, the different prediction methods produce broadly similar results but under abnormal conditions, lazy learning methods emerge as superior. 相似文献