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从物理化学、施工两方面分析盐渍土腐蚀性介质环境对桥涵混凝土结构物的腐蚀原因和机理,提出在设计和施工中采取的防腐措施,以保证桥涵混凝土结构物的安全和耐久性,延长其使用寿命。  相似文献   

桥涵混凝土裂缝普遍存在,一定程度上影响了桥涵的抗渗性和耐久性等使用性能。结合裂缝成因的分析,提出混凝土裂缝的防治及处理措施,与同行共同交流讨论。  相似文献   

本文从碱集料反应条件及碱集料反应对桥涵结构混凝土造成的严重破坏,预防发生碱集料反应破坏应采取的措施,现阶段集料碱活性检测和标准,从而降低在桥涵混凝土施工中碱集料反应发生的机率。  相似文献   

由于桥涵跳车现象已成为公路使用过程中普遍存在的质量通病.解决桥涵跳车这一质量隐患,对延长桥涵的使用寿命,提高行车的安全性和舒适性也具有十分重要的现实意义.从地质、路基填料、设计和施工等方面分析了桥涵跳车产生的原因,并从设计方面,施工管理与控制,监理层面入手进行防治措施的探讨.  相似文献   

在多年冻土地区,桥梁一般采用钻孔灌注桩基础.但由于地基的冻融作用影响,会产生各种工程病害,包括在钻孔灌注桩施工过程当中.选用合适钻机减少施工扰动,使用低温或负温水泥混凝土确保多年冻土地区桩基质量,且密切注意回冻时间长短,保证后续工序施工质量.  相似文献   

对公路桥涵工程施工中存在的桥头跳车问题进行分析,并对当前存在的问题提出有效的防治措施,以达到施工质量控制的目的。  相似文献   

察尔汗盐湖地区盐盖缺失地段地下水位高,地基土质不良(粉土),氯盐、硫酸盐含量高。修建混凝土构造物面临基础处理难、防腐难等问题。本文结合大察高速公路桥涵施工实际,就组合式钢波纹管在该地区施工的优点进行了阐述。  相似文献   

冻土路基下铺设的保温材料挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料保温板不仅具有良好的阻温隔热效果,而且其吸水率也较小,能很好地隔水,有效阻绝了冻土路基下地下水分的迁移,最终达到减少路基病害的目的。文章通过数值模拟及理论分析,结合实际施工过程中所选取的施工材料,综合考虑路面弯沉效应,研究聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料保温板的埋置深度,得出铺设在施工路基基础面之下深度约30~40cm处为最佳深度。  相似文献   

根据桥涵施工手册,结合工程实践及多年的施工经验,就桥梁钻孔灌注桩水下混凝土施工事故的预防及处理进行论述。  相似文献   

小桥涵水毁形式分析及防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国西部地区公路小桥涵水毁频发。文章通过实地调查,研究了小桥涵常见水毁形式、原因及相应的处治措施,同时提出为预防和减轻小桥涵水毁所必须考虑的工程问题。研究表明,小桥涵选位、孔径、进出口形式以及加固消能措施等方面是防治小桥涵水毁的关键。  相似文献   

本文在分析现代城市病产生原因的基础上,从交通的角度提出了解决现代城市病的对策思路。在此基础上,阐述了交通一体化的内容、交通与土地利用一体化的关键和实现途径。作者提出防止现代城市病的关键是混合土地使用、严格控制通勤圈半径和建立公交主导的绿色交通系统。  相似文献   

铁路隧道防排水现状与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章针对铁路隧道的防排水现状,指出了目前在防排水设计与施工中存在的问题和难点,并进行了具体分析,在防水类型的选择、地下水处理、衬砌外围结构防水、内衬砌防水等方面提出了铁路隧道防排水的措施和建议。  相似文献   

当前,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会已提升为国家战略。交通运输部为加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型交通,组织开展了“材料节约与循环利用专项行动计划”。通过专项行动大力推广路面再生技术、废胎胶粉筑路应用技术、机制砂混凝土技术以及聚合物改性水泥混凝土技术等西部交通建设科技项目成果,以为交通建设资源的高效利用和循环使用提供示范。本刊现以专栏形式介绍上述成果的相关内容,以飨读者。  相似文献   

Recent years have shown a rising popularity of the concept of resilience—both theoretically and empirically—in complex systems analysis. There is also a rising literature on resilience in the transport and spatial-economic field. The pluriform interpretation of resilience (e.g., engineering vs. ecological resilience) is related to methodological differences (e.g., stability in dynamics vs. evolutionary adaptivity). But in all cases the fundamental question is whether a complex system that is subjected to an external shock is able to recover, and if so, to which extent. The present paper [Based on presentation from cluster 6 (Accessibility) of the Nectar 2015 conference in Ann Arbour, USA.] aims to add a new dimension to resilience analysis in spatial systems, by addressing in particular the relationship between spatial accessibility at a municipality level and the resilience outcomes of the spatial system concerned. It does so by investigating to which extent accessibility of Swedish and Dutch municipalities has mitigated the local shock absorption from the recent economic recession. In our study the shock absorption capacity of municipal accessibility is estimated by analysing the relevant resilience indicators for the period concerned. In this context, conventional resilience indicators based on either multivariate complex data (in particular, the Foster Resilience Capacity Index) or employment data (in particular, the Martin Resilience-Employment Index) are confronted with spatial connectivity data based on local accessibility measures, so that geographical mobility may be regarded as one of the shock-mitigating factors. The empirical analysis is carried out for two countries which have both proven to be rather shock-resistant during the recent economic crisis, viz. Sweden and The Netherlands. Clearly, the geographical structure of these countries forms a sharp mutual contrast, viz. a spatially dispersed economy with a few distinct urban concentrations versus a spatially dense economy with one major metropolitan centre (the Randstad), respectively. Our experiments are carried out for the 290 municipalities in Sweden and 40 COROPs in The Netherlands. Our research findings show relevant and new insights into differences in the local recovery potential in Sweden and The Netherlands.  相似文献   

The bicycle is often understood as a disjointed ‘feeder’ mode that provides access to public transport. We argue that combined use of the bicycle and public transport should be understood in a broader perspective, especially where bicycles link to higher speed and higher capacity public transport, such as the train. Cycling and public transport can have a symbiotic relationship forming a hybrid, distinct transport mode, which should be reflected in transport planning. The bicycle is as a way to soften the rigid nature of public transport and thus accommodate diverse individual travel needs and situations. Public transport can be seen as a means to dramatically extend cycling’s speed and spatial reach. We combine a system perspective with conceptual analysis to explore how, why and when this reconsideration is important. We use the Netherlands as illustrative case because of the relative maturity of its bicycle–train connections. The case shows that the synergy between rather opposite yet highly complementary aspects, high speed of the train, high accessibility of the bicycle and flexibility in combining both sub-modes, are the fundamental characteristics to understand the functioning of this system in a wider spatial context. In our conclusion we propose a research agenda, to further explore the relevance of this system for land-use and transport planning and distil wider implications for the international debate.  相似文献   

In modern cities, a rapid increase of motorcycles and other types of Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs) is observed as an answer to long commuting in traffic jams and complex urban navigation. Such increasing penetration rate of PTWs creates mixed traffic flow conditions with unique characteristics that are not well understood at present. Our objective is to develop an analytical traffic flow model that reflects the mutual impacts of PTWs and Cars. Unlike cars, PTWs filter between cars, have unique dynamics, and do not respect lane discipline, therefore requiring a different modeling approach than traditional “Passenger Car Equivalent” or “Follow the Leader”. Instead, this work follows an approach that models the flow of PTWs similarly to a fluid in a porous medium, where PTWs “percolate” between cars depending on the gap between them.Our contributions are as follows: (I) a characterization of the distribution of the spacing between vehicles by the densities of PTWs and cars; (II) a definition of the equilibrium speed of each class as a function of the densities of PTWs and cars; (III) a mathematical analysis of the model’s properties (IV) an impact analysis of the gradual penetration of PTWs on cars and on heterogeneous traffic flow characteristics.The proposed model could contribute as an enabler for ‘PTW-aware’ future Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems technologies and traffic regulations.  相似文献   

国内大多数油田在开采过程中,油井伴生气通常含有成分不等的CO2、H2S等腐蚀性气体,同时由于油气集输系统也不可能完全密闭,造成大气中的O2等腐蚀性气体进入油气生产系统,因此油气生产系统存在的腐蚀类型多种多样。针对油气管道的腐蚀现状,简要综述了CO2腐蚀、H2S腐蚀、氧腐蚀机理及其影响因素。并在此基础上介绍了阴极保护技术、耐蚀材料防腐技术、工程防腐技术、化学防腐技术等几种国内外常用的防腐措施。  相似文献   

为了更好地采用节能技术以不断降低管道能耗,提高管道效率,文中以集输管道为研究对象,根据集输管道效率计算模型,对11条输油管线进行了效率与能耗监测。监测结果表明:影响输油管道效率的主要因素是管道温降,其次为管道压降。对影响管道温降和压降的相关因素进行分析,提出了合理选择保温材料和保温结构、增加保温层厚度、添加减阻剂及采用管道内涂减阻技术等改进措施,对于集输管道的节能降耗具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

智能系统的广泛使用,带来了移动支付的普及。公交支付在传统IC卡和现金支付的基础上,加入了云闪付和二维码支付。为探究移动支付对公交支付效率的影响,基于杭州市公交发展现状,制定了公交支付情况的调查方案。通过对所选10、93、97公交线路的早、晚高峰和平峰的三天实地调查,采集视频数据并使用SPSS进行定量统计分析,发现公交乘客刷卡占62%、二维码占27%、云闪付占6%、现金占5%。当乘客提前做好准备时,刷卡支付时间为1.29 s,低于云闪付的1.42 s和二维码的1.65 s,而未准备好时用时分别为6.74 s、10.94 s、8.54 s。通过相关性和多元线性回归分析得出"提前拿卡"、"上车掏卡"、"提前开二维码"和"上车开二维码"四种支付方式对公交停留时间延长的影响最大。  相似文献   

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