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Speed limit is one of the essential factors associated with roadway safety. Spillover effect is the tendency of drivers to drive at a higher speed on relatively lower-speed non-freeway roadways after exiting higher-speed freeways. Speed studies were conducted on urban arterial roads with speed limits of 45 mph - all adjacent to freeways with speed limits of 55 mph and 70 mph. A comparison of speed differences between motorists who exited the freeway and those who were already driving on the arterial road was performed. Results showed that the mean speed and 85th percentile of passenger cars on arterials adjacent to 55 mph freeway were 47.3 and 51.1 mph, respectively, while the mean speed and 85th percentile of passenger cars on arterial adjacent to a higher speed 70 mph freeway were 49.5 and 53.4 mph, respectively. Differences in the mean speeds between vehicles exiting from freeways and vehicles already driving on the arterial road were observed at all four sites evaluated. This paper provides researchers, policymakers, and engineers with a better understanding of the effects of speed spillover on adjacent roads when determining whether to increase the speed limit on freeways.  相似文献   

Many road crashes that occur in school zones involve child pedestrians. Research has identified three contributing factors to road crashes, namely child behaviour, driver behaviour, and the environment. This study aims to identify critical beliefs that influence motorcyclist's intention to comply with the Malaysian school zone speed limit (SZSL). 159 Malaysian motorcyclists who have travel experience in school zones during school hours and non-school hours were recruited by using purposive sampling. Participants responded to a survey distributed by enumerators in public places and house-to-house survey conducted in Kedah, Malaysia. Step-by-step correlation and regression analysis were used to identify the motorcyclists' critical beliefs. The results identified that motorcyclists' beliefs of the community expectation for them to comply and that complying with the speed limit in school zones may reduce risk of crashes with school children were the critical beliefs. In addition, the observation of many motorcyclists in the school zone was also identified as critical beliefs influencing motorcyclists' intention to comply with the SZSL. The practical relevance of this study is to combine a public awareness campaign and safety education for the motorcyclists together with an enforcement method to reinforce motorcyclists' compliance with the SZSL. Additionally, to increase the awareness level among motorcyclists, traffic control devices, such as flashing lights and yellow lines could be implemented.  相似文献   

A speed control algorithm for an ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) system for curved roads is proposed based on driver behavior characteristics. As the foundation of this research, a driver speed model for curved roads is developed using a series of experimental data regarding driver behavior. To adapt the model to each driver’s individual curve speed behavior, the coefficients of the model are identified in real time from the data sequences collected during drivers’ manual operation stage by a self-learning algorithm based on a Recursive Least-Square (RLS) method with a forgetting factor. Using this algorithm, the parameters of the driver model can be identified from the data collected in the manual operation phase, and the identification results are applied during the ACC automatic control phase. Based on the developed model, the ACC speed control algorithm is modified to provide each individual driver with a customized speed profile for the scenario of a curved road with no car ahead. Tests verify the applicability of the modified system.  相似文献   

Although the effectiveness of automated speed control (ASC) has been proven, the mechanism of behavioral change in developing countries remains unclear. The objective of this study was to elucidate the effect of ASC on drivers' speeding intention and behavior on mixed-traffic urban arterial roads. Before and during the implementation of ASC, questionnaires based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) were administered to local passenger-vehicle drivers. A total of 200 participants with an average age of 38.4 years completed both survey waves. To explain the mechanism of behavioral change, the multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) structural equation modeling (SEM) time-invariant was used simultaneously for both waves. The model explained 49% and 55% of the variance in intention, and 40% and 56% of the variance in self-reported speeding behavior, respectively, before and during the ASC implementation period. The findings reveal that ASC altered the cognitive factors of speeding behavior. Speeding became less favorable, had lower approval, and was more difficult to control. Drivers reported lower speeding tendency and diminished speeding behavior. Furthermore, the ASC changed the relative impact of the factors, boosted the influence of family members and close friends on drivers' speeding motivation, and increased the influence of intention and perceived control on speeding behavior. This paper provides recommendations for the implementation of ASCs on mixed-traffic urban arterial roads in developing countries.  相似文献   

限速功能是保证危险品运输车等有限速要求的车辆安全行车的重要途径,本文介绍了国三EGR重型汽车限速的实现方式,工作原理及故障的分析。  相似文献   

为了研究限速标志设置的合理性,选择新疆赛博段一级公路为调研路段,在限速标志的上下游设置3个断面,检测公路限速区上下游车速,得到分布规律。通过比较实际车速与限速值之间的关系,限速区内与限速区外的速度,以及驾驶员对限速标志的接受程度,判断限速设置的合理性,为决策者了解速度的分布现状,确定合理限速打下基础。最终在保证交通安全的前提下,最大限度发挥道路的使用效率。  相似文献   

车速限制技术及其在法国的进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
车辆限速行驶,将显地降低交通事故的发生量和危害性。“车速限制系统”是一种车载辅助驾驶设备,能帮助驾驶员更好地遵守道路车速限制,保障行车安全。本主要探讨“车速限制”技术的发展,并详细介绍了法国在“智能速度限制”研究领域的一项重要试验计划——LAVIA。  相似文献   

在研究湖南省高速公路新限速标准实施情况的基础上,结合已完成限速标志更换工作的常吉、常张、邵怀、怀新四条山区高速公路,从安全效益、社会效益和经济效益三个方面对限速标准进行了综合评价分析。得出实施新限速标准后,整体安全性能未发生明显变化,社会与经济效益显著。  相似文献   

This study proposes a comprehensive analytical tire model for handling and ride comfort in low frequency ranges. A contact algorithm that is developed in this study provides a two-dimensional contact pressure distribution on even and uneven road surfaces with reasonable computational cost. Shear stresses and strains during cornering and braking are estimated by direct measurement of tread deformations. The model is validated against experimental force and moment data for general handling simulations. Cleat tests are also conducted and validated under different forward velocity and vertical load conditions for a tire vibration study.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown very little information regarding drivers' opinions, attitudes and behaviours with respect to speeding and driving on urban residential streets with a 30 km/h speed limit. The present research aims to address this issue by conducting a questionnaire study with a sample of 367 Japanese drivers. The results showed that drivers tended to have positive beliefs about complying with the 30 km/h speed limit and understand the negative consequences of speeding; however, a majority of the drivers considered breaking the speed limit as a way to reduce their travel time. While the extent of speeding was found to be very serious, a number of drivers still supported the use of a 30 km/h speed limit on residential streets and favoured protecting the right of vulnerable street users. The logistic regression models developed in this study identified that the drivers who did not support the 30 km/h speed limit were associated with those who had committed traffic-law violations, who had negative beliefs about complying with the speed limit, who did not consider residents' opinions, who believed it is acceptable for them to drive at a high speed, and who felt it difficult to refrain from speeding. With regard to anti-speeding countermeasures, under drivers' point of view, streets should be designed to make the 30 km/h speed limit more credible, although this study also showed evidence supporting the application of public awareness programmes and social campaigns as speeding interventions. In addition, this research investigated drivers' speed choices in various specific driving circumstances, and six underlying factors affecting drivers' speed choices were determined. On the basic of the findings, the implications and suggestions for speeding interventions were also discussed.  相似文献   

The development of mobile phone applications that provide speed limit advice and warnings offers opportunities for use of the technology in the improvement of driver safety. This paper looks at the effect of an advisory Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) application on driver speeding behaviour. Twenty participants (all males within the age range of 35–60 years) completed a within-group experimental design. Participants drove in real traffic on a 46 km test route which incorporated three-speed limits zones (50 km/h, 60 km/h, and 80 km/h speed limits) and aggregated into 10 different segments. Compared with baseline levels, possible impacts of ISA system functionalities on driver behaviour were studied through appropriate metrics including cumulative speed distribution, mean speed, speed deviation, 85th percentile speed, percentage distanced travelled above the speed limit, and safety benefit estimation. Results indicated the use of the ISA application led to significant improvement in speed limit compliance particularly in the 60 km/h and 80 km/h zones where speeding was eliminated. There were no observed negative effects on driver speeding behaviour from the use of the system. In general, the findings suggest the use of the ISA system, resulted in the adoption of vehicle speeds that are likely to improve road safety.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare the prediction power of a simplified non-canonical Poisson crash-prediction model to other model types. The model, fitted to serious and fatal crash data from 86 two-lane low-volume rural highway segments, showed a good fit, which was not significantly different from that of a negative binomial model. The application of the present model uses the linear form of the non-canonical Poisson model. Hence the simplification of the model versus other models results from the finding that the expected number of crashes per 1 km is directly proportional to the daily volume, unlike logarithmic functions in other models. In the non-canonical model, it is necessary to estimate only one parameter, whereas estimations of more parameters are needed in the negative binomial model.  相似文献   

牧区道路路基实施技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过交通部西部交通建设研究项目《牧区道路技术标准及路基路面典型结构的研究》,从对路基的一般要求——路基取弃土、路基排水、路基防护及路基压实、路基压实机具等方面论述了牧区道路路基实施技术及要求。  相似文献   

The effect of the increasing number of cosine-form obstacles, which are superposed on a standard homogeneous longitudinal road profile, is studied when the waviness of the basic road profile changes in the range from 1.5 to 3.5. First, the effect of the composed profile on the power spectral density (PSD) is analysed. It appears that the primary PSD in the form of a straight-line in the log-log plot breaks into two straight-line partial segments with quite different waviness values in the long and short wavelength bands. This seems to be a suitable model of a highly deteriorated road. Next, the effect on the response of two typical vehicles, viz. a personal car and a three-axle truck, is studied, and rather different results were obtained. In a summary valuation, it appears that the presence of additional obstacles causes independence of some of the vehicle response quantities of the primary waviness.  相似文献   


The effect of the increasing number of cosine-form obstacles, which are superposed on a standard homogeneous longitudinal road profile, is studied when the waviness of the basic road profile changes in the range from 1.5 to 3.5. First, the effect of the composed profile on the power spectral density (PSD) is analysed. It appears that the primary PSD in the form of a straight-line in the log–log plot breaks into two straight-line partial segments with quite different waviness values in the long and short wavelength bands. This seems to be a suitable model of a highly deteriorated road. Next, the effect on the response of two typical vehicles, viz. a personal car and a three-axle truck, is studied, and rather different results were obtained. In a summary valuation, it appears that the presence of additional obstacles causes independence of some of the vehicle response quantities of the primary waviness.  相似文献   

高速公路车速离散性与交通事故的关系及车速管理研究   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39  
对高速公路的车速标准差和亿车公里事故率的数据进行回归分析,建立了二者的关系模型,模型表明车速分布越离散,事故率越高,从而为高速公路的车速限制提供了理论依据。利用中国14条高速公路的地点车速调查数据,对15%位车速、85%位车速与单圆曲线的曲率变化率CCRs进行回归分析,分别建立了85%位车速与CCRs的回归模型以及15%位车速与CCRs的回归模型,利用这些模型提出了合理的基于交通安全的车速限制建议值。  相似文献   

通过变相提高路基高度 ,结合沥青罩面的设计方法 ,达到在资金短缺情况下加快县乡公路建设的目的  相似文献   

针对城市建材资源紧缺现状,结合环境资源保护,提出城市道路建设中工业废渣和建筑垃圾利用的紧迫性及可行性。  相似文献   

对城乡客运市场现状进行了分析,论述了城乡客运实施一体化管理的必要性和可行性,提出城乡客运一体化管理的模式和实施内容。通过对城乡客运一体化管理实施后良好效果的分析.肯定这一模式对市场管理的积极推动作用。  相似文献   

INS-7002无线数据记录仪是采用CAN总线进行数据采集,利用GPRS进行数据传输,应用GPRS道路实时监测系统进行相关参数设置和相关数据查询。该系统可以有效提升试验验证水平,为设计产品改进提供充分依据。  相似文献   

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