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This paper, in two parts, reports on the perceptionof route competition via seaports in the European Communities Research Project wherein 72 interviews were held with freight forwarders throughout Europe (for the locations of the interviews see Part I, figure 1). This second part of the paper reports on the analysis of the openended tape-recorded responses of the interviewees to six separate sets of propositions they were shown; and there are extensive verbatim quotations. These quotations become longer as respondents warmed to the procedure. They tend to emphasize the increasing symbiosis of the land and sea operations within international transport. Among many vital topics of concern in a freight forwarder's life are costs and time. Not only does elapsed time equate with money expended, but also time limits equate with credit limits; any delay or unreliability results in sudden and enormous escalation of costs. Movement between countries in the mainland European Communities (EC) is more by truck than short-sea shipping. Customs are widely criticized as a cause of delays. The unfair (according to EC rules discrimination against UK forwarders by conferences tend to foster feeder services to mainland ports for British exports. But the opinion is that the power of conferences has declined markedly in recent years with the concomitant growth of independent lines. Freight forwarders may decline in numbers as their function changes. More capital is now required for computerizatio and credit bonds. There is a tendency to provide a more integrated service which would be symbolized by a growth of delivered price trading compared with free-on-board deliveries.  相似文献   

This paper, in two parts, reports on the Seaport Development in the European Communities Research Project wherein forty interviews with decision-makers were held in European seaports, and another forty were held with shipowning organizations. This part of the paper reports on analysis of the open-ended tape-recorded responses of the interviewees to six separate sets of propositions they were shown. The first major conclusion is that decision-makers in the ports and shipping industries have a great deal to offer in helping to shape future EC policies about seaports. The second is that these decision-makers on the whole agree with students of the subject, but outside the industries, that a step-by-step approach is possible towards a Common Seaports Policy. Indeed, without prompting, some respondents even confirmed a previously published suggestion for the first stage of this process—the necessity for an agreed standard basis for ports' accounts. It is believed that a small secretariat within the Brussels Commission could weld representatives of the industries into a working group which could make real progress by consulting their colleagues through interviews similar to those successfully conducted for this project.  相似文献   

This paper, in two parts, reports on the Seaport Development in the European Communities Research Project wherein forty interviews with decision-makers were held in European seaports, and another forty were held with shipowning organizations. This part of the paper reports on analysis of the open-ended tape-recorded responses of the interviewees to six separate sets of propositions they were shown. The first major conclusion is that decision-makers in the ports and shipping industries have a great deal to offer in helping to shape future EC policies about seaports. The second is that these decision-makers on the whole agree with students of the subject, but outside the industries, that a step-by-step approach is possible towards a Common Seaports Policy. Indeed, without prompting, some respondents even confirmed a previously published suggestion for the first stage of this process—the necessity for an agreed standard basis for ports' accounts. It is believed that a small secretariat within the Brussels Commission could weld representatives of the industries into a working group which could make real progress by consulting their colleagues through interviews similar to those successfully conducted for this project.  相似文献   

This paper, in two parts, reports on the Seaport Development in the European Communities Research Project wherein forty interviews with decision-makers were help in European seaports, and another forty were held with shipowning organization. Respondents were also asked to fill in a questionnaire, and it is these questionnaire, and it is these questionnaire findings that are reported in this the first part of the paper. Expected contrasts between planning philosophies in Britain, Ireland, and Denmark on the one hand and the rest of the EEC on the other were confirmed, and regularity of cargo on offer appears generally belived as the most important factor in route planning of ships. Among other major conclusions (see table 5) are the view that ship congestion at ports is a more scute problem than the over-provision of berths and that short-term low operating costs are considered more important than the security offered by mediumterm plans.  相似文献   

In the structural design of the Polar Class ships, glancing impact with ice has been considered as the governing load scenario for dimensioning the bow structure. At present, non-linear transient dynamic analysis has been reckoned as a fundamental requirement in the assessment of the structural strength of ships with higher ice classes. Under such requirement, understanding of the dynamic characteristics of the ship-ice impact load appears significant importance. The present study aims to investigate the spatial and temporal variations of the impact loads by simulating the glancing impact events between a polar research vessel and giant ice floes in ice tank. The ship-ice impact loads were recorded by a grid-based tactile sensor attached on the bow area of the model ship. To achieve a reasonable simulation on the design scenario described by the IACS Unified Requirements for Polar Class Ships (UR I), a series of methodological calibration tests were preliminarily carried out to determine the key parameters that should be carefully monitored and controlled, accompanying with thorough discussions on the ship-ice impact process. This paper provides detailed information on the preliminary methodological calibrations and the tactile data processing techniques, including the identification of the ship-ice contact area, the depiction of the ice loading trail and the outline of the spatial distributions of local ice pressures. A companion paper provides detailed analyses and discussions regarding the spatial and temporal variation of the ice impact loads from the formal tests based on the proposed testing procedures obtained by the methodological calibrations.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issues of an increasingly competitive towage industry in Northern European ports. Enhanced competitiveness reflects the trends in the global mobility of capital, labour, enterprise and management within the context of deregulated port markets. Up until the early 1990s, the long term trend in major North European ports had been towards market concentration. Many small towage firms have been taken-over, bought out or merged. Alternatively, a pattern of consortia has emerged with co-operation and market sharing seen as preferable to ruinous competition. A contrasting trend has occurred in the 1990s, with new entrants into hitherto stable markets. In a number of ports—Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Southampton, Thamesport, Bristol Channel—new fleets have brought competitive challenge to the incumbent towage fleets. The process of enhanced competitiveness raises questions of safety, reliability, investment and professionalism. The movement towards an openly competitive shipping industry has been in evidence from the 1960s onwards. The momentum of a dynamic shipping industry, with its competitiveness sharpened by the use of global supply factors, has intensified from that period. The movement in European tonnage towards flags of convenience and global labour supplies began in the tanker and bulk carrier markets; more recently this has spread to deep sea liner, short sea and even cabotage trade shipping. The towage industry is the last North European shipping sector to make this transition, following the trends towards port deregulation in the 1990s. From this perspective, this paper considers the impact on the towage market of global mobility and deregulation in North European towage markets—the impact of increased competition on the traditional operators and the likely effect on operational towage standards.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issues of an increasingly competitive towage industry in Northern European ports. Enhanced competitiveness reflects the trends in the global mobility of capital, labour, enterprise and management within the context of deregulated port markets. Up until the early 1990s, the long term trend in major North European ports had been towards market concentration. Many small towage firms have been taken-over, bought out or merged. Alternatively, a pattern of consortia has emerged with co-operation and market sharing seen as preferable to ruinous competition. A contrasting trend has occurred in the 1990s, with new entrants into hitherto stable markets. In a number of ports Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Southampton, Thamesport, Bristol Channel new fleets have brought competitive challenge to the incumbent towage fleets. The process of enhanced competitiveness raises questions of safety, reliability, investment and professionalism. The movement towards an openly competitive shipping industry has been in evidence from the 1960s onwards. The momentum of a dynamic shipping industry, with its competitiveness sharpened by the use of global supply factors, has intensified from that period. The movement in European tonnage towards flags of convenience and global labour supplies began in the tanker and bulk carrier markets; more recently this has spread to deep sea liner, short sea and even cabotage trade shipping. The towage industry is the last North European shipping sector to make this transition, following the trends towards port deregulation in the 1990s. From this perspective, this paper considers the impact on the towage market of global mobility and deregulation in North European towage markets the impact of increased competition on the traditional operators and the likely effect on operational towage standards.  相似文献   

In this paper, Smith and Roggema examine the solutions emerging in answer to the growing concern in North European shipping companies to adapt to increasing competition and technological diversity and also to attract and retain suitably qualified seafarers. Part 1 describes a move from a situation of lack of stability of crew towards greater crew stability, whilst Part 2 discusses the redistribution of responsibility on board ship, encompassing a change from the caste-like division between officers and ratings and a more flexible division of functions and authority.  相似文献   

我国古代有没有海事,这是一个很值得研究的问题。“海事”一词在我国出现得比较晚,大概是在近代首先用于海关内部。以“海事”命名专门管理机构已是20世纪末的事了。  相似文献   

MVNakhodka collapsed and broke in two on January 2, 1997 in the Sea of Japan, giving rise to a serious and disastrous oil spill on the coastline of Japan. During the inquiry into the cause of the accident, one of the main tasks of the inquiry committee was to identify the external loads which made the ship structure collapse. Among the several possible scenarios for the accident, after careful examination, the wave loads in the heavy weather at the time of the accident were taken to be the most plausible cause. The results of that research are described in two papers, and the present paper deals with the way in which wave loads on theNakhodka at the moment of the accident were estimated. We first describe the details of the accident such as the location, the sea condition, the loading condition, and the ship's heading speed. Then the static loads resulting from the distribution of the cargo weight and the buoyancy are given to show that the static bending moment at the time of the accident caused extreme sagging. Next the wave loads in the irregular waves, calculated by the nonlinear time domain simulation program SRSLAM, are presented. It is shown that the bending moment in the waves reaches 1 087 800 KN*m at maximum SS 6.9, which is where the hull girder collapse took place. It was concluded that the ship broke in two because the bending moment exceeded the hull girder strength which had been reduced due to corrosion, taking into account conclusions derived from the research dealing with the structural strength aspect. We also discuss the stochastic significance of the estimated value and nonlinear nature of the peak distribution, in addition to the effects of the ship speed and wave heading on the wave load estimation. This article is based on an article that appeared in Japanese in the Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan, vol. 183 (1998).  相似文献   

对考虑腐蚀、疲劳损伤影响下船体结构可靠性分析层面的研究现状进行梳理和概述。通过综述发现:近年来,船体结构可靠性分析的对象已由拟建船体向现役船体结构方向扩展,且研究重心开始由腐蚀、疲劳损伤单一影响下的可靠性分析向两者交互作用影响下的可靠性分析方向发展。未来开展腐蚀、疲劳损伤下船体结构可靠性研究工作的重点将主要体现在以下4个方面:1)点蚀损伤船体结构破坏机理及对应的评估方法研究;2)腐蚀、疲劳损伤交互作用下的船体结构破坏机理研究;3)基于有限的实船损伤勘验数据,开展合理、可行的可靠性评估方法研究,进行船体结构全寿命周期内综合损伤下的可靠性分析;4)建立不同服役环境、服役期限的实船腐蚀、疲劳损伤数据库。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the growth of ro-ro services operating to and from Marseilles and the adaption of port structures to facilitate this growth. The concluding section of Part 1 of the paper analyses throughput performance.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the growth of ro-ro services operating to and from Marseilles and the adaption of port structures to facilitate this growth. The concluding section of Part 1 of the paper analyses throughput performance.  相似文献   

当舰船发生灾变时,正确的疏散指挥是避免和减少人员伤亡的关键,而选择合理的逃逸路线又是正确指挥的前提.在N-最短路径的模型基础上,讨论了逃逸路线的可行性以及道路权重的计算;然后根据舰船的实际情况建立简易模型,讨论两点之间前N条最短逃逸路径的求法.对结果进行了分析并提出进一步开展优化的设想.  相似文献   

This first part of the state-of-the art focuses on the origins of road safety modeling, covering data, early models and the public health context of model formulation and use.  相似文献   

A linearized 2-D radiation problem was considered for a general floating body in a two-layer fluid of finite depth. A boundary integral-equation method was developed for directly computing the velocity potential on the wetted surface of a body which is immersed in both the upper and lower layers as a general case. To do this, appropriate time-harmonic Greens functions were derived, and an efficient numerical method of evaluating those functions is proposed. Based on Greens theorem, hydrodynamic relations such as the energy-conservation principle were derived theoretically for a case of finite depth, and we confirm that those relations are satisfied numerically with very good accuracy. Experiments were also carried out using water and isoparaffin oil as the two fluids and a Lewis-form body. Measured results for the added mass, the damping coefficient, and the amplitude of the generated waves are compared with the computed results, and a favorable agreement is found.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new method for the prediction of ship maneuvering capabilities. The new method is added to a nonlinear six-degrees-of-freedom ship motion model named the digital, self-consistent ship experimental laboratory (DiSSEL). Based on the first principles of physics, when the ship is steered, the additional surge and sway forces and the yaw moment from the deflected rudder are computed. The rudder forces and moments are computed using rudder parameters such as the rudder area and the local flow velocity at the rudder, which includes contributions from the ship velocity and the propeller slipstream. The rudder forces and moments are added to the forces and moments on the hull, which are used to predict the motion of the ship in DiSSEL. The resulting motions of the ship influence the inflow into the rudder and thereby influence the force and moment on the rudder at each time step. The roll moment and resulting heel angle on the ship as it maneuvers are also predicted. Calm water turning circle predictions are presented and correlated with model test data for NSWCCD model 5514, a pre-contract DDG-51 hull form. Good correlations are shown for both the turning circle track and the heel angle of the model during the turn. The prediction for a ship maneuvering in incident waves will be presented in Part 2. DiSSEL can be applied for any arbitrary hull geometry. No empirical parameterization is used, except for the influence of the propeller slipstream on the rudder, which is included using a flow acceleration factor.  相似文献   

海洋环境中的氯离子渗透是破坏工程混凝土结构的一个顽症,而高性能混凝土则是医治这一顽症的良药。以洋山深水港一期水工项目为例,介绍了成功应用高性能混凝土的案例。介绍了洋山深水港一期码头的简况,分析了高性能混凝土配制机理,阐述了高性能混凝土配合比的确定,施工质量控制,施工技术,施工质量检测等问题。指出,这一研究成果取得了良好效果,可供沿海港口建设所借鉴。  相似文献   

长江口二期工程北导堤局部破坏的原因及对策   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
在2002年12月初的寒潮大浪作用下,长江口二期工程北导堤已安装的16个半圆型沉箱发生了严重的滑移和沉陷破坏。经现场调查、室内试验,明确了箱内填砂不足及流失是沉箱滑移的主要原因;地基土在波浪动荷载作用下的软化则是导致沉陷破坏的主要原因。经室内试验和现场试验、观测,证明了修改设计采用以对软粘土进行有限加固为主的对策措施是成功的。  相似文献   

  目的  与单层、双层和浮筏隔振相比,阻振质量对结构纵波和弯曲波传导衰减很小,研究人员少有兴趣应用这类措施。然而当潜艇声隐身进入\  相似文献   

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