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近日,北京市公交印刷厂对自己的前途陷入了迷茫.这家始建于1951年的印刷厂,目前承担着几乎所有公交车、地铁、城铁车月票的印刷.  相似文献   

一辆车身铺满广告的公共汽车驶进了京华客车厂的整饰地,当它驶离时,已经恢复为公共汽车的本来面目。这种公交车辆整饰工作将一直持续到11月15日。"此次整改意味着北京公交车广告将彻底告别全车身涂装。"北京公交广告公司有限责任公司媒体经理李丛震介绍。而重新上路的车辆也因为借着奥运年,被业界称为"奥运新形式"。而北京公交广告代理三足鼎立之  相似文献   

2005年,北京市劳动模范评选方对张云鹏有这样两段描述: 作为北京市公交集团燃料供应分公司(简称"燃料分公司")的经理,张云鹏有明确的经营方针,开阔的管理思路,工作善于思考、严格管理.他实施物资采购阳光工程,举办大宗物资公开招标,为公司节约成本近2000余万元.  相似文献   

近年来,北京公交已经累计购置新型环保公交车10000余辆,约占该公司总营运车辆数40%(截至2007年6月)。对应的,自2005年至今,米其林已经向10000余辆北京公交的更新车辆配备了公交车专用轮胎。自2002年开始,北京公交在公交车辆上开始大规模应用新技术,2005年、2006年达到顶峰,达欧Ⅲ欧Ⅳ的  相似文献   

筱林 《综合运输》2006,(1):78-80
2005年12月20日,北京市发展和改革委员会就电子月票替代公交、地铁纸质月票并适当调整月票价格举行听证会。这标志着北京市酝酿近两年之久的公交地铁月票改革方案进入听证阶段。北京市发展和改革委员会副主任柴晓钟表示,北京市相关政府部门将在较短时期内对申请方案进行修改和完善,并在不久后公布修改情况。据悉,北京市新的月票改革方案将在2006年4月1日起实施,并在实施前一个月发售各类月票卡。  相似文献   

2005年11月23日上午9时许,北京市公文集团副总经理冯幸福向所有参加公交车交接仪式新闻发布会的记者讲述了几个现象,以反映北京应用新公交车的效果:  相似文献   

北京市之前已经推行多年的北京公市场化改革在被定义为“基本失败”后,为了方便整个城市公交系统全盘规划的开展,通过资产置换等重组方式,使已经交由社会和市场经营的公交资源重新收回国有。  相似文献   

北京公共交通控股(集团)有限公司是以经营地面公共交通客运为主的特大型国有公益性企业,拥有各类运营车辆20578辆,运营线咱672条,线路总长17828公里,在册职工114850人.  相似文献   

“一心为乘客,服务最光荣”的行业精神,“宁愿自己千辛万苦,不让乘客一时为难”的奉献品质,“在内宾面前我代表首都,在外宾面前我代表中国”的责任意识,“岗位做贡献,真情为他人”的服务情怀——这是北京公交文化的核心。  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in contracting to private industry for the provision of public transportation. The trend has accelerated since the mid 1970's spreading from local to regional transit authorities as the need for cost savings arise. Promising major savings without major service reductions, the merits of the strategy are now being evaluated at various levels. This paper focusses on the extent and magnitude of service contracting, the reasons why some agencies adopt the strategy, the nature and capability of the contractors and the actual performance of the arrangements.  相似文献   


This paper has reported on a study of relative opportunity—not absolute opportunity. Minimum absolute standards for mobility or accessibility are difficult to justify. Some additional study into the development and application of absolute mobility standards may be warranted.

The application of the mobility evaluation model has primarily focused upon a corridor line‐haul system. Conclusions suggest that such a system will not markedly improve existing transit mobility levels in either the peak hour or the off‐peak. The experimental work has verified this conclusion, and more importantly, it has detailed quantitatively the exact levels and spatial distribution of mobility improvements. However, this study does not include a comprehensive analysis of all methods of mobility enhancement, nor does it undertake a comparison of alternative means of mobility improvement. Certainly other methods to improve access to opportunities should be explored before policy considerations are finalized. These methods include other transit solutions, land use alternatives, socio‐economic policies, and other‐mode transportation alternatives. The accessibility technique and mobility indices approach appears to have general applicability in the analysis of optimal strategies for system evaluation.

Of interest is an examination of alternative feeder transit systems to the corridor line. Additional research with the model might point out the maximum mobility effects expected through improved collector service in the suburbs, with corridor line‐haul to the CBD.

The indices are also readily available for a comparison of mobility patterns for different urban areas. Application of the program to transit and socio‐economic data for a set of cities would yield an indication of the relative mobility levels provided. Such data might be considered as an evaluation criterion for future transit funding by federal officials.

In addition, the model is currently being considered by UMTA as a tool to aid in the evaluation of the equitable distribution of transit system benefits as defined in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.25 The mobility output would serve as an indicator of the levels‐of‐service provided to certain disadvantaged urban groups. For this application the computer model is being altered to achieve compatability with the Transportation Planning System (UTPS) computer model package developed by UMTA.  相似文献   

城市公共交通发展动力涵盖政府的主导作用、公交运营企业的主动力、公众的支持力以及营销传播的助动力等"四方力量",四方力量的协同推动城市公共交通系统快速发展。首先对城市公共交通发展的动力机制进行分析,研究快速发展面临的困境以及进行公共交通系统动力协调的必要性;然后提出强化政府主导作用的"4P"发展策略、激发公交运营企业主动力的品牌服务策略、拓展公众支持力的乘客关系管理策略、发挥营销传播助动力的促销策略等公共交通协同发展策略;由此增强公共交通竞争力,提高公交出行方式分担率,推动城市可持续发展。  相似文献   

The lack of relevant information is a significant barrier when policy makers try to motivate local communities in regional transportation–land use planning. This article demonstrates a workable approach to overcoming this information gap. Large data sets and research results are preprocessed to provide the information on regional transportation–land use connections. Web-based open source geo-spatial technologies are employed to reduce the cost of information dissemination while maintaining a high level of accessibility. Maps and graphs are dynamically generated to ensure that relevant information is delivered in easy-to-understand formats. Two illustrative examples are presented in this article to show how local planners can possibly benefit from this approach when developing stories of community growth, accessibility, mobility, and transportation–land use connections in a regional context.  相似文献   

By all appearances, the circumstances surrounding employment and income distribution in the United States have remained notably the same over the past 30–40 years. At the same time, policies for improving the conditions of low-income persons have remained relatively unchanged. Relevant published accounts continue to cite poorly integrated residential and employment location patterns and poor public transportation service as critical obstacles to improving the economic and social conditions of low-income persons. The relationship between poverty and public transportation was researched extensively during the late 1960s and the early 1970s; however, little recognition has been given to these efforts by more recent research efforts. To learn from the past we should review public transportation policies from 1960 to 2000 to highlight federal policies that affected urban areas during this time period, especially in relation to low-income transportation mobility.  相似文献   

This research empirically evaluates the public sector investment in the US freight transportation infrastructure. In particular, the infrastructures to support the two most comparable modes of freight transportation – highway and intermodal rail – are examined as alternatives for public fund allocation. Indicators for public sector transportation infrastructure investment mix are established based on financial analysis of both private and social costs and benefits, as well as the propensity of freight shippers to utilize such infrastructures. The research results in recommendations for the aggregate allocation of public funds in the US based on these indicators. We find that approximately a quarter of truck freight could be handled at a 25% lower cost if rail infrastructure to support it existed. Because an additional 80% reduction in social costs could be achieved through this modal conversion, the public sector is a critical participant in creating a more efficient transportation infrastructure.  相似文献   

A model is presented to describe the dynamics of transportation mode choice in which the interaction between transportation users and a public transportation authority results in self-organization. The model illustrates that a sufficient number of connections between a central city and its suburbs are required for self-organization to occur whereby public transportation use and service will grow.  相似文献   

《Transportation Research》1978,12(5):305-308
The paper addresses the following combinatorial problems: What are the minimal number of buses and drivers needed to keep up an adaptive public transportation network with prescribed departure and travel times. The system is adaptive in the sense that buses as well as drivers are not restricted to travel only one given two way line, but may also traverse among lines. However, adaptation to passenger loading is not yet directly considered. The relaxation of the “two way lines” constraint should provide more flexibility in employing the resources required to maintain and operate the network. No assumptions are imposed upon either the departure or travel times.The solution process is simple and intuitive and it seems that it can serve as a basic framework for accommodating some changes in the underlying structure of the system. The algorithm is an interim step in a mathematical program where the departure times are taken as control variables and are selected to minimize the average waiting time of passengers, or alternatively other performance indices of the network. The final buses' trips are not unique and their choice is subject to managerial considerations.  相似文献   

Urban passenger transport significantly contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions, especially in developing countries owing to the rapid motorization, thus making it an important target for carbon reduction. This article established a method to estimate and analyze carbon emission from urban passenger transport including cars, rail transit, taxis and buses. The scope of research was defined based on car registration area, transport types and modes, the stages of rail transit energy consumption. The data availability and gathering were fully illustrated. A city level emission model for the aforementioned four modes of passenger transport was formulated, and parameters including emission factor of electricity and fuel efficiency were tailored according to local situations such as energy structure and field survey. The results reveal that the emission from Beijing’s urban passenger transport in 2012 stood at 15 million tonnes of CO2, of which 75.5% was from cars, whereas car trip sharing constitutes only 42.5% of the total residential trips. Bus travel, yielding 28.6 g CO2, is the most efficient mode of transport under the current situations in terms of per passenger kilometer (PKM) emission, whereas car or taxi trips emit more than 5 times that of bus trips. Although a decrease trend appears, Beijing still has potential for further carbon reduction in passenger transport field in contrast to other cities in developed countries. Development of rail transit and further limitation on cars could assist in reducing 4.39 million tonnes CO2 emission.  相似文献   

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