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提出"安全为本"主张的海格客车,在近期又旗帜鲜明的提出"智慧客车"这一全新概念.业内人士透露,海格将于今年全面推出"智慧客车".这种客车相比传统客车,智能化程度将大大提升,为客车运营商的运营管理提供更多安全、更多盈利机会.  相似文献   

8月12日,第26届世界大学生夏季运动会正式开幕,深圳这座年轻的城市,打开世界之门,让青春、激情与梦想在这里飞扬。在重大赛事面前,主办方最重视的往往是交通、治安。为了精心做好大运会赛事交通服务,早在7月22日,苏州金龙就专门发文,宣布成立"海格客车大运会现场服务小组"和"后方支持小组",服务保障体系全面投入运行,大运会期间增派服务人员到龙岗、香蜜湖  相似文献   

2007年,海格一跃成为"中国名牌",苏州金龙也位居国内主流客车制造企业三甲。海格,这个年轻而富有活力的品牌,越来越显示出其品牌定位的独特鲜明和策略的清晰成熟。  相似文献   

造型气势磅礴,细节求完美 斯堪尼亚·海格A90是苏州金龙专门针对国内市场研发的高档、豪华公路客车.  相似文献   

特点一:能耗低海格客车运用中央龙骨式全承载技术减轻整车自重。运用计算机进行仿真模拟,计算燃气客车的动力匹配,再根据大量市场客户的意见进行修正,使车辆本身动力匹配达到极佳状态。运用车联网技术纠正驾驶人员的不良驾驶行为来达到节气(油)目的。江苏省交通运输协会第43次工作研讨会上,根据公布的对苏锡常通四  相似文献   

著名经济学家吴敬琏提出过一个观点:制度重于技术.我个人非常赞同这个观点,制度是企业管理的基础性架构,是管理的工具,但是好的制度(规则)并不是管理的全部.  相似文献   

三年前,江苏九龙汽车制造有限公司在江都成立.而今,这个中国民族汽车工业的新生力量开始在商务车市场上小试牛刀,其成长速度不仅让同行惊叹,其品牌塑造之路也成为业内人士饶有兴趣的话题.  相似文献   

简要介绍液化天然气(LNG)工作原理,结合我司目前在用的LNG营运客车的实际使用情况,对液化天然气(LNG)作为燃料的优缺点进行分析,提出实际使用过程中的注意事项.  相似文献   

"通过车联网,人与人之间的交流将更加深入。这是人类对于汽车出行的梦想,也是未来智慧汽车发展的方向。"9月25日,中国商用车车联网应用与服务专题论坛的演讲台上,来自重庆市索美智能交通通讯服务有限公司的技术总监李新汉跟听众们高谈阔论着他对于车联网的憧憬。孕育期:"盲人摸象"2002年,中国刚刚引进GPS系统,并试着投入于车载跟踪调度的应用,"那时,最初的车载定位系统和车载智能化终端概念在中国刚刚兴起。"李新汉介绍。  相似文献   

<正>韩泰轮胎旗下的全新品牌路欧锋(Laufenn),将于明年1月正式登陆中国,推出主打优质操控性能的3款产品—S FITas01、G FIT as01和X FIT HP。路欧锋(Laufenn)均衡优化了轮胎的各项性能,无论是任何季节任何路况均有卓越表现,为中国广大年轻消费者带来与众不同的驾驶享受。作为韩泰轮胎旗下全新的全球性轮胎品牌,路欧锋(Laufenn)以"自信"、"简单"、"开放"、"优雅"为品牌内  相似文献   

In this paper we present a theoretical framework for the analysis of road safety in different contexts characterized by the following factors: the presence or the absence of externalities, moral hazard, taxes (subsidies), government regulation, liability insurance and multi-period insurance contracts. The main results are the following: (i) A Pareto optimal solution for insurance coverage and road safety is characterized by full insurance and a level of prevention which takes into account externalities between drivers. (ii) Without asymmetrical information, such a Pareto optimal solution can be obtained with or without a fault system for negligence if an adequate rating system is set up in order to induce individuals to take into account externalities. Taxes and subsidies can also be efficient. Government regulation of road safety is another way to reduce inefficies due to externalities. However, these interventions will not generally lead to a socially optimal level of road safety under asymmetrical information. (iii) Under asymmetrical information, two mechanisms are examined in some detail: fault for negligence and multi-period insurance contracts. It is shown that one-period liability insurance contracts (assuming that the legal system can observe the individual's level of road safety activities when accidents occur) or multi-period no-fault insurance contracts (assuming an infinite horizon with no discounting) based in part on the individual's past driving record can give individually rational self-protection activity levels which are socially efficient in presence of both moral hazard and externalities. Under less stringent assumptions, these contracts can give second-best solutions.  相似文献   

Dunlop  Robin J. 《Transportation》1999,26(1):55-66
Reform in the public sector in New Zealand saw the abolition of the Ministry of Works and Development in 1988, with the commercial activities being transferred into a Government owned company. Further reform saw the client function of roads transferred initially into the Ministry of Transport and then into an independent Crown agency known as Transit New Zealand. Transit New Zealand is led by an Authority of six members, appointed by the Government, and it administers the strategic (national) road network (10,500 kilometres).In 1996 a separate funding body, Transfund New Zealand, was established to distribute funds to Transit New Zealand and local authorities. Transfund New Zealand is funded through a share of the petrol excise, all vehicle registration and licensing fees and all road user charges (an axle-weight/distance charge levied on diesel vehicles, especially trucks). These revenues are paid into a dedicated National Roads Fund, which allows a measure of transparency in funding the road system. The reforms in New Zealand have resulted in large efficiency gains, with no measurable lowering in level of service.The road agency of the future is discussed, along with possible changes in road management.  相似文献   

Based on an empirical analysis of the British road building programme the author concludes that the regional development effect of the highway building is small. Legislative influences such as limitation on driving hours and taxation measures may have a more significant influence on the economy. The road programme was found to have a centralizing effect on the distribution of employment.  相似文献   

运营公路隧道安全评估   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对某运营公路隧道的衬砌和路面状况、衬砌厚度与其背后回填状况、衬砌混凝土强度、隧道净空断面、风道吊杆和吊顶板、隧道路面横坡及抗滑性能等的调查与检测,对其安全性进行了评估,结果表明下行隧道病害严重,已达到“2A”级,需要尽早对隧道衬砌背后的空洞、隧道衬砌裂缝和渗漏水等问题进行全面综合整治。文章介绍了该隧道安全评估的检测项目、方法及频率。  相似文献   

Consider a radial road network such that a single ring road is the only connection between the radials. This paper shows that there is, for any fixed origin-destination distribution, a location of the ring road which minimises the impact of radial traffic flow, for almost any criterion used to assess that impact. An optimal ring road has as many relevant trip-ends inside as outside.  相似文献   

Ján Mikolaj 《运输评论》2013,33(4):313-321
Traffic on the road network in Slovakia is increasing greatly, as a result of the country's location in central Europe. In recent years, transit truck traffic has exceeded the network's capacity causing many accidents, low vehicle speed and rapid degradation of the pavement. To deal with this situation a Road Network Management System (RNMS) has been developed. This system is based on national standards that evaluate road parameters, characteristics, and traffic levels and on new methods that consider the environmental impact and methods based on international standards (HDM III). Using these, the RNMS was developed as one homogeneous unit, not only in terms of its capacity, traffic level and economic efficiency, but also to evaluate individual sections, to optimize action, and prepare a rehabilitation budget. It took only five years to develop the RNMS because Slovakia has much relevant experience based on high level research in highway design, structural pavement design and material engineering.  相似文献   

针对道路不同的病害,结合省道215公路大修施工,采取了相应不同的维修方案,使道路恢复到原来的使用状态。  相似文献   

结合济南长清大学城1#路改造工程,对比选择了较为合理的管线施工工艺,详细阐述了沟槽开挖、管道铺设安装、砖砌检查井、雨水口砌筑、沟槽回填等施工内容,探讨管线施工技术措施的实用性。  相似文献   

A detailed investigation was conducted to study the sources of particulate matter in the vicinity of an urban road in Žilina. To determine the amount of particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) present in the ambient air, a reference gravimetric method was used. The main objective of this contribution was to identify the sources of these particles by means of statistical methods, specifically principal component analysis (PCA), factor analysis (FA), and absolute principal component scores (APCS), as well as using the presence of 17 metals in the particulate matter (Na, Mg, Al, Ca, V, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Sb, Cd, Ba, Pb). To identify the metals in the particulate matter samples and to determine their abundances, spectroscopic methods were used, specifically inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Each of these metals may come from a specific source, such as the burning of fossil fuels in fossil fuel power plants; local heating of households; the burning of liquefied fossil fuels in the combustion engines of vehicles; the burning of coal and wood; non-combustion related emissions resulting from vehicular traffic; resuspension of traffic-related dust; and industry. Diesel vehicles and non-combustion emissions from road traffic have been identified as two key sources of the particulate matter. The results reveal that non-combustion emissions, which are associated with the elements Na, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, Mo, Sb, Cd, and Pb, are the major contributors, followed by combustion emissions from diesel vehicles, which are associated with the elements Mg, Ca, and Ba.  相似文献   

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