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农村公路对干线路网客货流承担着重要的集疏散作用。需要以长期抓好桥梁、隧道等固定风险点,突出抓好施工现场、病害路段等流动风险点为切入点,建立健全完善的责任落实机制、信息发布机制、应急反应机制、联合防控机制,大大提高道路交通安全水平,努力构建畅通、安全、舒适、高效的农村公路网络。  相似文献   

现如今,汽车已经成为随处可见的代步工具,汽车的发明极大地方便了人们的日常出行,给人们的工作带来了极大便利,但同时也对汽车驾驶人员提出了更高要求。只有遵守汽车安全驾驶规则,做好应急处置,才能够为道路行车安全提供坚实的保障。文章主要探讨汽车安全驾驶的影响因素,并提出了应急处理的技术措施,希望给相关研究人员以借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

认识和分析农村公路现状,合理制定和把握农村公路建设的技术对策,是在有限的投资下建设好农村公路的有效途径。  相似文献   

路桥工程作为支撑城市发展的交通基础设施,对民众生活质量的提升有重要意义。为了进一步优化路桥工程施工技术,对影响路桥工程施工质量与安全的相关因素进行分析,指出路桥工程施工技术管理与安全保障措施中存在的问题,并针对性地提出相关优化策略,以期为规范施工技术和保证施工安全提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

为了提升农村公路工程的建设质量,首先,阐述农村公路建设特点及工程质量安全管理要求;其次,对质量安全管理存在的问题加以分析;最后,提出质量安全监督及管理措施。以期为提升农村公路建设质量和安全水平提供有益参考。  相似文献   

农村公路作为较为关键的基础设施,能够在一定程度上影响农村经济发展水平,使农村群众的出行更加便捷.因此,必须要对于农村公路予以充分关注.当前,农村公路较为常见的是水泥混凝土公路和沥青混凝土路面,应用时间延长之后,很可能由于一些因素的影响,导致公路无法正常使用甚至缩短公路的使用寿命.为了使农村公路建设达成预期目标,首先分析...  相似文献   

随着我国逐年增加的农村公路建设,也随之增加了通车里程,并极大的改善了行车条件,为农民群众出行提供了便利,加快了经济的发展.为了使农村公路应用服务寿命进一步延长,深入研究农村公路养护技术,并做好定期防护工作非常关键.一直以来,因为缺乏养护资金,许多已经建成的农村公路缺乏必要的管理和维修养护,因此具有非常突出的失管失养问题...  相似文献   

为了更好地满足新农村发展建设需求,不断加强对工程施工技术的管理,切实提高公路工程的施工效率和施工质量,针对当前农村公路建设现状以及加强其施工技术管理工作的重要性展开分析,通过实际案例,对施工中存在的质量影响因素做出全面总结,并提出相应的技术管理要点和质量控制措施,供相关人员参考。  相似文献   

农村公路普遍采用水泥混凝土路面和沥青混凝土路面,经过长期使用,路面会因各种原因产生破损,影响公路的正常运行,甚至会降低路面的使用寿命。为了提高农村公路的养护水平,对农村公路的常见病害和成因进行分析,提出农村公路养护技术应用与病害防治策略,以期为同类型养护工作提供参考。  相似文献   

高速公路交通事故频频发生,如果在事故发生后能及时检测事故,并采取有效的紧急救援措施,可以极大程度降低事故造成的损失,预防二次连锁事故发生。文章从事故检测、事故响应策略、事故现场管理、事故清除等方面探讨了高速公路二次交通事故的预防技术与策略。  相似文献   

针对交通安全现状及国内外交通预警发展现状的分析,阐明建立交通事故预警系统的必要性。分析了基于人、车、路、环境四要素的道路交通事故的成因,根据交通事故预警系统设计原则和建立预警系统的目的,采用相关理论,选用合适的交通信息采集技术,建立了交通事故预警系统。该系统包括驾驶员预警子系统、车辆防撞预警子系统、车辆状况预警子系统、道路安全预警子系统和交通气象预警子系统。  相似文献   

通过建立高速公路网紧急救援管辖分区的设立原则和基本假设,对高速公路网进行责任管辖分区划分,引入路网救援时间最大服务半径的概念对路网管辖分区问题开展了量化研究。  相似文献   

随着道路运输的快速发展,我国的交通安全形势也不容乐观。为更好的确保人民出行安全,需在道路建设初期进行安全评价。本文利用德尔菲法进行两轮专家调查,建立了较为科学完善的道路安全评价指标体系;利用层次分析法合理确定各评价指标权重,从系统工程学角度建立了一套可量化、操作性强的道路安全评价机制。  相似文献   

Different clearance methods in traffic accident management lead to varied duration distributions. Apart from investigating the influence of various factors associated with accidents on the duration of such accidents using different clearance methods, this study also examines the cumulative incidence probability. We used traffic accident data obtained for 12 months from the Fourth Ring Expressway main line in Beijing to develop a subdistribution hazard regression model, which can assess the risk factors of two clearance methods. The regression results show that the different factors have statistically significant effects on the duration of two accident groups with different clearance methods; furthermore, opposite effects occur even for some factors that have a strong effect on both accident groups. For example, an accident involving a taxi extends the duration time with clearance method 1; in comparison, the accident is shorter with clearance method 2. The predicted cumulative incidence curves of the two types of clearance methods are shown as examples, with stratification based on the influence factors (taxi involved, season). Finally, the Gray test of the cumulative incidence functions and the log‐rank test of the Kaplan–Meier estimates of the survival functions are compared, in order to demonstrate the importance of using proper methods for analyses. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Singapore’s Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) system involves time-variable charges which are intended to spread the morning traffic peak. The charges are revised every three months and thus induce regular motorists to re-think their travel decisions. ERP traffic data, captured by the system, provides a valuable source of information for studying motorists’ travel behaviour. This paper proposes a new modelling methodology for using these data to forecast short-term impacts of rate adjustment on peak period traffic volumes. Separate models are developed for different categories of vehicles which are segmented according to their demand elasticity with respect to road pricing. A method is proposed for estimating the maximum likelihood value of preferred arrival time (PAT) for each vehicle’s arrivals at a particular ERP gantry under different charging conditions. Iterative procedures are used in both model calibration and application. The proposed approach was tested using traffic datasets recorded in 2003 at a gantry located on Singapore’s Central Expressway (CTE). The model calibration and validation show satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Highway traffic flow phenomena involve several complex and stochastic variables with high interdependencies. The variations in roadway, traffic and environmental factors influence the traffic flow quality significantly. Capacity analysis of road sections under different traffic and geometric conditions need to quantify the vehicles of widely varying characteristics to a common and universally acceptable unit. Passenger car unit (PCU) is the universally adopted unit of traffic volume, keeping the passenger car as the ‘standard vehicle’ with reference to its static and dynamic characteristics; other vehicles are expressed to its equivalent number in terms of PCUs. The studies carried out in this aspect represent the dynamic nature of impedance caused by a vehicle while moving through a traffic stream. The PCU values recommended by the Highway Capacity Manual are widely applied in many countries; however, their applicability is highly under debate because of the variations in prevailing local traffic conditions. There are several factors that influence the PCU values such as traffic, roadway, vehicle, environmental and control conditions, etc. Apart from vehicular characteristics, the other two major factors that influence the PCU of vehicles are the following: (i) road width and (ii) traffic volume. In this study, estimation of PCU values for the different types of vehicles of a highly heterogeneous traffic on 7.5‐ and 11.0‐m‐wide roads, using micro‐simulation technique, has been dealt with. It has been found that the PCU value of a vehicle type varies significantly with variation in road width and traffic volume. The results of the study indicate that the PCU values are significantly influenced by the said two factors. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

旧沥青路面冷再生技术是一种较新的具有重要应用价值的公路路面施工技术,结合在农村公路旧沥青路面冷再生技术应用的基础上,分析阐述了旧沥青路面冷再生技术的施工工艺、经验做法及应用价值。  相似文献   

利用3DSMAX创建交通事故中所用的三维模型,再现事故发生的场景,把模型导入VC++的窗口程序中来显示,调用OpenGL库函数来控制模型运动,实现交通事故三维再现。  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a macro traffic flow model with consideration of varying road conditions. Our analytical and numerical results illustrate that good road condition can enhance the speed and flow of uniform traffic flow whereas bad road condition will reduce the speed and flow. The numerical results also show that good road condition can smooth shock wave and improve the stability of traffic flow whereas bad road condition will lead to steeper shock wave and reduce the stability of traffic flow. Our results are also qualitatively accordant with empirical results, which implies that the proposed model can qualitatively describe the effects of road conditions on traffic flow. These results can guide traffic engineers to improve the road quality in traffic engineering. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在深入分析农村公路交通现状的基础上,结合社会主义新农村的建设,研究了社会主义新农村在公路等级及里程、客运及货物运输系统、公路养护与管理、道路交通安全防护等方面对交通的需求,提出了适应社会主义新农村建设的道路交通安全保障措施。  相似文献   

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