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The aim of this study is to provide a budget study with calculated erosion rates. Three methods have been used to calculate sediment yield and denudation rates in the Ria de Vigo: (1) measurements of sediment loads, (2) measurements of sediment accumulation rates at the coast, (3) theoretical calculations of potential denudation. Sediment loads and water discharge were measured over a period of 14 months from May 1997 to July 1998. Two of the tributaries entering the Ria de Vigo were monitored for 12 more months, from May 2000 to May 2001, to observe changes in discharge and sediment loads. This period corresponded with atypical precipitation, with peak monthly values (600 mm) three times higher than those on record.Water rating curves are typically exponential. Suspended and dissolved loads vary for different rivers, showing values of 1.5 to 130 mg/l during 1997/1998. For 2000/2001, these values are twice as high. Suspended load versus discharge relationships for 1997/1998 were logarithmic, but data from 2000/2001 does not fit the same equation. Dissolved loads are several times higher than suspended loads in almost all cases. Dissolved load concentrations vary more widely with discharge than suspended loads. This is probably due to local pollution and contamination from marine spray in areas closer to the sea.Second, erosion rates and bed load sediment yields were calculated from accumulation rates at the Ramallosa Complex. Well-preserved estuarine and tidal sediments, associated with the Minor River, have accumulated in this area during the Holocene. 14C ages allow calculation of sedimentation rates (SR) for two intervals. The lower interval extends from 2001 to 484 years BP and yields an SR of 1.12 mm/a. The upper interval extends from 484 years BP to the present and has an SR of 3.3–4.4 mm/a. These differences may be explained by basin dynamics as the beach progressively encloses the area and also by human interference. From sedimentary facies analysis it is concluded that 90% to 95% of the accumulated deposits were transferred to the basin as bed load. Muddy deposits (mostly marshes) are better developed at the upper part of the sediment pile, and inner areas, indicating a progressive shallowing and filling up of the basin. Most of suspended load is exported to the ria, whereas the Ramallosa Complex acts as a sediment sink for bed load derived material.Calculated potential erosion rates using Ahnert's [Am. J. Sci. 268 (1970) 243] equation show lower values than those estimated from river load concentrations. Potential erosion rates for the Minor River are higher than for the Lagares River which contrast with mechanical denudation rate values from river loads during 1997/1998 which are higher for the Lagares River. During 2000/2001 MDR values were higher than those of the potential erosion rates for both rivers, in line with the extremely high precipitation. Higher values in the Lagares could be in part due to human interference.  相似文献   

A linked hydrodynamic mineralization model is described and used to evaluate offshelf fluxes and fractionated mineralization of particulate phytogenic materials in the coastal upwelling system of the Rías Baixas (NW Spain), under three different typical situations of the upwelling season. The simulations made indicate that the intensity of upwelling controls: (a) net community production (NCP); (b) particulate organic matter (POM) accumulation; (c) in situ mineralization; and (d) matter export in the ‘Rías Baixas.’ Under strong upwelling conditions, there is an important horizontal offshelf flux, having only a small mineralization effect on NCP; if weak upwelling conditions are simulated, POM export is dramatically reduced and in situ mineralization is significantly enhanced; finally, under average upwelling conditions, the offshelf export of POM is about one third of the POM accumulation inside the domain, evidencing its importance in the productivity enhancement of near-shore areas. According to our sensitivity tests, the net vertical velocity (water velocity plus sinking velocity) has a critical role in the C/N/P stoichiometry of POM.  相似文献   

Information of suspended sediments fluxes of small rivers to the coastal zone is sparse, and this is particularly so for the Iberian Rivers. To help address this shortage of information, the relationship between fluvial discharge and total suspended solids (TSS) for the main 28 Cantabrian Rivers using data from 22 years monitoring by the COCA network has been analysed, and their particulate material fluxes to the Bay of Biscay coasts have been quantified. The Cantabrian Fluvial System (drainage basin area of 20,333 km2) may be considered as a quasi-homogeneous fluvial system with an average discharge of 561 m− 3 s− 1 and average loads of 35 kgTSS s− 1 with rivers showing similar average yields of 56 t km− 2 a− 1. The average TSS contribution is 1.2 ± 0.2 109 kg a− 1. This seaward flux of sediment is dispersed along the entire North Iberian coast and is rather modest (25% of the total supply) in comparison with the output from the French Rivers to the Bay of Biscay. The TSS loads of Cantabrian Rivers indicate they are similar to world upland rivers and those of other parts of Northern Europe according to Milliman and Syvistki [Milliman and Syvistki, 1992. Geomorphic/tectonic control of sediment discharge to the ocean: the importance of small mountainous rivers. Journal of Geology, 100: 525–544] and Milliman [Milliman, 2001. Delivery and fate of fluvial water and sediment to the sea: a marine geologist's view of European rivers. Scientia Marina, 65: 121–132]. Although their TSS flux is practically negligible (13,000 times lower) when compared to the world average flux, they provide a good example of the role of small Atlantic temperate rivers.  相似文献   

Upwelling events driving ENACW (Eastern North Atlantic Coastal Water) into the Galician western coast rias had been considered typical spring–summer processes, according to the research developed in this area. However, they can also be observed in fall or winter under northerly winds blowing at shelf. Six different upwelling events were analyzed in the Ria of Pontevedra during the wet season (NDJF) from 2000 to 2005. These events were characterized by means of the zonal Ekman transport (Qx) at four control points in front of the western rias (locally known as Rias Baixas) and thermohaline variables measured at a fixed station in the main mouth of the Ria of Pontevedra. The duration of the upwelling events ranged from 27 days (during February and March 2002) to 69 days (during November–December 2004 and January 2005). Upwelling events studied in the Ria of Pontevedra from 2000 to 2005 showed the similarity in upwelling features during both seasons (similar wind forcing and upwelled water). Finally, Qx was correlated with the most representative atmospheric patterns in the Northern Hemisphere (EA, NAO, EA/WR, POL and SCA) from 1966 to 2005. The winter EA pattern has the most influence on Qx showing an annual evolution with a prevalence of the positive phase from 1976 on. This positive phase is directly correlated with a prevalence of positive values of Qx which are upwelling unfavorable in the Rias Baixas.  相似文献   

Using current meters and systematically repeated vessel mounted ADCP data legs, we describe the role of the semidiurnal and diurnal constituents in the tidal currents and investigate the mesoscale variability of the M2 tidal currents field along three cross-shelf legs over the Galician shelf. We found that the estimated values of the semi-major axes of the main semidiurnal tidal constituents are closely related to those obtained in previous research and that the tidal currents are predominantly semidiurnal. Amplitudes of the M2 and S2 semi-major axes constituents are comparable, and important fortnightly variability should thus be expected in the amplitude of the semidiurnal tidal currents. Vertical profiles of the semi-major axes of the main tidal constituents reveal that, in the absence of stratification, and far from the bottom frictional effects, the tidal currents are mostly barotropic. Over the slope, the tidal ellipses tilt from a north–south orientation toward the northeast–southwest direction and, as we go further into the shelf, their amplitude is increased, a feature that is reasonably explained by the transition from the dynamics of a Poincaré wave offshore to the dynamics of a northward alongshore propagating Kelvin wave over the shelf. The Ría de Vigo exerts a notable influence over the tidal currents, acting as an extension of the shelf and introducing a meridional variation in the orientation of the ellipses from the alongshore direction in the southern straight coast toward the northeast–southwest direction at the latitude of the Rías. Finally, the spatial fitting methods we tried have proved to be successful in VMADCP data detiding in this region.  相似文献   

Concentrations of five trace metals (Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu and Zn) in wild mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Galician and Gulf of Biscay areas in Spain were monitored from 2000 to 2004. A pool of mussel soft tissue was prepared using 50 or more individuals representing the available size range (35–60 mm) present at the sampling points (A Coruña, Pontevedra and Vigo–Galicia, NW of Spain—and Avilés, Bilbao and Santander–Gulf of Biscay). Metals were analysed by atomic absorption spectrometry, AAS, (flame–AAS: Cu and Zn; graphite furnace–AAS: Cd and Pb; flow injection-cold vapour–AAS: total Hg). Quality of the chemical analyses was assessed by participation in periodic QUASIMEME intercalibration exercises carried out from 2000 to 2004, while the present study was developed . Univariate statistical studies, Anova (Analysis of the Variance) and Principal Component Analysis (autoscaled data, Varimax rotation) were carried out. Differences between the two areas as well as certain temporal trends were found and, in general, the Gulf of Biscay samples showed higher metallic contents, mainly close to Avilés, where iron and steel factories thrown residues for years into a nearby coastal area.  相似文献   

Net in situ production and export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) have been studied in shelf waters off the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain), as part of a comprehensive hydrographic survey carried out from September 1994 to September 1995 with a fortnight periodicity. DOC and DON correlated well (r=+0.78), the slope of the regression line being 12.0±0.7 mol-C mol-N−1, about twice the Redfieldian slope of particulate organic matter, 6.5±0.2 mol-C mol-N−1 (r=+0.95). Labile DOC and DON accumulated in the upper 50 m during the upwelling season (March–September), mainly after prolonged periods of wind relaxation, when horizontal flows were reduced. This labile material represented 50% and 35% of the total (dissolved+particulate) organic carbon and nitrogen susceptible of microbial utilisation, which assert the key contribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the export of new primary production in the NW Iberian upwelling system. This surface excess in shelf waters appeared to be formed into the highly productive Ría de Vigo (a large coastal indentation) at net rates of 4.4 μM-C d−1 and 1.3 μM-C d−1 in the inner and outer segments of the embayment respectively, and subsequently exported to the shelf. Once in the shelf, simple dilution with the inert DOM pool of recently upwelled Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) occurred. Eventually, the DOM excess produced during the upwelling season is exported to the adjacent open ocean waters by the coastal circulation. Conversely, during the unproductive downwelling season (October–February), the lowest DOC and DON levels were recorded and export was prevented by the characteristic downwelling front associated to the seasonal poleward slope current.  相似文献   

(0,mf-m+1)-图的正交(0,f)-因子分解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设G是一个图,是定义在V(G)上的整数值函数且对A↓∈V(G)有f(x)≥2k.设H1,H2,…,Hk是G的k个顶点不相交的子图,且|E(Hi)|=m,1≤i≤k.证明了每个(0,mf-m+1)-图G有一个(0,f)-因子分解正交于Hi(i=1,2,…,k).  相似文献   

The key features of the western Galician shelf hydrography and dynamics are analyzed on a solid statistical and experimental basis. The results allowed us to gather together information dispersed in previous oceanographic works of the region. Empirical orthogonal functions analysis and a canonical correlation analysis were applied to a high-resolution dataset collected from 47 surveys done on a weekly frequency from May 2001 to May 2002. The main results of these analyses are summarized bellow. Salinity, temperature and the meridional component of the residual current are correlated with the relevant local forcings (the meridional coastal wind component and the continental run-off) and with a remote forcing (the meridional temperature gradient at latitude 37°N). About 80% of the salinity and temperature total variability over the shelf, and 37% of the residual meridional current total variability are explained by two EOFs for each variable. Up to 22% of the temperature total variability and 14% of the residual meridional current total variability is devoted to the set up of cross-shore gradients of the thermohaline properties caused by the wind-induced Ekman transport. Up to 11% and 10%, respectively, is related to the variability of the meridional temperature gradient at the Western Iberian Winter Front. About 30% of the temperature total variability can be explained by the development and erosion of the seasonal thermocline and by the seasonal variability of the thermohaline properties of the central waters. This thermocline presented unexpected low salinity values due to the trapping during spring and summer of the high continental inputs from the River Miño recorded in 2001. The low salinity plumes can be traced on the Galician shelf during almost all the annual cycle; they tend to be extended throughout the entire water column under downwelling conditions and concentrate in the surface layer when upwelling favourable winds blow. Our evidences point to the meridional temperature gradient acting as an important controlling factor of the central waters thermohaline properties and in the development and decay of the Iberian Poleward Current.  相似文献   

Deep water samples (in contact with the sediment) were collected at eight different points of the estuary of the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal River (Bay of Biscay, Basque Country), both at low and high tides, during four sampling campaigns (May, September and December 2005 and March 2006). Superficial water was also sampled in March 2006. Temperature, pH, redox potential, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity corresponding to each sample were measured in situ at each sampling point using a multiparametric probe. The physico-chemical parameters found are typical of highly stratified estuaries, with an acceptable oxygenation level. After filtering and acidifying the samples, they were analysed by inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry (ICP/MS) to simultaneously determine the total concentration of Al, As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn. Concentrations in the μg kg− 1 level were found in all cases (cCr and cNi, 1–10; cAl, cAs and cZn, 10–50; cCu and cMn, 10–100 and cFe, 100–400 μg kg− 1). A probable net input of Al, Cr, Mn and Zn via the main (Nerbioi-Ibaizabal) and some of the tributary rivers (Galindo, Asua and Gobela) was identified. Evidence of a common source of Al and Zn to the estuary was found. Correlation analysis of data revealed connections between variables (concentration of Cu, Fe and As with salinity, as well as cAl with cZn, cCu with cFe, cAs with cFe, and cAs with cCu). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of data allowed the samples to be grouped according to sampling campaign, with two principal components accounting for 62% of the total variance. In addition, plots of element concentration against salinity suggested a conservative behaviour for As, Cu and Fe and a non-conservative one for Cr. Not clear mixing behaviour was observed for the rest of elements.  相似文献   

The sea ice biota of polar regions contains numerous heterotrophic flagellates very few of which have been properly identified. The whole mount technique for transmission electron microscopy enables the identification of loricate and scaly forms. A survey of Arctic ice samples (North-East Water Polynya, NE Greenland) revealed the presence of ca. 12 taxa belonging to the phagotrophic genus Thaumatomastix (Protista incertae sedis). Species of Thaumatomastix possess siliceous body scales and one naked and one scale-covered flagellum. The presence in both Arctic samples and sea ice material previously examined from the Antarctic indicates that this genus is most likely ubiquitous in polar sea ice and may be an important component in sea ice biota microbial activities.  相似文献   

借助于矩阵的广义逆,给出了线性矩阵方程(AX,XC)=(B,D)有对称解的充分必要条件;在有解的情况下,给出了通解的显式表示;作为特例,讨论了一类逆特征值问题.  相似文献   

Sampling of the near-bottom calanoid copepods was performed on board of the research vessel Polarstern in 1993 in the Laptev Sea (Siberian Arctic). Three new species of Xanthocalanus were identified as such, and are described and figured here: X. spinodenticulatus sp. nov., X. laptevorum sp. nov. and X. polarsternae sp. nov.  相似文献   

无论什么时候,无论走到哪里,说话声音宏亮、充满激情、讲一口流利外语的魏船长总会成为人群的焦点。他身上似乎总是有一股无形的气场,感染周围的人,给他们信心和勇气。魏家福船长怀着大海一样的胸怀,指挥着中远这艘巨轮踏上了160多个国家的土地,得到了世界人民的认可和尊重。时钟指向了2010年,此时,距离金融危机爆发已经过去了一年多的时间,航运市场企稳向好,但仍存在许多不确定因素。今年的航运市场到底何去何从?透过重重迷雾,魏船长将为我们做一个精彩的解读!  相似文献   

Ekman transport is studied close to the Galician coast by means of wind data provided by the QuikSCAT satellite from November 1999 to October 2005. Three different coastal zones are identified, western coast from Miño River to Cape Finisterre, middle coast from Cape Finisterre to Cape Ortegal and northern coast, from Cape Ortegal to Cape Peñas. In addition to existence of long-term variations, the periodicity of the transport signal is characterized by an annual component (365 days), a seasonal fluctuation (50–80 days) and a time scale related to passing storms (15–20 days). Although the periodicity of the signal is similar at the three zones due to external meteorological forcing, the Ekman transport is modulated by the presence of the coast, in such a way that seasonal patterns vary in intensity and direction along the coast. Thus, the spring–summer pattern is characterized by high transport at the western coast, pointing seaward perpendicular to the shore-line. The same orientation is observed at the middle coast although with a lower magnitude. Finally, Ekman transport at the northern coast points landward and oblique to the shore-line. The different transport orientations are shown to be responsible for the upwelling probability variation along the coast. On the other hand, the autumn–winter pattern does not show a clear trend with important inter-annual differences showing the high variability of Ekman transport for this period.  相似文献   

Trace metal inventories and transboundary fluxes were estimated for the surface waters of the eastern Gotland Basin, and a mass balance for this water body was derived.The study area was delineated by a box which bordered vertically by the sea surface and the halocline and horizontally by the coast of Gotland and the coast of Latvia/Lithuania. For the calculation of the trace metal inventories in the box, a high-resolution sampling was carried out during different seasons. Additional sediment trap studies were performed to calculate the vertical particulate trace metal fluxes through the halocline.The following transboundary fluxes have been estimated: (a) atmospheric input of trace metals; (b) lateral transport from adjacent bodies of surface water; (c) diapycnal fluxes of dissolved trace metals at the halocline; (d) sinking of trace metals, associated with particles, through the halocline, (e) vertical advection through the halocline.The lateral transport into and out of the surface box is important for the metals (Cd, Cu, Zn) with “nutrient-like” behaviour. For particle reactive elements like lead, vertical sedimentation and lateral transport out of the box as much as atmospheric input and lateral input into the box are in the same order of magnitude. Turbulent diapycnal mixing plays a minor role compared to the advective fluxes.The estimated range for the residence times for the region under investigation are  0.5–1.3 years for Pb;  2–11 years for Zn,  7–36 years for Cd and 42–89 years for Cu. This demonstrates that the system reacts very fast for particle reactive elements like Pb, while for copper sedimentation processes are not the preferential sink and can be neglected.  相似文献   

通过分析船用变风量空调系统特点,提出系统送风量和送风温度的控制策略,设计出系统的模糊PID控制方法;并利用实验台开展系统控制的研究。结果表明,采用定送风静压控制,以及在系统中引入变容量压缩机和电子膨胀阀以实现制冷能力的精确调节,并结合采用所设计的模糊PID控制方法,船用变风量空调系统能够取得良好的分区独立控制和高精度的舱室温度控制。  相似文献   

文章通过分析总结,明确了临河(湖、海)工程的定义,对其包含的具体内容予以了界定,并把所有临河(湖、海)工程系统地归纳为五大类型。根据各工程建筑物类型,提出了评价的关键要素与侧重点。  相似文献   

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