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The knowledge about the proportion of household budget which Africans spend on urban transport is still poor. We have carried out an analysis of a household travel survey to provide some insight into this topic. This paper begins with a review of the literature that illustrates how much different estimates vary and goes on to discuss the effects of a number of methodological decisions, with regard to be robust, in particular as far as to expenditure is recorded, the type of data collection and the selection of an equivalence scale. With regard to an application in the city of Niamey, the authors explain the hypotheses they have made and describe sensitivity tests when different equivalence scales are applied. Although it would seem that travel surveys could benefit from methodological improvements, the results appear to be robust, in particular as far as selection of an equivalence scale is concerned. Because of high running costs, motor vehicle ownership is extremely restricted. Public transport use is a substitute for personal modes, but it is also expensive and a considerable burden on the budgets of the poorest households. Its use is therefore constrained, which limits the ability of low income groups for become truly integrated within the economic and social life the city 相似文献
Prospective de la mobilité en Île-de-France Les apports et les limites d' une démarche économétrique
The author has used econometric equations to forecast travel by car and public transport in the Paris Region in the year 2020. The parameters of the equations were estimated on the basis of the observed trends since 1980. The technique is innovative in that it takes account of changes in structural factors (distribution of population by age, ring zone of residence and car ownership) using what are termed structural demand variables. Existing forecasts of these structural factors have been used. By applying hypotheses about changes in the remaining explanatory variables (income, transport price and supply) we have estimated traffic levels in a business as usual scenario whose sensitivity to the explanatory factors has also been tested. From this we have derived some additional indicators: network congestion, trip frequencies for each mode, travel time and aggregate quality indicators. Finally, some limits of this approach are discussed. 相似文献
G. Simon 《Recherche - Transports - Sécurité》2012,28(1):25-32
The urban movement of tourists remains largely unknown, but the mobility of tourists contributes to the metropolitan process. Around the notion of ??adherence??, this article demonstrates how, in the Paris metropole, tourists rely mainly on walking and the use of the tube to travel within the city. The structurally different characteristics of walking and the use of the tube represent a theoretical opposition between the two types of movements that are differently ??adherent?? to the city. However, these mobilities complement each other. Indeed, the partial disconnection of the tube is addressed by the direct connection and proximity to the city allowed by the pedestrian means. 相似文献
M. Padeiro 《Recherche - Transports - Sécurité》2012,28(2):69-88
This article aims to analyze the role of proximity to transport infrastructures in employment growth within 291 municipalities located in the ?le-de-France region between 1993 and 2008. Based on the employment data from Unistatis, a multiple regression econometric model is estimated, first without variables describing proximity to infrastructure, and then integrating them in order to measure the gain in explanatory power. The results suggest that the role of infrastructure in employment growth rate is limited and varies according to economic sectors and network types. 相似文献
While authorities consider transit as one of the solutions to enhance sustainable mobility, they do not provide a steady funding for its operation and growth. This inconsistency between political discourse and real intervention has motivated nine transit operators from six metropolitan areas of Quebec to conduct a study on the contribution of transit to sustainability. This article first presents the process of selecting indicators. For some of the indicators developed, the estimation method is detailed, which comprises of the following factors: resources, emission prevention, contribution to daily physical activity, accessibility to public transit and to activity locations, daily savings of using transit in comparison with car use, and the relative safety of transit use. Finally, the article explains the conceptual, methodological, and informational challenges that influenced the selection of indicators and their estimation methodologies. 相似文献
M. -A. Granié 《Recherche - Transports - Sécurité》2011,27(1):34-41
The objective of this study is to explore gender differences and effect of internalization of traffic rules on children’s propensity to take risks as cyclists. Risk perception, internalization of traffic rules, and self-reported risk-taking propensity as cyclist were measured in a questionnaire among 145 children (86 boys and 59 girls) aged 9 to 12. The results show gender differences in cycling rules internalization, risk perception, and risk-taking propensity as cyclist. Furthermore, the results show that internalizing traffic rules is a better predictor than biological sex of the propensity to take risks as cyclist. 相似文献
Since the 1990s, transport project assessments take systematically pollutant emission estimations into account. This paper is about the methodological aspects of these calculations. It focuses more specifically on the car fleet hypothesis, which most often lays on national data, without consideration of local specificities. We use the last household travel survey from Lyon, 2006, and the SIMBAD model to compare the results of CO2 and NOx emissions estimated from the French national car fleet, the aggregated Lyon car fleet and the same fleet disaggregated by household location and income. We show that the error level varies, depending on the pollutant and the observation scale. The use of an aggregated local car fleet seems interesting and satisfactory for a global emission assessment. If the results are required at a more detailed spatial level, the use of this local fleet improves sharply the estimations in comparison of a national fleet; the fleet disaggregation refines the results for NOx. 相似文献
L. Bouillaut O. François P. Aknin R. Donat S. Bondeux S. Dubois 《Recherche - Transports - Sécurité》2011,27(4):241-257
This article deals with a generic approach called VirMaLab (virtual maintenance laboratory) for reliabilitybased maintenance modeling for complex systems (with multi-components and multi-states). Based on the probabilistic graphical models formalism (also known as Bayesian networks), this stochastic approach takes into account both the degradation process of the considered system (an original semi-Markovian model is proposed) and maintenance strategies (from diagnosis factors to all kinds of maintenance actions). For complete decision support tools, cost parameters should also be considered (maintenance actions, unavailability of the system, running, etc.). In this article, two applications of this approach to rail maintenance are introduced. The first one focuses on the optimization of the compromise refurbishment/repairing of central part of the RER A line. The second one focuses on the comparison and evaluation of various maintenance strategies in the modernization of the command control systems of Paris metro lines. 相似文献
This study uses the road traffic accident casualty register for the Rhône Département to investigate how the risk of severe or fatal injury varies according to age and to describe the injuries that explain the severity. Two groups of road users are investigated, car occupants and pedestrians. A NISS score of nine or over is taken to indicate a severe injury. Data analysis reveals that, for both groups, the risk of severe or fatal injury increases with age. The nature and location of the injuries depend on the age and sex of the victims. With regard to severe injuries, elderly female pedestrians are susceptible to fractures of the femur (and the femoral neck) and all parts of the upper limbs. Elderly male pedestrians are mainly exposed to fractures of the femoral neck. The greater vulnerability of severely injured elderly drivers results in thoracic injuries, which are partly explained by seat–belt wearing. The main cause of death, for pedestrians of all ages and young drivers is severe head injuries. Car occupants over the age of fifty more frequently suffer from severe thoracic injuries. These findings should not, however, be allowed to conceal the differences observed in the general population for the two severity criteria we have analyzed (severe injury or death). Mortality (in relation to the general population) is highest for young car occupants, while lethality (the fatality rate amongst those injured) is highest among the elderly. For pedestrians, both mortality and lethality increase with age. These findings are also applicable to the risk of severe injury. They justify the continuation of passive safety research in order to develop protection systems that are appropriate for the characteristics of car occupants. Furthermore, they should help to increase everybody’s awareness of the vulnerability of pedestrians and stimulate the introduction of preventive measures, particularly for seniors. 相似文献
X. Peraldi 《Recherche - Transports - Sécurité》2012,28(3-4):303-314
The Corsican territorial continuity system is 35 years old. Overall, it has allowed a significant improvement in communications between the island and the mainland of France. It has also actively contributed to the economic development of the island. But its economic and financial balance is far from perfect. Especially, its collective cost seems excessive. The failures can be identified at two levels: at the territorial governance level and at the regulation level. 相似文献
The structure of the French rail network is highly centralized. It complies with the strategy of use of the incumbent operator, SNCF: the long-term trend has been rather towards the concentration of traffic on a limited number of well-equipped routes. The experience of freight market liberalization shows that seven newcomers have entered the market. They haul approximately 16% of the total volume in 2010. But they have neither the same vision of the network, nor the same use of it. They run point-to-point long-distance trains, so they try to travel via lines that are as direct as possible, thereby saving several kilometres and avoiding problematic bottlenecks. Their strategies are counteracted by the current state of the infrastructures when they try to avoid the main radial lines: limited capacity, speed and axle load restrictions, etc. Upgrading works are now in progress, under the direction of RFF, the network manager. They add perturbations to the existing restriction of use, without any satisfying alternative train path. This paper tries to emphasize the strategic divergences between operators confronted with a time-consuming (or insufficiently anticipated) network. 相似文献
L. Fouillé J. -S. Broc B. Bourges J. Bougnol P. Mestayer 《Recherche - Transports - Sécurité》2012,28(3-4):190-200
The authors present a recent development in the use of classic travel demand models (TDMs) to environmental impact assessment of transport, far from its initial target. By comparing previous cases found in the literature (Chester, Seoul, Florence, Brisbane and Saint-Etienne) with their present works (Eval-PDU in Nantes), the authors notice that their predecessors tend to be evasive on their use of TDM. Hence, traffic data are little discussed in these works, while their works constitute one of the main stakes in this kind of study. Indeed, the hypotheses for traffic modeling are impacting the next steps of the modeling chain (pollutants emission/dispersion). The importance of this first modeling stage implies that relevant attention has to be brought to their assumptions and input data. 相似文献
Alternatives to the use of automobiles have regained attention at the urban level. Against this background, we look at the spatial context of this attention in the agglomeration of Lyon. More specifically, we look at how CO2 emissions that are associated with everyday mobility have developed until recently. First, we estimate the intensity of CO2 emissions per day based on the last two household travel surveys done in the Lyon conurbation in 1995 and 2006. Even if the global emission level remains stable, we aim to analyze the dynamics of the socio-economic evolution of mobility between the two periods. To that end, we have abstracted the linkage of a specific form of mobility (mode of transport and distance) to a specific population group (status, residential location, car access, gender). This typology helps us highlight the groups where emission rates are significantly higher, and where the focus on emission reduction should be intensified. 相似文献
The French Aquitaine region has implemented a climate plan to avoid 2,883 ktCO2eq for 2007–2013. Although this region reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 1,119 ktCO2eq between 1990 and 2005 (from 24,061 ktCO2eq to 22,942 ktCO2eq), GHG emissions of transports sector has increased by 762 ktCO2eq. During the climate plan period, the region will implement projects of road and rail infrastructures construction in order to absorb the foreseen increase of traffic. These projects will contribute to economic development, but they also will provoke additional GHG emissions. But, the existence of a climate plan requires offsetting these GHG emissions. A maximum amount of budget will be determined in order to implement some projects to offset GHG emissions from road and rail projects. This budget will be equal to opportunity costs of road and rail projects. Input-output analysis will be used to carry out these calculations. Its interest is to incorporate the complexity of interindustrial trade with a detailed sectored study. 相似文献