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木中 《交通与运输》2007,23(6):56-57
至善至美劳斯莱斯劳斯莱斯是世界上知名度最高的精品车之一。它造型优雅脱俗,充满绅士贵族风格,表现为复古保守,精贵稀少。100年来,它不仅象征着权力和荣耀,其本身也成了财富的同义词。人们在惊叹劳斯莱斯无与伦比的迷人和高贵时,会情不自禁地怀念它的研制者C·S·罗尔斯。他和著名的  相似文献   

交通运输业在社会和经济的发展中发挥着非常重要的作用,正是各种车辆承担着载人运货的使命,并推动着贸易、旅行的发展.  相似文献   

多名乘员车辆使用畅通无阻的车道在美国大多数高速公路的最内侧,开设了一条标有“车池道”(CAR POOL)字样的车道。上面行驶的车辆比较少,整个路面畅通无阻。原来这是一条专用车道,凡是车上有2人(含驾驶人员)或多人,都有权使用。这种“车池道”鼓励邻居或一家人,在上下班组织好,一个月或更长的时间内轮流开车。此举不仅减少了上路车辆的数目,从而缓解了堵塞,而且也节约了能源,同时也能降低污染。  相似文献   

2007年3月30日,我应邀来到了位于长江和嘉陵江边,被人们称为"山城"和"雾都"的重庆.初次踏上这个世界上人口最多的城市却没有给我带来一点的陌生感,而刚刚踏出飞机的舱门却感觉到了重庆的热情所在--相比北京的春寒一下把我带到了夏天.当我来到恒通客车产品展示会的酒店时,让我深深地感到:相比起当天30摄氏度的气温,"2007年恒通新产品展示会暨品牌发布会"更是人头攒动,热火朝天!  相似文献   

<正>本书收录的12篇论文,系20世纪80年代初由东南亚英国学院资助召开的两次学术研讨会的研究成果,令人耳目一新。这些文章对东南亚部分重要地区从古代至19世纪末的贸易与政体之间的相互关系进行了选择性的探讨。不过,书中绝大部分的论文讨论的是1400年之后的情况,当时,贸易的迅速增长限制了该地区传统权力的变动。书中仅有一篇有关阿瑜陀耶(Ayutthaya)的文章考察了东南亚大陆的非马来地区。  相似文献   

近年来,经常看见十四五岁的少年驾驶机动车辆现象。其在不减速、不回望车后路况的情况下,突然调头转弯,险象环生,违法载人,令人担忧。  相似文献   

公路与人民的生活密切相关,公路使用者在交通活动中产生的人文情感使公路具有了浓厚的文化性.随着社会的发展,公路的这种文化性对公路交通设施的规划设计提出了更高的要求.因此公路交通标志的设计应当满足文化性的功能要求,并遵循相应的设计原则,以体现公路的文化性.  相似文献   

我们在德国的时候,交通主要是靠汽车,每天都要跑几百公里。由于在国内常常因为修路而绕行或者增加行车时间,所以为了保证我们的行程能够按照计划进行,在开始的时候我常问陪同的夏先生,从哪里到哪里有修路的吗?问了几次以后,夏先生告诉我,在德国几乎见不到修路的现象。德国的公路质量非常好,一旦修筑,多少年都不用大修,我们从慕尼黑到斯图加特的高速公路还是希特勒时候修的呢。联想到我们国内的某些高速公路,几乎从通车的那年起,就开始一段复一段地修理了。  相似文献   

9月29日,“中玻友谊源远流长”——大金龙80辆客车出口玻利维亚交车仪式在厦门现代码头隆重举行.玻利维亚首都拉巴斯议会议长Fabian Sinani率领代表团亲临厦门,在厦门各相关部门领导见证下,接过了金龙汽车集团、大金龙董事长廉小强手中的“金钥匙”.厦门市副市长李栋梁亲切接见了玻利维亚客人,并代表厦门市政府对其致以热烈的欢迎.  相似文献   

"碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦.不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀."这首"咏柳"诗,是唐朝诗人贺知章所作.诗中描写的是早春二月的杨柳:春天来了,柳树开始发芽变绿.在经过了漫长灰暗的冬季之后,诗人看到柳树碧柔软的枝条在和煦的春风中摇曳,心中充满了喜悦之情.……  相似文献   

This paper describes the fabrication, characterization and properties of a novel hybrid poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) based hydrogel via in situ polymerization. The hybrid hydrogel was fabricated by free-radical redox polymerization using ammonium persulfate (APS) and N, N, N??, N??-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) as initiators and N, N??-methylene bisacrylamide (BIS) as cross-linker at 60°C. To create a hybrid hydrogel, 0.2% (mass fraction) of MgAl layered double hydroxide (LDH) was added to the aqueous solution by ultrasonic dispersion. The physicochemical properties of hybrid hydrogel under vacuum freeze-drying processing were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while swelling kinetics and gel content were calculated. Swelling degree in distilled water varied from 94%?C125% with a gel mass fraction of 83%?C91%. SEM images showed that the micron pore size of hydrogel could be adjusted within the range of several micrometers by changing the cross-linker mass fraction from 2% to 10% (based on glycol). The results showed that the hybrid hydrogels exhibited excellent physicochemical behavior and might be a promising material for applications in tissue engineering and drug delivery.  相似文献   

中水回用过程中制约超滤有效运行的关键是有机物污染问题.以腐殖酸污染的聚醚砜(PES)超滤膜为研究对象,利用超声波清洗方法,在不同的清洗环境中对污染的超滤膜进行强化恢复研究.结果表明,与传统化学清洗工艺相比,超声波清洗可以显著提高清洗效果,缩短清洗时间.当超声波传播方向与膜垂直时,利用超滤出水作为清洗介质,在37℃水温下,清洗效果较好,通量可恢复至93%.  相似文献   

IntroductionDue to their potential application in lithium-ion secondary batteries[1] and other electrochemicaldevices[2 ] ,gel polymer electrolytes have attractedmuch interest in recent years.There were manykinds of polymeric materials being developed aspolymeric hosts for gelelectrolytes. Polyvinylidenefluoride( PVDF) is one of three kinds of matrixthat can be commercially applied[3 ,4] ,and the oth-ers are polyacrylonitrile ( PAN) and poly( methylmethacrylate) ( PMMA) .There were many r…  相似文献   

IntroductionPolymer blends by emulsion polymerizationhave appeared as extremely important materialsand increased attraction for both academic and in-dustrial researchers.These blends rang from com-pletely homogeneous ones to phase- separatedones.Morphological configuration of these poly-mers is a key factor in determining the physicalproperties of the materials[1] . It is important forpreparation of polymer latex particles to controlthe polymer latex particle morphology.Polymer latex particle…  相似文献   

IntroductionRecently,many chemical and physical scien-tists have focused their investigations on solidpolymer electrolytes(SPE) because of their poten-tial applications in high technology fields,includ-ing high energy- density batteries,electrochromicdevices,chemical sensors,smart windows and soon.It is well known that,many factors,such aschemical structure,salt concentration,tempera-ture,morphologic structure,etc.,would have ef-fect on ionic conductive properties of SPE[1,2 ] .Inorder to ob…  相似文献   

Novel hybrid Cu matrix composites reinforced by graphite (Gr) particle with volume fraction of 5%?C15% and nano-SiC particle (nano-SiCp) with volume fraction of 3% have been prepared by powder metallurgy. The results show that Gr and nano-SiCp distribute uniformly in the Cu matrix. With increasing the volume fraction of Gr, the tensile strength of the composites decreases from 114 to 51MPa and the elastic modulus decreases from 75 to 60GPa. Compared with the sintered composites, the tensile properties including elastic modulus, tensile strength, yield strength and tensile elongation of the hot-extruded (nano-SiCp+Gr)/Cu composites are improved greatly due to higher relative density of the composites and more uniform distribution of Gr and nano-SiCp, in addition to finer grain size of the matrix as a result of dynamic recovery and recrystallization which occur during hot extrusion process.  相似文献   

在乙醇-水体系中用淀粉改性AM-DMDAAC阳离子絮凝剂,研究单体质量比、淀粉与单体质量比、引发剂用量和引发剂种类对聚合物性能的影响.结果表明AM∶DMDAAC=5∶1,AM∶淀粉=2∶1,引发剂质量分数为0.04%,引发剂为过硫酸钾和硝酸铈铵时能得到絮凝效果良好的絮凝剂.  相似文献   

碳纤维结合体外预应力筋加固空心板梁的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着桥梁加固技术的发展,各种加固技术已经日渐成熟,然而单靠一种加固方式进行桥梁加固已经不能满足现在工程的需求。利用粘贴碳纤维和张拉体外预应力筋复合加固的方式对空心板梁进行加固是一种综合、有效的加固方法。通过真型空心板梁试验,研究碳纤维和体外预应力筋两者相结合的加固机理,为复合加固技术的推广奠定了基础。  相似文献   

玄武岩纤维(BFRP)筋与混凝土粘结性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玄武岩纤维筋是一种新型的复合材料,具有强度高、耐腐蚀等特点,用它代替混凝土路面结构中的钢筋,可解决因雨水进入引起的连续配筋混凝土路面钢筋锈蚀问题。玄武岩纤维筋与混凝土的粘结性能,是影响其推广应用的关键技术之一。本文运用18个中心拉拔试件研究了不同螺纹表面玄武岩纤维筋与混凝土之间的粘结性能,试验结果表明:玄武岩纤维筋与混凝土试验粘结强度在11.592~23.578MPa之间,粘结强度随着玄武岩纤维筋表面螺纹深度与螺纹间距的变化而变化;有螺纹玄武岩纤维筋的粘结强度明显高于无螺纹玄武岩纤维筋,玄武岩纤维筋最佳螺纹间距约为筋直径长度的80%,最佳螺纹深度约为直径长度的10%;拉拔试件的破坏形态均为玄武岩纤维筋与混凝土接触面混凝土的剪切破坏而拔出。  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the durability issues regarding chloride ion corrosion of concrete structures, and further investigates the modified supplementary cementitious material (MSCM) which acts as a significant enhancer of performance of mortar and concrete. The composition of MSCM includes mineral slag powder, fly ash and inhibitor. The microstructure, sulfate erosion resistance and electric flux of high-performance concrete are tested with MSCM, and the results show that the pore structure of concrete is improved significantly along with excellent electrochemical performance. It is observed that the substantiality of concrete after being mixed with 18% (mass fraction) MSCM is enhanced effectively. The sulfate resistance coefficient of concrete is found to be greater than 1.2, and the electric flux of concrete is less than 600C. These results have demonstrated that the MSCM possesses an excellent electrochemical performance and a wide applicative prospect in marine environment.  相似文献   

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