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为了从系统工程的角度设计公路排水系统,提出了基于GIS的公路综合排水系统设计方法。通过建立数字高程模型,基于GIS平台构建资料管理库系统,结合水文分析计算,进行地表水模拟。对地下水进行数值模拟计算,借助VisualBasic进行设计径流量和水力计算,通过排水设施图形库来进行排水设施模拟,流域集成后推荐排水设施设置情况,构建公路综合排水设计系统结构。  相似文献   

公路隧道通风设计软件(VDSHT)的编制及特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通风技术是21世纪公路隧道发展的关键技术之一,但目前国内的通风计算仍以手工为主,工作效率较低,不便于多方案的评价比选.文章介绍了一套隧道通风设计软件(VDSHT)[2],它不仅可以进行各种纵向、半横向、全横向和混合通风方式的计算,而且可以进行多种通风方案的评价比选.  相似文献   

在服务区污水处理日益发展的同时,发现目前仍存在处理规模设计不合理和初期启动调试滞后等实际问题。本研究从污水处理量设计原理出发,首次将服务区车辆驶入率引入污水规模设计,更加科学合理,能保证服务区产生的污水全部净化,不会造成基建及设备投资浪费。提出的低水位双泵三相控制进水提升系统,是一种污水处理系统快速启动的安全实效方法,能极大地缩短系统启动调试时间,同时具有快速导排暴雨径流的功能。上述两种方法在江西某服务区进行了实际应用,取得了良好的效果,为服务区污水处理系统优化设计提供了理论支撑和实践经验。  相似文献   

通过农村公路建设原则,提出了农村公路网建设要重实用、重排水、重防护的设计要点。  相似文献   

An important aspect of improving highway safety lies in designing the geometric features of roadways in response to the characteristics and behavior of drivers. This is being applied to specific features of highways with evidence of improvement in operation and safety. However, much more can be accomplished. There is now available additional operational experience and observations, which can assist the driver's task in vehicle control and guidance, but which have not yet been fully reflected in design criteria. If judiciously applied, such measures could further enhance highway safety. The paper addresses itself mainly to this aspect and presents the thesis: when all known or accepted safety features and techniques are applied fully to a highway project, it may be expected that a significant improvement in safety will be achieved. An actual project is suggested to validate this approach.  相似文献   

In an effort to increase the operational efficiency of highways, South Korea has been increasing its design speed recently. However, the use of higher design speed will also increase construction costs. Moreover, increasing the design speed is expected to have an impact on safety. Hence, there is a strong need to demonstrate that the benefits outweigh the cost of having a higher design speed. This study surveyed a sample of design engineers to determine their awareness of the consequences of increasing design speed and their assessment of the right design speed for an actual rural arterial road. In addition to the survey, a case study of three recently upgraded highways was conducted to determine the changes in traffic volumes, speeds, travel times and accidents. The construction costs associated with the upgrades were also reported. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The demands for traffic infrastructure are increasing. Yet over the last decade investment in new infrastructure has decreased at all levels. Traffic systems designers are, therefore, being asked to be more accurate in their prediction of the impacts of changes, to analyse ever more complex situations and to extract more from the existing traffic system. This paper reviews developments in techniques for analysing the impacts of changes in the traffic system. It looks at intersection, route, network, parking lot and public transport design models that have been developed in Australia. Particular emphasis is given to the considerable developments in microcomputers and graphics and the impact these are having on the models. Future developments are also discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了广东省公路K41+800—K41+860右侧边坡的整治处治。分析了边坡滑塌的起因,在分析的基础上提出了以预应力锚索和抗滑挡墙为主、护坡、拱架植草防护为辅的综合整治措施。实践证明,对于顺层且倾向于路基一侧的边坡以及由地质构造如断层控制的边坡,都有失稳的可能性,在设计时应除了对全坡面进行必要的防护外,还应根据计算分析结果对边坡进行有效可行的加固。本边坡滑塌整治至今效果良好,说明本文提出的"削坡减载、强身固脚"的综合措施是合理可行的。  相似文献   

针对榆靖沙漠高速公路气候特点,采用Su-perpave设计方法对沥青混合料进行设计,对试验路压实度、构造深度、路面弯沉、裂缝等质量控制指标进行测试,分析结果表明Superpave沥青混凝土路面具有优良的路用性能,所采用的材料组成设计方法在沙漠地区地区具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

公路隧道通风设计问题分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
文章对公路隧道通风设计中公路隧道通风控制状态、污染物稀释标准等几个关键问题进行了较深入的分析,指出了隧道通风中存在的问题,并提出了具体建议和改进办法,对公路隧道的通风设计具有借鉴作用.  相似文献   


Morphology is the subject matter of study in physical and biological sciences. A few attempts have been made to apply the biologists’ and paleontologists’ morphological study model known as allometry to social sciences fields and urbanization dynamics. However in social and sociocultural situations all forms are changeable by volition and policy, as opposed to being the result of fixed information which is stored in the genes. In studying metropolitan areas it is advantageous to regard the allometric relations as merely morphological relations indicating norms by which the components of the system change in relation to the change of the whole system. The morphological analysis approach for a metropolitan highway system has been formulated by utilizing relations defined in the Tri‐State metropolitan area (Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York). The study demonstrates that this approach is suitable for highway network planning and comprehensive policy design.  相似文献   

提出了桥面排水设计方案,对存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Strategies used to deploy technological innovations are central determinants of the degree to which those innovations realize their potential effect on social and economic productivity. The U.S. Interstate highway system was a deployment mechanism for the design innovations of high-speed geometric design and the control of highway access. This strategy was defined by rigid uniform minimum standards of facility design, severely constrained alternatives for configuring the network of facilities, and an inflexible and, in some cases, inappropriate institutional structure for constructing facilities. This strategy compromised the realization of productivity improvements available through the deployment of these innovations. This paper explores the origins of this deployment strategy and generalizes to a discussion of deployment strategies for large engineered systems. It shows that each of the Interstate program's provisions derived from traditions of the agency charged with implementing it and from political expedients embraced to enact the program.  相似文献   

乌池坝特长公路隧道通风方案设计   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
文章简要介绍了乌池坝特长公路隧道的工程概况,对目前最为常用的全射流通风以及斜、竖井加射流风机组合的分段纵向通风方式进行了对比、分析和研究,并充分考虑了正常运营、交通阻塞、火灾和换气四种不同工况下隧道内气流组织、通风及其控制等要求,提出了推荐方案:右线采用斜井集中排出式 竖井送排式 射流风机纵向通风,左线采用斜井集中排出式 射流风机纵向通风。本通风方案采用了一井两用的设计思路,即左线斜井同时对左线隧道和右线隧道进行集中排风;此外,考虑左线入口段火灾时的排烟,从右线竖井处设置了专用排烟通道连接左线。在满足通风要求的基础上,重点研究了通风运营成本及运营安全、火灾排烟及火灾通风控制等关键问题。  相似文献   

高速公路监控技术为高速公路的信息化建设提供了很好的手段,对高速公路交通监控系统的内涵、功能和体系结构设计等进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

根据山区高速公路常规桥梁特点,提出了桥型方案的选择方法及设计原则,阐述了桥梁结构的设计要点。  相似文献   

通过对高速公路边坡水土保持的研究,主要论述边坡水土保持植物防护设计的应用,从高速公路水路流失的特点出发,指出边坡为公路水土流失重灾区。进行植物防护设计不仅能够达到防护效果,还有利于恢复植被,改善生态环境,有效地防止水土流失,并介绍了高速公路边坡水土流失植物防护技术设计原则。最后通过实践分析,对植物防护做出具体设计,为今后同类工程的水土保持措施布局提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Based on previous studies of a highway reservation system, this paper proposed an auction-based implementation, in which the users can bid for the right to use a route during a certain period of time. This paper models the auction system with MATSim using an agent-based simulation technique. The agents adopt their own bidding logic in the auction, and the price converges after around 130 iterations, when the number of users using the reserved highway and the total collected revenue become stable. When the overall demand changes, the collected revenue ranges from 5 to 11 dollars per user, and from 0.7 to 1.5 dollars per mile. The auction system can transfer more consumer surplus to the toll road operators, since it is a personalized tolling mechanism. The users are using the reservation system as insurance of a guaranteed congestion-free travel. The auction-based highway reservation shows great potential as a new traffic management system.  相似文献   

Air quality modelling plays an important role in formulating air pollution control and management strategies by providing guidelines for better and more efficient air quality planning. Several line source models, mostly Gaussian‐based, have been suggested to predict pollutant concentrations near highways/roads. These models, despite several assumptions and limitations, are used throughout the world, including in India, to carry out air pollution prediction analysis due to vehicular traffic near roads/highways. These models are being continuously upgraded and modified based on field experiments, and numerical and physical modelling results. An effort has been made in the present paper to review briefly the philosophy and basic features of most of the commonly used highway dispersion models. The paper also discusses various theories and techniques that led to the development and modification of these models along with the statistical analysis tools to evaluate the performance of these models. An attempt has also been made to summarize briefly the various line source models currently used in India and to highlight the difficulties being faced while using them in an Indian context.  相似文献   

通过对公路隧道通风计算中的风量平衡以及风压平衡方程的分析,针对交通量以及交通组成的不断变化,提出了交通量的可行性线性解的计算方法,可为公路隧道通风计算中风机的选型及风机的配置提供可靠的依据,同时也可为隧道建成后的风机控制提供参考.  相似文献   

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