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建设工程施工合同风险既有合同本身自有的风险,也有发包方强加的风险,目前在买方市场的情况下,这种情况更为普遍。合同风险分析的主要工作内容就是识别这些风险,并通过承包商自身组织的合同评审活动,采取有效措施,有效的减少和规避合同风险。  相似文献   

浅谈施工合同风险的防范和控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翟咏梅 《工程科技》2006,(2):111-114
建筑施工合同客观上存在风险,如何有效地防范和控制施工合同的风险,防止企业利益损失是每个施工企业十分重视的问题。本文通过对建筑施工合同风险分析,提出了如何防范和控制施工合同风险的措施,供参考。  相似文献   

合同风险管理是高速公路工程项目风险管理内容中非常重要的部分,文章基于国内合同风险管理的现状,结合高速公路工程项目特点,从风险识别、风险评估、风险对策和风险监测等方面阐述了高速公路工程项目合同风险管理的内容,并分析了当前高速公路工程项目合同管理中存在的问题与对策,力求加强合同风险管理,减少因合同风险所造成的损失。  相似文献   

针对蓬莱项目合同形式,提出了固定总价合同研究的意义,分析了固定总价合同的特点及适用性,进而引入隐藏在固定总价合同中的几种风险,针对风险提出防范措施。  相似文献   

文章阐述了合同管控在高速公路工程建设中的作用,分析了合同风险管控工作的重要指标,并探讨了高速公路工程项目合同风险管控的优化举措。  相似文献   

工程量清单计价模式下的合同管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在招投标阶段,运用工程量清单计价办法确立的合同价款需要在施工过程中得到实施控制。而实现以项目为中心的施工合同协调管理,建立以合同管理为核心的项目管理体系,是提高项目管理水平的关键。文章基于施工合同管理中出现的风险分配和计价方式问题,提出工程量计价模式下的工程合同价款的约定事项、调整思路及效率优先的施工合同争议处理思路。  相似文献   

从合同的效力、合同内容完备等方面分析签订工程合同时应注意的地方,加强对合同的法律效力、合同内容是否完整的审查,通过对合同的规范、调整,对合同当事人的保护和制约,可以维持项目建设各方的良好合作关系,保护各方的合法权益,也可以发现工程合同中潜在的问题和风险,尽可能地减少和避免在履行合同过程中产生不必要的分歧和争议,提高合同履约率,即使发生了违约或者有争议的情况,也可以比较顺利地解决问题,减少发包方或承包方的经济损失。  相似文献   

正国际工程合同是指不同国家的有关法人或组织之间为了实现在某个工程项目中的特定目的而签订的确定相互权利和义务的协议。由于国际工程是跨国的经济活动,因而国际工程合同远比一般国内的合同复杂。总结起来说,国际工程合同具有综合性的商务活动、合同实施时间长、具有完善的合同范本、合同文件内容全面、合同管理是核心等特点。国际工程合同法律风险概述国际工程的承揽实施,涉及面广,参与方众多,法律关系纷繁复杂,时间持久,势必要求各  相似文献   

谈到交通运输企业的合间风险,我们不仪要考虑企业本身的风险,同时更要把企业家的风险作为不可忽视的重要问题对待,企业及企业家都足风险防范的主体。在交通企业合同签订中存在企业家刑事责任风险,企业家应该如何防范该风险呢?  相似文献   

格式合同在给物流企业带来"欢笑"的同时,也会损害消费者的利益.格式合同大大简化了交易的过程,提高了交易的效率,不少物流企业还利用它为自己免责,以此逃避本应承担的风险.  相似文献   

Highway agencies around the world strive to improve practices for infrastructure maintenance and rehabilitation, using project delivery policies that range from total ‘in-house’ responsibility to complete privatization, with a number of flexible contracting policies such as performance-based contracting, variants of design-build-maintain, and lane rentals among others between these two extremes. In this paper, we present a methodology that duly accounts for underlying spatial effects and estimates the expected cost savings of innovative contracting policies for highway maintenance and rehabilitation relative to in-house execution of these activities. Spatial econometric modeling is used to analyze highway contract data from 49 countries. We also investigate the marginal effects of key explanatory variables on contract cost savings using spatial multipliers. Our findings show that there are significant relationships between cost savings and contract characteristics, and that there is an apparent direct relationship between the average cost savings of contracts in a country and contract average cost savings and contract sizes in neighboring countries.  相似文献   

Private participation in road projects is increasing around the world. The most popular form of franchising is a concession contract, which allows a private firm to charge tolls to road users during a pre-determined period in order to recover investments. Concessionaires are usually selected through auctions at which candidates submit bids for tolls or payments to the government. This paper discusses how this mechanism does not generally yield optimal outcomes and it induces the frequent contract renegotiations observed in practice. A new franchising mechanism is proposed, based on a flexible-term contract and bi-dimensional bids for total net revenue and maintenance costs. This new mechanism improves outcomes compared to fixed-term concessions, by eliminating traffic risk and promoting the selection of efficient concessionaires.  相似文献   

Taxi service at a number of major airports is supplied by one taxi company under an exclusive contract with the airport operating authority. Conventional wisdom suggests that airport taxi service produced under exclusive contract is socially inefficient. This was found to be true at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport. In this paper we analyze the exclusive airport taxi service at Honolulu International Airport as a case study. At Honolulu International Airport, the terms of the exclusive airport taxi service contract are far less restrictive than those at Dallas/Fort Worth. Our analysis indicates that exclusive airport service can provide high quality service, reasonable prices and revenues to finance airport service. We conclude that is not the exclusivity, but rather the terms of the contract and the circumstances specific to each market that determines which system is best for a particular place.  相似文献   

介绍了上海轨道交通9号线二期工程6A标段——徐家汇地下商城向下加层工程中低净空条件下的静压钢管群桩施工对周边环境的影响。通过严谨、合理的施工工艺、压桩工序以及施工监测,确保了压桩施工的顺利进行,可供类似条件下的静压桩施工参考。  相似文献   

Contracts that govern transactions between regulators and operators are an important feature of service delivery in public transport. This paper reviews the literature on efficient contracting in general and its application to public transport contracts and found little empirical evidence on the influence of risk preferences of contracting agents on contract choice, a fundamental premise of classical contracting theory. Departing from the existing literature, this paper develops a choice experiment to study public transport operators’ preferences for different contractual forms. People involved in the public transport industry across Australia are invited to do the survey but the respondents are mainly bus operators in New South Wales. The respondents are offered two hypothetical contracts with different risk profiles and incentives and asked to indicate their preferences as well as their acceptance to provide the services under the contract they prefer. A non-linear scaled multinomial logit model is estimated to establish the role of risk allocation on contract preference of bus operators and the optimal amount of risks and incentives, conditioned on the operators’ attitude towards risk. The results help authorities design performance-based contracts to obtain their objectives while maintaining the operators’ level of satisfaction.  相似文献   

In private toll roads, some elements of the private operator’s performance are noncontractible. As a result, the government cannot motivate the private operator to improve them through a formal contract but through a self-enforcing contract that both parties are unwilling to deviate unilaterally. In this paper, we use noncontractible service quality to capture these performance elements. By employing a relational contract approach, we aim to investigate the optimal subsidy plan to provide incentives for quality improvement. We show that government subsidy is feasible in quality improvement when the discount factor is sufficiently high and marginal cost of public funds is sufficiently small. Under feasible government subsidy, we have demonstrated the optimal subsidy plans in different scenarios. Moreover, some comparative statics are presented. Based on the derived subsidy plans, we further investigate the optimal toll price. We find that the optimal toll price generates zero surplus for the private operator and positive surplus for consumers. We then make two extensions of our model to re-investigate the government’s optimal decisions on subsidy plan and toll price when her decision sequence is changed and when government compensation is present upon termination of the relationship. Some implications for practice have been derived from our model results.  相似文献   

文章结合沪蓉国道主干线分水岭(鄂渝界)至忠县高速公路SZLM2合同段工程实例,介绍了高性能沥青路面(Superpave)混合料配合比配制方法以及施工过程中区别于普通沥青混合料的施工工艺,以供在类似的路面结构施工中借鉴应用。  相似文献   

文章基于对广西隆林-百色高速公路第10合同段桥梁桩基施工现状的调查,分析了桥梁桩基施工中的几种常见缺陷及成因,并提出了相应的处理措施。  相似文献   


This paper presents a decision support methodology for long-range planning of transport systems that exhibits strategic flexibility and stochastic system parameters. Unlike one-off strategic decisions, flexible decisions should be dynamically reformulated with time. The proposed methodology is based on the construction of a tree structure of multiple interlinked tactical planning problems, each associated with a scenario in the tree, where problems under scenarios at intermediate dates incorporate in their formulation the solution of the corresponding problems associated with past (future) connected scenarios. The resulting tree structure of interconnected planning decisions becomes a strategic-tactical decision support system that allows managers to formulate suitable flexible strategic decisions that mitigate the consequences associated with downside scenarios while taking advantage of the upside opportunities. The methodology is applied to the planning of a fleet deployment through charter contracts where contract prices depend on both market behavior and the duration of the contract itself.  相似文献   

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