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客流是城市轨道交通运输工作的基础,是编制旅客运输计划和列车开行方案的依据。客流是动态的,分析研究客流在时间上、空间上的动态演变规律,配备与之相适应的运输能力,是城市轨道交通运输组织和行车组织工作顺利进行的前提。本文以南京地铁3号线为例,根据该线在地铁线网上的位置及沿线连接的站点,在分析客流时间和空间上分布特点的基础上,对地铁3号线运营组织工作提出了优化措施。  相似文献   

速度目标值是城际铁路设计时的核心指标,在选取时主要以适应客流需求、与区域其他交通运输方式相协调、与沿线社会经济发展相适应为原则,体现有利于吸引客流、减少工程投资和运营成本的效益最大化原则。速度目标值的选择主要通过本线客流特点、时间目标值的选择和具体多个速度目标值的比选得出。文中以长沙—益阳—常德速度目标值的选择为例,阐述铁路设计中客运专线速度目标值的选择方式和方法。  相似文献   

针对区域多机场系统中竞争问题和高速铁路快速发展的现实情况,本文提出了以建立高铁航站楼为核心的空铁联运模式。从机场角度出发,构建了双层规划模型,上层以机场客运收益最大化为优化目标,下层以航空旅客出行效用最大化进行客流分配,利用遗传算法求解高铁航站楼的最优布局方案,并以辽宁省为研究区域,沈阳机场为枢纽机场验证模型的有效性。实证分析表明,枢纽机场借助高铁航站楼可将服务域由本市拓展至周边地区,对增加客运量和客运收益具有明显作用。  相似文献   

<正>2010年1月14日下午,沿海快线——甬温海铁集装箱班列开行暨首发仪式在宁波港北仑港区铁路集装箱办理站隆重举行,该班列为目前国内运行速度最快的货运列车。  相似文献   

杨春志  吴峰 《水运管理》2011,33(10):20-23
为推进我国集装箱运输系统发展,降低物流总成本,从海港在内陆发展经济腹地的角度入手,首先分析集装箱综合运输系统的构成及运营方式,然后分析海港与陆港组合的具体优势,阐述海港在内陆地区选择陆港的基本原则,提出通过成本法选择综合物流成本最低的海港与陆港组合模式的方法,并结合实例加以说明。  相似文献   

城市轨道交通车站分向客流预测数据是各出入口通道设计的重要依据,目前适合我国城市轨道交通车站分向客流预测研究工作开展并不多。文中以车站所属的线路客流预测数据为基础,根据车站周边土地利用现状及规划情况,采用"逐层分解"法预测各个出入口通过客流量,并研究了全日小时及高峰小时内部的波动系数,通过广州市轨道交通13号线鱼珠站分向客流预测研究证明,预测方法是合理且可行的。  相似文献   

往来美国享受Roadtrip自驾旅行已经是桑贝尔公司每年不可或缺的出行计划,我们继组织迈巴赫豪车自驾之旅后.今年与几位朋友相约而组成的第二次豪车自驾旅行,却是要有些不同的。一本拥有美签的护照。加带一本中国二代驾照,我们的极速快车旅行就这么启程了!  相似文献   

陈才银 《中国水运》2007,5(5):102-104
通过对京九线南端衔接的广州、深圳两个集装箱中心站自南昌以南可能形成的三个双层集装箱通道,经工程难易及可行程度、工程投资、运营成本、施工过渡等多方面的技术经济比较,提出经济可行的开行双层集装箱通道。  相似文献   

智慧机场建设是今后民用航空业发展的必然选择,它对于推动中国机场建设、运营、管理、决策等方面的技术发展起到了十分积极的作用。本文对新时期智慧机场的需求进行分析,并提出智慧机场的创建举措,以期对国内智慧机场的发展起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

在对典型柴电混合动力系统Booster工作模式和柴电并车方式进行介绍的基础上,着重对并车控制系统设计和"柴-电"方式的并车控制策略进行说明;针对某TBD234V6柴电混合动力系统,在AMESim平台上搭建了系统仿真模型,对并车控制策略以及时间速度阈值进行可行性分析,最后在TBD234V6柴电混合动力系统上进行试验验证,结果表明"柴-电"方式并车控制策略能有效地实现Booster模式下主机和轴带电机的柔性并车。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of high-speed rail (HSR) services on Chinese airlines. Our analysis suggests that the HSR service will be competitive in terms of network connectivity, total travel time and cost efficiency. On the other hand, growth of the Chinese airline industry has been unbalanced in terms of traffic distribution, airline network development, airport capacity and share of international traffic. While the long term prospects of Chinese airlines are bright, the carriers must develop effective hub-and-spoke networks and increase their competitiveness in international markets in order to achieve sustainable growth in the coming years. For the Chinese government, continued investment at hub airports and support to low-cost carriers are also necessary.  相似文献   

本文首先指出我国旅客运输系统结构的变化趋势和沿海客运系统内部的变化趋势,并把岛屿和陆岛客运作为整个沿海客运的一个子系统来考虑。通过对客运量生成和运输方式选择的分析,建立了沿海客运系统客运量发展模型,提出客运量主要决定于人均社会总产值、区域人口数和系统的综合服务水平,并预测了我国2000年沿海客运系统客运量和周转量。据此对发展沿海客运系统的资金作了估算。同时,论述了车/客渡船将是未来我国客船的发展方向,并初步研究了海峡两岸直接通航后两岸客运的发展规模和我国沿海旅游业的发展前景。  相似文献   

首先分析了渤海湾13000t级大型客滚船的主要尺度及船型系数选择的要点,介绍了型线设计特征及优化方案,最后通过分析大量的船模试验结果,对快速性设计进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a Swedish study on maritime safety culture. The study aims to increase knowledge about the characteristics of safety culture in the maritime setting and about the relationship between safety culture and organizational climate. Such knowledge can be vital in the process of developing and improving safety culture. The paper reports the results of safety culture assessments on board six Swedish passenger ships in international traffic, using observations, questionnaires, and interviews focussing on 508 employees who completed the questionnaires. The results of the assessments revealed a generally good existing safety culture. Differences in individuals' safety culture perceptions were found between ships, vessel type (high-speed craft versus Ropax), and hierarchical working position. Important relationships between organizational climate and safety culture were also found. A comparison with other transport sectors where the same safety culture assessment had been applied yielded that passenger shipping has an average safety culture score level that falls between air traffic control and airport ground handling. The method of assessment, which can be used by shipping companies and vessel crews, identified specific areas of concern in the safety culture that could support continuous improvements of safety and safety culture.  相似文献   

以深圳机场客运码头迁建工程为例,介绍该港平面布置、工艺方案及码头结构设计情况。并针对机场客运码头到港船舶船型的特点及已建成投产的1#突堤码头在使用过程中出现的细节问题,结合2#突堤码头结构的优化设计,就一些相关的技术问题和特殊使用要求进行了综合归纳与分析,供类似工程设计参考。  相似文献   

This paper measures the effect of low-cost carriers (LCCs) on British regional airports' commercial revenue using panel data analysis. The evidence shows that although LCCs have significant impact on airports' commercial revenue, their contribution is smaller compared to other carriers. The empirical results indicate that holding other variables constant, on average, each additional LCC passenger boosts airport commercial revenue by £2.87, while each additional other carrier passenger raises commercial revenue by £5.59. These results are relatively stable across different models. The findings have important policy implications for aviation strategy at the regional level and beyond.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a Swedish study on maritime safety culture. The study aims to increase knowledge about the characteristics of safety culture in the maritime setting and about the relationship between safety culture and organizational climate. Such knowledge can be vital in the process of developing and improving safety culture. The paper reports the results of safety culture assessments on board six Swedish passenger ships in international traffic, using observations, questionnaires, and interviews focussing on 508 employees who completed the questionnaires. The results of the assessments revealed a generally good existing safety culture. Differences in individuals' safety culture perceptions were found between ships, vessel type (high-speed craft versus Ropax), and hierarchical working position. Important relationships between organizational climate and safety culture were also found. A comparison with other transport sectors where the same safety culture assessment had been applied yielded that passenger shipping has an average safety culture score level that falls between air traffic control and airport ground handling. The method of assessment, which can be used by shipping companies and vessel crews, identified specific areas of concern in the safety culture that could support continuous improvements of safety and safety culture.  相似文献   

海上建设机场具有节约土地资源,对城市污染小,飞机起降安全等优点,但与周边陆域交通的联系方面明显薄弱,旅客和货物进出港的通达性和安全性也存在较大问题。文中从分析世界上已建的海上机场案例出发,重点讨论了水运交通的规划与设计,针对我国正在规划建设海上机场的水运交通布置方案进行了探讨,以供有关部门决策时参考。  相似文献   

泰国曼谷机场快线,全线以高架车站为主,桥上采用支撑块式无砟轨道结构。为避免简支梁与车站横梁变形不一致对轨道结构造成破坏,通过结构受力分析,设计采用一种桥接轨道板结构实现了轨道结构的连续铺设。并且说明在无砟轨道结构高度受限条件下,桥接轨道板采用钢筋混凝土结构是可行的。  相似文献   

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