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To measure soil loss from these road construction spoils, 30 rainfall simulations involving five rainfall intensities were conducted to study runoff and soil erosion processes on a road in China. Twenty-five of the rainfall simulations were carried out on loose materials five different slopes. Another five rainfall simulations were conducted on compacted road materials with a slope of 30.6%. The results show that soil bulk density has a positive effect on runoff rate, and the effect of slope on runoff rate changes with rainfall intensity. Higher soil bulk density increases soil loss under low rainfall intensity, but decreases soil loss when rainfall intensity is high. Soil loss is positively related to slope, but the relationship differs from that in prior studied of croplands and disturbed lands. Equations for predicting soil erosion from loose materials and compacted road are developed.  相似文献   

通过对高速公路边坡水土保持的研究,主要论述边坡水土保持植物防护设计的应用,从高速公路水路流失的特点出发,指出边坡为公路水土流失重灾区。进行植物防护设计不仅能够达到防护效果,还有利于恢复植被,改善生态环境,有效地防止水土流失,并介绍了高速公路边坡水土流失植物防护技术设计原则。最后通过实践分析,对植物防护做出具体设计,为今后同类工程的水土保持措施布局提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

高速公路建设中边坡水土流失的监测与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先分析土壤流失成因与侵蚀作用方式;其次以绥满公路(301国道)黑龙江境内海林至亚布力段为研究区,利用测钎法对高速公路建设项目的边坡进行水土流失进行监测,根据工程水土流失的特点、危害程度和防治目标;最后提出相应的边坡防护措施,建立以工程防护和植被防护为一体的综合防护体系,有效防治高速公路边坡引起的水土流失。  相似文献   

文章根据我国目前公路工程技术标准,通过对重庆地区山区农村公路的纵坡进行调查,分析了山区农村公路的特点和功能,探讨适合山区农村公路最大纵坡与坡长的设计方法。  相似文献   

SWII是定量评价、分析开发建设项目水土保持损益的结论性指标。文章在介绍公路建设项目水土保持损益分析方法的基础上,结合近几年南宁市城市道路建设具体情况,计算分析了城市道路工程建设对水土流失的影响程度。  相似文献   

文章应用层次分析法对广西全桂路、桂阳路边坡植被景观状况进行了评价,通过AHP模型的建立及求解步骤,以坡度、坡长、坡高、植被盖度、土壤或母质状况以及水土流失状况构成的评价因子和对评价结果进行分析,找出全桂路段边坡植被景观中存在的具体问题,提出了相关处理的建议。  相似文献   

为了深入了解半干旱区路域边坡生态恢复初期土壤一植被系统演替特征,文章以山西太原绕城高速边坡生态修复示范工程为对象,结合对该示范工程边坡土壤一植被所开展的连续6年的野外定点生态监测实践,运用室外监测和室内数据分析,研究了土壤肥力、植被群落等特征指标的动态变化规律,为半干旱区公路边坡植被恢复提供参考依据。  相似文献   

文章在分析太平湖大桥铜陵岸边坡工程地质特征、稳定性影响因素及边坡变形破坏机理的基础上,依据相关工程设计规范和原则分析计算出该边坡岩体结构面检算指标、地震与正常状态下的滑坡推力以及各断面预应力锚索锚固长度。介绍了铜陵岸边坡的预应力锚索、钢筋锚杆、钢筋混凝土框架、地表与仰斜排水等工程设计及防护结构的基本参数。  相似文献   

西部大开发战略的实现,是以加快交通基础设施建设为前提的,而在西部多山区修建公路,难免会遇到公路岩质边坡。文章遵循边坡柔性防护与生态防护相结合的思路,以"油小线"工程为例,介绍了公路岩质边坡治理与防护的新技术,为类似工程提出借鉴。  相似文献   

文章针对当前山区公路长坡路段普遍存在多发事故的现状,以国内数条山区公路为实例,通过勘察、调研以及对重大交通事故的统计分析及案例研究,发掘山区长坡路段安全隐患中的若干关键问题,探求其中的要点和规律,提出一系列提高长坡路段安全性能的措施。  相似文献   

文章针对十天高速穿越秦巴山遇到的涵洞水毁问题,结合该工程因地质条件异常复杂,影响因素众多情况,介绍了径流形成法、形态调查法这两种涵洞抗水毁设计计算方法。该方法结合设计流,确定涵洞的孔径、净高、临界水深及流速、水力半径、临界坡度、涵内纵坡,设计出适合秦巴山区的涵洞断面尺寸。通过实例验证了该方法的可靠性,为类似工程区域提供参考。  相似文献   

文章以贵阳市南环线边坡绿化护坡为例,从植物选择、施工材料要求、施工工艺流程等方面介绍乔、灌、草植被砼护坡绿化关键技术。通过采用该技术可解决贵阳南环线高等级公路岩石边坡防护与植被恢复的技术难题,快速绿化岩石边坡,形成"以绿为主,乔灌草结合,多树种、多层次结构"的近自然生态景观,从而达到对高速公路岩石边坡进行植被恢复和坡面防护的目的。  相似文献   

文章以南宁外环高速公路的膨胀土(岩)路堑边坡为对象,基于边坡破坏的原因及特点,开展了膨胀土(岩)边坡的土性试验,并针对边坡的不同特点,提出了坡脚矮挡土墙+浆砌片石骨架+铺两布一膜、土工格栅柔性支护、土工格室柔性支护等多种不同土工材料的边坡支护处治方案。工程实施表明所采取的方案措施能经济有效地解决南宁外环高速公路的膨胀土路堑边坡问题。  相似文献   

受地形环境的影响和施工条件的制约,石质高边坡路段的施工方案一直是高速公路改扩建的重点和难点。文章结合柳南路改扩建工程石质高边坡路段的实际情况,通过介绍爆破技术类型及优缺点,提出科学合理的施工方案,并具体阐述静态爆破在施工中的应用以及相应的交通组织和安全措施。  相似文献   

This study looks at the impacts of timber skidding in a pure fir plantation forest. It compares properties of herbaceous cover, organic layer and surface soil on the skid road and on adjacent undisturbed area. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu are quantified and the mass of herbaceous cover and organic layer, and sand, silt, clay rates, bulk density, compaction and pH of soils were assessed. Both the herbaceous cover and organic layer mass on the skid road were significantly lower than the undisturbed area. The soil of the skid road also had higher bulk density and compaction, and lower organic carbon rates producing much denser and compacted soils. Only P concentration in herbaceous cover samples from skid road was significantly higher, while Ca and Mg contents were considerably lower than undisturbed area. There were no significantly differences in N, K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn concentrations of herbaceous cover. Compared to the undisturbed area, the organic layer of the skid road had particularly low K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn contents. At 0–5 cm soil depth, P and Fe contents were significantly lower than for undisturbed area but there were no major differences at depth of 5–10 cm.  相似文献   

文章基于膨胀土边坡稳定性影响因素及失稳机理,结合钦州至崇左高速公路膨胀土路段路堑边坡施工实例,提出了"两布一膜"与拱形骨架相结合的膨胀土路堑边坡防护技术方法,并阐述了该方法的基本原理与施做要点。  相似文献   

“以树养路”举措在百色农村公路的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经费短缺一直是农村公路养护中的“瓶颈”难题,文章介绍百色农村公路通过建立以树养路的管养模式,利用公路边坡有效的坡面面积,种植速生桉等经济林木,破解农村公路养护经费短缺的难题,实现了“有路必养”的目标。  相似文献   

边坡土体中的膨胀力是导致膨胀土边坡失稳的主要原因之一。文章基于湿度应力场理论,采用ANSYS软件的热传导分析功能模拟分析边坡的降雨入渗以及膨胀变形,并采用有限元强度折减法对不同条件下边坡安全系数进行计算,分析了膨胀土边坡稳定规律,为膨胀土边坡处治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This study explores the optimal investment in the length of an expanded section of road to mitigate the congestion on a transportation corridor. It is assumed that one end of the road is in the central business district (CBD) and that the households are uniformly distributed along the road. Each individual makes trips from his/her residence to the CBD. Trip demand is elastic and depends on the cost of the trip (including congestion costs). During the first stage, the government determines the length of the expanded section given the width of that section. In the second stage, road users determine their trip demands by taking into consideration the trip cost function. In the process of solving this problem, the equilibrium traffic volume is first solved using differential equations. The optimal length of the expanded section is then solved by maximizing the social welfare. The analysis is then applied to the case of the Tucheng city – Banciao city – Taipei CBD corridor in the Taipei metropolitan area. The scheme of road expansion without tolling performs closely to the first-best scheme for the case of a high potential demand. This study’s approach can serve as valuable reference for city planners engaged in road planning in a transportation corridor between the CBD and satellite cities in a metropolitan area.  相似文献   

常春油麻藤在公路边坡绿化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章结合常春油麻藤的生物生态学特性,介绍了常春油麻藤在公路边坡绿化中的应用技术,评述了其绿化效果,为公路边坡绿化防护提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

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