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<正>前不久,由交通运输部、发改委等部门联合制定的《重大节假日免收小型客车通行费实施方案》由国务院批准出台。方案中明确提出今后重大节假日期间免收7座及以下小型客车通行费。免费通行的时间为春节、清明节、劳动节、国庆节等4个国家法定节假日,以及由国办确定的上述节假日连休日。免费通行的收费公路范围为经依法批准设置的收费公路。为落实上述政策,交通运输部9月5日发出紧急通知,要求各地全力确保今年国庆节长假期间小型客车免费通行工作平稳有序实施。目前已有河北、  相似文献   

针对民间关于重大节假日收费公路免费通行的呼声,交通运输部新闻发言人何建中在近日的发布会上表示,已对重大节假日免收小型客车通行费的可行性进行了研究,已起草了实施方案,正在征求相关方面的意见。  相似文献   

针对民间关于重大节假日收费公路免费通行的呼声,交通运输部新闻发言人何建中在近日的发布会上表示,已对重大节假日免收小型客车通行费的可行性进行了研究,已起草了实施方案,正在征求相关方面的意见。  相似文献   

相关部门出台措施,要求提升收费公路通行效率和服务水平,方便群众快捷出行,此乃关注民生、得民心之举。更应看到,重大节假日部分车辆免费通行只是“小节”,清理整顿“超期服役”收费公路、还路于民,这才是“大义”。去年6月起国家相关部门开展了为期一年的收费公路违规及不合理收费专项清理活动。  相似文献   

据北京市交通委消息,端午节期间,高速路收费站前拥堵车辆过多时,将采取车辆免费通行措施。近日,北京市交通委表示,端午节期间将加强对各高速公路管养单位的安全监管工作。当出现进、出京车辆高峰时,严防收费站拥堵,果断采取"复式收费"等措施,特别是当收费站前拥堵车辆过多时,采取车辆免费通行的措施。此外,各收费站与属地公安交通管理部门建立联动机制,联合做好各高速公路收费站车辆拥堵时,免费通行工作。针对"重大节假日收费公路免费通行",民间呼声一直高涨,不少人认  相似文献   

, 《西部交通科技》2012,(9):I0006-I0006
8月2日,国务院正式批复转发交通运输部、国家发改委、财政部、监察部、国务院纠风办制定的《重大节假日免收小型客车通行费实施方案》(简称《实施方案》),收费公路在重大节假日期间将免收七座及以下小型客车通行费。这对于提高重大节假日公路通行能力和服务水平、降低公众假日出行成本具有重要意义。  相似文献   

正节假日高速公路免费通行的最大意义,是让人们看到高速公路也有公益回归的可能性。在可能性实现的同时,政策的根本目的,依然要回归满足公众交通需求上。自2012年实施得高速公路重大节假日免收通行费政策,规定在春节、清明节、劳动节、国  相似文献   

政策法规综合信息国务院批转五部委办实施重大节假日小客车免通行费方案8月2日,国务院正式批复转发交通运输部、国家发改委、财政部、监察部、国务院纠风办制定的《重大节假日免收小型客车通行费实施方案》(简称《实施方案》),收费公路在重大节假日期间将免收七座及以下小型客  相似文献   

交通运输部近日印发《关于做好新冠病毒疫苗货物运输车辆免费不停车便捷通行服务工作的通知》如下: 一、根据《收费公路管理条例》及有关规定,执行新冠病毒疫苗货物运输任务的车辆免收收费公路车辆通行费.  相似文献   

正自2012年7月24日起,国务院下发《重大节假日免收小型客车通行费实施方案》,我国高速公路节假日免费通行政策延续至今。这一政策的推出,降低了广大自驾一族节假日的出行成本,刺激了"黄金周"旅游经济的发展。不过,实施若干年以来,每逢节假日基本都能看到各大高速公路不同程度拥堵的新闻,甚至有的由于拥堵而造成高速公路彻底瘫痪。据2017年上半年《中国高速公路出行大数据报告》分析:对比2016年、2017年全国高速拥堵里程变化,平日拥堵较  相似文献   

This paper applies the contingent valuation method to investigate and estimate the toll rate that freeway drivers are willing-to-pay (WTP) for each unit of distance they travel, after switching from per-entry based to distance-based tolling system. Due to a large portion of respondents who are unwilling to pay a toll at all, we adopt the spike model to avoid estimation errors. The estimation results show that average willingness to pay toll is TWD1 0.86/km, which can be refined further to TWD 0.81/km for short distance travelers, TWD 0.93/km for medium distance travelers, and TWD 0.97/km for long distance travelers. Additionally, the WTP toll rate of short distance travelers is significantly different on public holidays but not during peak hours. In contrast, the WTP toll rates of medium and long distance travelers significantly different during peak hours but not on public holidays.  相似文献   

文章就目前广西高速公路征费管理系统的具体情况,对高速公路征费管理系统的数据库、征费统计报表及数据传输等问题进行了研究,主要介绍数据库设计、统计报表分析、数据传输方面的内容.  相似文献   

This article presents the economic rationale for road pricing and provides some scale on the magnitude of peak period tolls that might be justified. It discusses the impacts of such tolls on congestion, air quality and economic development and suggests a long term strategy towards areawide implementation of peak period pricing. It discusses current trends which are increasing the likelihood for implementation of congestion pricing and toll roads in the future. In particular, it discusses some aspects of the 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) which will eliminate some of the current restraints on congestion pricing and toll highways.Abbreviations ETC Electronic toll collection - FHWA Federal Highway Administration - HOV High occupancy vehicle - ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act - LOS Level of service - TCM Transportation control measure - V/C Volume-to-capacity ratio - VMT Vehicle mile(s) of travel - vphpl Vehicles per hour per lane  相似文献   

文章结合广西高速公路的集中监控管理需求和远期规划及广西高速公路未来发展的扩容要求,对广西南宁环城高速公路所管辖的安吉、二塘、石埠、玉洞、高岭、坛洛六个收费站实行集中监控管理系统改造,阐述了采用以流媒体技术进行网络管理系统改造的方案及改造后模拟监控系统功能的意义。  相似文献   

In the US, there is a long tradition of toll roads, beginning with the Lancaster Turnpike that was built at the end of the 18th century connecting Philadelphia and Lancaster. There are currently more than 300 toll facilities in the US, which is probably the largest number of toll facilities in the world. These facilities represent a wide range of conditions, from hypercongested facilities in large metropolitan areas such as New York City to toll highways in rural areas. The toll structures are equally diverse, ranging from multi-tier price structures with frequent user, carpool, and time of day discounts; to simpler structures in which the only differentiation is made on the basis of the number of axles per vehicle. The toll rates are typically set by the agencies that operate or own the toll facilities. The rules or formulas by which these tolls are determined are not generally available to the public, though it is safe to say that toll decisions are made taking into account technical considerations, as well as the all important criterion of political acceptability. However, data on toll rates and how they change by vehicle types and by some other attributes are readily available.The overall objective of this paper is to analyze the toll data from various facilities across the US to gain insight into the overall factors affecting the tolls. A more specific objective is to assess—though in a rather approximate fashion—if the tolls by vehicle type, relative to each other, are appropriate and consistent with economic theory. This is achieved by comparing tolls to approximate indicators of road space consumption and pavement deterioration. The literature review confirmed that this is the first time such research has been conducted which is an important first step toward an analysis of the efficiency of current toll policies.The analyses in this paper are based on a random sample of all toll facilities across the US. The toll dataset, which include toll rates for passenger cars, busses, and three different truck types, is assembled mainly from the available information on the web sites of various toll agencies. After cleaning the data, the authors used econometric modeling to estimate a set of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models that express tolls as functions of independent variables. Three families of models were estimated: linear models, models based on expansions of Taylor series, and models based on piece-wise linear approximations to non-linear effects. The resulting models were analyzed to identify the salient features of current toll policies towards different vehicle types.  相似文献   

As congestion pricing has moved from theoretical ideas in the literature to real-world implementation, the need for decision support when designing pricing schemes has become evident. This paper deals with the problem of finding optimal toll levels and locations in a road traffic network and presents a case study of Stockholm. The optimisation problem of finding optimal toll levels, given a predetermined cordon, and the problem of finding both optimal toll locations and levels are presented, and previously developed heuristics are used for solving these problems. For the Stockholm case study, the possible welfare gains of optimising toll levels in the current cordon and optimising both toll locations and their corresponding toll levels are evaluated. It is shown that by tuning the toll levels in the current congestion pricing cordon used in Stockholm, the welfare gain can be increased significantly, and furthermore improved by allowing a toll on a major bypass highway. It is also shown that, by optimising both toll locations and levels, a congestion pricing scheme with welfare gain close to what can be achieved by marginal social cost pricing can be designed with tolls being located on only a quarter of the tollable links.  相似文献   

Autonomous and connected vehicles are expected to enable new tolling mechanisms, such as auction-based tolls, for allocating the limited roadway capacity. This research examines the public perception of futuristic auction-based tolling systems, with a focus on the public acceptance of such systems over current tolling practices on highways (e.g., dynamic and fixed tolling methodologies). Through a stated-preference survey, responses from 159 road-users residing in Virginia are elicited to understand route choice behavior under a descending price auction implemented on a hypothetical two-route network. Analysis of the survey data shows that there is no outright rejection of the presented auction-based tolling among those who are familiar with the current tolling methods. While males strongly support the new method, no clear pattern emerges among other demographic variables such as income and education level, and age. While high income respondents and regular commuters are more likely to pay higher tolls, no statistical significance between different genders, age groups, household sizes, and education levels is found. Based on the modeling results and the hypothetical road network, it is found that descending price tolling method yields higher average toll rates, and generates at least 70% more revenue when travel time saving is 30 min, and improves capacity utilization of the toll road significantly compared to fixed tolls.  相似文献   

文章介绍了联网收费管理服务网站建设的意义和原则,阐述了联网收费管理服务网站的逻辑结构与功能,并针对目前广西高速公路联网收费系统存在的问题,提出了切实可行的管理措施及建议。  相似文献   

This research examined the major changes in a corridor due to high occupancy/toll (HOT) lane implementation. This was accomplished by comparing the impacts of HOT lanes on three pairs of HOT lanes with similar design and operational characteristics. These pairwise comparisons of similar HOT lanes reduced the impact of exogenous factors and removed the issue of comparing HOT lanes that were so dissimilar it would be impossible to isolate the reasons for difference in results from the lanes. With strict registration requirements for free high occupancy vehicle (HOV) 3+ travel on the I-95 Express Lanes (ELs) in Miami there were indications that some carpoolers switched to lower occupancy modes. Tolled access for HOV2s on I-95 and the SR-91 ELs near Los Angeles resulted in lower usage of those ELs by the HOV2s as compared to most HOV lanes where HOV2 access is free. On the SR167 (Seattle) and I-25 (Denver) HOT lanes, exogenous factors like the price of gas and the economic recession seemed to be the primary influence on the usage of those HOT lanes. In both cases, carpool usage increased along with the price of gas. On I-25, the increasing unemployment rate coincided with a decrease in toll paying travelers. On SR 167 there were also indications of mode shifts among the transit, carpool and toll paying SOVs due to the fluctuating price of gas.  相似文献   

高速公路收费站计重货车、绿色通道车辆防逃费系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对高速公路车辆收费管理工作中存在的问题,介绍了计重货车、绿色通道车辆防逃费系统的工作原理及作用,探讨了计重货车、绿色通道车辆防逃费系统的使用成效。  相似文献   

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