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中远集运开展武汉/上海洋山港支线运输,中海集运等3家公司开设欧洲/北美东岸新航线,新海丰集运在中国重要港口与日本间开设两条新航线,新海丰集运开设京滨、中京/福州、泉州、厦门航线,东方海外5月开设中东/东南亚航线……  相似文献   

营口港是辽宁沿海经济带上的重要港口,也是东北地区及内蒙古东部地区最近的出海港。营口港的集装箱航线已覆盖沿海主要港口,并开通了日本、韩国和东南亚等国家和地区十几条国际班轮航线和多条可中转世界各地的内支线。  相似文献   

营口港从零起步的集装箱运输近几年来发展迅猛。内贸航线覆盖沿海主要港口,并开通了日本、韩国、东南亚等国家和地区数条国际班轮航线和多条可中转世界各地的内支线。  相似文献   

营口港从零起步的集装箱运输近几年来发展迅猛。内贸航线覆盖沿海主要港口,并开通了日本、韩国、东南亚等国家和地区数条国际班轮航线和多条可中转世界各地的内支线。  相似文献   

秦皇岛港又辟3条新航线秦皇岛港和中海集运合作开辟了“秦皇岛-黄埔”和“秦皇岛-泉州/汕头”两条直达班轮航线,并将开通到日本关东班轮航线。“秦皇岛-黄埔”航线每周1班,航期4天,由载重32 000 t的“新锦州”和“新蛇口”承运;“秦皇岛-泉州/汕头”航线每周1班,航期6天,由载重22 000 t的“向茂”和“向悦”承运。这两条航线将为港口达到20万TEU的年吞吐量目标奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

营口港从零起步的集装箱运输近几年来发展迅猛。内贸航线覆盖沿海主要港口,并开通了日本、韩国、东南亚等国家和地区数条国际班轮航线和多条可中转世界各地的内支线。  相似文献   

超大型散装船舶从中国北方港口至西澳港口有两条航线可供选择。一条是外航线:台湾东部——吕宋岛以东——斑达海——东帝汶——西澳港口,这条航线是国际推荐的大型船舶航线。另一条是内航线:台湾东部——中国南海——民都洛海峡——苏禄海——爪哇海——龙目海峡或ALAS海峡——西澳港口,这条航线通常是吃水12m以下的船舶使用。以北仑港至丹皮尔的航线为例,外航线的航程是3279n mile,内航线的航程是3179n mite。  相似文献   

正0引言在日本航线,10 000总吨以下的船舶可以自引自靠。目前,中日航线的主流集装箱船型为船长144.0 m,船宽22.6 m,夏季满载吃水8.2 m,1 000TEU的全集装箱船,有艏侧推器。笔者所在公司主营该型船舶,对该型船舶靠泊日本横滨南本牧港有丰富的经验。该港靠泊有倒车入泊和正车入泊2种方法,笔者介绍倒车入泊方法,供同人参考。1港口简介横滨港是日本主要港口之一,位于日本本州岛东京湾内。港口属于亚热带季风气候,夏季盛行东  相似文献   

日本港口的国际竞争力继续下降。在北美航线,1988年有9成的干线船挂靠日本港口,而2007年冬已下降至49%,跌破了二分之一。日本货物在往北美货物中所占的比例已下降至7%~8%。  相似文献   

厦门港新辟数条至日本、东南亚的国际航线。 商船三井、万海航运联合开辟厦门——日本关东、关西航线,提供周班服务。挂靠港口为厦门、东京、横滨、大阪、神户、基隆、香港、蛇口、厦门。 东方海外新辟的班期为周班的厦门港至东南亚航线,  相似文献   

Containership stowage plans are a pivotal teaches in the system of container transportation. With the increasing containers shipping, planning containership stowage has become more and more complicated. So intelligent stowage planning for containerships is of great significance. An effective stowage plan may improve efficiency of transportation system. First, the progress of containership stowage plan at home and abroad is reviewed, including the latest developments, such as the application of various optimization methods and computer techniques to the problem. Then, the complexities of the problem are discussed and areas where investigations are still needed are pointed out. This will provide a reference for further research on the subject.  相似文献   

于桂林 《中国水运》2007,5(11):153-154
旅游线路的设计不仅要考虑旅游需求的满足,同时也要考虑旅游供给的可持续发展。本文主要从以上两方面论述了旅游线路设计必须遵循的六大原则。  相似文献   

李南  刘嘉娜 《水运管理》2007,29(3):9-11,14
对唐山市临港产业发展的现状和优势进行分析,探讨构建临港产业集群的现实意义、形成机理,提出主导产业的科学选择与优先发展、海陆一体化开发与高效率物流网络的组织等产业集群的实施路径。  相似文献   

本文较详细地介绍了北太平洋的水文气象以及根据水文气象的特点应该如何选择航线。  相似文献   

A real liner shipping problem of deciding optimal weekly routes for a given fleet of ships is considered and a solution method for solving the problem is proposed. First, all feasible routes for each ship are generated together with the cost and the duration for each route. The routes are given as input to an integer programming (IP) problem. By solving the IP problem, routes for each ship are selected such that total transportation costs are minimized and the demand at each port is satisfied. The total duration for the routes that are selected for a given ship must not exceed one week.

The real liner shipping problem is solved together with four randomly generated test problems. The computational results show that proposed solution method is suitable for designing optimal routes in several liner shipping problems.  相似文献   

A real liner shipping problem of deciding optimal weekly routes for a given fleet of ships is considered and a solution method for solving the problem is proposed. First, all feasible routes for each ship are generated together with the cost and the duration for each route. The routes are given as input to an integer programming (IP) problem. By solving the IP problem, routes for each ship are selected such that total transportation costs are minimized and the demand at each port is satisfied. The total duration for the routes that are selected for a given ship must not exceed one week.

The real liner shipping problem is solved together with four randomly generated test problems. The computational results show that proposed solution method is suitable for designing optimal routes in several liner shipping problems.  相似文献   

越来越多的船舶经好望角往来于大西洋和印度洋沿岸各港口,但航路上的某些资料,特别是洋流资料较为陈旧,为此结合笔者亲身经历,通过对南大西洋和南印度洋的不同季节的气象条件,包括风、流等自然条件进行综合分析,介绍正确选择航线、利用自然条件的有利因素、避开不利因素的方法,做到既安全又经济的流行。  相似文献   

This paper examines the apparent paradox involved in shipping lines responding to increasing cargo flows from Britain to mainland Europe by moving to shorter routes. Analysis shows, however, this move to be a logical and valuable defensive response by shipping lines but at a cost to the transport consumer.  相似文献   

The introduction of unit load methods, particularly the cellular container system, has been associated with a large increase in ship size on some of the world's major general cargo routes. In this sector, ship size is determined by a set of interactions between handling performance, route length, traffic flow, itinerary, requirements for frequent and regular service, port costs and general system organization. This paper explores these relationships to identify major influences and to consider the prospects for further growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the apparent paradox involved in shipping lines responding to increasing cargo flows from Britain to mainland Europe by moving to shorter routes. Analysis shows, however, this move to be a logical and valuable defensive response by shipping lines but at a cost to the transport consumer.  相似文献   

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