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In recent years, there has been increased interest in using completely anonymized data from smart card collection systems to better understand the behavioural habits of public transport passengers. Such an understanding can benefit urban transport planners as well as urban modelling by providing simulation models with realistic mobility patterns of transit networks. In particular, the study of temporal activities has elicited substantial interest. In this regard, a number of methods have been developed in the literature for this type of analysis, most using clustering approaches. This paper presents a two-level generative model that applies the Gaussian mixture model to regroup passengers based on their temporal habits in their public transportation usage. The strength of the proposed methodology is that it can model a continuous representation of time instead of having to employ discrete time bins. For each cluster, the approach provides typical temporal patterns that enable easy interpretation. The experiments are performed on five years of data collected by the Société de transport de l’Outaouais. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach in identifying a reduced set of passenger clusters linked to their fare types. A five-year longitudinal analysis also shows the relative stability of public transport usage.  相似文献   

This paper explores how we can use smart card data for bus passengers to reveal individual and aggregate travel behaviour. More specifically, we measure the extent to which both individual and bus routes exhibit habitual behaviour. To achieve this, we introduce a metric called Stickiness Index to quantify the range of preferences of users that always select to travel on the same route (high stickiness) to those with a more varied patterns of route selection (low stickiness). Adopting a visual analytic and modelling approach using a suite of regression models we find evidence to suggest that stickiness varies across the metropolitan area and over a 24-h period wherein higher stickiness is associated with high frequency users where there is substantial variability of route travel times across all alternatives. We argue that our findings are important in their capacity to contribute to a new evidence base with the potential to inform the (re)-design and scheduling of a public transit systems through unveiling the complexities of transit behaviour.  相似文献   

The existing studies concerning the influence of weather on public transport have mainly focused on the impacts of average weather conditions on the aggregate ridership of public transit. Not much research has examined these impacts at disaggregate levels. This study aims to fill this gap by accounting for intra-day variations in weather as well as public transport ridership and investigating the effect of weather on the travel behavior of individual public transit users. We have collected smart card data for public transit and meteorological records from Shenzhen, China for the entire month of September 2014. The data allow us to establish association between the system-wide public transit ridership and weather condition on not only daily, but also hourly basis and for each metro station. In addition, with the detailed trip records of individual card holders, the travel pattern by public transit are constructed for card holders and this pattern is linked to the weather conditions he/she has experienced. Multivariate modeling approach is applied to analyze the influence of weather on public transit ridership and the travel behavior of regular transit users. Results show that some weather elements have more influence than others on public transportation. Metro stations located in urban areas are more vulnerable to outdoor weather in regard to ridership. Regular transit users are found to be rather resilient to changes in weather conditions. Findings contribute to a more in-depth understanding of the relationship between everyday weather and public transit travels and also provide valuable information for short-term scheduling in transit management.  相似文献   

This study analyzes consumer preferences for a new incentive program based on a point card to promote green consumption; the study also examines the program’s impact on bus utilization in South Korea. An ex-ante analysis was conducted to examine how consumer behavior can be modified based on varying incentive levels of the point card system. In addition, the effect of the system on consumers’ public transport utilization and resulting CO2 emissions reductions are analyzed. The adoption probability of the point card is forecast at about 93%, and annual CO2 emissions are forecast to decrease by 610 kt CO2.  相似文献   

In practice, travel time is assigned a cost and treated as a disutility to be minimized. There is a growing body of research supporting the hypothesis that travel time has some value of its own, and the proliferation of information and communication technology (ICT) may be contributing to that value. Travelers’ attitudes are confounded with their mode choice, and as telecommunications mediate travel behavior, analysts must recognize the interaction between time use and customer satisfaction for appropriate travel demand management. To that end, this paper presents results from jointly estimated models of travelers’ latent satisfaction and on-board activity engagement using Chicago transit rider data gathered in April 2010. The simple questionnaire and small sample corroborate the findings of past research indicating travel attitudes and activity engagement have potential to influence travelers’ value of time, and many transit riders consider transit a better use of time and/or money than driving. The findings affirm the need for a more holistic understanding of value of time for travel demand management and infrastructure valuation. As time use has an influence on users’ valuation of the transit mode, offering opportunities to conduct certain leisure activities could improve the perceived value of travel time.  相似文献   

Understanding the process of activity scheduling is a critical pre-requisite to an understanding of changes in travel behavior. To examine this process, a computerized survey instrument was developed to collect household activity scheduling data. The instrument is unique in that it records the evolution of activity schedules from intentions to final outcomes for a weekly period. This paper summarizes an investigation of the structure of activity/travel patterns based on data collected from a pilot study of the instrument. The term “structure” refers to the sequence by which various activities enter one’s daily activity scheduling process. Results of the empirical analyses show that activities of shorter duration were more likely to be opportunistically inserted in a schedule already anchored by their longer duration counterparts. Additionally, analysis of travel patterns reveals that many trip-chains were formed opportunistically. Travel time required to reach an activity was positively related to the scheduling horizon for the activity, with more distant stops being planned earlier than closer locations.  相似文献   

Smart card automated fare payment systems are being adopted by transit agencies around the world. The data-storage characteristics of smart cards present novel opportunities to enhance transit services. On the one hand, there are fare policies, where smart card holders are given specific rebates on the use of the service based on usage patterns or levels. On the other, there are non-fare policies, for instance if holders receive advantages, such as rebates and offers, from commercial partners. The purpose of this paper is to present a geodemographic framework to identify potential commercial partnerships that could exploit the characteristics of smart cards. The framework is demonstrated using data from Montreal, Canada. Household survey data, specifically trip ends, and business data points are jointly used to determine the exposure of various types of establishments to users of the Montreal Metro network. Spatial analysis of business establishments in the neighborhood of metro stations helps to identify potential commercial partners. The results illustrate the potential of geodemographic analysis to generate intelligence of commercial interest.  相似文献   

This study develops the Perception–Intention–Adaptation (PIA) framework to examine the role of attitudes, perceptions, and norms in public transportation ridership. The PIA framework is then applied to understand the relative importance of socio-demographic, built environment, transit service, and socio-psychological factors on public transit use for 279 residents of south Los Angeles, California, a predominately low-income, non-white neighborhood. Confirmatory factor analysis based on 21 survey items resulted in six transit-relevant socio-psychological factors which were used in regression models of two measures of transit use: the probability of using transit at least once in the 7-day observation period, and the mean number of daily transit trips. Our analysis indicates that two PIA constructs, attitudes toward public transportation and concerns about personal safety, significantly improved the model fit and were robust predictors of transit use, independent of built environment factors such as near-residence street network connectivity and transit service level. Results indicate the need for combined policy approaches to increasing transit use that not only enhance transit access, but also target attitudes about transit service and perceptions of crime on transit.  相似文献   

Investigation of the dynamic processes of activity scheduling and trip chaining has been an interest of transportation researchers over the past decade because of its relevance to the effectiveness of congestion management and intelligent transportation systems. To empirically examine the processes, a computerized survey instrument is developed to collect household activity scheduling data. The instrument is unique in that it records the evolution of activity schedules from intentions to final outcomes for a weekly period. This paper summarizes the investigation on the dynamic processes of activity scheduling and trip chaining based on data collected from a pilot study of the instrument. With the data, ordered logit models are applied to identify factors that are pertinent to the scheduling horizon of activities. Results of the empirical analysis show that a daily schedule often starts with certain activities occupying a portion of the schedule and other activities are then arranged around these pre-occupants. Activities of shorter duration are more likely to be opportunistically inserted in a schedule already anchored by their longer duration counterparts. Persons with children often expect more constraining activities than those with no children. The analysis also shows that female respondents tend to be more structured in terms of how the week is planned. Additionally, analysis of travel patterns reveals that many trip-chains are formed opportunistically. Travel time required to reach an activity is positively related to the scheduling horizon for the activity, with more distant stops being planned earlier than closer locations.  相似文献   

The effects of high passenger density at bus stops, at rail stations, inside buses and trains are diverse. This paper examines the multiple dimensions of passenger crowding related to public transport demand, supply and operations, including effects on operating speed, waiting time, travel time reliability, passengers’ wellbeing, valuation of waiting and in-vehicle time savings, route and bus choice, and optimal levels of frequency, vehicle size and fare. Secondly, crowding externalities are estimated for rail and bus services in Sydney, in order to show the impact of crowding on the estimated value of in-vehicle time savings and demand prediction. Using Multinomial Logit (MNL) and Error Components (EC) models, we show that alternative assumptions concerning the threshold load factor that triggers a crowding externality effect do have an influence on the value of travel time (VTTS) for low occupancy levels (all passengers sitting); however, for high occupancy levels, alternative crowding models estimate similar VTTS. Importantly, if demand for a public transport service is estimated without explicit consideration of crowding as a source of disutility for passengers, demand will be overestimated if the service is designed to have a number of standees beyond a threshold, as analytically shown using a MNL choice model. More research is needed to explore if these findings hold with more complex choice models and in other contexts.  相似文献   


Identifying the spatial distribution of travel activities can help public transportation managers optimize the allocation of resources. In this paper, transit networks are constructed based on traffic flow data rather than network topologies. The PageRank algorithm and community detection method are combined to identify the spatial distribution of public transportation trips. The structural centrality and PageRank values are compared to identify hub stations; the community detection method is applied to reveal the community structures. A case study in Guangzhou, China is presented. It is found that the bus network has a community structure, significant weekday commuting and small-world characteristics. The metro network is tightly connected, highly loaded, and has no obvious community structure. Hub stations show distinct differences in terms of volume and weekend/weekday usage. The results imply that the proposed method can be used to identify the spatial distribution of urban public transportation and provide a new study perspective.  相似文献   

Charging infrastructure is critical to the development of electric vehicle (EV) system. While many countries have implemented great policy efforts to promote EVs, how to build charging infrastructure to maximize overall travel electrification given how people travel has not been well studied. Mismatch of demand and infrastructure can lead to under-utilized charging stations, wasting public resources. Estimating charging demand has been challenging due to lack of realistic vehicle travel data. Public charging is different from refueling from two aspects: required time and home-charging possibility. As a result, traditional approaches for refueling demand estimation (e.g. traffic flow and vehicle ownership density) do not necessarily represent public charging demand. This research uses large-scale trajectory data of 11,880 taxis in Beijing as a case study to evaluate how travel patterns mined from big-data can inform public charging infrastructure development. Although this study assumes charging stations to be dedicated to a fleet of PHEV taxis which may not fully represent the real-world situation, the methodological framework can be used to analyze private vehicle trajectory data as well to improve our understanding of charging demand for electrified private fleet. Our results show that (1) collective vehicle parking “hotspots” are good indicators for charging demand; (2) charging stations sited using travel patterns can improve electrification rate and reduce gasoline consumption; (3) with current grid mix, emissions of CO2, PM, SO2, and NOx will increase with taxi electrification; and (4) power demand for public taxi charging has peak load around noon, overlapping with Beijing’s summer peak power.  相似文献   

The Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) has been recognized as a powerful framework to develop network-wide control strategies. Recently, the concept has been extended to the three-dimensional MFD, used to investigate traffic dynamics of multi-modal urban cities, where different transport modes compete for, and share the limited road infrastructure. In most cases, the macroscopic traffic variables are estimated using either loop detector data (LDD) or floating car data (FCD). Taking into account that none of these data sources might be available, in this study we propose novel estimation methods for the space-mean speed of cars based on: (i) the automatic vehicle location (AVL) data of public transport where no FCD is available; and (ii) the fused FCD and AVL data sources where both are available, but FCD is not complete. Both methods account for the network configuration layout and the configuration of the public transport system. The first method allows one to derive either uni-modal or bi-modal macroscopic fundamental relationships, even in the extreme cases where no LDD nor FCD exist. The second method does not require a priori knowledge about FCD penetration rates and can significantly improve the estimation accuracy of the macroscopic fundamental relationships. Using empirical data from the city of Zurich, we demonstrate the applicability and validate the accuracy of the proposed methods in real-life traffic scenarios, providing a cross-comparison with the existing estimation methods. Such empirical comparison is, to the best of our knowledge, the first of its kind. The findings show that the proposed AVL-based estimation method can provide a good approximation of the average speed of cars at the network level. On the other hand, by fusing the FCD and AVL data, especially in case of sparse FCD, it is possible to obtain a more representative outcome regarding the performance of multi-modal traffic.  相似文献   

Recent advances in global positioning systems (GPS) technology have resulted in a transition in household travel survey methods to test the use of GPS units to record travel details, followed by the application of an algorithm to both identify trips and impute trip purpose, typically supplemented with some level of respondent confirmation via prompted-recall surveys. As the research community evaluates this new approach to potentially replace the traditional survey-reported collection method, it is important to consider how well the GPS-recorded and algorithm-imputed details capture trip details and whether the traditional survey-reported collection method may be preferred with regards to some types of travel. This paper considers two measures of travel intensity (survey-reported and GPS-recorded) for two trip purposes (work and non-work) as dependent variables in a joint ordered response model. The empirical analysis uses a sample from the full-study of the 2009 Indianapolis regional household travel survey. Individuals in this sample provided diary details about their travel survey day as well as carried wearable GPS units for the same 24-h period. The empirical results provide important insights regarding differences in measures of travel intensities related to the two different data collection modes (diary and GPS). The results suggest that more research is needed in the development of workplace identification algorithms, that GPS should continue to be used alongside rather than in lieu of the traditional diary approach, and that assignment of individuals to the GPS or diary survey approach should consider demographics and other characteristics.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the parking choice/option is considered to be an important factor in only in the mode choice component of a four-stage travel demand modelling system. However, travel demand modelling has been undergoing a paradigm shift from the traditional trip-based approach to an activity-based approach. The activity-based approach is intended to capture the influences of different policy variables at various stages of activity-travel decision making processes. Parking is a key policy variable that captures land use and transportation interactions in urban areas. It is important that the influences of parking choice on activity scheduling behaviour be identified fully. This paper investigates this issue using a sample data set collected in Montreal, Canada. Parking type choice and activity scheduling decision (start time choice) are modelled jointly in order to identify the effects of parking type choice on activity scheduling behaviour. Empirical investigation gives strong evidence that parking type choice influences activity scheduling process. The empirical findings of this investigation challenge the validity of the traditional conception which considers parking choice as exogenous variable only in the mode choice component of travel demand models.  相似文献   

Planning for accessibility is increasingly considered in the development of equitable plans by transport agencies and it has also been shown to exert a positive influence on public transport use. However, this influence has not been examined across income groups and in different geographic regions of varying sizes. The present study measures the relationship between accessibility and mode choice for low- and higher-income groups in eleven Canadian metropolitan regions. Our results show that the impact of accessibility on public transport mode share is stronger and non-linear for the low-income group especially in the largest metropolitan areas, where increasing accessibility past a certain optimal value will lead to a decrease in public transport mode share. However, this point occurs at the 80th percentile of existing accessibility, so improvements in mode share are nonetheless expected with improved accessibility in most areas within these regions. Moreover, in regions where an optimal value is not readily observed, improved accessibility throughout the region would lead to increased uptake of public transport for both the higher- and to a greater extent, the low-income group. Findings from this paper can be of value to transport professionals working towards meeting ridership goals around the world as comparisons between groups and across regions highlight the variation in the impacts of accessibility on mode share.  相似文献   

Few studies have adequately assessed the cost of transfers2 in public transport systems, or provided useful guidance on transfer improvements, such as where to invest (which facility), how to invest (which aspect), and how much to invest (quantitative justification of the investment). This paper proposes a new method based on path choice,3 taking into account both the operator’s service supply and the customers’ subjective perceptions to assess transfer cost and to identify ways to reduce it. This method evaluates different transfer components (e.g., transfer walking, waiting, and penalty) with distinct policy solutions and differentiates between transfer stations and movements.The method is applied to one of the largest and most complex public transport systems in the world, the London Underground (LUL), with a focus on 17 major transfer stations and 303 transfer movements. This study confirms that transfers pose a significant cost to LUL, and that cost is distributed unevenly across stations and across platforms at a station. Transfer stations are perceived very differently by passengers in terms of their overall cost and composition. The case study suggests that a better understanding of transfer behavior and improvements to the transfer experience could significantly benefit public transport systems.  相似文献   

Daily activity participation and travel patterns are examined using data from the Puget Sound Transportation Panel (PSTP), which contains two-pairs of daily travel diary information (wave 1 in 1989 and wave 2 in 1990). Summary data of the travel diaries at the person and household levels are obtained using cluster analysis. At the person level, four clusters are found reasonable for both activity and travel. The four-cluster solutions indicate substantial day-to-day variation in activity participation and similarity in travel behavior over time. Temporal changes are analyzed using contingency table methods and log-linear models. The analysis reveals that activity participation and mobility present many regularities over time. Transitions within each wave show strong dependence between two days for both activity and travel, with higher dependency for the travel patterns than for the activity patterns. These are consistent when the analysis focuses on a longer period such as a year. Temporal dependencies appear to be stronger in the household-based than the person-based analysis. A hierarchical structure is also found in the relationship between activity and travel clusters. The link between activity and travel is much stronger within a day, weaker from one day to another, and the least strong from one year to the next. Important irregularities, however, are found and may be due to scheduling time-frames adopted by the respondents that are only partially captured in the data used.  相似文献   

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