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The well-to-wheel emissions associated with plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) depend on the source of electricity and the current non-vehicle demand on the grid, thus must be evaluated via an integrated systems approach. We present a network-based dispatch model for the California electricity grid consisting of interconnected sub-regions to evaluate the impact of growing PEV demand on the existing power grid infrastructure system and energy resources. This model, built on a linear optimization framework, simultaneously considers spatiality and temporal dynamics of energy demand and supply. It was successfully benchmarked against historical data, and used to determine the regional impacts of several PEV charging profiles on the current electricity network. Average electricity carbon intensities for PEV charging range from 244 to 391 gCO2e/kW h and marginal values range from 418 to 499 gCO2e/kW h.  相似文献   

Lithium traction batteries are a key enabling technology for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). Traction battery manufacture contributes to vehicle production emissions, and battery performance can have significant effects on life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for PEVs. To assess emissions from PEVs, a life cycle perspective that accounts for vehicle production and operation is needed. However, the contribution of batteries to life cycle emissions hinge on a number of factors that are largely absent from previous analyses, notably the interaction of battery chemistry alternatives and the number of electric vehicle kilometers of travel (e-VKT) delivered by a battery. We compare life cycle GHG emissions from lithium-based traction batteries for vehicles using a probabilistic approach based on 24 hypothetical vehicles modeled on the current US market. We simulate life-cycle emissions for five commercial lithium chemistries. Examining these chemistries leads to estimates of emissions from battery production of 194–494 kg CO2 equivalent (CO2e) per kWh of battery capacity. Combined battery production and fuel cycle emissions intensity for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles is 226–386 g CO2e/e-VKT, and for all-electric vehicles 148–254 g CO2e/e-VKT. This compares to emissions for vehicle operation alone of 140–244 g CO2e/e-VKT for grid-charged electric vehicles. Emissions estimates are highly dependent on the emissions intensity of the operating grid, but other upstream factors including material production emissions, and operating conditions including battery cycle life and climate, also affect life cycle GHG performance. Overall, we find battery production is 5–15% of vehicle operation GHG emissions on an e-VKT basis.  相似文献   

It is generally recognised that long distance travelling accounts for a significant part of the mileage of person travel. However, estimates have been hardly made. The paper estimates volume and GHG emissions of long-distance travel by Western Europeans. The analysis is predominantly based on data of the DATELINE project, the only EU-wide survey on long-distance travelling, conducted in 2001 and 2002. Some studies demonstrate that DATELINE suffers from serious underreporting of journeys. We analysed the causes for underreporting and developed expansion factors that correct for that. These gave the opportunity to estimate long-distance travel volumes and related GHG emissions in 2001/2002. Next an update to 2013 is made using statistics on the development of tourist travel and patronage of long-distance modes. Defining long distance ⩾100 km crow-fly, the estimates per capita in the Western European countries in 2013 are 7.5 journeys (defined as round-trips), 8600 km, and 1300 kg greenhouse gasses. The estimated total GHG emissions of long-distance travelling is 520 megaton. In the Netherlands and Flanders, countries where data on short-distance travelling were available, long-distance travelling accounts for 45% of the mileage and nearly 50% of the GHG emissions of all person transport. Long-distance travelling is growing and is expected to continue to grow, particularly by air. The GHG emissions are expected to grow as well, though to a smaller extent. Because short-distance travelling is stagnating, the shares of long distance travelling in both mileage and GHG emissions are likely to increase.  相似文献   

Experts predict that new automobiles will be capable of driving themselves under limited conditions within 5–10 years, and under most conditions within 10–20 years. Automation may affect road vehicle energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a host of ways, positive and negative, by causing changes in travel demand, vehicle design, vehicle operating profiles, and choices of fuels. In this paper, we identify specific mechanisms through which automation may affect travel and energy demand and resulting GHG emissions and bring them together using a coherent energy decomposition framework. We review the literature for estimates of the energy impacts of each mechanism and, where the literature is lacking, develop our own estimates using engineering and economic analysis. We consider how widely applicable each mechanism is, and quantify the potential impact of each mechanism on a common basis: the percentage change it is expected to cause in total GHG emissions from light-duty or heavy-duty vehicles in the U.S. Our primary focus is travel related energy consumption and emissions, since potential lifecycle impacts are generally smaller in magnitude. We explore the net effects of automation on emissions through several illustrative scenarios, finding that automation might plausibly reduce road transport GHG emissions and energy use by nearly half – or nearly double them – depending on which effects come to dominate. We also find that many potential energy-reduction benefits may be realized through partial automation, while the major energy/emission downside risks appear more likely at full automation. We close by presenting some implications for policymakers and identifying priority areas for further research.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the evolution of urban cycling in Montreal, Canada and its link to both built environment indicators and bicycle infrastructure accessibility. The effect of new cycling infrastructure on transport-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is then explored. More specifically, we aim at investigating how commuting cycling modal share has evolved across neighborhood built-environment typologies and over time in Montreal, Canada. For this purpose, automobile and bicycle trip information from origin–destination surveys for the years 1998, 2003 and 2008 are used. Neighborhood typologies are generated from different built environment indicators (population and employment density, land use diversity, etc.). Furthermore, to represent the commuter mode choice (bicycle vs automobile), a standard binary logit and simultaneous equation modeling approach are adopted to represent the mode choice and the household location. Among other things, we observe an important increase in the likelihood to cycle across built environment types and over time in the study region. In particular, urban and urban-suburb neighborhoods have experienced an important growth over the 10 years, going from a modal split of 2.8–5.3% and 1.4–3.0%, respectively. After controlling for other factors, the model regression analysis also confirms the important increase across years as well as the significant differences of bicycle ridership across neighborhoods. A statistically significant association is also found between the index of bicycle infrastructure accessibility and bike mode choice – an increase of 10% in the accessibility index results in a 3.7% increase in the ridership. Based on the estimated models and in combination with a GHG inventory at the trip level, the potential impact of planned cycling infrastructure is explored using a basic scenario. A reduction of close to 2% in GHG emissions is observed for an increase of 7% in the length of the bicycle network. Results show the important benefits of bicycle infrastructure to reduce commuting automobile usage and GHG emissions.  相似文献   

NOX emission rates of 13 petrol and 3 diesel passenger cars as a function of average speed from 10 to 120 km/h, emission class (pre-Euro 1 – Euro 5), engine type were investigated by on-board monitoring on roads and highways of St. Petersburg using a portative Testo XXL 300 gas analyzer. The highest level of NOX emission 0.5–2.5 g/km was inherent to old pre-Euro 1 petrol cars without a catalytic converter. NOX emissions rates of Euro 1 and Euro 2 petrol cars changed within 0.15–0.9 g/km, Euro 3 – 0.015–0.27 g/km, Euro 4 – 0.013–0.1 g/km, Euro 5 – 0.002–0.043 g/km. Euro 3 – Euro 4 petrol cars generally satisfied corresponding NOX Emission Standards (ES), except cold-start period, Euro 5 petrol cars did not exceed ES. Warmed, stabilized engines of Euro 3 – Euro 5 petrol cars showed 5–10 times lower NOX emission rates than corresponding ES in the range of speed from 20 to 90 km/h. NOX emission rates of diesel Euro 3 and Euro 4 cars varied from 0.45 to 1.1 g/km and from 0.31 to 1.1 g/km, respectively. Two examined diesel Euro 3 and one Euro 4 passenger vehicles did not satisfy NOX ES at real use. Euro 3 diesel cars showed 28.9 times higher NOX emissions than Euro 3 petrol cars and Euro 4 diesel car demonstrated 17.6 times higher NOX emissions than Euro 4 petrol cars at warmed and stabilized engine at a cruise speed ranging from 30 to 60 km/h.  相似文献   

This article investigates whether anticipated technological progress can be expected to offset the CO2 emissions resulting from rapid air traffic growth. Global aviation CO2 emissions projections are examined for eight geographical zones until 2025. Air traffic flows are forecast using a dynamic panel-data econometric model, and then converted into corresponding quantities of air traffic CO2 emissions using specific hypotheses and energy factors. None of our nine scenarios appears compatible with the objective of 450 ppm CO2-eq. recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Nor is any compatible with the Panel’s aim of limiting global warming to 3.2 °C.  相似文献   

In 2011, the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) inventory of diffuse emissions became available, providing data on a range of atmospheric emissions at a 5 km resolution across Europe. The data are produced from spatially disaggregated emissions totals for countries, and must be validated before being used at a sub-national level. The UK government maintains a 1 km resolution emissions inventory based on a bottom-up methodology by which a validation is possible. The UK National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory data are used to assess at what geographic scale the new E-PRTR data might be most useful. This paper compares the two data sets and estimates city-level transportation CO2 emissions for 149 EU cities. We find that at a functional boundary level the two datasets match well.  相似文献   

CO2 emissions are one of the main externalities related to freight transport. Their evaluation is extremely difficult, due to the presence of several scientific and economic uncertainties. This paper discusses the approaches currently adopted by literature to deal with CO2, proposing a methodology based on a Well-To-Wheel quantification and an economic valuation deriving from a meta-regression. A freight transport analysis is then provided for one of the most critical areas of Europe, the Alps. Here, the different approaches adopted by the single nations determine divergent results in terms of modal shift towards rail and, consequently, CO2 emissions. An integrated and transnational strategy could lead to better results, avoiding detoured traffic and increasing the share of railway traffic. To this aim, the carbon impacts of three specific alpine-wide measures are evaluated: namely, Alpine Crossing Exchange, Emissions Trading and Differentiated Toll System. In comparison with business-as-usual scenario, the case study reveals a potential CO2 saving up to more than 600,000 tons and 38 M€ for the year 2030, thus providing policy makers with an integrative transnational tool able to evaluate the long-term carbon impact of their transport decisions.  相似文献   

Accurate modelling of the health and environmental benefits of non-recreational transport cycling requires information about its effects on the use of other transport modes. Relevant research has not focussed on cycling for transport in a general context (as opposed to bikeshare), nor allowed for multi-modal trips. The influence of trip- and personal-characteristics on whether cycling replaces car-driving have yet to be considered. The present study aimed to address these research gaps. An on-line cross-sectional survey was completed by 1525 Australians who cycle for transport at least once per week. For the most recent trip completed (at least partly) by bicycle participants provided trip distance, and percentage travelled by car, public transport (PT), and walking. They also provided the percentage travelled by each mode for the same trip before taking up transport cycling; and a hypothetical future trip when riding is not possible. Compared to the same trip before, fifty percent of recent trips reduced car use, and around 1/3 eliminated a 100%-car trip. Reduced car use was significantly less likely for trips under 7.5 km, commuting, females, respondents under 55, and regular cyclists. Reduced car use was less likely for respondents who started riding because it is flexible, and more likely for those who started riding to avoid parking. Car-use was reduced by an average of 6.2 km per trip, and each bicycle-km cycled replaced 0.5 car-km. Participants report that since taking up cycling, even when they cannot use their bike, they use cars less and use PT more compared to before they took up cycling. Results suggest that previous studies underestimated the extent to which transport cycling replaces car travel, and highlights trip types and population groups to target with cycling promotion strategies. Information about the per-trip and per-bicycle-km replacement of car, PT and walking may be used for more accurate estimation of the benefits of transport cycling than has hitherto been possible.  相似文献   

In 2008 the regional government of Catalonia (Spain) reduced the maximum speed limit on several stretches of congested urban motorway in the Barcelona metropolitan area to 80 km/h, while in 2009 it introduced a variable speed system on other stretches of its metropolitan motorways. We use the differences-in-differences method, which enables a policy impact to be measured under specific conditions, to assess the impact of these policies on emissions of NOx and PM10. Empirical estimation indicate that reducing the speed limit to 80 km/h causes a 1.7–3.2% increase in NOx and 5.3–5.9% in PM10. By contrast, the variable speed policy reduced NOx and PM10 pollution by 7.7–17.1% and 14.5–17.3%. As such, a variable speed policy appears to be a more effective environmental policy than reducing the speed limit to a maximum of 80 km/h.  相似文献   

Urban passenger transport significantly contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions, especially in developing countries owing to the rapid motorization, thus making it an important target for carbon reduction. This article established a method to estimate and analyze carbon emission from urban passenger transport including cars, rail transit, taxis and buses. The scope of research was defined based on car registration area, transport types and modes, the stages of rail transit energy consumption. The data availability and gathering were fully illustrated. A city level emission model for the aforementioned four modes of passenger transport was formulated, and parameters including emission factor of electricity and fuel efficiency were tailored according to local situations such as energy structure and field survey. The results reveal that the emission from Beijing’s urban passenger transport in 2012 stood at 15 million tonnes of CO2, of which 75.5% was from cars, whereas car trip sharing constitutes only 42.5% of the total residential trips. Bus travel, yielding 28.6 g CO2, is the most efficient mode of transport under the current situations in terms of per passenger kilometer (PKM) emission, whereas car or taxi trips emit more than 5 times that of bus trips. Although a decrease trend appears, Beijing still has potential for further carbon reduction in passenger transport field in contrast to other cities in developed countries. Development of rail transit and further limitation on cars could assist in reducing 4.39 million tonnes CO2 emission.  相似文献   

This article highlights eco-driving as an available policy option to reduce climate altering GHG emissions. Recognizing the need to reduce the environmental impact of its fleet operations, the City of Calgary is a leader in developing programs and policies that aim to reduce GHG emissions and associated pollutants resulting from the use of fossil fuels. Among local action taken against climate change, the City sought to quantify CO2 emissions reductions from their municipal fleet as a result of eco-driver training, with a specific focus on engine idling. Fifteen drivers from the Development & Building Approvals Business Unit had in-vehicle monitoring technology (CarChips®) installed into their vehicles as part of a three-phase research process. The results show that gasoline and hybrid vehicles decreased average idling between 4% and 10% per vehicle per day, leading to an average emissions decrease of 1.7 kg of CO2 per vehicle per day.  相似文献   

In Norway, as in many countries, a political goal is to increase bicycle use, and the e-bike is promising in this respect. However, concerns have been raised about mode-share effects. It has been argued that if the e-bike’s only function is in cycling becoming cycling with electric assistance, there would be no benefit to either the environment or public health. Little is yet known about the use of the e-bike, or of its potential in reducing motorized travel. In the current study, 66 randomly selected participants were given an e-bike to use for a limited period of time and the results compared with those of a control group (N = 160). E-bike cycling trips increased from 0.9 to 1.4 per day, distance from 4.8 km to 10.3 km and, as a share of all transport, from 28% to 48%, whereas with the control group there was no increase in cycling. The effect of the e-bike increased with time, indicating a learning effect among users, and was greater for female than for male cyclists. There were no differences with age. Overall, the results suggest that the e-bike is indeed practical for everyday travel.  相似文献   

Electric vehicles are often said to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. However, the results of current comparisons with conventional vehicles are not always in favor of electric vehicles. We outline that this is not only due to the different assumptions in the time of charging and the country-specific electricity generation mix, but also due to the applied assessment method. We, therefore, discuss four assessment methods (average annual electricity mix, average time-dependent electricity mix, marginal electricity mix, and balancing zero emissions) and analyze the corresponding CO2 emissions for Germany in 2030 using an optimizing energy system model (PERSEUS-NET-TS). Furthermore, we distinguish between an uncontrolled (i.e. direct) charging and an optimized controlled charging strategy. For Germany, the different assessment methods lead to substantial discrepancies in CO2 emissions for 2030 ranging from no emissions to about 0.55 kg/kWhel (110 g/km). These emissions partly exceed the emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles. Furthermore, depending on the underlying power plant portfolio and the controlling objective, controlled charging might help to reduce CO2 emissions and relieve the electricity grid. We therefore recommend to support controlled charging, to develop consistent methodologies to address key factors affecting CO2 emissions by electric vehicles, and to implement efficient policy instruments which guarantee emission free mobility with electric vehicles agreed upon by researchers and policy makers.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study is to develop a “corrected average emission model,” i.e., an improved average speed model that accurately calculates CO2 emissions on the road. When emissions from the central roads of a city are calculated, the existing average speed model only reflects the driving behavior of a vehicle that accelerates and decelerates due to signals and traffic. Therefore, we verified the accuracy of the average speed model, analyzed the causes of errors based on the instantaneous model utilizing second-by-second data from driving in a city center, and then developed a corrected model that can improve the accuracy. We collected GPS data from probe vehicles, and calculated and analyzed the average emissions and instantaneous emissions per link unit. Our results showed that the average speed model underestimated CO2 emissions with an increase in acceleration and idle time for a speed range of 20 km/h and below, which is the speed range for traffic congestion. Based on these results, we analyzed the relationship between average emissions and instantaneous emissions according to the average speed per link unit, and we developed a model that performed better with an improved accuracy of calculated CO2 emissions for 20 km/h and below.  相似文献   

CO, CO2, NOx and HC emissions of two stroke-powered tricycles in Metro Manila are examined using an instantaneous emissions model. Results show that fuel consumption and HC emissions in middle class residential areas and main roads are similar but lower than levels in low income residential areas. On the average, tricycles in Metro Manila consume 24.41 km/l of fuel and produces 9.5, 9.7, 40.5 and 0.07 g/km of HC, CO, CO2 and NOx, respectively. They fail to satisfy HC, CO and NOx emission limits set by reference standards in the Philippines and other Asian countries. They produce greater HC and CO emissions than gasoline fueled private cars and diesel powered public jeepneys, taxis and buses on a per passenger-km basis but significantly lower NOx emissions. Tricycles account for 15.4% of the total HC emissions from mobile sources in the metropolis while their contributions to CO, CO2 and NOx are minimal.  相似文献   

We develop a method for empirically measuring the difference in transport related carbon footprint between traditional and online retailing (“e-tailing”) from entry point to a geographical area to consumer residence. The method only requires data on the locations of brick-and-mortar stores, online delivery points, and residences of the region’s population, and on the goods transportation networks in the studied region. Such data are readily available in most countries. The method has been evaluated using data from the Dalecarlia region in Sweden, and is shown to be robust to all assumptions made. In our empirical example, the results indicate that the average distance from consumer residence to a brick-and-mortar retailer is 48.54 km in the studied region, while the average distance to an online delivery point is 6.7 km. The results also indicate that e-tailing increases the average distance traveled from the regional entry point to the delivery point from 47.15 km for a brick-and-mortar store to 122.75 km for the online delivery points. However, as professional carriers transport the products in bulk to stores or online delivery points, which is more efficient than consumers’ transporting the products to their residences, the results indicate that consumers switching from traditional to e-tailing on average reduce their transport CO2 footprints by 84% when buying standard consumer electronics products.  相似文献   

For the UK to meet their national target of net zero emissions as part of the central Paris Agreement target, further emphasis needs to be placed on decarbonizing public transport and moving away from personal transport (conventionally fuelled vehicles (CFVs) and electric vehicles (EVs)). Electric buses (EBs) and hydrogen buses (HBs) have the potential to fulfil requirements if powered from low carbon renewable energy sources.A comparison of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced from conventionally fuelled buses (CFB), EBs and HBs between 2017 and 2050 under four National Grid electricity scenarios was conducted. In addition, emissions per person at different vehicle capacity levels (100%, 75%, 50% and 25%) were projected for CFBs, HBs, EBs and personal transport assuming a maximum of 80 passengers per bus and four per personal vehicle.Results indicated that CFVs produced 30 gCO2 km−1 per person compared to 16.3 gCO2 km−1 per person by CFBs by 2050. At 100% capacity, under the two-degree scenario, CFB emissions were 36 times higher than EBs, 9 times higher than HBs and 12 times higher than EVs in 2050. Cumulative emissions under all electricity scenarios remained lower for EBs and HBs.Policy makers need to focus on encouraging a modal shift from personal transport towards sustainable public transport, primarily EBs as the lowest level emitting vehicle type. Simple electrification of personal vehicles will not meet the required targets. Simultaneously, CFBs need to be replaced with EBs and HBs if the UK is going to meet emission targets.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the results of the Royal Automobile Clubhallo’s 2011 RAC Future Car Challenge, an annual motoring challenge in which participants seek to consume the least energy possible while driving a 92 km route from Brighton to London in the UK. The results reveal that the vehicle’s power train type has the largest impact on energy consumption and emissions. The traction ratio, defined as the fraction of time spent on the accelerator in relation to the driving time, and the amount of regenerative braking have a significant effect on the individual energy consumption of vehicles. In contrast, the average speed does not have a great effect on a vehicles’ energy consumption in the range 25–70 km/h.  相似文献   

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