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Transportation sector accounts for a large proportion of global greenhouse gas and toxic pollutant emissions. Even though alternative fuel vehicles such as all-electric vehicles will be the best solution in the future, mitigating emissions by existing gasoline vehicles is an alternative countermeasure in the near term. The aim of this study is to predict the vehicle CO2 emission per kilometer and determine an eco-friendly path that results in minimum CO2 emissions while satisfying travel time budget. The vehicle CO2 emission model is derived based on the theory of vehicle dynamics. Particularly, the difficult-to-measure variables are substituted by parameters to be estimated. The model parameters can be estimated by using the current probe vehicle systems. An eco-routing approach combining the weighting method and k-shortest path algorithm is developed to find the optimal path along the Pareto frontier. The vehicle CO2 emission model and eco-routing approach are validated in a large-scale transportation network in Toyota city, Japan. The relative importance analysis indicates that the average speed has the largest impact on vehicle CO2 emission. Specifically, the benefit trade-off between CO2 emission reduction and the travel time buffer is discussed by carrying out sensitivity analysis in a network-wide scale. It is found that the average reduction in CO2 emissions achieved by the eco-friendly path reaches a maximum of around 11% when the travel time buffer is set to around 10%.  相似文献   

We evaluate the implications of a range of driving patterns on the tank-to-wheel energy use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. The driving patterns, which reflect short distance, low speed, and congested city driving to long distance, high speed, and uncongested highway driving, are estimated using an approach that involves linked traffic assignment and vehicle motion models. We find substantial variation in tank-to-wheel energy use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles across driving patterns. Tank-to-wheel petroleum energy use on a per kilometer basis is lowest for the city and highest for the highway driving, with the opposite holding for a conventional internal combustion engine vehicle.  相似文献   

Vehicle emissions inside an urban environment are investigated using a wind-tunnel under neutral atmospheric conditions. The urban environment was formed as street canyon model. The diffusion flow field in the boundary layer inside the street canyon was examined at different locations of varying geometry of the street and wind directions in the downwind distance of the leeward side of the street canyon model. The results show that the vertical velocity increases as the aspect ratio increases and with wind direction increases from θ = 90°. The pollutant concentration increases as the aspect ratio decreases. The pollutant concentration decreases as the wind direction increases from θ = 90°. The pollutant concentration distributions indicate that the variability of the structure, geometry and wind direction inside the street canyon are important parameters for estimating air quality in the urban street canyon.  相似文献   

Intercity passenger trips constitute a significant source of energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and criteria pollutant emissions. The most commonly used city-to-city modes in the United States include aircraft, intercity bus, and automobile. This study applies state-of-the-practice models to assess life-cycle fuel consumption and pollutant emissions for intercity trips via aircraft, intercity bus, and automobile. The analyses compare the fuel and emissions impacts of different travel mode scenarios for intercity trips ranging from 200 to 1600 km. Because these modes operate differently with respect to engine technology, fuel type, and vehicle capacity, the modeling techniques and modeling boundaries vary significantly across modes. For aviation systems, much of the energy and emissions are associated with auxiliary equipment activities, infrastructure power supply, and terminal activities, in addition to the vehicle operations between origin/destination. Furthermore, one should not ignore the embodied energy and initial emissions from the manufacturing of the vehicles, and the construction of airports, bus stations, highways and parking lots. Passenger loading factors and travel distances also significantly influence fuel and emissions results on a per-traveler basis. The results show intercity bus is generally the most fuel-efficient mode and produced the lowest per-passenger-trip emissions for the entire range of trip distances examined. Aviation is not a fuel-efficient mode for short trips (<500 km), primarily due to the large energy impacts associated with takeoff and landing, and to some extent from the emissions of ground support equipment associated with any trip distance. However, aviation is more energy efficient and produces less emissions per-passenger-trip than low-occupancy automobiles for trip distances longer than 700–800 km. This study will help inform policy makers and transportation system operators about how differently each intercity system perform across all activities, and provides a basis for future policies designed to encourage mode shifts by range of service. The estimation procedures used in this study can serve as a reference for future analyses of transportation scenarios.  相似文献   


This study estimated the external cost of air pollution from shipping by means of a meta-regression analysis, which has not been made before. Three pollutants, which were included in most of the primary studies, were considered: nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxides (SO2) and particulate matters with a diameter of max 2.5 micrometres (PM2.5). All primary studies included damages of health and a majority added impacts on agriculture and estimated the cost of air pollutants by transferring cost estimates from studies on costs of air emissions from transports in Europe. Different regression models and estimators were used and robust results were found of statistically significant emission elasticities of below one, i.e. total external costs increase by less than 1% when emissions increase by 1%. There was a small variation between the pollutants, with the highest elasticity for PM2.5 and lowest for NOx. Calculations of the marginal external cost of the pollutants showed the same pattern, with this cost being approximately six times higher for PM2.5 than for the other pollutants. Common to all pollutants was that the marginal external cost decreases when emission increases. Another robust result was a significant increase in the cost of studies published in journals compared with other publication outlets. These findings point out some caution when transferring constant external unit cost of air pollutant from shipping, which is much applied in the literature, and the cost functions estimated in this study could thus provide a complementary transfer mechanism.  相似文献   

Driving cycles are used to assess vehicle fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. The premise in this article is that suburban road-work vehicles and airport vehicles operate under particular conditions that are not taken into account by conventional driving cycles. Thus, experimental data were acquired from two pickup trucks representing both vehicle fleets that were equipped with a data logger. Based on experimental data, the suburban road-work vehicle showed a mixed driving behavior of high and low speed with occasional long periods of idling. In the airport environment, however, the driving conditions were restricted to airport grounds but were characterized by many accelerations and few high speeds. Based on these measurements, microtrips were defined and two driving cycles proposed. Fuel consumption and pollutant emissions were then measured for both cycles and compared to the FTP-75 and HWFCT cycles, which revealed a major difference: at least a 31% increase in fuel consumption over FTP-75. This increased fuel consumption translates into higher pollutant emissions. When CO2 equivalent emissions are taken into account, the proposed cycles show an increase of at least 31% over FTP-75 and illustrate the importance of quantifying fleet speed patterns to assess CO2 equivalent emissions so that the fleet manager can determine potential gains in energy or increased pollutant emissions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the methodological challenges in understanding causal relationships between urban form and travel behavior and uses a holistic quasi-experimental approach to investigate the separable marginal influence of each of several urban form factors on mode choice as well as the complex relationships between those factors and a wide range of personal traits. Data analysis and models are used to reveal the effect of such interactions on mode choice for both work and non-work trips in Rome, Italy. It is found that population density does not have a significant marginal positive effect on sustainable mode choice for work trips. Conversely, this factor decreases sustainable mode choice for non-work trips. Small scale street design quality alone increases sustainable mode choice for non-work trips. This is while presence of street network integration alone increases automobile use for all trip purposes. The results point to the importance of incorporating all the urban form factors of diversity, design and street network integration if the goal is to increase the use of more sustainable modes of transportation for both work and non-work trips, but also show that attitudes and preferences can modify the response to urban design factors. The findings suggest that thoughtful policies triggering certain attitudes (cost sensitivity, sensitivity to peer pressure regarding the value attributed to sustainable transportation, and transit preference) can be adopted to significantly increase sustainable mode choice even in the neighborhoods with specific physical restrictions.  相似文献   


This paper formulates a spatial autoregressive zero-inflated negative binomial model for freight trip productions and attractions. The model captures the following freight trip characteristics: count data type, positive trip rates, overdispersion, zero-inflation, and spatial autocorrelation. The spatial autoregressive structure is applied in the negative binomial part of the models to obtain unbiased estimates of the effects of different regressors. Further, we estimate parameters using the full information maximum likelihood estimator. We perform empirical analysis with an establishment based freight survey conducted in Chennai. Separate models are estimated for trips generated by motorised two-wheelers and three-wheelers, and pickups besides an aggregate model. Spatial variables such as road density and indicator of geolocation are insignificant in all the models. In contrast, the spatial autocorrelation is significant in all of the models except for the freight trips attracted and produced by pickups. From a policy standpoint, the elasticity results show the importance of considering spatial autocorrelation. We also highlight the bias due to aggregation of vehicle classes, based on the elasticities.


The delay costs of traffic disruptions and congestion and the value of travel time reliability are typically evaluated using single trip scheduling models, which treat the trip in isolation of previous and subsequent trips and activities. In practice, however, when activity scheduling to some extent is flexible, the impact of delay on one trip will depend on the actual and predicted travel time on itself as well as other trips, which is important to consider for long-lasting disturbances and when assessing the value of travel information. In this paper we extend the single trip approach into a two trips chain and activity scheduling model. Preferences are represented as marginal activity utility functions that take scheduling flexibility into account. We analytically derive trip timing optimality conditions, the value of travel time and schedule adjustments in response to travel time increases. We show how the single trip models are special cases of the present model and can be generalized to a setting with trip chains and flexible scheduling. We investigate numerically how the delay cost depends on the delay duration and its distribution on different trips during the day, the accuracy of delay prediction and travel information, and the scheduling flexibility of work hours. The extension of the model framework to more complex schedules is discussed.  相似文献   

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) potentially increase vehicle travel by reducing travel and parking costs and by providing improved mobility to those who are too young to drive or older people. The increase in vehicle travel could be generated by both trip diversion from other modes and entirely new trips. Existing studies however tend to overlook AVs’ impacts on entirely new trips. There is a need to develop a methodology for estimating possible impacts of AVs on entirely new trips across all age groups. This paper explores the impacts of AVs on car trips using a case study of Victoria, Australia. A new methodology for estimating entirely new trips associated with AVs is proposed by measuring gaps in travel need at different life stages. Results show that AVs would increase daily trips by 4.14% on average. The 76+ age group would have the largest increase of 18.5%, followed by the 18–24 age group and the 12–17 age group with 14.6 and 11.1% respectively. If car occupancy remains constant in AV scenarios, entirely new trips and trip diversions from public transport and active modes would lead to a 7.31% increase in car trips. However increases in car travel are substantially magnified by reduced car occupancy rates, a trend evidenced throughout the world. Car occupancy would need to increase by at least 5.3–7.3% to keep car trips unchanged in AV scenarios.  相似文献   

Interest in vehicle automation has been growing in recent years, especially with the very visible Google car project. Although full automation is not yet a reality there has been significant research on the impacts of self-driving vehicles on traffic flows, mainly on interurban roads. However, little attention has been given to what could happen to urban mobility when all vehicles are automated. In this paper we propose a new method to study how replacing privately owned conventional vehicles with automated ones affects traffic delays and parking demand in a city. The model solves what we designate as the User Optimum Privately Owned Automated Vehicles Assignment Problem (UO-POAVAP), which dynamically assigns family trips in their automated vehicles in an urban road network from a user equilibrium perspective where, in equilibrium, households with similar trips should have similar transport costs. Automation allows a vehicle to travel without passengers to satisfy multiple household trips and, if needed, to park itself in any of the network nodes to benefit from lower parking charges. Nonetheless, the empty trips can also represent added congestion in the network. The model was applied to a case study based on the city of Delft, the Netherlands. Several experiments were done, comparing scenarios where parking policies and value of travel time (VTT) are changed. The model shows good equilibrium convergence with a small difference between the general costs of traveling for similar families. We were able to conclude that vehicle automation reduces generalized transport costs, satisfies more trips by car and is associated with increased traffic congestion because empty vehicles have to be relocated. It is possible for a city to charge for all street parking and create free central parking lots that will keep total transport costs the same, or reduce them. However, this will add to congestion as traffic competes to access those central nodes. In a scenario where a lower VTT is experienced by the travelers, because of the added comfort of vehicle automation, the car mode share increases. Nevertheless this may help to reduce traffic congestion because some vehicles will reroute to satisfy trips which previously were not cost efficient to be done by car. Placing the free parking in the outskirts is less attractive due to the extra kilometers but with a lower VTT the same private vehicle demand would be attended with the advantage of freeing space in the city center.  相似文献   

Many urban areas are perusing infill, transit oriented, and other “smart-growth” strategies to address a range of important regional goals. Denser and more mixed use urban development may increase sustainability and improve public health by reducing vehicle travel and increasing the share of trips made by transit, walking and bicycling. Fewer vehicle trips results in fewer greenhouse gas and toxic vehicle emissions, and more trips made by walking and bicycle increases physical activity. Prior research has largely focused on modeling and estimating the potential size of these and other smart-growth strategy benefits. A largely overlooked area is the potential for unexpected public health costs and environmental justice concerns that may result from increasing density. We evaluate regional land-use and transportation planning scenarios developed for the year 2040 by a metropolitan planning organization with a newly developed regional air quality modeling framework. Our results find that a set of regional plans designed by the MPO to promote smart-growth that are estimated to result in less vehicle use and fewer vehicle emissions than a more typical set of plans results in higher population exposure to toxic vehicle emissions. The smart-growth plans also result in greater income-exposure inequality, raising environmental justice concerns. We conclude that a more spatially detailed regional scale air quality analysis can inform the creation of smarter smart-growth plans.  相似文献   

We propose an optimization model based on vehicle travel patterns to capture public charging demand and select the locations of public charging stations to maximize the amount of vehicle-miles-traveled (VMT) being electrified. The formulated model is applied to Beijing, China as a case study using vehicle trajectory data of 11,880 taxis over a period of three weeks. The mathematical problem is formulated in GAMS modeling environment and Cplex optimizer is used to find the optimal solutions. Formulating mathematical model properly, input data transformation, and Cplex option adjustment are considered for accommodating large-scale data. We show that, compared to the 40 existing public charging stations, the 40 optimal ones selected by the model can increase electrified fleet VMT by 59% and 88% for slow and fast charging, respectively. Charging demand for the taxi fleet concentrates in the inner city. When the total number of charging stations increase, the locations of the optimal stations expand outward from the inner city. While more charging stations increase the electrified fleet VMT, the marginal gain diminishes quickly regardless of charging speed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the World-wide harmonized Light duty Test Cycle (WLTC), developed under the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) and sponsored by the European Union (with Switzerland) and Japan. India, Korea and USA have also actively contributed. The objective was to design the harmonized driving cycle from “real world” driving data in different regions around the world, combined with suitable weighting factors. To this aim, driving data and traffic statistics of light duty vehicles use were collected and analyzed as basic elements to develop the harmonized cycle. The regional driving data and weighting factors were then combined in order to develop a unified database representing the worldwide light duty vehicle driving behavior. From the unified database, short trips were selected and combined to develop a driving cycle as representative as possible of the unified database. Approximately 765,000 km of data were collected, covering a wide range of vehicle categories, road types and driving conditions. The resulting WLTC is an ensemble of three driving cycles adapted to three vehicle categories with different power-to-mass ratio (PMR). It has been designed as a harmonized cycle for the certification of light duty vehicles around the world and, together with the new harmonized test procedures (WLTP), will serve to check the compliance of vehicle pollutant emissions with respect to the applicable emissions limits and to establish the reference vehicle fuel consumption and CO2 performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, a joint multinomial logit (MNL) model of residential location and vehicle availability choice is formulated and estimated using a sample of households from the San Francisco, CA area Metropolitan Transportation Commission's 1990 household travel survey. Subsequently, models of travel intensity (number of daily household trips and vehicle-miles traveled) are estimated as a function of household characteristics and of attributes derived from the joint residential location and auto availability choice model (number of vehicles, percent land developed). A policy test shows that reducing the cost of locating in the densest areas of the metropolitan area is likely to have only marginal impact on vehicle availability and household trip making.  相似文献   

Parents compete for high-quality education for their children by enrolling them in good schools. However, in a Chinese mega-city like Beijing, three factors jointly lead to the spatial separation between schools and homes: the centralized public goods provision mechanism, the historical dependency in school location, and the constrained supply of housing in downtown. Without an adequate number of school buses, this spatial separation of schools and homes triggers the numerous long-distance driving-to-school trips by private vehicle during workday morning rush hours in Beijing. We use the start and end dates of “school holiday” as exogenous repeated shocks to the aggregate traffic congestion, and employ the two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression approach to examine the congestion and pollution consequences of such driving-to-school trips in Beijing. We find that, all else being equal, workdays during school holidays have a traffic congestion index 20% lower than that of non-school-holiday workdays. Such a sharp reduction in congestion leads to a significant decrease in PM10 concentration. Policymakers should lower such “extra” congestion and environmental costs via optimizing the spatial balance between school supply and demand.  相似文献   

Urban passenger transport significantly contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions, especially in developing countries owing to the rapid motorization, thus making it an important target for carbon reduction. This article established a method to estimate and analyze carbon emission from urban passenger transport including cars, rail transit, taxis and buses. The scope of research was defined based on car registration area, transport types and modes, the stages of rail transit energy consumption. The data availability and gathering were fully illustrated. A city level emission model for the aforementioned four modes of passenger transport was formulated, and parameters including emission factor of electricity and fuel efficiency were tailored according to local situations such as energy structure and field survey. The results reveal that the emission from Beijing’s urban passenger transport in 2012 stood at 15 million tonnes of CO2, of which 75.5% was from cars, whereas car trip sharing constitutes only 42.5% of the total residential trips. Bus travel, yielding 28.6 g CO2, is the most efficient mode of transport under the current situations in terms of per passenger kilometer (PKM) emission, whereas car or taxi trips emit more than 5 times that of bus trips. Although a decrease trend appears, Beijing still has potential for further carbon reduction in passenger transport field in contrast to other cities in developed countries. Development of rail transit and further limitation on cars could assist in reducing 4.39 million tonnes CO2 emission.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of carrier collaboration on fleet capacity, fleet structures in terms of the number and the size of vehicles, and load factors. The model features complementary networks, scheduling, price elastic demands, and demand uncertainty. For the case of a given number of vehicles, the analysis shows that carrier collaboration increases vehicle sizes (thus, fleet capacity) if marginal seat costs are low while fleet capacity remains unchanged if marginal seat costs are high. If both vehicle sizes and vehicle numbers can be varied, then collaboration will always increase vehicle numbers and fleet capacity, while the effects on vehicle sizes and, thus, also load factors, are ambiguous and therewith hard to predict. Numerical simulations indicate that collaboration increases expected load factors also when the number of vehicles is endogenous.  相似文献   

Carsharing programs that operate as short-term vehicle rentals (often for one-way trips before ending the rental) like Car2Go and ZipCar have quickly expanded, with the number of US users doubling every 1–2 years over the past decade. Such programs seek to shift personal transportation choices from an owned asset to a service used on demand. The advent of autonomous or fully self-driving vehicles will address many current carsharing barriers, including users’ travel to access available vehicles.This work describes the design of an agent-based model for shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) operations, the results of many case-study applications using this model, and the estimated environmental benefits of such settings, versus conventional vehicle ownership and use. The model operates by generating trips throughout a grid-based urban area, with each trip assigned an origin, destination and departure time, to mimic realistic travel profiles. A preliminary model run estimates the SAV fleet size required to reasonably service all trips, also using a variety of vehicle relocation strategies that seek to minimize future traveler wait times. Next, the model is run over one-hundred days, with driverless vehicles ferrying travelers from one destination to the next. During each 5-min interval, some unused SAVs relocate, attempting to shorten wait times for next-period travelers.Case studies vary trip generation rates, trip distribution patterns, network congestion levels, service area size, vehicle relocation strategies, and fleet size. Preliminary results indicate that each SAV can replace around eleven conventional vehicles, but adds up to 10% more travel distance than comparable non-SAV trips, resulting in overall beneficial emissions impacts, once fleet-efficiency changes and embodied versus in-use emissions are assessed.  相似文献   

The European Clean Vehicle Directive was introduced in 2009 to create an obligation on public authorities to take into account the impact of energy consumption, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and pollutant emissions into their purchasing decisions for road transport vehicles. This should stimulate the market for clean and energy-efficient vehicles and improve transport's impact on environment, climate change and energy use. Therefore the so-called ‘Operational Lifetime Cost’ of a vehicle is calculated, divided into the cost for energy consumption, CO2 and pollutant (nitrous oxide, particulate matter, non-methane hydrocarbons) emissions. In Belgium, a different methodology has been developed to calculate the environmental impact of a vehicle, called ‘Ecoscore’, based on a well-to-wheel approach. More pollutants are included compared to the Clean Vehicle methodology, but also indirect emissions are taken into account. In this paper, both methodologies are compared and used to analyze the environmental performance of passenger cars with different fuel types and from different vehicle segments. Similar rankings between both methodologies are obtained; however, the large impact of energy use (and CO2 emissions) in the Clean Vehicle methodology disadvantages compressed natural gas cars, as well as diesel cars equipped with particulate filters, compared to the Ecoscore methodology.  相似文献   

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