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高速行驶防爆胎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了引发轮胎爆破的常见原因 ,提出了以预防为主的原则及预防措施 ,介绍了爆胎时的应急处理措施。  相似文献   

军杰 《汽车与安全》2008,(11):74-77
爆胎是指轮胎在极短的时间(一般少于0.1秒)内因破裂突然失去轮胎中所充气体的情况。爆胎的发生往往非常突然,之后留给驾驶人采取补救措施的时间非常短,车辆往往难以控制,突然爆胎将严重破坏行驶车辆的受力平衡性和方向操纵性,特别是高速行驶中的车辆在巨大的惯性力作用下发生剧烈的侧滑、甩尾,严重的爆胎事故会导致车辆的连续翻滚,并与护栏、其它车辆发生碰撞,形成极为严重的多车相撞交通事故。  相似文献   

学锐 《汽车知识》2008,(7):106-106
1、胎压不足如果轮胎胎压不足,易使轮胎侧壁弯曲折断而发生爆裂。2、胎压过高可使轮胎的缺陷处(如以前损伤的部位)发生爆裂,在天气炎热的夏天,这样的情形比较多见。3、车辆超载车辆的超载对于轮胎的危害不言而喻,尤其是常常在高速公路上看到一些大货车超载,这时轮胎更容易发生爆胎事故。4、高速驶过尖锐物体车辆在高速行驶时,  相似文献   

我是一个新手,学车的时候听教练讲夏天汽车容易爆胎,这是为什么呢?我知道爆胎很危险,如何预防爆胎?爆胎是高速公路车辆事故的一个重要原因。爆胎的原因主要有以下几种:1.轮胎气压不足。  相似文献   

刘涛 《驾驶园》2013,(6):82-83
驾驶新手常担心在高速公路上无法维持车辆的稳定行驶。我们最常听到的稳定方式诸如以驾驶员视线、车上任一标定点、车道线任一点等三点成一直线。事实上,此种三点成一直线的方式并不简单,同时也会导致驾驶员分心!因此建议您,在维持直线行驶时,驾驶员一定要在车道中央偏左一点的位置,  相似文献   

事故的发生除了车辆、道路的原因.还有着不容忽视的驾驶员本身的原因,而驾驶员本身的原因又是错综复杂的。笔者以为,事故发生前几分钟内驾驶员的行为有错误或思维失误.  相似文献   

刘志文 《驾驶园》2007,(8):50-51
在当今发生的道路交通事故中, 因跟车不当而造成的追尾事故呈上升趋势. 为保证跟车安全,避免追尾事故发生, 驾驶员除严格遵守《道路交通安全法》规定外, 还应注意以下几点:  相似文献   

邱志雷 《驾驶园》2012,(10):83-83
你在高速公路上驾车,行驶到危险路段时,应该怎么控制车辆,避免事故发生?长下坡弯道路段——把稳方向高速公路长下坡路段,通常车速都会比较快,当弯道和长下坡一起出现,驾驶员就要格外小心了。一种是长下坡,伴随着距离较长的"U"形弯道,这路段是长下坡同时  相似文献   

佚名 《驾驶园》2010,(3):56-56
"翻车是一种复杂的事故,很大程度上受司机、道路状况以及车辆设计的影响。"专家表示,在道路交通事故中,汽车翻车事故不仅会造成巨大经济损失,而且极易造成人员伤亡。那么,造成翻车的原因都有哪些?作为驾驶员又该如何尽量避免此类事故的发生呢?  相似文献   

由爆胎引发的事故在高速公路事故中居高不下。那么,是什么原因造成高速公路频频发生爆胎呢?一般来说,爆胎是由于轮胎磨损严重,造成胎体过薄,此时就很容易被物体刺破,再加上天气过热,轮胎内部不断发热,从而发生爆胎。除此之外,轮胎爆裂还与下面6个因素相关。  相似文献   

Tyre load and inflation pressure are important factors controlling rolling resistance of road vehicles. The article presents results obtained in the Technical University of Gdańsk during laboratory and road measurements of different car tyres rolling on different pavements. The knowledge of rolling resistance characteristics is important for modelling car dynamics as well as fuel consumption. It is also necessary to establish proper test conditions in the future standardized on-road method of measuring rolling resistance. The results indicate that while an increase of load always leads to the increase of rolling resistance force, the influence on Coefficient of Rolling Resistance is more complicated and unpredictable. They also indicate that tyres with high rolling resistance are more sensitive to inflation pressure changes than low rolling resistance tyres.  相似文献   

大力 《驾驶园》2007,(4):40
轮胎是汽车的重要部件,正确识别这些标志对轮胎的选配、使用、保养十分重要.由于轮胎和形状多样化,欧洲和美国等都采用各自的规格标志,使用比较混乱.我国轮胎标志主要分为英制和公制两种,下面向读者具体介绍我国轮胎标志的具体含义.  相似文献   

自1月10日以来,我国南方大部分地区和西北地区东部出现了建国以来罕见的持续大范围低温、雨雪和冰冻的极端天气,全国12个省、自治区的降水日数突破极值,这给过惯了"暖冬"的南方地区带来了极其严重的影响,给置身在公路运输一线的卡车以及司机带来了极大的挑战.……  相似文献   

The cornering force and lateral static characteristics of a tyre are fundamental factors that describe the steering feel for handling performance. However, it is difficult to justify the contribution of each factor when the tyre’s cornering motion is evaluated through subjective assessment. Currently, the relaxation length of Pacejka’s tyre model is close to describing these tyre motions. Therefore, this paper proposes a string tyre model based on the relaxation length in order to represent the steering performance. The proposed method provides a more accurate modelling of the steering agility performance. Therefore, it is possible to use this model to predict the steering response performance, and this is validated through comparison with a real relaxation length.  相似文献   

固铂轮胎提醒广大司机:基于安全及良好性能的考虑,您在选择备胎时务必要谨慎;在更换轮胎时也应严格按照"规则"操作.……  相似文献   

段常钊 《驾驶园》2007,(6):34-35
一则:夏季气温较高,最容易出现胎压过高,造成爆胎.很多车主在夏季轮胎养护时,出于对热胀冷缩的考虑,会将轮胎气压调低一些,实际上这种操作是不准确的.正确的方法是将轮胎充气到允许范围的最高值.因为车辆在行驶过程中,轮胎会由于路面摩擦形成一定拉伸,使轮胎出现变形现象.如果轮胎气压过低,加上较高的轮胎转速,叠加在轮胎上的力会越来越大,最终将轮胎拉爆.这种在夏季人为降低胎压造成爆胎事故的情况非常多见,驾驶员要提高警惕.  相似文献   

In this article, a new approach to estimate the vehicle tyre forces, tyre–road maximum friction coefficient, and slip slope is presented. Contrary to the majority of the previous work on this subject, a new tyre model for the estimation of the tyre–road interface characterisation is proposed. First, the tyre model is built and compared with those of Pacejka, Dugoff, and one other tyre model. Then, based on a vehicle model that uses four degrees of freedom, an extended Kalman filter (EKF) method is designed to estimate the vehicle motion and tyre forces. The shortcomings of force estimation are discussed in this article. Based on the proposed tyre model and the improved force measurements, another EKF is implemented to estimate the tyre model parameters, including the maximum friction coefficient, slip slope, etc. The tyre forces are accurately obtained simultaneously. Finally, very promising results have been achieved for pure acceleration/braking for varying road conditions, both in pure steering and combined manoeuvre simulations.  相似文献   

轮胎花纹是橡胶与路面直接接触的部位,是轮胎设计的重点之一。轮胎花纹设计是工程学与美学的合一。实物原型能帮助设计师做出正确的决定。  相似文献   

The fast-paced, iterative, vehicle design environment demands efficiency when simulating suspension loads. Towards that end, a computationally efficient, linear, planar, quasi-static tyre model is developed in this work that accurately predicts a tyre's lower frequency, reasonably large amplitude, nonlinear stiffness relationship. The axisymmetric, circumferentially isotropic, stiffness equation is discretised into segments, then parameterised by a single stiffness parameter and two shape parameters. The tyre's deformed shape is independent of the overall tyre stiffness and the forces acting on the tyre. Constraint modes capture enveloping and bridging properties and a recursive method yields the set of active constraints at the tyre–road interface. The nonlinear stiffness of a tyre is captured by enforcing unidirectional geometric boundary conditions. The model parameters are identified semi-empirically; simulated cleat test loads match experiments within 7% including nonlinear stiffness when simulating a flat plate test and a discontinuous stiffness when simulating a cleat test.  相似文献   

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