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今年年初,太平洋保险深圳分公司彩田营业部与深圳汽车租赁协会签订战略合作协议。 太平洋保险深圳分公司彩田营业部团队长凌烈认为,深圳汽车租赁协会虽然成立时间短,但是汽车租赁市场将来的发展空间很大,太平洋保险先行进入这个市场,  相似文献   

上周国内惟一一家中外合资汽车租赁企业--安吉汽车租赁有限公司落户北京,标志着安吉汽车租赁公司在中国的网络发展已经成功实现第一步战略目标. 安吉汽车租赁有限公司落户北京之时,记者对上海汽车工业销售总公司(即安吉的上级公司)的副总经理夏军进行了专访.据介绍,安吉汽车租赁有限公司由上海汽车工业集团总公司下属上海汽车工业销售总公司与AVIS欧洲集团控股有限公司共同组建而成,投资额高达6600万美元,是国内目前规模最大、各类服务功能最齐全、运营技术含量最高的专业汽车租赁公司之一.2004年,该公司的销售收入实现了近50%的增幅,成为国内汽车租赁界屈指可数的"大鳄"之一.  相似文献   

2012年12月,我国首个物流联盟实体公司——苏盟物流股份有限公司正式成立,由联盟成员共同投资,利益共享,风险同担,四家企业有了紧密而无私的合作载体。苏温物流股份有限公司是由林森物流集团有限公司、金南物流科技股份有限公司、江苏金陵交运物流集团和江苏苏汽国际物流集团4家部级甩挂运输试点企业共同出资5000万元成立的物流实体联盟企业。  相似文献   

筱林 《综合运输》2007,(7):94-94
日前,荣获中国百强物流企业第十五名的远成集团加快了物流国际化的步伐。经过近三年的交流合作,6月18日,在远成集团有限公司成立19周年年庆之日,远成集团有限公司董事长兼总裁黄远成与住友商事株式会社理事兼物流保险事业本部长大岛哲夫,分别代表公司正式进行了战略合作签约,确立了双方之间的战略伙伴关系。这也意味着,双方将在物流领域开展更广泛、更密切的交流与合作。  相似文献   

汽车租赁在我国于1989年起源于北京,被称为“朝阳产业”,尤其是近年来,以神州、一嗨等为代表的汽车租赁企业的快速发展,史让世人看到了汽车租赁市场的巨大蛋糕。有资料显示,截至2011年年底,我国已有汽车租赁公司5000多家,租赁汽车超过10万辆。特别是最近“天猫”试水汽车租赁市场,就连电商们也开始对汽车租赁市场虎视眈眈了。  相似文献   

国内各大城市的带司机汽车租赁已成不争的事实,但因为与现行的规定相悖,汽车租赁公司一直提心吊胆,大家期盼尽早修订、完善有关法律法规,使带司机汽车租赁获得一个合法的身份,以解除汽车租赁企业的后顾之忧。  相似文献   

12月27日,中大汽车集团与中国电力开发有限公司在盐城签署新能源客车产业战略合作协议。中大汽车集团以新能源汽车项目股份分期引进战略资本10亿元,以此推动中大新能源客车产业的发展,双方将在新能源客车产业化等方面开展全面战略合作。中大集团与中国电力开发有限公司通过多次交流和磋商,本着平等互利、优势互补的原则,一致达成建立战略合作关系,双方以各自的资源融合优势结成共同发展伙伴。  相似文献   

库存管理在企业生产中至关重要,零库存管理也是库存管理的终极目标。本文介绍了零库存的内涵以及当下企业实现零库存管理的三种普遍方式。汽车零配件企业处在上级原材料供应商与下级整车生产商之间的承接中心,结合汽车零配件制造企业的这种特点,分析当前专业化仓库租赁、拉动式生产与实行合理配送等三种零库存管理方式的优缺点,提出应加强同上级供应商以及下游顾客的合作来确定自身的生产需求,采用合理配送的模式,结合自动化的仓库管理系统,以期可以实现零库存管理的目标。  相似文献   

3月31日,由山东交运旅游集团有限公司、山东省交通旅行社、济南鲁商会展有限公司、山东常兴交通汽车租赁有限公司组建的山东交运旅游集团正式挂牌,国家旅游局副局长王志发,省委常委、宣传部长李群.省政府副省长黄胜等出席仪式并为集团揭牌。  相似文献   

我国飞机租赁公司要谋求更大的发展,目前最需要的是国家政策的支持,主要需要税收政策、飞机购买政策以及法律法规的扶持。航空公司选择租赁飞机主要从经济性、可靠性和安全性三方面考虑,其中最重要的因素是租赁价格。但是我国飞机租赁业务刚刚起步,运作经验不够丰富,在租金价格上不占优势。目前外资的飞机租赁公司占据了我国95%的市场份额。  相似文献   

高速公路的快速发展,为社会带来了巨大的经济效益和社会效益,同时也给高管公路的财务管理提出了新的课题。从高速公路财务管理的特点、现阶段存在的问题以及解决问题的对策进行论述。  相似文献   

Brooker  Peter 《Transportation》2004,31(1):1-20
The object is to identify characteristics of feasible systems for UK – and European – Air Traffic Management (ATM) in the coming decades. ATM here covers Air Traffic Control (ATC) provision plus wider issues, such as airspace design. The analytical focus is on the financial decision-making processes and constraints that will act to shape this future system. R&D work into control workload and planning based on an "ATM core concept" are proposed as likely to offer the best way forward.  相似文献   

Conventional and flexible bus services may be combined to better serve regions with a wide range of characteristics. If demand densities and resulting service frequencies are low, the coordination of bus arrivals at transfer stations may significantly reduce passenger transfer times. A method is proposed for integrating, coordinating, and optimizing bus services while considering many‐to‐many travel patterns, demand elasticity, financial constraints, and appropriate service type for various regions. The objective is to maximize welfare, that is, the sum of producer and consumer surplus. The problem is solved with a hybrid optimization method, in which a genetic algorithm with bounded integer variables is selected for solving one of the subproblems. The service types, fares, headways, and service zone sizes are jointly optimized. Sensitivity analyses explore how the choice among conventional and flexible busses depends on the demand, subsidy, and demand elasticity parameters. The results also show that welfare can increase due to coordination, and these increases are found to be higher in cases with high demand or low subsidy. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper tries to construct a performance evaluation procedure for highway buses with the financial ratio taken into consideration. First, a conceptual framework is redeveloped, based on the one created by Fielding et al ., to help form evaluation items and performance indicators involving both transport and finance aspects. Second, the total performance is divided into three major kinds of efficiency?production, marketing, execution?according to the cycle of operation activities. Third, to overcome the problems of small sample size and unknown distribution of samples, the grey relation analysis is used to select the representative indicators, and the TOPSIS method is used for the outranking of highway bus. In addition, a case study is conducted using four highway bus companies as example. The empirical result shows that the performance evaluation for highway buses could become more comprehensive if financial ratios are considered.  相似文献   


The transportation sector is the greatest contributor to air pollution. With the booming demand for transportation, reducing the pollution has become one of the main concerns of researchers. EPA emission standards are designed to protect air quality and human health. Diesel Euro 5 NOx has become a matter of disquiet since it has been found that NOx emissions are significantly exceeding the standard limit. This paper presents a study to estimate the disparity in real-world NOx emission levels resulted from all diesel Euro 5 passenger cars (PC) and light commercial vehicles (LCV) that are present in Ireland. NOx emission levels calculated based on laboratory test results, on-road measurements and the COPERT 4 model were compared. Additionally, NOx emission levels from the defective Volkswagen models have been calculated to quantify the effect of the Volkswagen scandal on Ireland. Impacts of excess NOx emissions on health and cost have also been presented.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to develop mathematical formulations to gain insight into the best way to distribute financial incentives to receivers of urban deliveries to maximize participation in off-hour deliveries. The paper considers two different types of incentive budgets: exogenous, and endogenous. The exogenous case represents the condition in which an external decision maker determines the incentive budget that is to be distributed among potential participants in off-hour deliveries. In the case of an endogenous incentive budget, the entity distributing the incentives must raise the necessary funds using revenue generation mechanisms such as tolls and fines. The optimal incentives are obtained from the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions of a mathematical program that maximizes the number of truck trips shifted to the off-hours as a function of the incentives. The mathematical models developed in this paper provide guidelines about how to optimally distribute financial incentives to foster off-hour deliveries.  相似文献   

Recent experience with the design of bus services in Santiago, Chile, seems to confirm Jansson's (1980) assertion regarding observed planned bus frequency and size being too low and too large, respectively. We offer an explanation based upon the relation between cost coverage, pricing and optimal design variables. We recall that average social cost decreases with patronage, which generates an optimal monetary fare below the average operators' cost, inducing an optimal subsidy. Then we compare optimal frequency and bus size—those that minimize total social costs—with those that minimize operators' costs only. We show that an active constraint on operators' expenses is equivalent to diminish the value of users' time in the optimal design problem. Inserting this property back in the optimal pricing scheme, we conclude that a self-financial constraint, if active, always provokes an inferior solution, a smaller frequency and, under some circumstances, larger than optimal buses.
Sergio R. Jara-DíazEmail:

Mass transit projects are often a top contender of many cities to meet their increasing demand for travel. Despite the global trend of privatization, mass transit services, as public goods, remain largely being provided and operated by the public sector. Hong Kong is one of the few exceptions that all mass transit services are commercially operated. Both rail and bus services in Hong Kong are reputable for their quality and profitability, often serving as benchmarks for new projects. In this study, we investigate the factors contributing to this success. In particular, we ascertain the quality of transit service provision by the private sector over the past two decades. Then, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the account books of leading railway and bus operators in Hong Kong so as to shed light on their financial viability. Through this study, we hope to present crucial factors for providing financially viable private transit services.  相似文献   

Using a single line model, it has been shown recently that the presence of a stringent financial constraint induces a less than optimal bus frequency and larger than optimal bus size. This occurs because the constraint induces a reduction of the importance of users’ costs (their time); in the extreme, users’ costs disappear from the design problem. In this paper we show that such a constraint also has an impact on the spatial structure of transit lines. This is done departing from the single line model using an illustrative urban network that could be served either with direct services (no transfers) or with corridors (transfers are needed). First, the optimal structure of lines is investigated along with frequencies and vehicle sizes when the full costs for users and operators are minimized (unconstrained case); the optimal lines structure is shown to depend upon the patronage level, the values of time and the cost of providing bus capacity. Then the same problem is solved for the extreme case of a stringent financial constraint, in which case users’ costs have relatively little or no effect in determining the solution; in this case the preferred outcome would be direct services under all circumstances, with lower frequencies and larger bus sizes. The impact of the financial constraint on the spatial structure of transit lines is shown to be caused by the reduction in cycle time under direct services; the introduction of users’ costs in the objective function makes waiting times reverse this result under some circumstances.  相似文献   

This study investigates U.S. airline managements' perception of deregulation's impact upon the industry's financial risk by analyzing the airlines' risk management behavior. Specifically, canonical correlation analysis is utilized to ascertain key asset-liability/equity interrelationships and to identify changes in airline risk management as indicated by changes in financial structure. A control sample of nonregulated firms in various service industries is used to separate the effects of general economic conditions from those of deregulation. The results indicate that the airline industry adjusted its financial structure to reduce the industry's exposure to risk as the industry became deregulated. The industry decreased its financial leverage through greater use of equity vis-à-vis debt to finance its long-term assets while simultaneously increasing its liquidity. Definitive conclusions concerning the industry's perception of financial risk after deregulation had been in place a few years are precluded by two external events which occurred in 1978—the requirement that leases be capitalized on the balance sheet and the rapid fuel price increases spurred by the Iran-Iraq war. However, the results clearly show the industry perceived greater financial risk during the early years of de facto CAB deregulation.  相似文献   

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