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以宁波某码头改扩建工程为例,采用Optimoor数学模型,对码头各装卸区不同船型在装卸作业及极端条件系泊状态下的各种工况进行系泊分析。通过采用合理的码头作业标准,确定各船型缆绳材质、数量及安全工作缆力,设计全面的计算工况,综合考虑各船舶的系泊要求并进行大量试算调整,从而得到满足要求的计算结果。重点对比分析长平台码头船舶居中和偏心系缆时缆力分布及船舶运动量特点,针对兼靠中等船型横缆过短或无横缆及小船型无足够系缆设备等问题提出合理可行的解决方案。根据结果确定码头系缆设施选型和布置,绘制出船舶系缆布置,为码头安全运营提供参考。  相似文献   

陈伟  丁嵬  胡家顺 《水运工程》2011,(Z1):117-122
介绍大连港矿石专用码头泊位改造工程的设计情况。根据设计船型资料,从总平面布置、水工结构及配套工程等方面阐述码头改造设计内容;通过港池疏浚、码头基床加固和码头护舷后增设钢架等改造方式,使改造后的码头具备停靠30万吨级(最大40万t)散矿船的能力。利用optimoor软件对改造后码头拟靠泊船型的系泊情况进行分析研究,并提出在码头使用过程中需要重点关注的问题以及改进措施。  相似文献   

蔡中长 《集装箱化》2011,22(11):28-30
集装箱码头是供集装箱船停靠和装卸的水工建筑物。为保证船舶停靠安全和码头使用安全,避免船舶靠离码头时发生碰撞事故,需要按照码头泊位停靠船舶的设计吨位,在码头胸墙上安装防冲设备,即护舷。本文以大连港大窑湾集装箱码头为例,分析码头护舷的特性及船舶靠离泊作业的特点,提出码头护舷的维护建议。1护舷的特性船舶在靠离泊时会不可避免地撞击到码头,由于船舶的撞击力很大,使码头和船舶面临潜在的破  相似文献   

在油码头建设中,往往要求接卸油品的大型码头可以兼靠较小船型用于油品出运。以本工程为例,码头要求停靠的船舶最大为44万t,最小为1 000 t级。结合本工程的平面布置特点,介绍当设计船型种类较多、大小差别较大时,在平面布置设计中需要重点考虑的问题。  相似文献   

以某液化天然气(LNG)码头工程的设计为例,针对各种码头布置形式的不同泊位长度,通过OPTIMOOR系泊软件分析LNG船舶的系泊状况,详细分析各种码头系泊设施布置方案对不同船型的适应性,并结合物理模型试验成果确定最终的码头泊位长度和系泊设施布置方案.  相似文献   

设计船型是码头设计的基础,是码头靠泊等级、结构设计、水域尺度设计的依据。上海Ⅵ级及以下航道里程约占总航道里程的75%,现状通航船舶、航道代表船型、码头设计船型之间差异较大,码头设计等级与通航船型不匹配的矛盾日益增大,给内河码头规划、设计、建设和运营管理带来很多不便。通过梳理分析关键问题,研究分析现状通航船型、码头设计船型、航道代表船型之间的异同点,最后经理论计算和结果复核论证,提出上海市内河码头设计船型确定方法。  相似文献   

自2007年1月1日起,没有经过核准的港121码头泊位不得靠泊超过设计船型的船舶。大船靠泊时产生的撞击力远远超出小码头的承受范围,再加上操作不当,很容易出现事故隐患。交通部今年发出两个文件,决定全面核查码头靠泊能力。文件确定,此次核查对象为有超过码头设计船型靠泊船舶的记录,且确需靠泊这类船舶的码头。文件同时明确,对限定重力式码头建成投产后年限超过30年、桩基码头超过15年不予论证核准,并对核算的具体条件和技术指标进行了统一规定。  相似文献   

以拟建湖北荆州煤炭铁水联运储配基地二期工程为例,针对实行“各自靠左”分道航行规则、码头布置在桥梁上游左岸侧最不利情况下,进行了码头船舶靠离泊水域研究。结合船舶靠离泊航路设置及船舶操纵模拟试验相关成果分析得出,码头与桥梁的间距除不得小于码头设计船型长度的4倍外,码头最下端与桥区水域最小距离应不小于1倍代表船型长度,拟建工程船舶上行靠泊作业才能满足在桥区水域外横驶过江靠泊的要求。船舶离泊下行需进行两次横驶掉头才能满足规范要求,但从通航安全而言,原地掉头下行对船舶通航安全风险更小,建议《内河通航标准》下一步修订时对桥区河段进行修改,与桥区水域保持一致。  相似文献   

为提高利用率和生产效益,大型石化码头往往靠泊和兼靠船型范围较大,即码头服务船舶种类多且船舶吨级和船型尺度差异大,而当靠泊附属设施布置不当时,可能导致小型船舶卡船或在强风大浪作用下摇荡、倾斜甚至侧翻,极易引发靠泊风险事故,严重影响码头生产系统的安全运行。基于实际案例,阐述某大型石化码头兼靠小型船舶的安全隐患和整改维护方案。工程实践表明,在保证码头靠泊附属设施完好的前提下,通过增加水平向靠泊点和竖向护舷布置范围或限定靠泊船型尺度等措施可达到消除小型船舶靠泊安全隐患的目的。  相似文献   

邓艳青 《珠江水运》2023,(11):18-20
重力式码头作为一种常见的码头结构型式,适用于较好的地基,该种码头结构具有整体性好、结构坚固耐久、对较大集中荷载的适应性以及抵抗船舶水平荷载的能力强、设计和施工较为简单、易于维修等优点。本文以某重力式煤码头为例,详细阐述了码头结构设计方案,并根据自然条件、靠泊船型及工艺荷载进行结构计算,验证了码头结构的安全可靠性,可为类似工程实践提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the simulation modelling of cruise ship traffic in the Boka Kotorska Bay (BKB), which has become a very attractive cruise destination due to its geographic location, port features and attractiveness for tourism. The purpose of this paper is to examine the development of new port infrastructure, because of the increased cruise ship arrivals in recent years. The paper describes in detail the layout of the port of Kotor and the possibilities for quay extensions. The solution to minimize the number of ships at anchorage instead of being at berth is given, because the passengers of the latter ships have a more convenient approach towards the port. The simulation model is verified and the simulation results are validated against the real data prior to an investigation of the possible scenario for quay extension. The proposed solution confirms the preliminary survey results that initiated the investigation of possibilities to improve the port infrastructure. Moreover, simulation results point towards a significant improvement of cruise ships throughput in the BKB. The proposed operational policies and statistical analysis, as well as a comprehensive model analysis of the BKB provided here, are a good foundation for future investigations.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the performance evaluation of ship-berth link in port. The efficiency of operations and processes on the ship-berth link has been analysed through the basic operating parameters such as berth utilization, average number of ships in waiting line, average time that a ship spends in waiting line, average service time of a ship, average total time that a ship spends in port, average quay crane (QC) productivity and average number of QCs per ship. All the main performances of the ship-berth link are given. This is one of the problems faced by planners and terminal operators in ports. In this paper, we propose two models based on simulation and queuing theory, respectively, in order to determine the performance evaluation of ship-berth link in port. Numerical results and computational experiments are reported to evaluate the efficiency of the models for Pusan East Container Terminal (PECT).  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the performance evaluation of ship-berth link in port. The efficiency of operations and processes on the ship-berth link has been analysed through the basic operating parameters such as berth utilization, average number of ships in waiting line, average time that a ship spends in waiting line, average service time of a ship, average total time that a ship spends in port, average quay crane (QC) productivity and average number of QCs per ship. All the main performances of the ship-berth link are given. This is one of the problems faced by planners and terminal operators in ports. In this paper, we propose two models based on simulation and queuing theory, respectively, in order to determine the performance evaluation of ship-berth link in port. Numerical results and computational experiments are reported to evaluate the efficiency of the models for Pusan East Container Terminal (PECT).  相似文献   

船首靠离式滚装船泊位长度论证探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶所需泊位长度的大小不仅与船型有关,还与船帕的的驶靠方式密切关。本文在分析船首靠离式滚装船靠泊特性的基础上,结合《河港工程设计规范》对—般船舶所需泊位长度的规定,提出了论证船首靠离式滚装船所需泊位长度的新方法。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of ship exhaust emissions at the Port of Piraeus and undertakes the challenge of finding a cost-effective option for its reduction according to the upcoming requirements of the 2005/33/EU Directive, through analysis of port traffic data and the utilisation of the experience gained through previous studies in this field. The Port of Piraeus makes a particularly suitable reference for this type of work, since it is one of the busiest and highly urbanised ports in the world. It is shown that cruise ships calling at Piraeus fulfill the criteria of selection for such an exercise by virtue of their frequency of calling, berth power requirements and time spent at berth. It was found that, according to current practice, cruise ships at berth consume 11 034 tons of fuel and produce 620.1 tons of NOX, 274.8 tons of SO2 and 20.7 tons of PM, totalling to 915.6 tons of exhaust emissions per year. This represents an overall annual cost of 21 million euro, divided between private (bunkering) and external (emission damage) costs by 19.4% and 80.6%, respectively. With regard to the upcoming EU requirements for ship power at berth, it was found that, irrespective of whether operating on ultralow-sulphur (0.1% sulphur) fuel or on shore-side electricity, a sizeable reduction in emissions and associated external costs is achieved, whereas private costs were always higher than those of the current practice. Comparing the two options, it was further found that the shore-side electricity presents the lowest external costs but highest private costs, whereas the overall costs are around 25% lower than the onboard use of ultralow-sulphur fuel.  相似文献   

The planning, design and development of a container terminal with optimum size and capacity and with a minimum capital cost is fundamentally dependent upon the loading and discharging operations at the quayside. The quayside function of container terminals is dependent basically on the number of berths available to service the incoming container ships. The objective of the container terminals dealing and admitting the ongoing ship calls is to provide immediate berth and loading and discharging services to the container ships with a minimum costly waiting time and a maximum efficiency. Previously terminal planners used to build extra berths to provide service. During the last two decades the terminal operators have adopted automation technologies in loading and discharging operation of the container ships as an alternative to designing extra berths. Ship owners naturally expect least waiting times for their container ships. On the other hand, it is also natural for port operators in a container terminal with costly facilities to see a high berth occupancy and productivity at the quayside. This study uses queuing theory to find a break-even point as a way of evaluating the cost of container ship waiting times and the cost of berth unproductive service times for container terminals aiming to automate their quayside operation. The analysis illustrates that automation devices installed on conventional Quayside Cranes (QSCs) significantly reduce the turnaround time of the container ships calling at the ports. It argues, however, that there should be a balance between the cost of berth unproductive service times and the cost of vessel waiting times. The study introduces a break-even point to be considered as a benchmark for calculating such a balance. The analysis in this study can be used as a decision tool for the operators of container terminals in the medium to small ports to appraise the feasibility of an investment in automation or expansion of the quayside facilities.  相似文献   

双船系靠LNG泊位对系泊稳定性要求高,而目前尚无船行波对双船系靠泊稳定性影响的定量分析方法。结合工程实例,以Flory-Remery单船系泊船行波荷载计算方法为基础,结合双船系靠泊位的特点予以修正,利用数值分析软件定量分析船行波过程对双船系靠泊位系泊稳定性的动态影响。结果表明,典型系泊条件下,双船系靠泊位系泊倒缆受力及纵移运动量受船行波影响最大,当船行波与系泊船间距50 m时系泊稳定性不满足要求;当船行波与系泊船间距100 m时系泊稳定性满足要求;当船行波与系泊船间距150 m时系泊稳定性基本不受船行波影响。  相似文献   

唐颖  薛晓晓  商剑平 《水运工程》2016,(10):157-161
针对广州港深水航道工程实例,对船舶到达锚地、进入航道、在泊作业和船舶离港的作业全过程进行分析。在考虑潮汐、多支汊航道管制规则等影响因素的基础上,建立了复杂航道系统仿真模型;在预测运量和船型发展的基础上,基于服务水平分析不同航道拓宽方案的通过能力,为航道拓宽方案提供重要的决策支持依据。  相似文献   

为了科学地确定洋山深水港区四期工程泊位建设等级,综合分析了船舶大型化发展、全球港口航道等基础设施升级及长江沿线港口发展等趋势,结合洋山深水港区航线及进港船型特点,并充分考虑深水岸线资源的有效利用和建设超大型全自动化集装箱港口的需要,论证洋山四期工程建设10万吨级或以上大型深水泊位的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

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