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One of the most important outcomes of the deregulation of air transportation policy is the emergence of low‐cost carriers (LCCs) around the world. Although LCC airlines have been in operation for more than 30 years, not every LCC is successful. In order to reduce the inefficiencies of LCCs, this paper measures the performance of LCCs by using slack‐based measure network data envelopment analysis. This model combines both the production process with input orientation and the consumption process with output orientation into a unified model. Furthermore, envelopment map analysis LCCs are performed to determine the reasons for the LCCs' inefficiency and how improvements can be made. A sample of 16 low‐cost airlines from Europe, the USA, and Asia were selected for operational performance analysis. The results show that the main reason for easyJet's, US Airways', and Virgin Blue's inefficiency is production inefficiency, so these LCCs should reduce their input quantities to increase efficiency. Jet2, Aer Lingus, and JetBlue were, by contrast, found to be consumption inefficient; these LCCs should increase their output quantities in order to enhance performance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Harbor Maintenance Tax is a fundamentally flawed maintenance funding mechanism for the critical US port system. Three alternatives were analyzed. User fee rates were estimated for either a national or regional tonnage based fee. Our results indicate that maintenance cost recovering regional fees could vary widely from about 10 cents per tonne to nearly 80 cents per tonne. A national rate would be about 30 cents per tonne. The large regional differences and affects on bulk shippers are likely to make implementing and maintaining cost recovering tonnage based fees infeasible. Two other mechanisms are considered. One possibility is to abolish the HMT without a replacement mechanism. The obvious strength of this approach is its simplicity, the weaknesses is that it is not budget neutral. Another possibility is to increase the federal diesel tax rate. One strength of the approach is the reasonable rate increase required to recover port maintenance costs (estimated between 0.278 and 0.315 cents per liter). An additional strength is that relatively inefficient fuel users will either make the largest share of the additional payments or the freight will shift modes to one that is more efficient. One weakness is that the rate has been unchanged since 1997, this points to the political difficulty involved in passing such a rate increase.  相似文献   

Three responses that reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in maritime transport are slower speeds, larger vessels and slender hull designs. We use crude oil carriers as our illustrative example; these represent nearly a quarter of international sea cargo movements. We estimate the potential and costs in these which can all be described as capital substituting for energy and emissions. At different degrees of flexibility and time scales: speed reductions are feasible immediately when there are vessels available, though more capital will be tied up in cargo. Deployment of larger and more slender vessels to a greater extent requires fleet renovation, and also investments in ports and infrastructure. A novel finding in our analysis is that if bunker costs rise as a result of emission costs (fees, quotas), then this may depress speeds and emissions more than if they result from higher oil prices. The reason is that for higher oil prices, more capital tied up in cargo may give cargo owners an interest in speeding up, partly counteracting the impulse from fuel costs that tends to slow vessels down. Emission costs, in contrast, do not raise cargo values.  相似文献   

We consider the asymmetric equilibrium problem with fixed demands in a transportation network where the travel cost on each link may depend on the flow on this as well as other links of the network and we study how the travellers' cost is affected by changes in the travel demand or addition of new routes. Assuming that the travel cost functions are strongly monotone, we derive formulas which express, under certain conditions, how a change in travel demand associated with a particular origin-destination (O / D) pair will affect the travelers' cost for any O / D pair. We then use these formulas to show that an increase in the travel demand associated with a particular O / D pair (all other remaining fixed) always results in an increase in the travelers' cost on that O / D pair, however, the travelers' cost on other O / D pairs may decrease. We then derive formulas yielding, under certain conditions, the change in travelers' cost on every O / D pair induced by the addition of a new path. These can be used to determine, whether Braess' paradox occurs in the network. We then show that when a new path is added, the travelers' cost associated with the particular O / D pair joined by this path will decrease (hence Braess' paradox does not occur) if a test matrix is positive semidefinite.  相似文献   

We propose an optimization-based methodology for recovery from random disruptions in service legs and train services in a railroad network. A network optimization model is solved for each service leg to evaluate a number of what-if scenarios. The solutions of these optimization problems are then used in a predictive model to identify the critical disruption factors and accordingly design a suitable mitigation strategy. A mitigation strategy, such as adding flexible or redundant capacity in the network, is an action that is deliberately taken by management in order to hedge against the cost and impact of disruption if it occurs. It is important that managers consider the trade-offs between the cost of mitigation strategy and the expected cost of disruption. The proposed methodology is applied to a case study built using the realistic infrastructure of a railroad network in the mid-west United States. The resulting analysis underscores the importance of accepting a slight increase in pre-disruption transportation costs, which in turn will enhance network resiliency by building dis-similar paths for train services, and by installing alternative links around critical service legs.  相似文献   

From a societal perspective, it is desirable for all transportation users to pay their full social (private and external) costs. We estimate four general types of external costs for intercity freight trucking and compare them with the private costs incurred by carriers. Estimated external costs include: accidents (fatalities, injuries, and property damage); emissions (air pollution and greenhouse gases); noise; and unrecovered costs associated with the provision, operation, and maintenance of public facilities. The analysis reveals that external costs are equal to 13.2% of private costs and user fees would need to be increased about threefold to internalize these external costs.  相似文献   

Hubs act as switching points for interactions and so are places through which flows are concentrated. This research uses the interactions between a system of cities as an experimental context for understanding selected environmental costs and benefits of concentrated flow. Whether hub based networks create additional environmental costs has been debated in the literature. In this paper, fuel burn is used as an indicator of environmental cost. The essential ideas are: (1) to examine fuel costs associated with larger aircraft; (2) to determine implications of higher loads on dense routes; and (3) to model the resulting implications for hub and gateway location. Variants of these questions apply to passenger and freight flows, and the paper will initially concentrate on passenger models.The paper shows that by modeling fuel burn and introducing a fixed charge (like a set up cost), a multiple allocation hub and spoke model can be adjusted to direct more or less flow onto the inter-facility connector. In other words, usage of multiple connections and direct links can be controlled and modeled as a function of the fixed charge. The resulting networks are characterized by quite different levels of passenger miles, aggregate fuel burn and fixed charges. The preferred network in terms of minimal fuel burn is found by subtracting the fixed set up charge, thereby focusing attention on the modeled fuel burn. The lowest cost set up is a network with a high degree of connectivity, and a pure single assignment hub network has the highest fuel cost (as a result of larger passenger miles needed by connecting paths). The data also allow a tabulation of total passenger miles, which, not surprisingly, track very closely with the fuel burn. In an interesting application of the ideas, it is shown that a fuel efficient network may require a large number of smaller regional jets, and in the interests of avoiding noise and congestion from so many extra airport operations, the carriers may choose to substitute a smaller number of larger planes, thereby slightly increasing fuel needs. This paper also provides a key ingredient for models of an international network where it is impossible to serve many long distance market pairs without consolidation.  相似文献   

We develop a method to study the industrial structure of urban bus transit without using cost data. To do so, we estimate the marginal cost function under the assumption that firms compete on frequency and adjust frequency to maximize profits. Our methodology is applied to Santiago, Chile. In this case, demand is modeled with a simplified model of transit network assignment. The goal is to consider how frequency, capacity, and on-board passengers affect the bus line’s demand. The marginal cost function is estimated by using the first-order conditions of the firm’s profit maximization problem, using the results of the demand model as data. We conclude that the urban bus transit industry in Santiago exhibits increasing returns to scale for low levels of demand and that these returns are exhausted rapidly at a moderate demand level. Additionally, firms exhibit economies of network expansion, on average.  相似文献   

We have completed a survey of Southern California residents designed to examine whether the details of policy design can make congestion pricing more attractive to the motoring public. A congestion fee proposal is often regarded as simply a tax increase; also, especially in the US, motorists apparently regard the use of congestion fees as coercive, in that they often have few if any practical alternatives to paying the fee. Unlike most opinion surveys on congestion pricing, our survey was quite explicit about the fate of the collected revenues. For example, we presented respondents with policies that returned a substantial portion of the revenues to the public, either in the form of cash (through reductions in sales taxes and vehicle registration fees or through income tax credits) or in the form of coupons to be used for vehicle emissions equipment repair, transit, and the like. In addition, we examined whether the typically intense opposition to congestion pricing if applied only to a part of a roadway, leaving the motorist free to choose between free lanes and toll lanes. We find that a promise to offset the imposition of congestion fees by other taxes can result in a 7% point increase in support for congestion pricing policies, and the restriction of congestion pricing to a single lane on a freeway attracts from 9% to 17% points of additional support.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling model that incorporates real time information using variable travel times. Dynamic traffic simulation was used to update travel times. The model was applied to a test road network. Results indicated that the total cost decreased by implementing the dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling model with the real time information based on variable travel times compared with that of the forecast model. As well, in many cases total running times of vehicles were also decreased. Therefore, the dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling model will be beneficial for both carriers in reducing total costs and society at large by alleviating traffic congestion.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a shipping market with carriers providing services between two locations. Shipments are classified into two categories: goods and waste. Trade imbalance allows low-valued waste to be shipped at bargain rates. If imbalance persists, empty containers must be repositioned from a surplus location to a shortage location. Carriers decide prices, which will affect the demand. We build a monopoly and a duopoly model to find the optimal pricing strategy for carriers. We also analyze how the profit of a carrier is affected by price sensitivity, cost structure and competition intensity.  相似文献   

Current air traffic forecast methods employed by the United States Federal Aviation Administration function under the assumption that the structure of the network of routes operated by airlines will not change; that is, no new routes will be added nor existing ones removed. However, in reality the competitive nature of the airline industry is such that new routes are routinely added between cities possessing significant passenger demand; city-pairs are also removed. Such phenomena generates a gap between the forecasted and actual state of the US Air Transportation System in the long term, providing insufficient situational awareness to major stakeholders and decision-makers in their consideration of major policy and technology changes. To address this gap, we have developed and compared three algorithms that forecast the likelihood of un-connected city-pairs being connected by service in the future, primarily based on the nodal characteristics of airports in the US network. Validation is performed by feeding historical data to each algorithm and then comparing the accuracy and precision of new city-pairs forecasted using knowledge of actual new city-pairs that developed. While an Artificial Neural Network produces superior precision, fitness function and logistic regression algorithms provide good representation of the distribution of new route types as well as greater flexibility for modeling future scenarios. However, these latter two algorithms face difficulty in resolving differences among the large number of ‘spoke’ airports in the network – additional parameters that may be able to differentiate them are currently under review. These insights gained are valuable stepping stones for exploiting knowledge of restructuring in the service route network to improve overall forecasts that drive policy and technology decision-making.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to show the possibility of a co-existence of public and private parking management systems even when all the parking spaces are owned by the government. This study focuses on the issue of collecting parking fees by a private firm that has been used by some local governments in Taiwan. We assume that the government behaves as a leader and a private firm as a follower in a Stackelberg three-stage game. At stage 1, the government selects its parking space. At stage 2, the government and the firm set their parking fees simultaneously. At the final stage, consumers (drivers) choose the parking lot between the space of the government and that of the firm by considering the full costs, consisting of the parking fee and the searching (with congestion) time cost. The objective of the government is to maximize welfare and that of the firm is to maximize profit. The model is constructed at first and a simulation analysis is then made. The result supports the strategy of adopting the franchise of collecting parking fees if the private firm is more efficient than the government. Moreover, the government may keep fewer parking spaces and release more parking spaces to the firm under the goal of maximizing welfare.  相似文献   

Using a Bergson–Samuelson welfare function, we outline a microeconomic interpretation of the effects of the non-linearity in the time/cost relationship for travellers in a congested transport network. It is demonstrated that a marginal cost traffic flow assignment following Wardrop's second principle, although it minimizes the total cost of a transport network, may reduce social welfare compared to the market equilibrium assignment based on Wardrop's first principle. A welfare-maximizing assignment model is presented and used to show that if the travellers' utility functions are linear, the assignment that maximizes social welfare will be the same as the assignment that minimizes total network cost, but if users' utility functions are non-linear (reflecting the traditional non-satiation and diminishing marginal utility axioms), the two assignments will be different. It is further shown that the effects of this non-linearity are such that a welfare-maximizing assignment will meet with less user resistance than a minimum total network cost assignment.  相似文献   

Evaluating locational accessibility to the US air transportation system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although there are hundreds of airports that support commercial air passenger traffic in the United States (US), not all areas are equivalently served by the commercial air transportation system. Locations in the US differ with respect to their level of access to the commercial air network and their overall accessibility within the system. Given the complexity of the domestic commercial air passenger network and supporting infrastructure, past research has only been able to provide a limited assessment of locational accessibility within the United States. To address these complexities, this paper proposes a new metric that incorporates measures of access to air transport as well as accessibility within air transportation networks. Using a comprehensive dataset on scheduled airline service, the developed approach is then applied to the US domestic commercial passenger air transportation network to explore geographic differentials in accessibility. Results suggest marked differences between core-based statistical areas throughout the US.  相似文献   

Recently, as a means of forming global networks and improving operation efficiency, major air carriers have increasingly entered into alliances with other carriers. Fleet routing and flight scheduling are not only important in individual airline operations, but also affect the alliances. The setting of a good flight schedule can not only enhance allied airline operating performance, but can also be a useful reference for alliance decision-making. In this research, we develop several coordinated scheduling models, which will help the allied airlines solve for the most satisfactory fleet routes and timetables under the alliance. We employ network flow techniques to construct the models. The models are formulated as multiple commodity network flow problems which can be solved using a mathematical programming solver. Finally, to evaluate the models, we perform a case study based on real operating data from two Taiwan airlines. The preliminary results are good, showing that the models could be useful for airline alliances.  相似文献   

The study investigates a practical freight carrier collaboration problem in a carbon-constrained business context. It examines to see if collaboration between carriers can reduce the environmental issues of freight movement. The introduction of carbon credit systems will stimulate freight carriers to decide whether it should trade carbon credits with its collaborators. This issue is examined by formulating the problem as a two-stage stochastic program to minimize the joint emission of the carriers while meeting their service commitments. The collaborative model developed can reduce emissions across a freight network by 3–20%.  相似文献   

A simulation model was used to show the impacts of non-optimal pricing and investment timing policies for a major airport and an urban expressway. It was found that: the losses of economic surplus due to non-optimal pricing and investment policies were relatively small (less than 1% of the net present value of economic surplus for optimal pricing and investment), that marginal cost pricing covers the capital cost of all but the first increment of capacity, that higher user fees will permit the facilities to break even with relatively small losses of economic surplus, that marginal cost pricing has some effect relative to existing pricing policies in delaying the dates new capacity is required and achieving better capacity utilization, and that the shape of the cost function has a substantial impact on the amount of capacity required.  相似文献   

The US Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations are intended to influence automaker vehicle design and pricing choices. CAFE policy has been in effect for the past three decades, and new legislation has raised standards significantly. We present a structural analysis of automaker responses to generic CAFE policies. We depart from prior CAFE analyses by focusing on vehicle design responses in long-run oligopolistic equilibrium, and we view vehicles as differentiated products, taking demand as a general function of price and product attributes. We find that under general cost, demand, and performance functions, single-product profit maximizing firm responses to CAFE standards follow a distinct pattern: firms ignore CAFE when the standard is low, treat CAFE as a vehicle design constraint for moderate standards, and violate CAFE when the standard is high. Further, the point and extent of first violation depends upon the penalty for violation, and the corresponding vehicle design is independent of further standard increases. Thus, increasing CAFE standards will eventually have no further impact on vehicle design if the penalty for violation is also not increased. We implement a case study by incorporating vehicle physics simulation, vehicle manufacturing and technology cost models, and a mixed logit demand model to examine equilibrium powertrain design and price decisions for a fixed vehicle body. Results indicate that equilibrium vehicle design is not bound by current CAFE standards, and vehicle design decisions are directly determined by market competition and consumer preferences. We find that with increased fuel economy standards, a higher violation penalty than the current stagnant penalty is needed to cause firms to increase their design fuel economy at equilibrium. However, the maximum attainable improvement can be modest even if the penalty is doubled. We also find that firms’ design responses are more sensitive to variation in fuel prices than to CAFE standards, within the examined ranges.  相似文献   

As a result of the liberalisation of airline markets; the strong growth of low cost carriers; the high volatility in fuel prices; and the recent global financial crisis, the cost pressure that airlines face is very substantial. In order to survive in these very competitive environments, information on what factors impact on costs and efficiency of airlines is crucial in guiding strategic change. To evaluate key determinants of 58 passenger airlines’ efficiency, this paper applies a two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach, with partially bootstrapped random effects Tobit regressions in the second stage. Our results suggest that the effects of route optimisation, in the sense of average stage length of the fleet, are limited to airline technical efficiency. We show that airline size and key fleet mix characteristics, such as aircraft size and number of different aircraft families in the fleet, are more relevant to successful cost management of airlines since they have significant impacts on all three types of airline efficiency: technical, allocative and, ultimately, cost efficiency. Our results also show that despite the fuel saving benefits of younger aircraft, the age of an airline’s fleet has no significant impact on its technical efficiency, but does have a positive impact on its allocative and cost efficiency.  相似文献   

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