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四、航运企业船舶负债经营亟待解决的问题 我国航运企业的船舶投资由国家财政拨款改为船舶贷款;航运企业实行负债经营,对于缓解航运企业船舶购建资金的紧张,促进船舶投融资效益的提高,起到了一定的积极作用,但也产生了一些亟待解决的问题。航运业具有船舶投资大、投资期及投资回收期长、盈利低这一显著的特征。如何根据航运企业的这一特征来解决航运企业船舶负债经营中出现的一些问题是值得进行研究的。  相似文献   

全球金融危机深深影响着世界范围内的各类投资及金融行为,因此,投资和金融的风险规避成为了重大的命题。航运市场中的船舶建造是一项长期的投资行为,资金需求额巨大,易受市场波动影响,而当前的金融危机致使船舶建造面临更大的风险。船舶建造资金投入大、时间长,船厂或航运企业一般不愿单独承担资金压力和风险,便会采取一定的融资方式,通过向银行等金融机构贷款融资。  相似文献   

船舶融资浅谈   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛巍 《水运管理》1997,(12):37-40,33
一定量的投资资金是保证投资活动得以进行的首要条件,因此在任何一项投资活动中投资资金的筹集,即融资这一环节就显得尤为重要。航运业是一个资本密集型产业,所需投资额巨大,投资回收期限长,它的这些特点决定了船公司靠自有资金很难满足投资船舶的全部资金需求。为了更新船队并使其发展壮大,各船公司必须在把握自有资金潜力的同时,从诸多的融资渠道中选择适合本公司运转的最有利筹集资金方式。融资方式和其具体条件的改变都会影响船公司最终的项目决策和经济效益。因而了解掌握各融资方式及其特点,熟悉船舶金融市场环境,将对融资这一环节起到举是轻重的作用。 一、船舶融资方式及其特点 在过去的30年中,船舶融资方式的侧重点几经变换。60年代中后期,新造船舶的资金大部分是通过船厂信贷(实际上是政府提供的低息贷款)和船东自有资金获得的。但70年代初以后,低息的船厂信贷越来越不易获得,而商业银行由于受油轮市场的繁荣景象鼓舞,纷纷涉足船舶金融市场。他们向众多的船东发放了大额的船舶贷款,然而,其后接连两次的石油危机使油轮过量订造的后果越发明显。运价疲软及二手船价格的下跌使油轮船东面临着严重的财务危机,向油轮船东大量放款的商业银行因此蒙受重大损失。接受了这  相似文献   

在现代各种筹资方式中.最为船舶所有人、船舶经营人等青睐的是利用船舶作抵押的资金融通方式。船舶所有人等通过与金融机构(主要是商业银行)签订贷款合同取得建造或购买船舶所需的贷款,银行为保证贷款的安全以及贷款者为表明其还贷的诚意,双方再另行签订船舶抵押合同,  相似文献   

国际航运业船舶负债经营的融资租赁决策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
与飞机、汽车等运输工具的融资租赁相比较,国际航运船舶的融资租赁是资金市场上最近出现的现象。该文通过实例论述了船舶融资租赁决策的方法;讨论了船舶融资租赁与贷款购建相比较所具有的优点与存在的弱点。本文的计算分析表明,船舶融资租赁与船舶贷款购建同样是根据航运企业的财务状况可供选择的一种融资方式,我国航运界对船舶的融资租赁不应存在疑问。  相似文献   

二手船融资趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国际船舶融资市场,资金始终占据着主导地位,尽管时间也是影响船舶融资策略的重要因素。买船资金通常来自于国际债务市场,分期付款方式,特别是首付条件,往往是决定船舶融资协议成败与否的关键。我们之所以这样说是因为,投资银行把船舶融资视为投资行为,投资银行并不想成为船东  相似文献   

根据银行对出口在建船舶贷款形成的不良资产情况,作者认为进行随机的贷后检查是防范与控制风险的重要途径.在建船舶贷款的贷后风险管理主要包括贷款资金的封闭式管理、船厂的风险管理、造船项目的监管、船东付款管理、外部风险管理和危机管理六个方面.  相似文献   

杨晓薇 《中国港口》2009,(4):35-36,38
一、国际航运船舶投资风险及其特征 国际航运船舶投资风险是指投资者进行国际航运船舶投资后可能发生的投资收益变动程度。风险的特征是指风险的本质及其发生规律的表现。国际航运船舶投资风险具有鲜明的特征.主要表现在6个方面。  相似文献   

国际航运业融资决策系列研究之三──国际航运业船舶融资资金的来源(下)邵瑞庆三、权益资金国际航运业船舶融资的权益资金来源于航运公司的营运利润与资本利润留存。其中资本利润由出售资产或发行股票和股份而产生。(一)股赐市场在80年代初,船东通过股票市场增加权...  相似文献   

我国从80年代初开始实施贷款购船策略,至今已历经16年。贷款购船这样一种负债经营体制可否持续下去,实施十多年中出现了一些什么问题,国家在船舶投、融资政策上应作出什么相应的调整,企业在经营机制上需进行何种改革与创新,已成为航运企业经济管理工作的中心议题之一。从目前航运企业的实际情况来看,船舶投资资金严重不足,以及船舶贷款负担过重已经构成了困扰航运企业开展正常营运生产的首要约束因素。如何促使航运企业以社会主义市场经济理论为基础,树立起现代企业的各种经营观念,形成有效的负债经营机制,解决好投、融资方式,以增强自身的竞争能力而适应市场经济对其的要求;如何促使国家和政府部门建立以间接手段为主的完善的宏观调控体系,即运用财政、税收、价格、信贷等经济杠杆,对航运企业实行切实可行的扶持政策,促进航运业的发展,首先要进行的是对我国航运企业船舶负债经营及融资现状的全面剖析与研究。本研究报告从我国的投融资体制及其对航运企业产生的影响、我国航运企业的船舶资金需求与融资渠道、船舶的负债经营状况及其亟待解决的问题等几个方面来进行阐述。  相似文献   

集装箱船舶大型化现状与未来发展预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
美国次贷危机对全球实体经济影响的加深以及国际石油价格的剧烈变化短期内可能改变集装箱船舶大型化的趋势,但是从长期看,全球集装箱船舶大型化的趋势仍将继续。本文利用相关数据,分析预测未来集装箱船舶大型化的发展状况。  相似文献   

以电话网络为手段,建立船舶修理质量监控系统。可实时将分布在不同修理基地的船舶的各种与维修有关的技术指标传送到总部,从而可依据数学模型判定该船舶的完好率,得出该船舶能否出航的判断。该系统可辅助船舶修理计划的制订,实现精确化的远程修理技术支援,为船舶的指挥调度工作提供第一手的资料。  相似文献   

文章基于点蚀生长原理与实船蚀坑形态检测数据,对船舶受点蚀构件的两类主要蚀坑的形态、形成机制及其随船龄演化情况作了大致描述.认为遭受点蚀船舶构件的蚀坑形态与其所处位置、服役时间等密切相关;两类蚀坑形态差异的原因在于其各自点蚀进程中的具体控制因素及相应的影响程度存在较大区别.论述证明将点蚀蚀坑径深比处理成随时间变化的函数是有理论和事实依据的;并与点蚀深度模型相结合,依据Yamamoto实测散货船货舱区肋骨蚀坑数据建立了相应的蚀坑径深比时变模型.  相似文献   

Private provision of public infrastructure (PPP) is meant to give incentives to increased efficiency in construction as well in operation and maintenance of the infrastructure e.g. within the transport sector. Efficiency is not only (private) economic efficiency, but also social efficiency e.g. social marginal cost pricing of use of the infrastructure.Is it possible to design contracts concerning payment mechanisms and financial instruments for transport infrastructure that will stimulate social efficiency and optimal allocation of risks between parties? The paper discusses whether different targets can be met and whether compromises may lead to acceptable second best solutions.PPP implies an opportunity to let the user-payment give desired incentives in the form of Social Marginal Cost Pricing (SMCP). A PPP project is a set of contracts and agreements between several parties, including the Government, the private contractor, subcontractors, banks and infrastructure users. These contracts should be designed to give the right incentives to the parties to achieve optimal risk allocation and utilising of resources.Long contract-periods are a common feature of PPPs. The paper examines the way that financial solutions should be designed to achieve the goals for the PPP-projects concerning economic and social efficiency. The expected size and variation of the income stream from the project will influence the loan conditions offered by banks concerning interest rates, guarantees and repayment and also the ability to attract investors. The balance between equity and loans again influences the conditions of the loans. An additional problem is asymmetric information between parties. The private contractor usually knows more about the task than the Government (hidden knowledge), and the Government cannot have full knowledge of the efforts of the contractor (hidden actions).  相似文献   

Ship leasing is as old as shipping itself. As a financing device it is an alternative to equity financing through ship mortgages. Ship financing methodologies are in themselves highly sophisticated, and within that domain, the principal varieties of leases, namely, the operating lease and the finance lease are both fairly complex mechanisms in terms of their respective uses. Ships are assets; as such ship leasing falls under asset financing and is subject to the fundamental rules of equipment leasing. But ship leasing also has its own distinctive characteristics not only in relation to the unique features of the shipping industry and ship financing, but also, the legal regime within which ship leasing operates. There are variations in the legal regime which in turn impact on economic considerations. Thus, there are pros and cons involved in ship leasing, and they depend on a number of variables. This article is an attempt to critically examine these pros and cons from the relative perspectives of theory-based economists on the one hand, and law and accounting practitioners on the other. To that end, a two-fold literature review of the subject area is presented. The article concludes that economists identify ship leasing with a positive tax advantage and an enhanced financial disposition of the lessee. In contrast, the views of practitioners are complex and inconsistent. It is evident that the literature focuses on the legal arrangements involved in these transactions. These legal arrangements stem from the inherent risks associated with ships and shipping operations and have led to some disadvantages with respect to ship leasing.  相似文献   

船舶搁浅事故会引起船体破损、环境污染和人员伤亡等严重后果.研究船舶搁浅,不仅有利于海上生命安全、防止海洋污染,还可为船体结构的抗冲击设计及规范航运繁忙区域中船舶的航速、操作规程提供一定的依据.本文用数值仿真法研究了船舶高能搁浅中的内部力学问题,分析了典型双层底结构的损伤变形、受力和能量耗散等结果,提出了一种新式的抗搁浅YF双层底结构,并与原结构进行了比较.研究表明,损伤变形集中于结构与礁石相接触的区域,高能搁浅内部力学问题的研究可以主要考虑局部的船体结构;肋板的存在显著增加了船底结构的抗搁浅能力;高能搁浅过程中,由于垂直方向的接触力,礁石对双层底的垂向贯入量会略有减小;当纵桁远离搁浅区域时,它的吸能能力无法发挥,抗搁浅作用很弱;YF双层底结构比原结构具有更大的吸能能力和抗搁浅力.  相似文献   

论船舶抵押担保之法律性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高翔 《中国海事》2008,(11):42-44
船舶抵押权是船舶融资担保中最常见、最重要的担保形式,它能够在为银行提供足够融资担保的同时而不影响船舶的使用,向来为船东和银行所青睐。本文即对船舶抵押权的内涵、抵押标的之界定、担保债权之范围以及抵押之效力进行法律阐释,以期对船舶抵押权之法律性质有全面的了解。  相似文献   

Characteristics of wireless sensor network for full-scale ship application   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, basic experiments regarding the wireless sensor network were conducted on a 3,000-ton-class training ship as the first step in applying the ubiquitous technology to a real ship. Various application fields of the technology in terms of the provision of safety and convenience on a ship were identified through these experiments. To efficiently adopt the ubiquitous technology for ship application, it is necessary to identify the state-of-the-art ubiquitous technology and to prepare countermeasures against the harsh environment of a ship. The characteristics of the wireless sensor network were investigated on a test bed ashore as well as on a real ship before full-scale ship application. In particular, experimental results concerning communication depth, data transmission ratio, and battery consumption in a sensor node are described in detail.  相似文献   

The Brazilian ship financing system has some unique features. The funds made available to finance the construction and acquisition of ships are sourced from a tax on import and cabotage freight, payable by the shippers. For Brazilian flagged ships, a portion of the tax generated can be used for the payment of loan instalments. This paper analyses the impact of the tax on the economy as a whole, and discusses the distribution of the tax burden between the shipowner and the shipper, taking into account the maritime transport demand elasticities in Brazil. The paper also analyses the effectiveness of the financing system in reducing the capital cost to shipowner, and the distortion effects produced by the utilization of the tax in loan repayments. The conclusion is that there are important distortions that may threaten the recovery of the maritime industry in Brazil.  相似文献   

The Brazilian ship financing system has some unique features. The funds made available to finance the construction and acquisition of ships are sourced from a tax on import and cabotage freight, payable by the shippers. For Brazilian flagged ships, a portion of the tax generated can be used for the payment of loan instalments. This paper analyses the impact of the tax on the economy as a whole, and discusses the distribution of the tax burden between the shipowner and the shipper, taking into account the maritime transport demand elasticities in Brazil. The paper also analyses the effectiveness of the financing system in reducing the capital cost to shipowner, and the distortion effects produced by the utilization of the tax in loan repayments. The conclusion is that there are important distortions that may threaten the recovery of the maritime industry in Brazil.  相似文献   

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