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This article describes a novel underwater robot, which is called underwater self-reconfigurable system (USS). USS is studied and developed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It is formed by a quantity of the same modules and works in group. Based on that, USS can change its form while working in the complicated underwater structures according to different tasks. New multi-jaw underwater docking system, piston style regulator and clamshell-like sampling module are designed for USS, these developments address the problems of underwater docking, floating condition adjusting and sampling. Besides, the gaits like wriggle, creeping, swimming and fourlegged moving have been successfully implemented in tank and lake test, which verifies the validity of the concept.  相似文献   

The present simulation investigates the multiphase cavitating flow around an underwater projectile. Based on the homogeneous equilibrium flow assumption, a mixture model is applied to simulate the multiphase cavitating flow including ventilated cavitation caused by air injection as well as natural cavitation. The transport equation cavitating model and a local linear low-Reynolds-number turbulence model are incorporated to the equation system. The calculations are executed based on a suite of computational fluid dynamics code. The hydrodynamics characteristics of flow field under the interaction of natural cavitation and ventilated cavitation are analyzed. The results indicate that the ventilated cavitation numbers and the drag coefficient are relative to the natural cavitation numbers and gas flow rate in the multiphase cavitating flows.  相似文献   

Underwater gliders are highly efficient and long-ranged autonomous underwater vehicles. The typical dynamic modeling in the vertical plane is of multi-input multi-output(MIMO), which is underactuated while easily affected by the ambient environment. To resolve the problems of MIMO, the dynamic model is transformed into a single-input single-output(SISO) system with two dubious parameters, and an adaptive backstepping controller is designed and applied in this paper. A Lyapunov function has been established with the total energy of the system converged in the controller. Contrast result of simulation has demonstrated that the derived nonlinear controller has higher tracking precision and faster response than the proportional-integral-derivative(PID) control method,which indicates its excellent capability to deal with the controlling problems of underwater gliders.  相似文献   

建立了一类两自由度摩擦碰撞振动系统的力学模型,确定Poincare截面,通过数值仿真,分析了系统在简谐激振力作用下的周期碰撞振动特性,并讨论了传动带运动速度、传动带与质量块间的摩擦系数对系统周期碰撞振动特性的影响.研究结果表明系统的周期碰撞运动的形式呈现多样化,且在一定的系统参数下,传动带运行速度和摩擦系数的变化对系统的冲击速度影响不大,但对系统的动力学特性有较大的影响.  相似文献   

In this paper, a real-time collision-free path planning of the rust removal robot in a ship environment is proposed, which is based on an improved biologically inspired neural network algorithm. This improved algorithm is based on the biologically inspired neural network and modified with obstacle detection sensors and kinematic state templates, and is implemented in a ship rust removal robot planning system for dynamic trajectory generation. The real-time optimal trajectory is generated by the biologically inspired neural network, and the moving obstacle detection process of a ship robot working on the wall is simulated with the obstacle detection sensors models. The local real-time trajectory can be re-planned by the updated local map information, where the obstacle detection sensors are used to inspect partial environment information and update the robot nearby information in real time in the original neural network algorithm. At the same time, the method of the kinematic state templates matching and searching is used to solve the pipes’ influence of the rust removal robot climbing on the wall, which can not only provide a smooth path, but also can judge the motion direction and turning angle of the robot. Comparison of the proposed approach with the simulation shows that the improved algorithm is capable of planning a real-time collision-free path with achieving the local environmental information and judging the rust removal robot’s motion direction and turning angle. This proposed algorithm can be good used in the ship rust removal robot.  相似文献   

以历史状态信息来模拟刻画个体的个性特征,将组成群体的简单个体扩展为具有有限记忆能力的智能个体,研究了个体的个性特征对群集行为的影响;建立了具有简单智能的群体的群集控制模型并进行了稳定性分析.智能个体根据记忆单元的历史状态信息利用最小二乘法预估计个体的下一步运行状态,并以此作为虚拟领航者引导群体运行,实现智能群体群集运动控制.仿真结果验证了该模型的有效性,证实了个体的个性特征使得群体最终在稳态附近波动.  相似文献   

对机载合成孔径雷达(SAR)的运动误差进行了分析,给出了与误差补偿精度相适应的捷联惯性测量单元特性要求,分析了惯性导航系统;全球定位系统(INS/GPS)组合对飞机姿态的影响,设计了运动补偿系统,同时对相位梯度自聚焦算法进行了研究。  相似文献   

预留孔法就是在钢护筒上预留一溢浆孔来清除桩头多余混凝土的方法,预留孔孔径要与混凝土灌注速度、桩径和地质条件相一致.施工方法简便易行,操作方便、经济效益明显、利于环保是预留孔法清除桩顶超灌混凝土工法的优势所在.  相似文献   

Formation control is essential for an underwater mobile sensing network (UMSN), and an ad hoc network which wirelessly connects underwater vehicles of sensing and/or observing types via acoustic communications, to fulfill mobile sensing tasks. The problem of formation control for a UMSN with varying topology is studied in this paper. The methodology of synthesizing distributed formation controller which stabilizes a UMSN with varying topology is proposed on the basis of the stability analysis of linear time-varying systems.  相似文献   

为了维持水下开式循环涡轮发动机系统的高性能和经济性, 针对系统对于工况变化极为敏感的工作特点, 计算了喷管在各种工况下的出口速度, 分析了变转速、变压力条件下的涡轮输出转矩, 建立了适用于系统优化和新型控制器设计的系统数学模型。以设计压力比为关键参数, 取该模型的稳态特性, 可得到由系统转速、航速、燃烧室压力、航深、推进剂耗量以及设计压力比构成的封闭代数方程, 以多速制组合航程最大为寻优目标, 可完成系统所有设计参数的优化。实践证明采用该模型可使系统经济性提高8%以上。  相似文献   

为了研究水下不分散混凝土结构的性能,进行了水下不分散混凝土配筋梁与普通钢筋混凝土配筋梁的抗弯性能对比试验.试验结果表明,水下不分散混凝土配筋梁的抗弯性能与普通钢筋混凝土配筋梁的抗弯性能接近.因此,可以用计算普通钢筋混凝土梁受弯的理论计算水下不分散混凝土配筋梁的受弯.  相似文献   

In this paper, a numerical method is established to analyze the response of fluid-filled structure to underwater explosion with cavitation and the validation of the method is illustrated. In the present implementation, the second-order doubly asymptotic approximation (DAA2) other than curved wave approximation (CWA) is used to simulate non-reflecting boundary. Based on the method, the difference between DAA2 non-reflecting boundary and CWA non-reflecting boundary is investigated; then, the influence of internal fluid volume and the influence of cavitation on dynamic response of spherical shell are analyzed. Compared with CWA non-reflecting boundary, DAA~ non-reflecting boundary treats added mass effects better. When the internal fluid is full, the displacement and velocity of spherical shell decrease, but, when the internal fluid is half, the displacement and velocity of spherical shell increase. The effect of cavitation is more obvious at the trailing point than at the leading point of spherical shell.  相似文献   

Comprised by a swarm of acoustically linked and cooperative autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) with onboard sensors, an underwater mobile sensing network (UMSN) will be a complementary means to fixed observatory networks, e.g. seafloor observatory networks and moored buoy arrays. It has obvious advantages over a single large AUV in higher efficiency due to parallel observation, stronger robustness to vehicle failures and lower cost. Although an UMSN can be viewed as a counterpart of wireless mobile sensing networks for air and terrestrial applications, it is much more challenging due to poor performance of underwater acoustic communication, poor performance of underwater positioning and high degree of uncertainty in vehicle dynamics and underwater environment. In order to verify key technologies involved in an UMSN, e.g. cooperation of multi-AUVs based on acoustic communication, a low cost testbed has been developed for experimental study. The design of both hardware and software is introduced. Also the results of a functional test for verification of the effectiveness of the testbed are presented.  相似文献   

针对超空泡航行器航向舵后置布局在强机动航行时舵效不足的问题, 建立了一种全新的兼顾直航与机动运动的控制面布局模式, 首次提出了非对称分布艏舵的超空泡航行器控制面总体方案, 采用双自由度空化器作为控制面, 水平偏转控制航向, 上下偏转控制俯仰和深度, 且在空化器下部复合抗横滚鳍片。针对某超空泡水下航行器进行了系统动态特性仿真分析, 横滚剩余力矩约从0.1s衰减至0, 极限横滚角小于0.1°。分析结果表明: 以空化器作为艏部航行舵替代常规布局的尾部航向舵, 可以显著提高舵效。  相似文献   

海洋拖曳系统对船舶操纵性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将拖曳母船、拖缆和拖曳体视为一个相互作用的整体,利用耦合边界条件,将拖缆顶端和底端的张力与其产生的力矩,分别计入船舶操纵性运动方程和拖曳体六自由度运动方程,结合拖缆的有限差分方程,建立了船/缆/体耦合运动模型,采用数值计算方法,对比分析了海洋拖曳系统对船舶操纵性产生的影响.计算结果表明:当计入拖缆和拖曳体耦合影响后,船舶稳态运动时的速度会降低,改变量为3%~5%;船舶回转机动时,速度、回转半径与横摇角会降低,改变量分别为2%~3%、2%~4%和11%~21%.采用船/缆/体耦合运动模型计算得到的船舶操纵性能符合实际,可为预报海洋拖曳系统的运动信息提供理论依据.  相似文献   

根据凯恩方程的基本思想,导出了解决碰撞问题方程的一种新型式。它可以直接用来解决较复杂系统的碰撞问题,比其它方法显得简便。  相似文献   

分析了处于复杂环境下的风帆受力, 给出了风帆在最佳攻角下的受力函数。基于船舶运动与主机转速之间的耦合关系, 得出了船舶主机输出转矩与油门杆位置的拟合函数。以76 000DWT大型远洋散货船“文竹海”号为研究对象, 根据实船参数建立了4自由度的风帆助航船舶运动模型。仿真结果表明: 添加风帆后船舶速度增大, 横摇角减小, 但偏航增加。添加风帆后, 在相同时间内船舶行驶的里程、最佳攻角下的船速与横摇幅度都随风速的增大而增大, 但横摇角小于15°, 在安全范围之内。可见, 船舶运动模型符合实际船舶运动规律, 是有效的。  相似文献   

为了研究壁板在亚音速气流和外激扰联合作用下的非线性运动特性,基于Hamilton原理,建立了外激励作用下亚音速粘弹性壁板的非线性运动方程,并采用Galerkin方法将其离散为常微分方程组,研究了系统的平衡点及其稳定性.利用Melnikov方法得到了壁板出现混沌运动时系统参数所满足的临界条件,分析了外激励幅值、频率及气流来流速度之间的临界关系,并与系统混沌运动的数值模拟结果进行了对比.结果表明:当无量纲动压值超过64.42时,壁板系统平衡点的个数及其稳定性均会发生改变;使用Melnikov方法确定的混沌运动临界参数与数值模拟结果相符,该方法可用于判定混沌运动是否发生.   相似文献   

将自适应脉冲控制法应用到一类单级问隙非线性齿轮系统,在控制参量中加入自适应控制方法,通过调节自适应控制器产生的脉冲强度将系统的混沌运动镇定到不同的周期轨道。数值模拟结果表明了该方法的有效性和较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

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