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交通参数实时获取是道路交通管控的重要基础.针对固定检测器观测范围受限和浮动车数量需求大的问题,研究了1种利用车载ADAS联网数据进行路段交通参数估算的方法.通过分析车载ADAS感知的前向目标参数与交通参数的关系,结合广义交通量定义,并考虑多车道条件下ADAS车辆及其邻近前车的相对运动变化特性,建立了1种非稳态交通条件下...  相似文献   

在浮动车处理技术中,多浮动车样本车速的融合是整个计算的最后1个环节,算法的好坏直接影响到动态交通信息的准确性。从多权重系数和多种路况状态的角度构建了1种新的基于浮动车数据的多车车速融合算法,该算法从浮动车行驶特征等角度,综合考量在表征实时路况时浮动车多车样本间的共性与个性差异去融合多车车速,提高了实时路况的准确性,并且可根据实际交通环境快速调整相关参数。最后通过实证分析对其准确性进行了评估验证,结果表明能有效提高动态交通信息的准确性,具有良好的实用性。  相似文献   

提出一种基于车载无线通信模块的交通流监测原型系统,该系统将行驶中载有无线通信模块的车辆视为移动检测节点,以很小的代价实现对交通信息的获取.在此基础上提出一个具体应用:利用基站对道路上载有通信模块车辆的检测,结合设计的基于结果反馈的自适应Kalman滤波算法,及时准确地完成对路段上交通流量的检测.此外,还基于元胞自动机理论搭建了仿真平台,并验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了针对无交通流检测器路段更好地进行交通流状态估计,提高估计精度,研究了基于时空特征序列匹配的交通流状态估计模型.通过交通运行指数的计算方法预设城市道路中有交通流参数路段的交通流状态;分析影响城市道路运行条件的各项因素,引入交通流参数与道路参数、路网拓扑参数等时空多维度参数特征,提取3个维度8个特征1个附加维度组成交通...  相似文献   

为了反映高速公路运营安全状况,提出了动态风险饱和度理论,构建了动态风险饱和度模型和计算方法。依据路段不同交通饱和度下车辆的驾驶行为,以路段交通安全为约束,研究了跟车行驶和换道行驶2种驾驶状态下,考虑车速变化及雾天等特殊天气条件影响的路段平均最小安全车头时距计算方法,利用建立的安全车头时距与安全流量之间的转换关系,得到不同驾驶状态下的路段安全流量。在不同车辆驾驶状态切换阈值下,计算路段实际交通流量与路段安全流量的比值得到高速公路路段动态风险饱和度值。以G3高速公路某改扩建路段所在路网为例进行验证,计算得到了路网中各路段不同切换阈值下的动态风险饱和度值。动态风险饱和度随着交通饱和度的增大,呈现稳定的先增大后减小的规律,且在换道行驶状态时达到最大,在跟车行驶状态时开始下降,与现有交通安全状态分析相吻合。相较于交通饱和度,动态风险饱和度更能够反应出高速公路路段交通安全动态变化的规律。   相似文献   

针对高速公路路段是否包含出入口匝道的特征,提出了1种行程时间估计改进方法。根据不同类型路段流量变化及影响范围,通过匝道物理位置对传统半距离法中路段行程时间的取值进行优化,获得了适应于匝道引起流量不均衡的行程时间估计方法。以南京机场高速公路为背景,通过Vissim仿真所得地点速度值,结合路段行程时间真实值,检验所提方法的性能。实验结果表明:当路段出入匝道的流量均衡时,所提方法较半距离法的精度提高3.71%,较空间线性插值法精度提高4.59%,当出入匝道的流量相差较大时,所提方法较半距离法的精度提高16.27%,较空间线性插值法精度提高17.29%。结果验证了改进方法较半距离法和空间线性插值法更具优越性。   相似文献   

通过高速公路出入口OD矩阵计算,得到高速公路的断面交通流量,这些数据对于高速公路各项管理措施的制定是非常重要的.针对高速公路出入口OD矩阵推算方法中假设每一留线车辆以等概率驶离高速公路的不足,提出了基于改进BP神经网络的高速公路出入口OD矩阵推算模型,并设计了OD推算神经网络.实例分析表明,该模型推算结果理想,且推算精度得到一定提高.  相似文献   

在交通事故鉴定中,车辆行驶速度是事故处理和诉讼的重要依据。其中,路面附着系数是事故车速鉴定的重要参数。本文在大量实验数据基础上,拟合出车辆制动过程的特性曲线,并简化出相应的车速估算模型。利用此模型对不同车型、路面类型、湿滑状况和不同车速情况下的路面附着系数e进行了估算研究。经估算实例验证,文中的估算方法对不同状况下的路面附着系数具有较好的估算能力。  相似文献   

Lane-changing events are often related with safety concern and traffic operational efficiency due to complex interactions with neighboring vehicles. In particular, lane changes in stop-and-go traffic conditions are of keen interest because these events lead to higher risk of crash occurrence caused by more frequent and abrupt vehicle acceleration and deceleration. From these perspectives, in-depth understanding of lane changes would be of keen interest in developing in-vehicle driving assistance systems. The purpose of this study is to analyze vehicle interactions using vehicle trajectories and to identify factors affecting lane changes with stop-and-go traffic conditions. This study used vehicle trajectory data obtained from a segment of the US-101 freeway in Southern California, as a part of the Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) project. Vehicle trajectories were divided into two groups; with stop-and-go and without stop-and-go traffic conditions. Binary logistic regression (BLR), a well-known technique for dealing with the binary choice condition, was adopted to establish lane-changing decision models. Regarding lane changes without stop-and-go traffic conditions, it was identified based on the odd ratio investigation that he subject vehicle driver is more likely to pay attention to the movement of vehicles ahead, regardless of vehicle positions such as current and target lanes. On the other hand, the subject vehicle driver in stop-and-go traffic conditions is more likely to be affected by vehicles traveling on the target lane when deciding lane changes. The two BLR models are adequate for lane-changing decisions in normal and stop-and-go traffic conditions with about 80 % accuracy. A possible reason for this finding is that the subject vehicle driver has a tendency to pay greater attention to avoiding sideswipe or rear-end collision with vehicles on the target lane. These findings are expected to be used for better understanding of driver’s lane changing behavior associated with congested stop-and-go traffic conditions, and give valuable insights in developing algorithms to process sensor data in designing safer lateral maneuvering assistance systems, which include, for example, blind spot detection systems (BSDS) and lane keeping assistance systems (LKAS).  相似文献   

为了给道路线形质量提供检核依据,在定义了特殊路段的基础上,根据车辆运行的特征,利用流量与车速的关系建立了特殊路段实际通行能力的理论分析模型。将道路按照"平纵线形+结构物类型"的原则进行分段,通过实测代表断面的车速与交通组成计算了不同路段的实际通行能力,并根据交通组成将其标准化,得出了特殊路段线形与标准通行能力的预测模型。以相邻路段标准通行能力的差△C作为路段线形安全性评价的指标,并根据其与运行车速差的关系得到了线形安全等级划分的临界标准。结果表明:在隧道与弯坡段,使用标准通行能力指标评价线形安全性比使用运行车速指标的结果与事故的相关度更高,可弥补传统运行车速评价模型不能考虑道路类型的不足。  相似文献   

Single-loop detectors are the most common sensors employed by freeway traffic management agencies. The data are used for traffic management and traveler information. Single-loop detectors can only measure flow and occupancy. Although speed is often the most useful metric, it can only be estimated at conventional single-loop detectors. Typically this estimate comes from the quotient of flow and occupancy multiplied by the fixed, assumed average effective vehicle length. This conventional approach is limited because the actual average effective vehicle length will vary from sample to sample. Many researchers have proposed alternatives to address this problem, and although many of the methods work well under normal conditions, there has been limited research into methods that yield reliable estimates under heavy truck traffic. Heavy truck flows may arise as a function of location or time of day, for example, with proximity to a trucking facility or in early mornings when the number of passenger vehicles drops, respectively. This article presents a new methodology to estimate speed from single-loop detectors in conditions where trucks comprise a large percentage of the fleet. While the focus is on single loop detectors, the work is equally applicable to side-fire microwave radar detectors that emulate single-loop detectors.  相似文献   

为分析高速公路隧道与互通出口小净距路段在不同交通流状况下的车辆驶出概率,提出了基于交通仿真的安全换道概率模型。首先,采用VISSIM标定仿真模型并进行正交试验,获取小净距路段在不同净距长度、交通量、驶出比例、大型车比例下的交通数据,在此基础上确定瞬时交通流密度及相应车流平均速度的计算方法,构建相应的分布模型,通过K均值聚类算法研究不同速度下的瞬时交通流密度大小和出现概率;同时引入可靠度方法并利用微分法来构建车辆安全换道概率模型,综合考虑车速、车流密度、目标车道临界可插入间隙等因素的不确定性,应用蒙特卡罗仿真法搭建求解概率模型的算法,并通过MATLAB对模型进行求解;针对分流车初始位置的不同,分别得到了不同交通量、大型车比例、净距长度下的换道驶出成功率,进而研究不同交通流状况组合下的净距长度。结果表明:交通量、大型车比例、净距长度对净距路段内侧车道车辆换道驶出成功率有显著性影响,研究结果可为规范的进一步完善提供参考。  相似文献   

A traffic accident is a complex phenomenon with vehicles and human beings involved. During a collision, the vehicle occupant is exposed to substantial loads, which can cause the occupant injuries that depend on the level of passive safety, as well as on the occupant's individual characteristics. Correct estimation of injury severity demands a validated human body model and known impact conditions. A human body modelling procedure for the purpose of accident analysis is introduced. The occupant body has been modelled as a multibody system with rigid body segments connected. Geometrical and inertial properties of individual body segments were estimated using computed tomography. Frontal impact conditions were simulated on a sled test facility, while the human body dynamic response was measured. Comparison of experimental data and computer simulation revealed an influence of joint resistive properties on the occupant motion in collisions. The difference between measured and simulated response was minimised using optimisation method. Individualised human body modelling procedure enabled better prediction of the occupant motion during vehicle collision and thus more precise estimation of possible injuries in real-life traffic accidents.  相似文献   

In this study, a vehicle velocity estimation algorithm for an in-wheel electric vehicle is proposed. This algorithm estimates the vehicle velocity using the concept of effective inertia, which is based on the motor torque, the angular velocity of each wheel and vehicle acceleration. Effective inertia is a virtual mass that changes according to the state of a vehicle, such as acceleration, deceleration, turning or driving on a low friction road. The performance of the proposed vehicle velocity estimation algorithm was verified in various conditions that included straight driving, circle driving and low friction road driving using the in-wheel electric vehicle that was equipped with an in-wheel system in each of its rear wheels.  相似文献   

陈峻  王涛  李春燕  袁长伟 《中国公路学报》2012,25(1):128-134,140
为了精确解析城市公交车和社会车辆混合运行的状态,在基本路段车速模型适用性分析的基础上,引入公交车流量、社会车辆流量、公交车比例等参数,建立了改进的混合机动车运行速度模型,分别选取单向二车道和单向三车道路段进行交通试验调查,采用Metrocount 5600气压管式车辆分型系统进行数据采集并用于改进模型的参数标定,并分别建立了2种车型的速度差模型,提出了路段混合车流3种不同交通运行状态的评价方法。研究结果表明:同等车流量情况下,不同公交车比例对社会车辆速度的影响表现为3个显著的变化区间;随着路段饱和度的增加,社会车辆和公交车之间的速度差呈现出从几乎不变、快速缩小到接近于零3个较为明显的运行状态;考虑车流组成中公交车比例的变化可以细化路段车流畅通状态、拥堵形成状态以及拥堵状态的判别。  相似文献   

城市道路车辆排放测试与模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以长春市部分主干道为试验研究路段,采用一种车载排放测量仪器在实际道路上进行了单车排放试验,运用多项式回归的方法,整合车辆运行状况和排放数据,建立了单车实际道路微观排放模型。利用合作开发的基于路径的微观交通仿真系统与单车微观排放模型的有机结合,开发了一种可预测不同交通状况下交通干道排放的有效系统,并进行了仿真计算。结果表明:该系统不但可估算并预测车辆在某一路段的污染物排放水平,还可评价交通管理改进措施对车辆排放的影响。  相似文献   

针对城市快速路网中交通事故频发的现象,为及时准确地对事故进行识别,提出一种基于宏观交通流模型的状态观测器估计算法.根据利用交通仿真软件Paramics的实验数据,并结合元胞传输模型(CTM)理论分析事故发生前后,事故路段及其上下游路段的交通流密度分布特征.同时基于路网的交通流模型构建了城市快速路事故的状态观测器估计模型,模型通过估计密度的变化规律,并结合交通状态分布特征来对事故进行识别.以京通快速路为例,通过对观测器估计误差进行计算,得出了实验路段平均百分比误差(MPE)的均值为11.56%,模型估计精度为88.44%.该方法能较为准确的对事故进行识别,为快速路中的交通事故识别提供有效的参考.   相似文献   

为解决上海市松江区北九亭地区居民出行,改善区域交通环境,需将位于沪亭北路的G50临时上匝道移至西侧九杜路,并新建收费站及管理用房。由于交通功能及流量发生变化,需对九杜路进行局部道路拓宽。为此,在建设条件限制下,结合九杜路交通需求进行了断面布置的多方案比选,以兼顾各种交通需求的通行效率及安全,最终推荐在道路红线范围内采用机动车道5车道及人非共板断面形式。工程建成通车后运行状况良好,断面的比选及布置方式可为同类型道路拓宽工程提供参考。  相似文献   

Weigh-in-motion systems have been widely used by state agencies to collect the traffic data on major state roadways and bridges to support traffic load forecasting, pavement design and analysis, infrastructure investment decision making, and transportation planning. However, the weigh-in-motion system itself poses difficulties in obtaining accurate data due to sensor characteristics that can be sensitive to vehicle speed, weather conditions, and changes in surrounding pavement conditions. This study focuses on developing a systematic methodology to detect weigh-in-motion sensor bias and enhance current practices for weigh-in-motion calibration. A mixture modeling technique using an expectation maximization algorithm was developed to divide the vehicle class 9 gross vehicle weight into three normally distributed components: unloaded, partially loaded, and fully loaded trucks. Then the well-known statistical process control technique cumulative sum control chart analysis was applied to expectation maximization estimates of daily mean gross vehicle weight for fully loaded trucks to identify and estimate shifts in the weigh-in-motion sensor. Special attention was given to the presence of autocorrelation in the data by fitting an autoregressive time-series model and then performing cumulative sum control chart analysis on the fitted residuals. Results from the analysis suggest that the proposed methodology is able to estimate a shift in the weigh-in-motion sensor accurately and also indicate the time point when the system went out of calibration. This methodology can be effectively implemented by state agencies, resulting in more accurate and reliable weigh-in-motion data.  相似文献   

现有的无人机(UAV)交通状态感知方法,主要针对宏观交通状态参数的获取,同时尚未克服UAV自运动对交通参数检测精度的影响,难以满足智能交通系统对于高精度微观交通参数的应用需求。为此,提出一种基于地空信息融合的UAV交通状态感知方法,该方法包括:地空信息融合模型、道路关键点(IKP)检测及跟踪、车辆目标检测及追踪算法和交通状态参数提取及估计。其中,地空信息融合模型利用地基信息(IKP世界坐标)与空基信息(IKP像素坐标)进行最优化融合,并通过自适应IKP追踪算法与自适应UAV位置偏移判断算法实时更新模型参数,以此克服UAV自运动对车辆轨迹精度的影响,进而获取可靠的车辆级(瞬时速度、车头间距和车头时距)与车道级(车道动态密度、车道流量和空间平均车速)交通状态参数。利用提出的感知方法获取实地拍摄视频的车辆级交通参数并进行了分布检验,同时比较了基于不同交通流模型的车道级参数估算方法。结果表明:该方法在车辆检测的mAP@0.5指数超过90%,同时提取的车辆轨迹相对完整,获取的车辆级和车道级交通状态参数也符合实际交通流状况。最后,将该模型应用于实地道路的交通拥堵检测及交通事件检测,该研究结果为UAV在现代交通感知和管理中的应用提供了一种理论和技术参考。  相似文献   

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