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洋为中用,有容乃大。中国BRT既要修行内功,又要拿来主义,取来真经。  相似文献   

如同物流、ITS等舶来语一样,"巴士快速交通系统"(BRT,也称快速公交系统)来到中国后,也面临着释义各异的问题. 美国联邦公共交通管理局曾将它定义为"提供轨道交通服务质量和巴士运营灵活性的一种快速交通方式".  相似文献   

中国城市的巴士快速交通项目不可能直接进口装配先进技术的专用车型,但中国巴土制造商完全具有能力创造类似的车辆造型。设计生产中国城市公共交通用得起的先进巴士,不仅是推进巴士快速交通项目的一个关键问题,而且也是客车制造业亟待攻克的技术难题。  相似文献   

9月1日,厦门华侨大学集美校区校门前,省委常委、厦门市委书记何立峰宣布厦门快速公交正式通车.  相似文献   

BRT(Bus Rapid Transit)是一种快速公共汽车交通系统,是介于轻轨交通(LRT)与常规交通(OR-DER BUS)之间的一种以大容量车辆为运载工具的快速公交交通方式。  相似文献   

巴士快速交通(BRT)已成为全球公共交通业的发展方向,很多重要的国际组织与机构都把BRT作为解决城市公交的革命性方案.巴西巴拉那州的州府库里蒂巴市是BRT的发源地,为破解中国公交困局,本刊独家采访了"BRT之父"杰米·勒纳,且听这位市长先生的现身说法.  相似文献   

11月9日,由重庆恒通客车有限公司主办的"中国BRT客车价值回归座谈会暨恒通新品推介会"在秋意昂然的金陵古都召开,与会的公交公司老总、客车制造商、专家学者以及业内媒体代表济济一堂,就BRT的理念以及BRT在中国的实践路径等问题展开了热烈的讨论。作为近年来在中国客车界崭露头角的重庆恒通客车有限公司,他们对中国BRT的发展有着自己独特的理解,以下是重庆恒通客车有限公司邓平总经理在会上的发言,本刊进行了编辑。  相似文献   

快速公交作为一个新鲜事物,近来在中国非常“火”。北京、上海、天津、武汉、成都、重庆、西安、昆明等大中型城市纷纷出台措施,大力发展快速公交系统。我国第一条快速公交线路——北京南中轴路大容量快速公交于2005年12月30日全线投入运营。这条快速公交线路全长16公里,共设站17座,平均站距940米,并在前门站实现了与地铁环线的接驳。面对已陷入拥堵泥潭的北京,发展快速公交无疑成了解决北京交通问题的不错选择。  相似文献   

继北京之后,全国几乎所有的大城市都已经建设或者制定了BRT计划. 济南市的快速公交始建于2005年3月,计划2007年12月竣工,总共有2条快速公交走廊,3条线路,全部是政府投资兴建,线路总长26 2公里.郑州已对BRT系统进行立项规划,并已列入"十一五"规划中,拟投资30亿建3条公交快速线,每车可坐200人.  相似文献   

济南市快速公交系统建设实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了济南市BRT系统的建设背景,提出了双快模式、左右开门可以转换、两种车辆运行等的济南模式。在简述了首期BRT系统六条线路的工程概况后,重点从专用路权、站台、车辆、运营线网、信息化和运营管理等方面阐述了BRT系统的六个组成部分。通过对比分析和系统总结,利用大量数据说明了济南市BRT系统的特征与优势,并取得了较好的运营效果。BRT改善和提升了城市交通环境、优化了城市居民出行结构,是一种适合于济南市目前发展阶段的发展模式。  相似文献   

A before and after hedonic model is used to determine the property value impacts on properties already served by the transit system caused by extensions to Bogotá’s bus rapid transit system. Asking prices of residential properties belonging to an intervention area (N = 1407 before, 1570 after) or a control area (N = 267 before, 732 after) and offered for sale between 2001 and 2006 are used to determine capitalization of the enhanced regional access provided by the extension. Properties offered during the year the extension was inaugurated and in subsequent years have asking prices that are between 13% and 14% higher than prices for properties in the control area, after adjusting for structural, neighborhood and regional accessibility characteristics of each property. Furthermore, the appreciation is similar for properties within 500 m and properties between 500 m and 1 km of the BRT.  相似文献   

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has emerged as a cost-effective transport system for urban mobility. As a relatively new form of Mass Transit, its ability to provide a high-quality transport service and potential to stimulate land development remain largely unexplored. This study intends to investigate the public attitude towards BRT services, as well as respondents’ perception of living near BRT stations, using the Beijing Southern Axis BRT system as a case study. A data-set of responses to 525 questionnaires were assembled and analysed using a combination of statistical techniques. The results show that BRT has gained great popularity among passengers, and brought about a positive impact on the attractiveness of residential property. The data identify that the majority of passengers are work-related commuters and use BRT more than once a day. The captive users have a higher satisfaction than choice users with respect to reliability, comfort & cleanliness and overall satisfaction with the BRT service. It is argued that the BRT has significantly improved the attractiveness of residential property along the BRT corridor.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the relationship between micro-scale features of the built environment and street segment usage. Micro-scale features of the built environment include the width of the sidewalk, the presence of amenities such as benches and trash bins, and the presence of crossing aids such as stoplights and crosswalks. This study employs segment-level primary data collected for 338 street segments in close proximity to one of 71 bus rapid transit stations in Bogotá, Colombia. We also use secondary data to control for area-level characteristics such as density, socio-economic stratum, unemployment, and crime. Factor and regression analyses are to use identify two dimensions of the built environment that are associated with higher levels of pedestrian activity: pedestrian-friendly amenities, comprised of wider and higher quality sidewalks and the presence of amenities such as benches, garbage cans, and bike paths; and connectivity, comprised of higher levels of road density, three- and four-way intersections, and density. In addition, we find greater pedestrian activity on segments with higher development intensity, with more mix of land uses, and with more crossing aids. Although the relationships identified are not causal, they are suggestive in terms of planning successful built environment interventions.  相似文献   

BRT开创城市交通畅流时代?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推广紧迫 按照国际流行的城市道路管理理念,城市的道路资源不应该是按车分配的,而是按照车辆运载的"人"来分配的,哪种车辆运载的人多,那它就应该享受更多的道路资源.在经济发达国家城市中,公共交通承担市民出行量的60%至80%,少的也有50%,而目前北京市只有24%,同时,小汽车出行的比例在增加,包括出租车在内,已达到31.2%,超过公交所占的出行比例.  相似文献   

随着银川市的快速发展,城市中心区交通供需的矛盾日益突出,缓解银川交通拥堵问题刻不容缓。本文选择银川BRT沿线为调研区域,对慢行交通系统作出具体研究。通过对BRT沿线两侧用地性质调研分析,确定银川BRT沿线典型站点,总结当下银川BRT沿线现状交通所存在的问题,以及与慢行设施结合的状况和街道人性化设施布置,在实际经验和具体数据以及相关文献的基础上对银川BRT沿线现状交通的街道绿化,步行走道,节点空间及相关慢行设施提出具体改善措施,以此配合银川创建公交都市,减少机动车出行使用率,缓解当下银川交通拥堵问题的目的。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the effect of express coach deregulation in Britain following the Transport Act 1980. The authors have monitored the range of services offered before and after the Act, using operators' literature, roadside surveys, on-vehicle passenger interviews and interviews with operators as sources of information. These are used to present an overall picture of express deregulation, with particular reference to changes in real fare levels, and also the relative importance of competition within the coach industry compared with that of inter-modal competition (that between coach and rail). The latter has emerged as more significant.The greater part of the paper is devoted to analysis of the long-distance market but the development of commuter coach services into central London is also examined, together with the reasons why independent operators have secured a larger share of this market.  相似文献   


An area pricing scheme for Jakarta, Indonesia, is currently under review as a transportation control measure along with the operation of new bus rapid transit (BRT) system. While this scheme may be effective for congestion reduction in the central business district (CBD), provision of alternative means of transportation for auto users that are ‘pushed-out’ is of great importance to obtain public acceptance. Hence, it is necessary to simulate simultaneously the area pricing scheme and the BRT development which may serve as an alternative for assumed ‘pushed-out’ auto users. Utilizing data from an opinion survey, this paper studies how BRT and auto ridership are likely to vary as a function of traveler and system attributes. Additionally, the study attempts to evaluate the way this new travel mode is distinguished from other existing conventional transportation alternatives in Jakarta. The survey data contains socioeconomic information of over 1000 respondents as well as details of to-work/school trips to the CBD including mode, travel cost, time, etc. Respondents were asked about their willingness to shift from their current mode to BRT to make the same travel for different BRT fare levels. Modeling efforts suggest that a mixed logit model performs better in explaining choice behavior. Therefore, this model was used for policy simulation. The simulation results brought about many implications as to the tested policies. While the developed models may be applied only to future BRT corridors in which the survey was conducted, they capture the key variables that are significant in explaining mode choice behavior and present great potential for practical use in policy simulation and analysis in a large metropolitan area of the developing world.  相似文献   

The number of policy initiatives to promote the use of bike-and-ride, or the combined use of bicycle and public transport for one trip, has grown considerably over the past decade as part of the search for more sustainable transport solutions. This paper discusses the experiences with, and impacts of, such initiatives in the Netherlands. The Dutch measures to promote bicycle use in access trips have been generally successful. A country-wide program to upgrade regular and secure bicycle parking at train stations has led to an increase in user satisfaction and a growth in bicycles parked at stations. Smaller programs to stimulate the combined use of bike-and-bus have resulted in an increase in bicycle use, bus use, and share of infrequent bus passengers. Bicycle lockers at bus stops are hardly used by bus passengers, due in part to the dominance of students among bus users as well as the relatively high price of lockers in comparison to the value of bicycles used for access trips. Measures to promote the use of the bicycle in egress trips have met with more varying results. Projects to introduce leasing bicycles for egress trips have failed to attract passengers, for both train and bus services. In contrast, the introduction of flexible rental bicycles at train stations has resulted in a small reduction in car use, growth in train trips, and growth in bicycle use for non-recurrent trips. The Dutch experiences suggest some lessons for promoting bike-and-ride in countries and cities with a less well-developed bicycle infrastructure.  相似文献   

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