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行人保护计算机模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车被动安全性分为对车内乘员的保护和对车外行人的保护两个方面。对车内乘员保护是汽车被动安全的最基础部分,但随着车外行人伤害的增加,行人保护日益受到各国政府的关注。行人保护计划在欧洲开始执行后,其影响力迅速向世界各地展开,并逐渐被所有汽车制造商重视,进而促使汽车制造商在车辆被动安全性、车辆总布置和造型上进行新的设计。本文着重阐述了奇瑞公司某车型在车辆开发初期利用计算机进行EuroNCAP行人保护模拟分析的运用,通过计算机模拟结果来指导设计,在大大降低了开发费用的同时增强了奇瑞公司的自主研发能力和科技创新实力。  相似文献   

行人安全技术应用在汽车上可以降低汽车—行人碰撞中行人的伤害,因此,我国应该实施行人保护法规,促使汽车生产企业加速行人保护方面的研究。文章通过对道路交通事故中行人伤害所占的比例分析,说明了在我国开展行人保护研究的重要意义。阐述了在汽车与行人的碰撞过程中,汽车可能对行人造成伤害的主要部分,从而对改进汽车相关结构提出重要依据。力图从根本上提高汽车的被动安全性能,使我国的汽车工业向更加完善的方向发展,从而使我国的汽车技术和世界汽车技术接轨。  相似文献   

行人安全技术应用在汽车上可以降低汽车一行人碰撞中行人的伤害,因此,我国应该实施行人保护法规,促使汽车生产企业加速行人保护方面的研究。文章通过对道路交通事故中行人伤害所占的比例分析,说明了在我国开展行人保护研究的重要意义。阐述了在汽车与行人的碰撞过程中,汽车可能对行人造成伤害的主要部分,从而对改进汽车相关结构提出重要依据。力图从根本上提高汽车的被动安全性能,使我国的汽车工业向更加完善的方向发展,从而使我国的汽车技术和世界汽车技术接轨。  相似文献   

行人保护已成为汽车总布置设计关注的重要问题之一。本文根据头部碰撞伤害值的理论分析,提出了满足行人头部碰撞要求的轿车总布置设计方法,为新车型开发行人头部保护提供了可行性参考方法。  相似文献   

无论在哪个市场,未来车辆的造型和总布置将越来越受制于行人保护的要求。行人保护始于20世纪80年代的一项欧洲计划,目前已经迅速扩展至世界各地,成为所有车辆制造商在改进被动安全、车辆总布置和造型方面所关注的重要问题。欧洲法规将从2005年起生效,而且2010年将进入更加严格的第二阶段。随着欧盟成员数量的增加,欧洲法规(包括行人保护)的影响力也在扩大。日本也计划在2005年实施法规。欧洲新车评估组织(EuroNCAP)从20世纪90年代中期成立时就设定了单独的行人保护星级。此外,国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际改装车赛车协会(IHRA)也在考虑行人保护标准,很可能导致巨大的美国市场实施行人保护措施。这些机构大多数建议不同的试验标准和撞击模拟器,进一步增加了行人保护问题的复杂性,使得车辆设计师在全球市场中更加难以针对行人保护进行车辆设计和总布置。本文件对比了不同行人保护提案的目前状况及其对车辆设计的影响,并论述了为适应行人保护要求而有必要进行的车辆设计和总布置变化。  相似文献   

为确保在信号控制平面交叉口红绿灯转换时过街行人的安全,通过分析车辆与行人的通视要求以及汽车的动力特性,在建立了通视三角形比例模型和汽车加减速运动模型的基础上,提出了阶梯型停车线合理布置形式,并计算得出了行车道前停车线与人行横道线边缘的最小安全距离指标,研究成果对城市信号控制平面交叉口阶梯型停车线的合理布置具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

汽车整车正向开发中总布置设计占据着极其重要的地位,对汽车驾驶舱,车身的结构和其他结构等方面的尺寸和布置有着重要的影响。基于此,文章在汽车整车正向开发总布置设计的角度出发,从汽车整车总布置、竞品分析、整车性能等几个方面来分析汽车整车正向开发总布置设计工作。  相似文献   

分析了汽车与行人碰撞事故的特点,论述了汽车安全中行人保护技术的研究与应用现状,展望了未来行人保护的发展趋势。汽车被动安全主要通过碰撞试验和计算机仿真模拟等方法来研究行人保护技术,汽车主动安全主要通过各种传感器有效检测车辆周围的行人,实现避免汽车与行人碰撞的主动预警。集成化和智能化是汽车安全技术的发展方向,未来行人保护技术应该从碰撞事故发生后减轻损伤,逐渐发展到碰撞事故的避免和预防,结合多传感器信息融合技术,研制性价比高的行人保护装置和系统。  相似文献   

吸能保险杠系统在汽车低速碰撞中起着至关重要的作用。文中列举了现今汽车吸能保险杠的类型,分别说明了各类型保险杠的结构、工作原理、对汽车和行人的保护作用及在汽车上的应用状况,探讨了未来保险杠的发展方向。  相似文献   

2014年新颁布的8.0版欧盟新车评价规程(Euro NCAP)的测试规程,为行人安全对车辆设计做了重大调整。有鉴于此,该文总结了行人大腿保护测试规程变化前后的要点,对新老测试规程的差异进行了对比分析,采用新老两种测评方法,评估了对不同造型车型的设计,分析了这些变化给汽车前端造型、硬点布置以及发盖等结构设计所带来的影响。结果表明:新测评方法虽然降低了汽车前端造型设计的限制,但是对前端硬点布置以及结构设计提出了新的要求。该结论可为主机厂的汽车安全、布置、造型设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Vehicle safety has become the most important issue in automobile design. However, all efforts to improve safety devices focus on enhancing safety features for occupants. Notably, pedestrians are the second largest category of motor vehicle deaths, after occupants, and account for about 13 percent of motor vehicle deaths. It is essential to design pedestrian-friendly vehicles and pedestrian protection systems to reduce pedestrian fatalities and injuries. To effectively assess pedestrian injuries resulting from vehicle impact, a deformable pedestrian model must be developed for vehicle-pedestrian collision analysis. This study constructs a pedestrian-collision numerical model based on LS-DYNA finite element code. To verify the accuracy of the proposed deformable pedestrian model, experimental data are used in the pedestrian model test. This study applies the proposed model to analyze the dynamic responses and injuries of pedestrians involved in collisions. The modeled results can help assess vehicle pedestrian friendliness and assist in the future development of pedestrian-friendly vehicle technologies.  相似文献   

立体过街设施是行人安全过街的主要保障措施,立体过街设施的选址是否合理关乎人们使用的便利性设施的利用率.结合行人过街特点布置立体过街设施可以大大提高设施使用率,同时也方便行人的安全过街.行人交通作为城市交通不可忽视的重要部分,通过分析国内外行人过街设施间距、行人交通特性,尝试提出立体行人过街设施选址模型.结合滨海新区的交通特性和城市用地发展布局,将行人过街设施模型进行应用,从而提出立体过街设施规划方案.  相似文献   

周亮 《天津汽车》2011,(6):20-23
行人安全越来越成为人们关注的重要问题,文章针对行车过程中行人伤害特点来说明行人保护技术研究的重要意义。随着我国将于2013年正式实施《汽车对行人的碰撞保护》标准,必然将推动我国行人保护技术的快速发展。文章结合行人保护技术的发展历程及现阶段此项技术研究的方法和应用现状,为此方面的研究工作提供参考,从而使我国汽车工业得以更加完善发展。  相似文献   

为实现在机非混行的交通环境下,对动态、随机弱势道路使用者的准确风险评估,基于行车安全场理论提出了考虑行人心理安全距离的碰撞行人风险评价模型.首先通过考虑行驶车辆是否会危及行人的心理安全,提出了心理安全距离的概念,包括心理安全通行距离和心理安全制动距离2个方面,并通过问卷调研挖掘其可能的影响因素进行数值分析;接着将心理安...  相似文献   

The most vulnerable user in road space is still an ordinary pedestrian even though the top fatalities by traffic mode differ in countries. Thus, prioritizing/protecting vulnerable road users is essential to improve road safety. People's safety perceptions toward vulnerable users are strongly associated with surrounding elements and their own experiences, especially as pedestrians. Therefore the attitude and values toward vulnerable users would vary due to culture and customs related to walking in each country. This study examines how a walking experience change reflects people with diverse backgrounds' traffic safety attitudes by conducting an online questionnaire survey for foreigners living in Japan for five years or less. As a result, 75% of respondents walk more frequently due to increased public transportation usage. For all the respondents, the increase in the walking frequency also drives the shift in the attitude toward vulnerable users and the values regarding travel safety and comfort indirectly intermediated by the shift in attitudes toward walkability, applying structural equation modeling. To focus on the structure of the shift according to nationality, people from Southeast/South Asia, where motorcyclists are the top fatalities in the road space and somehow regarded as vulnerable road users, the increased walking experience contributes significantly to the improvement of awareness of vulnerable road users and to the formation of safety and comfort values. Regarding people from Europe/North America, although their walking frequency increases after coming to Japan, there is a static causal relationship that does not influence their attitude toward walkability or safety and comfort values. Additionally, they already have an attitude of protecting/prioritizing pedestrians and placing more importance on safety and comfort. At the same time, people from Southeast/South lacks the attitude toward pedestrians due to much less frequency of walking in daily life. It suggests that establishing safe and having comfortable pedestrian spaces and public transport in developing countries where traffic infrastructure is at the development stage will encourage people to walk and likely help foster an attitude of placing importance on safety.  相似文献   

This study developed a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of an integrated pedestrian protection system (IPPS) based on simulations. The proposed IPPS consists of active and passive vehicular systems for protecting pedestrians, including a pedestrian warning information system (PWIS), an active hood lift system (AHLS), and pedestrian airbag system (PAS). Two simulation methods were applied in the proposed methodology: a driving simulation and a finite element simulation. A driving simulator was used to obtain the change in collision speed, which is a key parameter for evaluating driving behavior when a PWIS is applied. In addition, a well-known simulator for finite element analysis, LSDYNA was used to simulate the impact of a pedestrian on a vehicle hood in a pedestrian-vehicle collision. The head injury criterion (HIC), which is an outcome of LS-DYNA simulations, is a major parameter for evaluating passive safety systems. The probability of pedestrian fatalities by collision speeds and HICs were estimated to quantify the safety benefits of an IPPS based on the statistical analyses. The results showed that an IPPS is capable of reducing pedestrian fatalities by approximately 90 % associated with jaywalking in the midblock and walking on the roadside. The findings of this study can be used to boost the development of various vehicular technologies for pedestrians. The results can be effectively used for policy making and deriving legislative requirements associated with advanced vehicular technologies for enhancing pedestrian safety.  相似文献   

Annually, thousands of unprotected pedestrians are killed or suffer serious injuries in accidents with moving vehicles. Numerous automobile organizations have performed research on pedestrian safety. The European Enhanced Vehicle- Safety Committee (EEVC), Working Group 17 (WG17) proposed three component subsystem tests to evaluate the friendliness of a vehicle to pedestrians: the legform to hood test, the upper legform to bonnet leading edge test and the headform to bonnet top test. In assessing the pedestrian friendliness of a vehicle, the present study adopted the WG17 regulations of the three component subsystem tests. We herein describe in detail a finite element subsystem model built to analyze the pedestrian friendliness of a vehicle using LS-DYNA. The first objective of this study was to simulate these three component subsystem impact tests and evaluate car front aggressiveness. The second objective was to analyze the frontal structures of a vehicle and, based on the simulation results, identify dangerous areas and provide suggestions for vehicle front design that may decrease pedestrian injuries. The analysis of these models and the results obtained may be used to help evaluate the pedestrian friendliness of a vehicle and guide the future development of pedestrian-friendly vehicle technologies.  相似文献   

随着城市经济的快速发展,人车交通平面交叉问题日益冲突.人行天桥的建设对于提高车辆运行速度、实现人车分流、改善交通拥挤状况等方面具有良好的交通和社会效益.针对人行天桥的设计工作,从天桥群设计、占地优化设计、结构避让管线设计、经济指标、人性化设计等方面进行剖析和总结,对城市人行天桥的设计理念提出一些建议和方案,希望能为以后的天桥设计提供更多的思路和参考.  相似文献   

近年来汽车碰撞安全的发展一日千里。但相对于日臻完善乘员保护研究,对行人的保护在过去并没有受到同等的重视。为此,欧洲自2005年开始把行人保护要求视为车辆设计必须考虑的因素。本文将从各个方面简要介绍汽车工业在行人保护上的发展现状,面临的挑战及未来可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

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