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Although various approaches have been proposed for modeling day-to-day traffic flow evolution, none of them, to the best of our knowledge, have been validated for disrupted networks due to the lack of empirical observations. By carefully studying the driving behavioral changes after the collapse of I-35W Mississippi River Bridge in Minneapolis, Minnesota, we found that most of the existing day-to-day traffic assignment models would not be suitable for modeling the traffic evolution under network disruption, because they assume that drivers’ travel cost perception depends solely on their experiences from previous days. When a significant network change occurs unexpectedly, travelers’ past experience on a traffic network may not be entirely useful because the unexpected network change could disturb the traffic greatly. To remedy this, in this paper, we propose a prediction-correction model to describe the traffic equilibration process. A “predicted” flow pattern is constructed inside the model to accommodate the imperfect perception of congestion that is gradually corrected by actual travel experiences. We also prove rigorously that, under mild assumptions, the proposed prediction-correction process has the user equilibrium flow as a globally attractive point. The proposed model is calibrated and validated with the field data collected after the collapse of I-35W Bridge. This study bridges the gap between theoretical modeling and practical applications of day-to-day traffic equilibration approaches and furthers the understanding of traffic equilibration process after network disruption.  相似文献   

Oversized vehicles, such as trucks, significantly contribute to traffic delays on freeways. Heterogeneous traffic populations, that is, those consisting of multiple vehicles types, can exhibit more complicated travel behaviors in the operating speed and performance, depending on the traffic volume as well as the proportions of vehicle types. In order to estimate the component travel time functions for heterogeneous traffic flows on a freeway, this study develops a microscopic traffic‐simulation based four‐step method. A piecewise continuous function is proposed for each vehicle type and its parameters are estimated using the traffic data generated by a microscopic traffic simulation model. The illustrated experiments based on VISSIM model indicate that (i) in addition to traffic volume, traffic composition has significant influence on the travel time of vehicles and (ii) the respective estimations for travel time of heterogeneous flows could greatly improve their estimation accuracy. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A number of approaches have been developed to evaluate the impact of land development on transportation infrastructure. While traditional approaches are either limited to static modeling of traffic performance or lack a strong travel behavior foundation, today’s advanced computational technology makes it feasible to model an individual traveler’s response to land development. This study integrates dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) with a positive agent-based microsimulation travel behavior model for cumulative land development impact studies. The integrated model not only enhances the behavioral implementation of DTA, but also captures traffic dynamics. It provides an advanced yet practical approach to understanding the impact of a single or series of land development projects on an individual driver’s behavior, as well as the aggregated impacts on the demand pattern and time-dependent traffic conditions. A simulation-based optimization (SBO) approach is proposed for the calibration of the modeling system. The SBO calibration approach enhances the transferability of this integrated model to other study areas. Using a case study that focuses on the cumulative land development impact along a congested corridor in Maryland, various regional and local travel behavior changes are discussed to show the capability of this tool for behavior side estimations and the corresponding traffic impacts.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the α-reliable mean-excess traffic equilibrium (METE) model of Chen and Zhou (Transportation Research Part B 44(4), 2010, 493-513) by explicitly modeling the stochastic perception errors within the travelers’ route choice decision processes. In the METE model, each traveler not only considers a travel time budget for ensuring on-time arrival at a confidence level α, but also accounts for the impact of encountering worse travel times in the (1 − α) quantile of the distribution tail. Furthermore, due to the imperfect knowledge of the travel time variability particularly in congested networks without advanced traveler information systems, the travelers’ route choice decisions are based on the perceived travel time distribution rather than the actual travel time distribution. In order to compute the perceived mean-excess travel time, an approximation method based on moment analysis is developed. It involves using the conditional moment generation function to derive the perceived link travel time, the Cornish-Fisher Asymptotic Expansion to estimate the perceived travel time budget, and the Acerbi and Tasche Approximation to estimate the perceived mean-excess travel time. The proposed stochastic mean-excess traffic equilibrium (SMETE) model is formulated as a variational inequality (VI) problem, and solved by a route-based solution algorithm with the use of the modified alternating direction method. Numerical examples are also provided to illustrate the application of the proposed SMETE model and solution method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a cost–benefit analysis of the Stockholm congestion charging system, based on the observed rather than on the model-forecasted data. The most important data sources are travel time and traffic flow measurements made in the year before the charges were introduced (during April 2005) and during the first spring with the charges (during April 2006, 4 months after the charges were introduced). Using matrix calibration, effects on the non-observed link flows and travel times are extrapolated, enabling us to calculate the social value of changes in travel times and travel costs. Impacts on traffic safety and emissions are calculated using standard Swedish CBA relationships. The system is shown to yield a significant social surplus, well enough to cover both investment and operating costs, provided that it is kept for a reasonable lifetime: investment and startup costs are “recovered” in terms of social benefits in around 4 years.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a traffic volume control scheme for a dynamic traffic network model which aims to ensure that traffic volumes on specified links do not exceed preferred levels. The problem is formulated as a dynamic user equilibrium problem with side constraints (DUE-SC) in which the side constraints represent the restrictions on the traffic volumes. Travelers choose their departure times and routes to minimize their generalized travel costs, which include early/late arrival penalties. An infinite-dimensional variational inequality (VI) is formulated to model the DUE-SC. Based on this VI formulation, we establish an existence result for the DUE-SC by showing that the VI admits at least one solution. To analyze the necessary condition for the DUE-SC, we restate the VI as an equivalent optimal control problem. The Lagrange multipliers associated with the side constraints as derived from the optimality condition of the DUE-SC provide the traffic volume control scheme. The control scheme can be interpreted as additional travel delays (either tolls or access delays) imposed upon drivers for using the controlled links. This additional delay term derived from the Lagrange multiplier is compared with its counterpart in a static user equilibrium assignment model. If the side constraint is chosen as the storage capacity of a link, the additional delay can be viewed as the effort needed to prevent the link from spillback. Under this circumstance, it is found that the flow is incompressible when the link traffic volume is equal to its storage capacity. An algorithm based on Euler’s discretization scheme and nonlinear programming is proposed to solve the DUE-SC. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the mechanism of the proposed traffic volume control scheme.  相似文献   

This paper examines two heuristic rules proposed for describing urban commuters' predictions of travel time as well as the adjustments of departure time in response to unacceptable arrivals in their daily commute under limited information. It is based on the notion that the magnitude of the predicted travel time depends on each commuter's own experience, including recallable travel time, schedule delay, and difficulties in searching for a satisfactory departure time. An explanatory analysis is first performed to compare these two rules, based on the information provided by a set of commuters interacting over 24 days through a simulated traffic system. A more elaborate model specification which captures the dynamic interrelation between the commuter's cumulative and recent experience with the traffic system's performance is then proposed. The model parameters are estimated with explicit consideration of the serial correlation arising from repeated decisions by the same individuals and the contemporaneous interaction with other system users' decisions through the traffic system's performance.  相似文献   

Loop detectors are the oldest and widely used traffic data source. On urban arterials, they are mainly installed for signal control. Recently state-of-the art Bluetooth MAC Scanners (BMS) has significantly captured the interest of stakeholders for exploiting it for area-wide traffic monitoring. Loop detectors provide flow – a fundamental traffic parameter; whereas BMS provides individual vehicle travel time between BMS stations. Hence, these two data sources complement each other, and if integrated should increase the accuracy and reliability of the traffic state estimation.This paper proposed a model that integrates loops and BMS data for seamless travel time and density estimation for urban signalised network. The proposed model is validated using both real and simulated data and the results indicate that the accuracy of the proposed model is over 90%.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a model of early morning traffic congestion, that is a special case of the model considered in Newell (1988). A fixed number of identical vehicles travel along a single-lane road of constant width from a common origin to a common destination, with LWR flow congestion and Greenshields’ Relation. Vehicles have a common work start time, late arrivals are not permitted, and trip cost is linear in travel time and time early. The paper explores traffic dynamics for the social optimum, in which total trip cost is minimized, and for the user optimum, in which no vehicle’s trip cost can be reduced by altering its departure time. Closed-form solutions for the social optimum and quasi-analytic solutions for the user optimum are presented, along with numerical examples, and it is shown that this model includes the bottleneck model (with no late arrivals) as a limit case where the length of the road shrinks to zero.  相似文献   

Despite its importance in macroscopic traffic flow modeling, comprehensive method for the calibration of fundamental diagram is very limited. Conventional empirical methods adopt a steady state analysis of the aggregate traffic data collected from measurement devices installed on a particular site without considering the traffic dynamics, which renders the simulation may not be adaptive to the variability of data. Nonetheless, determining the fundamental diagram for each detection site is often infeasible. To remedy these, this study presents an automatic calibration method to estimate the parameters of a fundamental diagram through a dynamic approach. Simulated flow from the cell transmission model is compared against the measured flow wherein an optimization merit is conducted to minimize the discrepancy between model‐generated data and real data. The empirical results prove that the proposed automatic calibration algorithm can significantly improve the accuracy of traffic state estimation by adapting to the variability of traffic data when compared with several existing methods under both recurrent and abnormal traffic conditions. Results also highlight the robustness of the proposed algorithm. The automatic calibration algorithm provides a powerful tool for model calibration when freeways are equipped with sparse detectors, new traffic surveillance systems lack of comprehensive traffic data, or the case that lots of detectors lose their effectiveness for aging systems. Furthermore, the proposed method is useful for off‐line model calibration under abnormal traffic conditions, for example, incident scenarios. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Simulating driving behavior in high accuracy allows short-term prediction of traffic parameters, such as speeds and travel times, which are basic components of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). Models with static parameters are often unable to respond to varying traffic conditions and simulate effectively the corresponding driving behavior. It has therefore been widely accepted that the model parameters vary in multiple dimensions, including across individual drivers, but also spatially across the network and temporally. While typically on-line, predictive models are macroscopic or mesoscopic, due to computational and data considerations, nowadays microscopic models are becoming increasingly practical for dynamic applications. In this research, we develop a methodology for online calibration of microscopic traffic simulation models for dynamic multi-step prediction of traffic measures, and apply it to car-following models, one of the key models in microscopic traffic simulation models. The methodology is illustrated using real trajectory data available from an experiment conducted in Naples, using a well-established car-following model. The performance of the application with the dynamic model parameters consistently outperforms the corresponding static calibrated model in all cases, and leads to less than 10% error in speed prediction even for ten steps into the future, in all considered data-sets.  相似文献   

An improved cellular automata model for heterogeneous work zone traffic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper aims to develop an improved cellular automata (ICA) model for simulating heterogeneous traffic in work zone. The proposed ICA model includes the forwarding rules to update longitudinal speeds and positions of work zone vehicles. The randomization probability parameter used by the ICA is formulated as a function of the activity length, the transition length and the volumes of different types of vehicles traveling across work zone. Compared to the existing cellular automata models, the ICA model possesses a novel and realistic lateral speed and position updating rule so that the simulation of vehicle’s lateral movement in work zone is close to the reality. The ICA model is calibrated and validated microscopically and macroscopically by using the real work zone data. Comparisons of field data and ICA for trajectories, speed and speed–flow relationship in work zone show very close agreement. Finally, the proposed ICA model is applied to estimate traffic delay occurred in work zone.  相似文献   

This paper explores the accuracy of the transport model forecast of the Gothenburg congestion charges, implemented in 2013. The design of the charging system implies that the path disutility cannot be computed as a sum of link attributes. The route choice model is therefore implemented as a hierarchical algorithm, applying a continuous value of travel time (VTT) distribution. The VTT distribution was estimated from stated choice (SC) data. However, based on experience of impact forecasting with a similar model and of impact outcome of congestion charges in Stockholm, the estimated VTT distribution had to be stretched to the right. We find that the forecast traffic reductions across the cordon and travel time gains were close to those observed in the peak. However, the reduction in traffic across the cordon was underpredicted off-peak. The necessity to make the adjustment indicates that the VTT inferred from SC data does not reveal the travellers’ preferences, or that there are factors determining route choice other than those included in the model: travel distance, travel time and congestion charge.  相似文献   

This study develops a four-step travel demand model for estimating traffic volumes for low-volume roads in Wyoming. The study utilizes urban travel behavior parameters and processes modified to reflect the rural and low-volume nature of Wyoming local roads. The methodology disaggregates readily available census block data to create transportation analysis zones adequate for estimating traffic on low-volume rural roads. After building an initial model, the predicted and actual traffic volumes are compared to develop a calibration factor for adjusting trip rates. The adjusted model is verified by comparing estimated and actual traffic volumes for 100 roads. The R-square value from fitting predicted to actual traffic volumes is determined to be 74% whereas the Percent Root Mean Square Error is found to be 50.3%. The prediction accuracy for the four-step travel demand model is found to be better than a regression model developed in a previous study.  相似文献   

Considerable public and private resources are devoted to the collection and dissemination of real-time traffic information in the Chicago area. Such information is intended to help individuals make more informed travel decisions, yet its effect on behavior remains largely unexplored. This study evaluates the effect of traffic information on travelers' route and departure time changes and provides a stronger basis for developing advanced information systems. Downtown Chicago automobile commuters were surveyed during the AM peak period. The results indicate that a majority of the respondents access, use and respond to information. For example, individuals use travel information to reduce their anxiety—even if they do not change travel decisions; this indicates that information may have “intrinsic” value. That is, simply knowing traffic conditions is valued by travelers. More than 60% of the respondents had used traffic information to modify their travel decisions. Multivariate analysis using the ordered probit model showed that individuals were more likely to use traffic reports for their route changes if they perceived traffic reports to be accurate and timely, and frequently listened to traffic reports. Respondents were more likely to change their departure times if they perceived traffic reports to be accurate and relevant, and frequently listened to traffic reports. The implication for Advanced Traveler Information Systems are that they may be designed to support both enroute and pre-trip decisions. ATIS performance, measured in terms of accuracy, relevance and timeliness would be critical in the success of such systems. Further, near-term prediction of traffic conditions on congested and unreliable routes (where conditions change rapidly) and incident durations is desirable.  相似文献   

This work examines the impact of heavy vehicle movements on measured traffic characteristics in detail. Although the number of heavy vehicles within the traffic stream is only a small percentage, their impact is prominent. Heavy vehicles impose physical and psychological effects on surrounding traffic flow because of their length and size (physical) and acceleration/deceleration (operational) characteristics. The objective of this work is to investigate the differences in traffic characteristics in the vicinity of heavy vehicles and passenger cars. The analysis focuses on heavy traffic conditions (level of service E) using a trajectory data of highway I‐80 in California. The results show that larger front and rear space gaps exist for heavy vehicles compared with passenger cars. This may be because of the limitations in manoeuvrability of heavy vehicles and the safety concerns of the rear vehicle drivers, respectively. In addition, heavy vehicle drivers mainly keep a constant speed and do not change their speed frequently. This work also examines the impact of heavy vehicles on their surrounding traffic in terms of average travel time and number of lane changing manoeuvres using Advanced Interactive Microscopic Simulator for Urban and Non‐Urban Networks (AIMSUN) microscopic traffic simulation package. According to the results, the average travel time increases when proportion of heavy vehicles rises in each lane. To reflect the impact of heavy vehicles on average travel time, a term related to heavy vehicle percentage is introduced into two different travel time equations, Bureau of Public Roads and Akçelik's travel time equations. The results show that using an exclusive term for heavy vehicles can better estimate the travel times for more than 10%. Finally, number of passenger car lane changing manoeuvres per lane will be more frequent when more heavy vehicles exist in that lane. The influence of heavy vehicles on the number of passenger car lane changing is intensified in higher traffic densities and higher percentage of heavy vehicles. Large numbers of lane changing manoeuvres can increase the number of traffic accidents and potentially reduce traffic safety. The results show an increase of 5% in the likelihood of accidents, when percentage of heavy vehicles increases to 30% of total traffic. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Frequency-domain analysis has been successfully used to (i) predict the amplification of traffic oscillations along a platoon of vehicles with nonlinear car-following laws and (ii) measure traffic oscillation properties (e.g., periodicity, magnitude) from field data. This paper proposes a new method to calibrate nonlinear car-following laws based on real-world vehicle trajectories, such that oscillation prediction (based on the calibrated car-following laws) and measurement from the same data can be compared and validated. This calibration method, for the first time, takes into account not only the driver’s car-following behavior but also the vehicle trajectory’s time-domain (e.g., location, speed) and frequency-domain properties (e.g., peak oscillation amplitude). We use Newell’s car-following model (1961) as an example and calibrate its parameters based on a penalty-based maximum likelihood estimation procedure. A series of experiments using Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) data are conducted to illustrate the applicability and performance of the proposed approach. Results show that the calibrated car-following models are able to simultaneously reproduce observed driver behavior, time-domain trajectories, and oscillation propagation along the platoon with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop a multilane first-order traffic flow model for freeway networks. In the model, lane changing is considered as a stochastic behavior that can decrease an individual driver’s disutility or cost, and is represented as dynamics toward the equilibrium of lane-flow distribution along with longitudinal traffic dynamics. The proposed method can be differentiated from those in previous studies because in this study, the motivation of lane changing is explicitly considered and it is treated as a utility defined by the current macroscopic traffic state. In addition, the entire process of lane changing is computed macroscopically by an extension of the kinematic wave theory employing IT principle; moreover, in the model framework, the lane-flow equilibrium curve is endogenously generated because of self-motivated lane changes. Furthermore, the parsimonious representation enables parameter calibration using the data collected from conventional loop detectors. The calibration of the data collected at four different sites, including a sag bottleneck, on the Chugoku expressway in Japan reveals that the proposed method can represent the lane-flow distribution of any observation site with high accuracy, and that the estimated parameters can reasonably explain the multilane traffic dynamics and the bottleneck phenomena uphill of sag sections.  相似文献   

We propose a new mathematical formulation for the problem of optimal traffic assignment in dynamic networks with multiple origins and destinations. This problem is motivated by route guidance issues that arise in an Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems (IVHS) environment. We assume that the network is subject to known time-varying demands for travel between its origins and destinations during a given time horizon. The objective is to assign the vehicles to links over time so as to minimize the total travel time experienced by all the vehicles using the network. We model the traffic network over the time horizon as a discrete-time dynamical system. The system state at each time instant is defined in a way that, without loss of optimality, avoids complete microscopic detail by grouping vehicles into platoons irrespective of origin node and time of entry to network. Moreover, the formulation contains no explicit path enumeration. The state transition function can model link travel times by either impedance functions, link outflow functions, or by a combination of both. Two versions (with different boundary conditions) of the problem of optimal traffic assignment are studied in the context of this model. These optimization problems are optimal control problems for nonlinear discrete-time dynamical systems, and thus they are amenable to algorithmic solutions based on dynamic programming. The computational challenges associated with the exact solution of these problems are discussed and some heuristics are proposed.  相似文献   

The urban parking and the urban traffic systems are essential components of the overall urban transportation structure. The short-term interactions between these two systems can be highly significant and influential to their individual performance. The urban parking system, for example, can affect the searching-for-parking traffic, influencing not only overall travel speeds in the network (traffic performance), but also total driven distance (environmental conditions). In turn, the traffic performance can also affect the time drivers spend searching for parking, and ultimately, parking usage. In this study, we propose a methodology to model macroscopically such interactions and evaluate their effects on urban congestion.The model is built on a matrix describing how, over time, vehicles in an urban area transition from one parking-related state to another. With this model it is possible to estimate, based on the traffic and parking demand as well as the parking supply, the amount of vehicles searching for parking, the amount of vehicles driving on the network but not searching for parking, and the amount of vehicles parked at any given time. More importantly, it is also possible to estimate the total (or average) time spent and distance driven within each of these states. Based on that, the model can be used to design and evaluate different parking policies, to improve (or optimize) the performance of both systems.A simple numerical example is provided to show possible applications of this type. Parking policies such as increasing parking supply or shortening the maximum parking duration allowed (i.e., time controls) are tested, and their effects on traffic are estimated. The preliminary results show that time control policies can alleviate the parking-caused traffic issues without the need for providing additional parking facilities. Results also show that parking policies that intend to reduce traffic delay may, at the same time, increase the driven distance and cause negative externalities. Hence, caution must be exercised and multiple traffic metrics should be evaluated before selecting these policies.Overall, this paper shows how the system dynamics of urban traffic, based on its parking-related-states, can be used to efficiently evaluate the urban traffic and parking systems macroscopically. The proposed model can be used to estimate both, how parking availability can affect traffic performance (e.g., average time searching for parking, number of cars searching for parking); and how different traffic conditions (e.g., travel speed, density in the system) can affect drivers ability to find parking. Moreover, the proposed model can be used to study multiple strategies or scenarios for traffic operations and control, transportation planning, land use planning, or parking management and operations.  相似文献   

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