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Decree No. 8The National Development and Reform CommissionThe People's Republic of ChinaAccording to the Document [2004] 30 of the State Council, the Auto Industry Development Policy has passed the examination of the Sitate Development and Reform Commission and been approved by the State Council. Now it is issued and shall be effective as of the date of promulgation. The Auto Industrial Policies implemented since 1994 should end as of the date of this promulgation.MAKaiDirector of the National Development and Reform CommissionMay 21, 2004  相似文献   

Decree No 60. jointly issued by the State Bureau of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine, the National Development and Reform Commission,the Ministry of Commerce, and the State Administration of Customs RRDAP on Recall of Defect Automobile Products (hereafter calledRRDAP) hasbeen approved by the four government departments and now is made public. Itwill come into force on Oct 1, 2004. The RRDAP will first be applied on M1category vehicles (passenger vehicles with no m…  相似文献   

The fleet started operation at the Line 121 of Beijing on June 21. The program is also part the demonstration of all-electric buses in China. The opening ceremony was attended by 100 representatives of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), the National Development and Research Commission (NDRC), the State Bureau of Environmental Protection, the local governme nt departments and other walks of life. MA Songde, the vice science minister and FAN Boyuan, vice mayor of Beijing …  相似文献   

On March 15, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) issued the Managing Regulations on Recall of Defective Automobiles, together with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and the Customs of General Administration. From Oct.1, 2004, the Regulations will take effect firstly on M1 (with no more than 9 total seats) vehicles and others are subject to further notice. As one that has heard comments from the pub…  相似文献   

Market ●The fact that China is the world's largest motorcycle kingdom, will remain unchanged in the near future. Currently, China urban family-owned motorcycles have reached 4.5 mill. units, with a 7.3% of owning rate averagely. ●An urgent announcement jointly-issued by State Development Planning Commission, State Economic and Trade Commission, Min-istry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation  相似文献   

1 The State Administration of Machinery Industry (SAMI) was cancelled and its related administrative effect was handed over to the State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC). 2 The "category" administration was ended and "announcement" administration was started, and the administration over vehicle is on the interim period of type identification. 3 The minimum tax price of vehicle purchasing was  相似文献   

"The Research Materials Collection of the Tenth-Five-Year-Plan of China's Auto Industry" The book is jointly edited by the State Economic and Trade Commission and CATARC, including 8 parts, i.e.: The Tenth-Five-Year-Plan of the auto industry, basic research on China's auto industry, research on the development of China's auto products, research on  相似文献   

In order to provide technological support for the new point of economic growth and the upgrading of industrial structure, the State Economic and Trade Commission, together with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Bureau of Taxation, have jointly issued the new National Industrial and Technological Policy. The new policy suggests that the state  相似文献   

Standards and Regulations ●Seven ministries and commissions Jointly issue a document promoting the adoption of the international standards The State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, State Development Planning Commission, State Economic &  相似文献   

Illegal Assembling Strictly Prohibited An ANNOUNCEMENT was jointly issued by seven governmental ministries(departments), named the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Machinery Industry, General Ad  相似文献   

Accorcding to the State Development Planning Commission of China, the domestic refined oil price was linked to the average price on the Singapore, Rotter Dam and New York market, compared to the former linkage to the Singapore market only. The average price of the three markets is 5 per cent to 10 per cent above that of the Singapore market alone. China's two largest oil companies, Sinopec and  相似文献   

Recently, the Technical Policy on Prevention and Control of Motor Vehicle Emission Pollutants has been jointly issued by Chinese State Administration of Envi- ronment Protection, Ministry of Science & Technolo-gy, State Administration of Machinery Industry, in which a unified administration and guideline is made for the auto product technology or in-use vehicle treatment. According to this technical policy, the target of motor  相似文献   

LIU Shijin, the director of the Industry and Economy Department of the State Council Development and Research Center, made an analysis on the import characteristics of the new round of economic growth in his recent article. In his opinion, automobile and housing have become two of the leading industries for the new round of economic growth, which have moved into a period of mass consumption. In addition, he thought, the new round of economic growth is also related to the colossal market capacity, the gathering effect of industries and the emergence of city groups. There is no less of incisive views in his article. Our editor would select some of them to share with the readers based on the auto industry's real situation.  相似文献   

Note: 1. State Commission for Economic Restructuring will be turned into a think-tank of the State Council body head-ed by the premier with relevant ministers serving as its members. It will not be included into the series of component departments under the State Council 2. Ministry of Forestry will be made the State Forestry Bureau under the direct jurisdiction of the State Council. 3. State Physical Culture and Sports Commission will not be kept, the functions of which will be entrusted to the All-China Council of Physical Culture and Sports, and institution to be listed directly under the State Council.  相似文献   

"Import Vehicle Market Handbook" The Import Vehicle Market Handbook jointly edited by State Economic and Commission, Mech-Electrical Products Import Office, General Administration of Customs, Ministry of Public Security which includes taxation, cost, license quota of import vehicle and China's management measures, control measures, custom policy, rules of commodity inspection, special rules and management rule over import vehicles.  相似文献   

The readjusted objectives and structure of the departments responsible for auto industries management of the State Administration of Ma-chinery Industry (SAMI) which is located in Beijing has officially been defined as follows. ●Objectives of Div. of Auto Industry Planning under Dept. of Planning and Develop-ment of SAMI ——Working out development strategies, en-  相似文献   

RECENT DEVELOPMENT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New Merger——Chang'an Shengli Auto Corp. Ltd. Recently, Chang'an Auto (Group) Corp. Ltd. has annexed Hebei Shengli Group Corp. Ltd., which is renamed as Hebei Chang'an Shengli Auto Corp. Ltd. and will shift from a local military enterprise to one sub-ordinate to State Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. Chongqing Chang' an Auto Group is one of the State-designated production  相似文献   

Under the leadership of the former State Economic and Trade Commission, the project of China's Auto Fuel Economy Standards and Research into Fuel Economy Policy was undertaken by CATARC. The project is currently aiming at Ml category vehicles and consists of the following five sectors......  相似文献   

The National Development and Reform Commission held a press conference on July 25 making public the latest figures on the national economy. The commission expressed concern over excess factory capacity in a group of industries. As it happened, the auto industry was among the 12 sectors mentioned as having excess capacity. Here one thing appears to have been neglected by the public. It was the state itself that, for the first time setting the housing and auto industries as pillars of the econ…  相似文献   

Family Car World Development and China's Strategy Presentation Seminar and Exhibition '94 sponsored by Ministry of Machinery Industry, was held during Nov. 14~19 in Beijing. This activity received great support and assistances from related ministries, corporations and meanwhile also aroused interest of o  相似文献   

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