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从地图上看,敦刻尔克港犹如一头拉长了身躯的马,其长长的躯干面对着大不列颠与欧洲大陆间的北海足足延伸了17公里。由二战而蜚声全球的敦刻尔克,  相似文献   

在今年十一届全国人大四次会议审议通过的《国家“十二五”规划纲要》中,细心的人们发现了一个新名词:浙江舟山群岛新区。舟山——我国唯一以群岛建市的干岛之城,因独特的区位优势、深水良港的资源优势,正大步迈向开放前沿。  相似文献   

鹿特丹港地处欧洲莱茵河三角洲,拥有辽阔富饶、经济发达的广阔腹地,素有“欧洲门户港”之称.凭借优越的地理位置,以及座落于欧盟中心的战略区位优势,鹿特丹港通达和覆盖着拥有4亿消费者的繁华消费圈.  相似文献   

非洲经济现状与发展非洲大陆地域辽阔,自然资源丰富,拥有面积3020万平方公里,约占世界陆地总面积的20.2%。它东临印度洋,西濒大西洋,南隔厄加勒斯海与南极洲遥遥相对,北隔地中海和直布罗陀海峡与欧洲翘首相望,东北以苏伊士运河和红海为界与亚洲大陆为邻。总面积相当于欧洲的3倍,是仅次于亚洲的世界第二大洲。  相似文献   

周俊  刘江船  乔萍 《中国港口》2013,(11):25-27,42
<正>一、优势机遇":大港梦"实现的综合条件1.区位优势独特化连云港港是加强中日韩经贸往来以及扩大东北亚、中西亚开放的门户,也是拉动陇海兰新产业带和江苏沿海经济崛起的龙头。国家相继出台了江苏沿海地区开发、长三角一体化发展、国家东中西区域合作示范区、创新型试点城市等与连云港港口密切相关的国家战略。  相似文献   

2010年入冬以来,丹麦、德国、法国、英国、波兰、奥地利等欧洲多个国家遭遇罕见暴风雪袭击,气温骤降。恶劣天气导致这些国家交通堵塞、航班取消、电力供应中断,严重影响民众生活。哥本哈根世界气候大会召开期间,也就是2009年12月15日,寒流横扫欧洲,暴风雪不同程度地影响了  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,中国经济开始步入现代化发展的快车道,在各行各业的群星闪烁之中,盐田国际集装箱码头以非凡的速度、辉煌的成就令世人瞩目,其沸腾热烈的作业场景已成为许多媒体展示深圳现代化成就的经典画面。这株盛开在深圳实验田里的奇葩,每年都以其高速增长的业绩,为深圳争光添彩,为港口建设积累宝贵经验。  相似文献   

Port regionalization: towards a new phase in port development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Logistics integration and network orientation in the port and maritime industry have redefined the functional role of ports in value chains and have generated new patterns of freight distribution and new approaches to port hierarchy. Existing models on the spatial and functional evolution of ports and port systems only partially fit into the new freight distribution paradigm. This paper aims to add to existing literature by introducing a port regionalization phase in port and port system development. It is demonstrated that the regionalization phase and associated hinterland concepts demand new approaches to port governance and a functional focus that goes beyond the traditional port perimeter.  相似文献   

Logistics integration and network orientation in the port and maritime industry have redefined the functional role of ports in value chains and have generated new patterns of freight distribution and new approaches to port hierarchy. Existing models on the spatial and functional evolution of ports and port systems only partially fit into the new freight distribution paradigm. This paper aims to add to existing literature by introducing a port regionalization phase in port and port system development. It is demonstrated that the regionalization phase and associated hinterland concepts demand new approaches to port governance and a functional focus that goes beyond the traditional port perimeter.  相似文献   

Recent port reform established major commercial ports as Canadian Port Authorities (CPAs) as federal non-profit, business corporations. Canadian port reform was aimed at allowing CPAs to compete effectively. Canada's major ports operate in an increasingly competitive business environment. To gain advantage over their competition, Canadian ports must develop business strategies dealing with their organizational cultures, institutional structures, operations, and facility provision. Developing appropriate strategies involves creating a strategic plan that considers external and internal port environments. This paper outlines the evolution of strategic planning and its applicability to Canadian ports. The initial literature review is followed by a brief review of Canadian port reform and an analysis of external and internal port environments. This analysis determines the resources available to exploit external opportunities and defend against threats, and considers the internal strengths and weaknesses of Canadian ports. A list of strategic issues facing Canadian ports and how the Canada Marine Act affected them is derived from the analysis.  相似文献   

Recent port reform established major commercial ports as Canadian Port Authorities (CPAs) as federal non-profit, business corporations. Canadian port reform was aimed at allowing CPAs to compete effectively. Canada's major ports operate in an increasingly competitive business environment. To gain advantage over their competition, Canadian ports must develop business strategies dealing with their organizational cultures, institutional structures, operations, and facility provision. Developing appropriate strategies involves creating a strategic plan that considers external and internal port environments. This paper outlines the evolution of strategic planning and its applicability to Canadian ports. The initial literature review is followed by a brief review of Canadian port reform and an analysis of external and internal port environments. This analysis determines the resources available to exploit external opportunities and defend against threats, and considers the internal strengths and weaknesses of Canadian ports. A list of strategic issues facing Canadian ports and how the Canada Marine Act affected them is derived from the analysis.  相似文献   

不来梅哈芬港地处德国西北部的威悉河入海口,是不来梅州的外港,与位于威悉河下游开端的内港不来梅港共同组成德国第二大综合港——不来梅组合港。不来梅哈芬港最初是为了解决不来梅港航道水深不足的问题而兴建的,经过近200年的发展,不来梅哈芬港现已成为集客货运功能于一体、提供"一站式"物流服务的欧洲第一大汽车港和第四大集装箱港。不来梅哈芬市位于欧盟划定的不来梅—奥  相似文献   

介绍了上海港新港区建设中,通过对传统油浸式变压器和干式变压器的比较,选用干式变压器更具有绝缘强度高、寿命长、不会燃烧爆炸、免维护、不污染环境、节能低噪、安全可靠等优点,以及在工程上正确选择干式变压器的方法。  相似文献   

The past quarter of a century has brought with it significant change in the field of port management, both in terms of the goals that are set and the tools used. This trend has resulted in increased pressure on port authorities. The purpose of this paper is to deal in greater detail with developments in this area of port economics.  相似文献   

李怡频 《集装箱化》2010,21(3):12-15
0 引言 随着国际金融危机的迅速蔓延,各国实体经济受到巨大冲击。集装箱海运需求在2009年的大部分时间内持续不振,使得集装箱运输企业面临更为严峻的优胜劣汰。根据法国海运咨询机构AXS—Alphaliner公布的2010年首份周报,  相似文献   

方照琪 《水运管理》2011,33(5):20-23
为促进温州港的发展,推动地主港模式在温州港的应用,阐述地主港模式的内涵,梳理温州港建设现状,借鉴地主港模式在温州港乐清湾港区的实践经验,分析温州港应用地主港模式面临的问题并提出改进建议:协同港口开发与产业布局;积极拓展筹资渠道;优化港区职能部门;合理分工,有序开发;营造良好的投资环境。  相似文献   

针对潍坊港新规划港区的波浪入射及泊稳问题,采用梯级嵌套波浪数值模拟方法,对2 a一遇波浪条件下的潍坊港中、西港区内波浪折绕射进行研究。结果表明,在正对口门入射的ENE及NE向波浪作用下,小口大腹的港区形态有助于削减口门入射至港区腹内的波浪强度,港内码头区大部分水域比波高在0. 3以下;中港区靠近口门两个特征点的波高H4%相对较大,均为0. 86 m,至中港区顶部的比波高迅速削减至0. 2以下;西港区波浪以风浪为主,各特征点的波高H4%介于0. 46~0. 66 m,至西港区顶部的比波高迅速削减至0. 1以下;各泊位均能满足泊稳条件。  相似文献   

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