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Two kinds of lattice-basis reduction precoding schemes based on successive interference cancellation are proposed. The successive interference cancellation (SIC) structure can be obtained by either orthogonal and a right triangular matrix (QR) decomposition, or the Vertical Bell Labs Layered Space Time (VBLAST) algorithm which provides optimal user ordering. Moreover, the extended channel approach is applied to the proposed SICbased schemes. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes can achieve comparable BER performance to vector precoding (VP).  相似文献   

A multiuser multiple input multiple output (MIMO) broadcast scheme was proposed through applying dirty paper coding (DPC) at the transmitter and linear equalization at the receiver. Assuming single data stream communication for each user, joint transmitter and linear receiver design were done to enhance the system performance. Furthermore, a multiuser scheduling algorithm was presented to exploit multiuser diversity when the number of the users is larger than that of transmit antennas. The proposed system achieves the sum rate close to the Sato bound and is superior to some of the existing schemes.  相似文献   

To reduce the performance deterioration induced by imperfect channel state information (CSI) in cor-related multiple input multiple output(MIMO) downlink, the linear transmit/receive filters should be optimized to be robust to imperfect CSI. A sub-optimization algorithm based on minimizing sum MSE conditional on available imperfect CSI estimates subject to a per-user power constraint is proposed. The algorithm adapts the existing MMSE algorithm from uncorrelated single-user MIMO system with perfect CSI to correlated MIMO downlink with imperfect CSI. Simulation shows that the suboptimal algorithm can effectively mitigate the performance loss induced by imperfect CSI and has a good convergence performance. In addition, the effect of spatial correlation on the performance of the proposed algorithm is also simulated.  相似文献   

We address the problem of adaptive modulation and coding scheme (AMCS) for a multi-input multioutput (MIMO) system in presence of time-varying transmitting correlation. Antenna subset selection and quasiorthogonal space-time block code (QOSTBC) have different error performances with different signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and in different spatial correlation scenarios. The error performance can be improved by selecting an appropriate transmission scheme to adapt to various channel conditions. The maximum distance criterion is the simplest and very effective algorithm for the antenna subset selection without needs of complex calculation and channel state information at transmitter (CSIT). The minimum error performance criteria and the simplified linear decision strategy are developed for constant transmission rate traffic to select the optimal transmission scheme. It can dramatically decrease algorithm complexity for obtaining error probability according to the known quantities comparing with using instant CSIT. Simulation results show that, remarkable performances including low SNR and weak spatial correlation at the expense of simple calculation and almost no bandwidth loss by adopting AMCS can be achieved. The proposed AMCS improves robustness of slowly varying spatial correlated channels.  相似文献   

针对MIMO系统时变多径信道,结舍分集舍并,提出一种带判决反馈的修正混和型MLSE(DF-MHMLSE)为基础的低复杂度联合符号检测与信道估计的递推算法.发送端仅需少量导频符号用于信道估计初始化,在此基础上,针对系统中各MISO子系统,分别采用修正混和型MLSE算法(MHMLSE),形成临时判决符号矢量集合及对应的临时信道矢量集合,最终根据分集合并确定最佳判决符号矢量,同时实现信道矢量的自适应更新,该算法减小了传统MIMOMLSE的计算复杂度,实现了逐符号检测,并取得了较低的误比特率.  相似文献   

杨鼎成  肖霖  刘圣恩 《西南交通大学学报》2013,26(6):1090-1096,1128
为加强MIMO双向中继系统的空间复用增益,研究一种低复杂度的发送和接收预编码矩阵.利用子空间对齐方法,将双向MIMO信道分解为多路单入单出(SISO)的子信道形式,使得两个源用户能够使用网络编码获取更好的空间复用增益.同时通过矩阵计算和转化,给出了一种优化的功率分配方案.在确定优化矩阵后,该方案能够为每个子信道独立地进行优化功率分配,并且能够得到各节点间优化功率分配的闭合表达式,从而将算法复杂度从O(n3)降低为O(n).仿真结果表明,在典型场景下,所提方案在具有更低复杂度的优势下,系统性能接近优化的梯度下降迭代方案,优于传统单纯前向放大转发方式(AF) ,有2.99 bit/(sHz)的性能增益.   相似文献   

基于普宣高速公路宣威岸重力式锚碇工程, 设计了不回填无预应力、不回填有预应力和回填有预应力3种计算工况, 利用数值仿真试验分析了重力式锚碇和地基的力学机制和破坏模式。承载机制表明: 8倍设计荷载之前没有塑性变形, 为弹性工作状态, 最大变形在锚岩界面, 摩擦效应居主导, 基底拉应力区可控, 锚碇结构抗滑移和抗倾覆性均处于稳定可控状态; 12倍设计荷载之后塑性区逐步扩展, 达到20倍设计荷载时全部贯通, 基底塑性变形明显, 锚碇结构变形显著, 基底夹持岩体剪切破坏, 夹持效应居主导, 基底拉应力区不可控, 锚碇结构抗滑移和抗倾覆性均处于不可控状态; 锚碇施加的预应力只在结构-岩基协调变形之前起作用, 之后影响不大; 回填可以极大地改善基底应力状态与结构扭转变形、抗滑移和抗倾覆稳定性, 可在容许变形范围内适当考虑增强效应。可见, 重力式锚碇结构-地基协调变形与联合承载机制, 表现为摩擦效应、夹持效应和回填效应的综合作用。监测结果显示: 通过基底拉应力和压应力监控结构与地基接触面安全性, 监测值小于地基容许承载力3MPa; 通过基底变位和地基深部水平位移监控结构抗滑移稳定性, 实际工程监测值小于1mm; 通过角点不均匀沉降监控锚碇抗倾覆稳定性, 倾斜值小于0.006;通过大体积混凝土温控监测可知, 内部最高温度小于60℃, 进出水温差小于15℃, 内表温差小于20℃, 峰后降温速率小于3℃·d-1; 锚束锁固荷载监测变化幅值不超过设计值的5%。  相似文献   

笔者在文中研究了弹性需求下的随机用户平衡配流模型,给出了相关的一些证明,并设计了求解算法.最后用一个简单算例进行了编程计算,指出了参数对计算结果的影响,指明了进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the design and performance analysis of transmit precoder optimization for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems with limited feedback of channel state information. A capacity criterion based optimal codebook construction algorithm for MIMO precoded spatial multiplexing systems is pre-sented. The optimal precoder structure combining precoding and power allocation is employed. Simulation results show that the capacity criteria based codebook can achieve higher capacity than that of equally power allocation based codebook of previous research.  相似文献   

王丛蓉 《北方交通》2004,(12):54-55
公路桥梁接缝的破坏往往是导致结构破损和桥头跳车的主要原因.本文简要分析了桥梁伸缩缝破损的主要原因及其危害,进而提出了解决这一问题的相应技术措施.  相似文献   

以上海轨道交通二号线西延段盾构隧道工程为背景,采用三维弹塑性有限元数值方法对盾构推进过程中管片结构进行模拟分析,获得了管片结构错台发生及发展的变化规律。进一步探讨了盾构千斤顶的顶力和螺栓的预紧力对错台大小及发展规律的影响,为盾构施工中减小错台,提高施工精度和质量,以及盾构隧道设计施工提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper deals with optimal training design and placement over multiple orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) symbols for the least squares(LS) channel estimation in multiple-input multipleoutput(MIMO) OFDM systems.First,the optimal pilot sequences over multiple OFDM symbols are derived by co-cyclic Jacket matrices based on the minimum mean square error(MSE) of the LS channel estimation.Then,an enhanced channel estimation method using sliding window is proposed to improve further the performanc...  相似文献   

针对浙江某地铁盾构隧道直径较大、管片厚度较厚的设计特点,考虑弹性橡胶密封垫与复合型橡胶密封垫的不同断面形式,设计单排孔型、多排孔型及复合型3种密封垫,采用有限元分析、"一"字缝耐水压试验与压缩试验的方法,研究得到适用的最优防水方案。研究表明:①数值模拟结果显示,单排孔密封垫的接触面最大接触应力与平均接触应力均最大,说明其防水能力较好;②"一"字缝耐水压力试验结果说明,密封垫防水能力随着接缝张开量增加而减小,单排孔密封垫的防水能力最优;③压缩试验结果揭示,密封垫压缩力呈现先缓慢上升后迅速增大的规律,其中单排孔及复合型密封垫的拼装难度较小;④综合数值模拟与试验结果,选取单排孔型弹性橡胶密封垫作为接缝防水方案。  相似文献   

辽宁高速公路灌缝施工工艺与成本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了辽宁省高速公路时沥青混凝土路面裂缝修补所采用的几种方法,并对施工成本进行比较分析,指出研究开发裂缝修补设备的重要性.  相似文献   

行标《水泥混凝土路面嵌缝密封材料》的制定,为采用统一的标准来检验水泥混凝土路面嵌缝密封材料的产品性能和生产质量,提高路桥建设的质量提供了可靠的保障。  相似文献   

应力松弛是岩体节理面时效特性的重要组成部分,也是影响岩体工程长期稳定性的重要因素.为研究不同粗糙度岩体节理面的应力松弛特性,并进一步探索节理面的应力松弛机理,选取Barton标准剖面为人工模拟节理面的表面形态,并用水泥砂浆浇筑成型;然后,对其进行了分级加载剪切应力松弛试验,研究了不同粗糙度节理面在不同初始应力水平下的应...  相似文献   

An iterative algorithm is proposed for jointly optimizing spectral and energy efficiency in a multipair full-duplex (FD) two-way relaying (TWR) system with imperfect channel state information (CSI). Based on Dinkelbach method, a Taylor expansion based approximation method and the Generalized Lagrange Multiplier Method have been applied iteratively to obtain the near optimal relay amplified matrix and power allocation, respectively. And the simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and the algorithm can converge quickly.  相似文献   

伸缩缝及支座维护必然产生一定的费用,主要由直接费用和间接费用两部分组成。在已有研究成果的基础上,对间接成本的计算模型进行一定改进和创新,可供相关人员参考。  相似文献   

把公路桥梁施工质量控制的各方面,从开工前的准备工作到施工质量的把关要点以控制程序框图的形式直观地表示出来,井对其中涉及的重要工作进行了论述。  相似文献   

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